

UN ‘Peacemakers’ Kill Civilians While WHO Staff Rape Children – These Corrupt Globalist Bodies Want More Control Over Our Lives

adminApr 10, 20244 min read
UNRWA interfering with separating civilians from Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

The world’s leading globalist body is led by a terroristand filled with child predators and perverts who pose as “peacekeepers” and purveyors of “health.”

That body is the United Nations (UN), and it also includes the infamous World Health Organization(WHO), which as we know played a leading role in the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” false flag that appears to have forever changed the world for the very worst.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is reportedly a terrorist who keeps on staff pedophiles and rapists, allowing them free rein over the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people to do with them as they wish.

According to reports, Ghebreyesus even goes so far as to fly these pervert staff members into small towns in the developing world, providing them with fancy rental cars and hotel rooms once they hit the ground, along with loads of cash, so they can have their way with whomever they encounter to their liking among the impoverished.

Australian Sen. Malcolm Roberts revealed this and more on the floor of his country’s parliament, explaining that the WHO “is rotting from the head,” describing it as one of the most corrupt institutions on earth.

“Former terrorist Tedros Ghebreyesus will not fire 83 WHO staff engaged in abuse including rape and forced abortions, with one victim 13, claiming rape and forced abortion do not violate WHO’s policies because the victims were not receiving WHO aid,” said Roberts during his speech, the entirety of which you can watch below:

UNRWA interfering with separating civilians from Hamas terrorists in Gaza

The situation is much the same at the UN where rape scandals are the norm, and where child predators are placed into key positions of power over populations that are not even from their own country, which increases the chances of abuse by many-fold.

“Additional UN sex trafficking scandals have been reported in Bosnia and Kosovo, as well as a notoriously ignominious child sex ring organised in Haiti by more than 100 UN personnel who had been insufficiently screened,” explains Liberty Nation national correspondent John Klar.

“In all of these experiences, insufficiently researched UN (or its numerous bureaucratic subsidiaries) staff become predators against those they were entrusted to aid, then returned home with impunity.”

Another problem at the UN is murder. Yes, these supposed “peacekeepers” who like to tell other countries what to do and how to handle their wars are “indiscriminately shelling,” to quote one source, “civilian populated areas and markets” in Mogadishu.

“In the last three months alone,” the same source continues, “United Nations forces in Mogadishu have killed more than 160 civilians and have injured more than 400.”

Another area where UN brutality is rampant is in Katanga, a province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The UN, acting as the proxy arm of the Soviet Union, bombed the province’s capital city of Elisabethville, overthrowing its pro-West leader, Moïse Tshombe.

The below video tells the untold story of the UN’s bombing of innocent civilians in the Congo as part of a campaign to oust Tshombe, a popular anti-communist leader in the area.

Then there is UNRWA, which right now is claiming to support Palestinian civilians in Gaza. It turns out that UNRWA is also loaded with terrorists who are interfering with efforts to sort out Hamas terrorists from regular civilians, putting civilians at risk of injury or death.

“The UN is projecting onto Israel increased tensions and distrust seeded by its recurrent incompetence in preventing Hamas from permeating the organization,” reports explain. “The space for trust of medical personnel and UN and WHO employees shrinks when doctors traffic women on the front lines of wars against disease.”

For all their talk about peace and health, the UN and the WHO are purveyors of death and destruction. Learn more at

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VIDEO: Rand Paul And Elon Musk Call For The Prosecution And Imprisonment of Anthony Fauci

VIDEO: Rand Paul And Elon Musk Call For The Prosecution And Imprisonment of Anthony Fauci

adminApr 10, 20241 min read

VIDEO: Rand Paul And Elon Musk Call For The Prosecution And Imprisonment of Anthony Fauci

Calls for the imprisonment of Anthony Fauci go mainstream.

Just as Alex Jones called for back in 2020, Rand Paul and Elon Musk finally hop on the ‘Arrest Tony Fauci’ train, as covered by guest host of the Alex Jones show Owen Shroyer on Monday.

Don’t miss:

Alex Jones Responds To Revelation That FBI/CIA Attempted To Silence Him And Shut Down Infowars

Mayo Clinic Study on Damage From Puberty Blockers Included ‘Transgender’ Two-Year-Old

Mayo Clinic Study on Damage From Puberty Blockers Included ‘Transgender’ Two-Year-Old

adminApr 10, 20244 min read

Mayo Clinic Study on Damage From Puberty Blockers Included ‘Transgender’ Two-Year-Old

Puberty blockers had devastating effects on adolescent boys’ bodies and fertility, and some boys even began ‘gender transitioning’ as young as two years old, according a shocking new study from the Mayo Clinic.

