
Pfizer Forced To Apologise for Peddling ‘Dangerous Fake News’ About mRNA Shots

Pfizer Forced To Apologise for Peddling ‘Dangerous Fake News’ About mRNA Shots

adminApr 9, 20241 min read

Pfizer Forced To Apologise for Peddling ‘Dangerous Fake News’ About mRNA Shots

Pfizer has been forced to apologise to the public for peddling false and misleading claims about their dangerous mRNA shots to the public. A U.K. regulatory agency found that top Pfizer employees “brought discredit” on […]

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WEF Unveils Mandatory ‘Metaverse Passports’ for Citizens Who Wish To Participate in Society

WEF Unveils Mandatory ‘Metaverse Passports’ for Citizens Who Wish To Participate in Society

adminApr 9, 20241 min read

WEF Unveils Mandatory ‘Metaverse Passports’ for Citizens Who Wish To Participate in Society

The World Economic Forum has ordered government’s to roll out ‘Metaverse passports’ which they say will be mandatory for citizens who wish to participate in society in the near future. On March 12, the World […]

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World’s First Transgender Clinic Was Formed in Germany in 1919 by Gay Jewish Doctor

World’s First Transgender Clinic Was Formed in Germany in 1919 by Gay Jewish Doctor

adminApr 9, 20245 min read

World’s First Transgender Clinic Was Formed in Germany in 1919 by Gay Jewish Doctor

The LGBTQIAAP2+ movement goes deeper than you may think.

One of the primary reasons why Naziism swept Germany in the early 20th century is because of the rampant wickedness and perversion that had taken over, including at the hands of homosexual Jewish doctor Magnus Hirschfeld, who created the world’s first transgender clinic in Berlin.

Known as The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin, Hirschfeld’s transgender clinic was destroyed by the Nazis after they took power, along with many other evils that had infested Germany at the time.

Scientific American lamented the downfall of Hirschfeld’s clinic in an August 2021 piece, writer Brandy Schillace writing that it “would be a century old if it hadn’t fallen victim to Nazi ideology.”

Boohoo, Schillace. The real story you should have written centers around a gay Jew who polluted Germany and the world with the first-ever body butchery facility where Hirschfeld experimented on hundreds of men by cutting off their genitals and using the skin and tissue to try to reconstruct fake vaginas.

This was in 1919, mind you, long before the internet and social media would have polluted people’s minds with such abominations. The average person never could have dreamed up such wickedness, but Hirschfeld was apparently no average person.

It turns out that Hirschfeld played an influential role in normalizing not just homosexuality but transgenderism and other perversions in German society, a society that eventually tried to snap back from the Pandora’s box of everything Hirschfeld unleashed with the rise of Naziism.

(Related: Did you know that conservative Jewish icon Ben Shapiro is a product of Israeli intelligence?)

German society’s response to LGBT perversion was Naziism

Hirschfeld wrote a manifesto called The Sexual History of the World War around the time he left his practice and launched a crusade of “justice” for what in modern times has come to be known as the Cult of LGBT.

The earliest-known manifestations of transhumanism came from Hirschfeld, who argued that there is a “third sex,” and that some people are “non-binary.” These people he referred to as “sexual intermediaries,” or non-conforming individuals – sound familiar?

Hirschfeld was not content simply with homosexuality. He would push the limits of the sexual “spectrum” we hear so much about today, arguing that many people are “transvestites” who do not fit into the God-ordained gender and sex binary of male and female.

Concepts like “gender fluidity” never existed prior to Hirschfeld, as far as we know. And it was Hirschfeld who really got the ball rolling in normalizing this and other concepts, arguing that people who fall into his spectrum are merely acting “in accordance with their nature.”

In Hirschfeld’s corrupt view, Socrates, Michelangelo and Shakespeare were all “sexual intermediaries.” He also considered himself and his partner, Karl Giese, to be the same.

While homosexuality was certainly a thing before Hirschfeld, it was Hirschfeld who apparently introduced German society and ultimately the world to transgenderism and all other such perversions on the spectrum.

Hirschfeld’s perversion institute existed as a place of “research, teaching, healing and refuge” that he claimed could “free the individual from physical ailments, psychological afflictions and social deprivation,” as well as provide an “education” for anyone who wanted it.

Hirschfeld also provided a refuge at his perversion clinic for feminist activists, aka misandrists, whom he allowed to print journals and other propaganda documents about sexual perversion that were then distributed throughout society.

Before the Nazis burned it down, Hirschfeld’s perversion refuge even had an entire library full of materials about how to surgically “transition” a human body from male to female, or vice versa. Together with surgeon Erwin Gohrbandt, Hirschfeld actually performed such transition surgeries, which they called “transformation of genitals.”

“This occurred in stages: castration, penectomy and vaginoplasty. (The institute treated only trans women at this time; female-to-male phalloplasty would not be practiced until the late 1940s.),” Schillace writes in praise of the procedure.

“Patients would also be prescribed hormone therapy, allowing them to grow natural breasts and softer features.”

The Nazis brought all of this to an end, as history shows. They not only destroyed Hirschfeld’s clinic but they also burned all the books and research in his library, which is what many are familiar with from depictions in today’s history book (though most history books leave out the fact that the books being burned contained such wicked things).