(LifeSiteNews) — A new study from the Mayo Clinic adds further evidence that puberty blockers are not reversible and can in fact create catastrophic, long-lasting consequences.

But it also shows how gender ideology continues to infect children at a younger and younger age – according to the study, the Mayo Clinic saw a two-year-old who it claimed had gender dysphoria.

“The average age at the time of gender transition and fertility preservation (FP) surgery is 8.1 (age range = 2—15; std deviation = 4.6) and 12.5-years old (age range = 10—16; std deviation = 1.8), respectively,” the authors of the preprint study wrote. “The average age of [puberty blocker] initiation is 12.1-years old (age range = 10—16.4; std deviation = 1.83).”

The study included 16 gender dysphoric males who took puberty blockers. “Two out of 9 PB-treated patients exhibited abnormalities: one had bilateral abnormal testicles with a lack of complete tunica albuginea, while another had a right testis that was not easily palpable,” the study found.

The researchers were able to compare the cells from these males with others who did not use puberty blockers to create a control group.

The Mayo Clinic team found “mild-to-severe sex gland atrophy” in the cells of boys who had taken puberty blockers. A 12-year-old boy in the study had “59 % of sex glands fully atrophied with appearance of microlithiasis.”

“Testicular microlithiasis…is a condition in which small clusters of calcium form in the testicles,” according to the Mayo Clinic.

A 14-year-old boy also showed “stunted” sperm production.

Independent journalist Christina Buttons, who regularly covers the harms of transgender drugs and surgeries, wrote in her analysis:

The study observed that over 90% of the cells responsible for sperm production in this patient were stunted at an early developmental stage, unable to progress further. Additionally, it found “pathologically” higher and lower levels of two types of support cells (Sertoli cells) necessary for healthy sperm development. These findings suggest that puberty blockers can disrupt the normal maturation process of cells critical for sperm production.

The findings, though from a small study, can help understand the effects of puberty blockers on “spermatogonial stem cells.”

It also undermines the claims from the medical establishment, including the Mayo Clinic itself, that injecting gender-confused kids with drugs at a young age will have minimal side effects.

“Puberty blockers can be used to delay the changes of puberty in transgender and gender-diverse youth [sic] who have started puberty,” the Mayo Clinic states, suggesting it is just a pause on development.

The information page falsely claims that “GnRH analogues [puberty blockers] don’t cause permanent physical changes. Instead, they pause puberty.”

“When a person stops taking GnRH analogues, puberty starts again,” it adds, contradicting widespread scientific evidence to the contrary.

READ: UK’s National Health Service to stop prescribing puberty blockers to gender-confused children

Physical and psychological harms of transgender procedures are well-documented

It is not possible for someone to change his or her sex. However, plenty of evidence demonstrates the dangers of taking these drugs even for someone who falsely believes sex can be changed.

Drugs taken by gender-confused individuals have been linked to depression, suicide, infertility, and bone density loss.

A doctor who helped develop the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards even said during 2022 conference that puberty blockers are not actually fully reversible.

“There’s challenges with puberty suppression that we have to acknowledge and that’s why it’s ‘reversible asterisks,’” Dr. Scott Leibowitz said. “One cannot be on puberty suppression endlessly. You get to a place where physiologically we need hormones.”

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Bodies of American Mercs Slain in Ukraine Piling Up at US Cemeteries

Bodies of American Mercs Slain in Ukraine Piling Up at US Cemeteries

adminApr 10, 20243 min read

Bodies of American Mercs Slain in Ukraine Piling Up at US Cemeteries

The Defense Ministry earlier stressed in a statement that the Kiev regime uses foreign mercenaries as “cannon fodder” and that “their lives are not spared by anyone in the Ukrainian command.”

The Russian Defense Ministry earlier said that Ukrainian commanders are not held accountable for losses among foreign mercenaries on the front line, and that almost 6,000 of them had already been eliminated since the start of the special military operation.

US cemeteries are full of graves of American mercenaries who died in Ukraine – hirelings described by Western press as the so-called “volunteer soldiers.”

One of them is retired Marine veteran Grady Kurpasi, who died two months after the start of the Russian special military operation. According to a Sputnik correspondent, the 50-year-old is buried in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, the most famous in the United States, where politicians, astronauts and even presidents, including John F. Kennedy, are buried.

A cemetery in California has become the final resting place for another US mercenary, Bryan Young, 51, who was killed by “Russian artillery fire” in the Donetsk region in July 2023, according to American media. In a bizarre sight, the epitaph on Young’s gravestone reads “On to the next adventure“.

Another American mercenary who was buried in California is “Marine Corps veteran” Ian Tortorici. The 32-year-old fought for the Foreign Legion of Ukraine and was eliminated in an attack by Russian forces on a Ukrainian unit stationed in the city of Kramatorsk.

US citizen Dane Partridge, 34, who had served in Iraq, fought on the side of the Kiev regime immediately after the start of Russia’s special operation, but was then seriously wounded and died a few months later. Partridge, who is survived by his wife and five children, is buried in Idaho.

American mercenary Paul Lee Kim was also 34, when he was killed in Ukraine last year and was buried in a Texas cemetery.

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) said that almost 6,000 foreign mercenaries, who came to Ukraine to fight on the side of the Kiev regime, have been killed since the beginning of the special operation. According to the MoD, at least 1,113 mercenaries came from the United States, 491 of whom have already been killed.

The Defense Ministry earlier stressed in a statement that the Kiev regime uses foreign mercenaries as “cannon fodder” and that “their lives are not spared by anyone in the Ukrainian command.”

“Therefore, they have only one choice – to flee Ukraine or to die. The Russian armed forces will continue to destroy foreign mercenaries in the course of the special military operation, regardless of their location on the territory of Ukraine,” the statement read.

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Molecular Geneticist Explains How mRNA Vaccines Were Designed to Conquer The Human Mind

Molecular Geneticist Explains How mRNA Vaccines Were Designed to Conquer The Human Mind

adminApr 10, 20244 min read

Molecular Geneticist Explains How mRNA Vaccines Were Designed to Conquer The Human Mind

People who can’t think for themselves are easier to control.

Now that everyone realizes that the COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t actually prevent people from getting infected or passing the disease on to others, many people may be wondering why governments around the world were so insistent that people get jabbed.

Renowned molecular geneticist Dr. Michael Nehls has one theory. He has studied the effects of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on the brain extensively and believes it is the way these jabs affect our minds that made governments so eager to push them on their populations.

He recently sat down with Tucker Carlson to discuss his book, The Indoctrinated Brain, and how these vaccines are affecting people’s minds. He explained how both the vaccines and the virus itself – which was engineered in a lab, funded by the Chinese government and partly paid for by American government – are vital components of a widespread assault on the human brain that seeks to squash the individuality associated with clear and healthy minds.

Dr. Nehls said that thanks to the brain alterations this causes, “we can be conquered, and we would even accept it.” He also believes “it’s not about health, it’s not about even money – it’s about conquering the human mind.”

He added that there were other ways that the vaccines could have been designed that would have avoided affecting the brain in this way, but vaccine developers actually chose to use this mechanism – and that doesn’t seem to be an accident.

Investigative journalist John Leake explained why this theory is so compelling. He described his own experience with COVID-19 in June of 2022. He followed the protocol of Dr. Peter McCullough and quickly returned to normal after three days of feeling extreme fatigue and symptoms that were not unlike those of a bad hangover. However, he reported that he felt very depressed for about two weeks afterward and was inundated with gloomy thoughts. Even as his body returned to normal and he started to resume typical activities like long walks on the third day, his mind didn’t bounce back as quickly.

Dr. McCullough told him that this was caused by neuroinflammation from the spike protein, which means that both the virus and the vaccine will have this effect.

“The spike protein causes an inflammatory immune response that affects the brain, and autopsy studies have even found the spike in the brain,” Dr. McCullough explained.

People who can’t think for themselves are easier to control

In fact, the effects on the brain may be worse among the vaccinated because they induce the body to produce uncontrolled amounts of the spike protein for an unpredictable duration. When you also factor in how the vaccine is not a sterilizing one, which means those who get it still often contract the virus – some of them multiple times – it is easy to see how so many people’s brains could be declining in a major way and one that those in power could seek to capitalize on to control our behavior so we remain dependent on them.

Leake said that he has noticed many people around him experiencing some type of mental lethargy. For example, he feels that the quality of deep conversations among people has declined recently. While many people can keep up with trivial conversations, those that require more cognitive energy seem to be challenging these days.

He also pointed out that the virus emerged right around the time that the World Economic Forum announced its scary Great Reset agenda. In fact, WEF founder Klaus Schwab himself said: “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world.”