“Hirschfeld’s books were the type of books that the Nazis burned,” notes former biomedicine researcher Dr. Vladimir Joukov, who shared a photo of a May 10, 1993, book burning at which Nazis torched “works by leftists and other authors which they considered ‘un-German,’ including thousands of books that were looted from the library of Hirschfeld’s Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, as it was called in German.

“For a group of bad guys, that sure sounds like a pretty based way to handle the trans problem,” wrote another about what the Nazis did.

You can learn more about the ugly history of transgenderism and where it originated at

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Insurers Spy on Houses Via Aerial Imagery, Seeking Reasons to Cancel Coverage

Insurers Spy on Houses Via Aerial Imagery, Seeking Reasons to Cancel Coverage

adminApr 9, 20244 min read

Insurers Spy on Houses Via Aerial Imagery, Seeking Reasons to Cancel Coverage

Much of this surveillance is done via the Geospatial Insurance Consortium, which boasts of its coverage of 99% of the US population.

Insurance companies across the country are using satellites, drones, manned airplanes and even high-altitude balloons to spy on properties they cover with homeowners policies — and using the findings to drop customers,often without giving any opportunity to address alleged shortcomings. 

“We’ve seen a dramatic increase across the country in reports from consumers who’ve been dropped by their insurers on the basis of an aerial image,” United Policyholders executive director Amy Bach tell the Wall Street Journal. Reasons can range from shoddy roofing to yard clutter and undeclared trampolines.  

Much of this surveillance is done via the Geospatial Insurance Consortium, which boasts of its coverage of 99% of the US population.

In pitching its ability to provide high-resolution “imagery and insights” for property reviews, GIC says insurers can use the service to “review risk and exposure on a building such as proximity of vegetation to the structure, whether a roof needs updating, and verify the exact location for a policy.” 

“If your roof is 20 years old and one hailstorm is going to take it off, you should pay more than somebody with a brand new roof,” Allstate CEO Tom Willson told the Journal, unapologetically and ominously adding that, where the company’s use of digital imagery is concerned, “there’s even more to come.” 

Wilson framed aerial spying as a pricing issue, but many consumers are finding that companies are using it to suddenly drop their coverage altogether. 

The Journal describes the experience of northern California resident Cindy Picos, who was dropped by CSAA Insurance last month, with the company saying aerial imagery revealed that her roof had aged beyond its life expectancy. She paid for an inspection of her own, which found the roof was good for another decade. CSAA wasn’t impressed, and said its decision was final. The firm also refused to share its photos, though it now says it’s changed that policy and will let customers see them — if they ask. 

Another Californian, CJ Sveen, was dropped by AAA Homeowners Insurance after their reconnaissance discovered “clutter” in his yard. An indignant Sveen told ABC7 that he uses his yard as a workshop “Apparently they have some pictures and they noticed clutter. I find that offensive. How dare you judge me because of my stuff!”

In AAA’s defense, clutter isn’t just about aesthetics. It could present a fire hazard, attract rodents that harm the structure, present a physical danger to visitors, and obstruct firefighters’ ability to quickly contain a fire at the premises. 

Another California couple had their policy torn up by AAA after overhead photography found their swimming pool had been drained. The aging pair said they emptied it because their grandchildren had grown up and they no longer used it. Empty pools are prone to cracking for lack of counter-pressure from water; they can also “float” up from the earth, creating hazardous conditions. 

Former Michigan Farmers Insurance agent Nichole Brink told the Journal she quit the company last year over her concern that it was aggressively using aerial imagery to chase off customers, and even using shots that were two or three years old. “It’s like they’re using anything as an excuse to get people off their books,” she said. Farmers says it gives policyholders at least 60 days to challenge the company’s findings or remedy shortcomings.

It’s probably no coincidence that Californians are frequently targeted for non-renewal via overhead spy technology. Insurers are aggressively paring back their business in the state, as the state’s thicket of regulations has blocked insurers’ ability to adequately charge for coverage in a state cursed by wildfires and earthquakes.  

Last year, for example, State Farm said it would no longer issue new homeowners policies in the Golden State. The, in March, the company took the more draconian step of opting not to renew 72,000 property and commercial apartment policies. AIG bailed on the state in 2022. 

FULL VIDEO: Entirety Of 2024 North American Eclipse – LIVE & In HD

<div>The View’s Sunny Hostin Says Eclipses & Earthquakes Are Caused By Climate Change</div>

The View’s Sunny Hostin Says Eclipses & Earthquakes Are Caused By Climate Change

adminApr 9, 20241 min read

<div>The View’s Sunny Hostin Says Eclipses & Earthquakes Are Caused By Climate Change</div>

During “The View” on Monday, co-host Sunny Hostin asserted that Monday’s solar eclipse, Friday’s earthquake, and the coming cicada breeding season were all caused by “climate change.” The legal analyst blamed Monday’s solar eclipse, Friday’s […]

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Support for Ukraine’s ‘Authoritarian’ President Is Declining

Support for Ukraine’s ‘Authoritarian’ President Is Declining

adminApr 9, 20241 min read

Support for Ukraine’s ‘Authoritarian’ President Is Declining

Public support for the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is rapidly declining. Zelensky is increasingly being perceived as an authoritarian ruler, according to the German newspaper Tagesspiegel. The outlet claimed that Zelesnky’s failure to keep his […]

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