It would be awfully convenient for them to further their agenda if the masses were unable to think for themselves.

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French Woman Arrested For Denouncing Immigration And Violence Against Women

French Woman Arrested For Denouncing Immigration And Violence Against Women

adminApr 10, 20245 min read

French Woman Arrested For Denouncing Immigration And Violence Against Women

The young French activist faces up to a year in prison for simply stating facts and figures.

A young woman was arrested in the eastern French city of Besançon and taken into custody for holding up a sign calling for the deportation of foreign rapists. She faces up to a year in prison. Her lawyer has stated that she intends to lodge a complaint for “infringement of personal freedom.”

During Besançon’s carnival on Saturday, April 6th, two young women, one of them a 19-year-old, held up signs in the street reading: “Violeurs étrangers dehors” and “Libérez-nous de l’immigration” (“Foreign Rapists Away”, and “Free us from immigration”). On one of the facades of the Grande Rue, one of Besançon’s main thoroughfares, they also unfurled a banner pointing out that “46 women could have been spared if the OQTFs (Obligation de Quitter le Territoire Français for Obligation to Leave French Territory) had been applied in 2023”. They both belong to the feminist identity group Némésis, which regularly denounces the increase in violence against women due to the massive influx of immigrants who do not respect the rules of Western society with regard to women.

The mayor of Besançon, a member of the Ecologist party, denounced the association made “between migrants and rapists,” and announced that she would be filing a complaint on behalf of the city for “incitement to hatred.”

Following this complaint, one of the two activists, Yona, was taken into custody. She faces up to a year’s imprisonment. A police raid was carried out at her parents’ home in an attempt to recover the offending banner, while Yona’s computer was placed under seal by a magistrate.

The president of the collective, Alice Cordier, expressed her indignation on X about the disproportionate treatment of the case. She defended herself to Le Figaro, pointing out that Némésis was merely pointing out proven truths and asking for things to be done legally: “First of all, we put up a banner explaining that 46 women, who were either raped or killed, could have been saved if the OQTFs had been applied. We calculated this figure by looking at all the news items reported in the press over the course of a year. This figure is undoubtedly lower than the reality,” she explains, before adding: 

We are calling for the deportation of rapists who do not have French nationality, but we are not saying that all foreigners are rapists.

In her defence, Alice Cordier points out that Marlène Schiappa, former Secretary of State for Gender Equality during Emmanuel Macron’s first presidential term, was in favour of deporting foreign rapists: one of the “concrete solutions” that the collective wants to take up and propose.

This is not the first time that the Némésis collective has chosen to make its voice heard in cities run by the left. At the Braderie de Lille in September 2023, a major public event in this metropolis run by the socialist Martine Aubry, the activists unfurled a banner denouncing the lack of safety and the growing Islamisation of the city, for which they became the object of a complaint for “incitement to racial hatred”. The collective retaliated by filing suits for defamation against the regional newspaper La Voix du Nord, which described the banners as “extremist against Islam,” and Libération, which described them as “racist banners” and an “Islamophobic happening.”

The collective’s lawyer, Frédéric Pichon, denounced the proceedings brought by the mayor of Besançon, as being purely for political purposes. “It’s political, but legally it doesn’t hold water. These are methods of intimidation. Being hostile to immigration is the expression of an opinion,” he told Le Figaro. In return, he announced that the collective would be filing a complaint for “infringement of personal freedom by a person in a position of public authority.”

The announcement of Yona’s arrest sparked a wave of indignation on right-wing social media, which expressed their support for the members of Némésis. 

Dans la France d’Emmanuel Macron, une pancarte appelant à expulser les violeurs étrangers (position exprimée, à l’époque, par Marlène Schiappa) suffit à finir en garde à vue.

Le bon sens et la liberté d’expression ont déserté nos institutions.

— Jordan Bardella (@J_Bardella) April 9, 2024

Ce matin, une militante @Coll_Nemesis a été mise en garde à vue pour avoir réclamé l’expulsion des violeurs étrangers.

Rappel : au moins 46 femmes ont été violées par des migrants OQTF en 2023. 46 vies brisées par le laxisme migratoire. #LiberezYona

— Marion Maréchal (@MarionMarechal) April 9, 2024

Feminist figures such as Marguerite Stern also came out in support of Alice Cordier and her group. The collective, which recently launched an urgent appeal for donations, has been in turmoil for several months after having its bank account closed and having been successively refused by several banks.

Yona was finally released at the end of the day on April 9th.

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