
Breaking: House Blocks FISA Reauthorization Bill

Breaking: House Blocks FISA Reauthorization Bill

adminApr 10, 20243 min read

Breaking: House Blocks FISA Reauthorization Bill

Bill would have extended warrantless surveillance of foreigners and U.S. citizens overseas for 5 years.

The House of Representatives blocked House Speaker Mike Johnson’s push to bring the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) reauthorization bill to the floor on Wednesday.

The vote to block the rule providing for House floor consideration of the bill was 228 to 193.

The “Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act” would have extended Section 702 of FISA, which allows intelligence agencies to monitor the communications of foreigners and U.S. citizens overseas without a warrant, for 5 years.

A group of amendments to the bill that included a warrant requirement had cleared the Rules Committee Tuesday night.

“19 Republicans stood strong and defeated the FISA bill today, instead insisting on real reform to FISA (no secret courts should be allowed to spy on Americans),” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) posted on X.

19 Republicans stood strong and defeated the FISA bill today, instead insisting on real reform to FISA (no secret courts should be allowed to spy on Americans).

— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) April 10, 2024

Shortly before the vote, former President Trump posted on Truth Social that the GOP should “kill FISA.”

Johnson agreed with Trump’s criticism of FISA before the vote but insisted his bill would eliminate the potential for warrantless surveillance abuse.

“I look forward to talking with him about it. Here’s the thing about FISA, he’s not wrong, of course, they abused FISA,” Johnson said, referring to the launch of the Russia collusion probe. “These reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed President Trump’s campaign to be spied on.”

Predictably, former Attorney General Bill Barr and former CIA Director Mike Pompeo defended Section 702 of FISA on Wednesday as a “critical national security tool has allowed the United States to counter our adversaries like China and Russia and thwarted numerous terrorist attacks from ISIS and al Qaeda.”

“The continuation of FISA, bolstered by essential reforms to further protect American civil liberties from cases of misuse and exploitation, is pivotal in securing our country against existing and emerging threats while upholding the core principles of our democracy,” they wrote.

Follow Jamie White on X | Truth | Gab | Gettr | Minds

Trump Exposes Letter from Stormy Daniels Admitting Affair ‘Never Happened’

Trump Exposes Letter from Stormy Daniels Admitting Affair ‘Never Happened’

adminApr 10, 20243 min read
Letter admittedly signed by Daniels denies affair ever happened.

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday exposed an official letter from ex-porn star Stormy Daniels denying an affair with the real estate mogul ever took place.

“LOOK WHAT WAS JUST FOUND! WILL THE FAKE NEWS REPORT IT?” Trump asked on Truth Social, posting an image of the letter, reportedly written in 2018.

Trump Exposes Letter from Stormy Daniels Admitting Affair ‘Never Happened’

The letter reads,

Official Statement of Stormy Daniels

January 30, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago.

The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 20011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid “hush money” as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened.

I will have no further comment on this matter. Please feel free to check me out on Instagram at @thestormydaniels.

Thank you,
Stormy Daniels

According to, Daniels initially denied knowing about the signed letter in a January 2018 interview with Jimmy Kimmel, however, she later confirmed to CNN’s Anderson Cooper in March of that year the letter was indeed real and her signature authentic, but claimed she signed it under pressure from former Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

Daniels addressed the letter last year, citing a passage from her 2018 book “Full Disclosure,” in which she described the statement as “complete bullshit” while going on to admit she signed the letter.

This is not “breaking news”…here it is in my book from 2018 and it was discussed multiple times on TV. That letter I was bullied to sign is what actually made me decide to finally come forward after years of threats

— Stormy Daniels (@StormyDaniels) March 24, 2023

Despite concerns regarding the potential impact on his 2016 presidential campaign and assertions the payment to Daniels was made following Cohen’s advice, an appeals court has rejected Trump’s request to delay the his trial, which is scheduled to begin on April 15.

<div>Watch: Bannon & Alex Jones Discuss Deep State Hit Job & Warrantless Surveillance</div>

Watch: Bannon & Alex Jones Discuss Deep State Hit Job & Warrantless Surveillance

adminApr 10, 20244 min read

<div>Watch: Bannon & Alex Jones Discuss Deep State Hit Job & Warrantless Surveillance</div>

“This is the government waging war against the people directly, here they are bragging about it, and it’s hiding in plain view,” Jones says.

Alex Jones joined Steve Bannon’s War Room to break down the undercover video exposing a CIA operative admitting the FBI and CIA targeted Jones to kneecap him financially.

Jones broke down how CIA contractor Gavin O’Blennis was caught in undercover video by Sound Investigations admitting the CIA and FBI targeted Jones to “take his money away” and silence him.

“This O’Blennis character starts bragging that about he was made aware of how the FBI and CIA had basically run an information operation against me — mainly to demonize Trump — where they made up a bunch of stuff I never said or did, hyped it all up in the press, then advised groups how to sue me and how to do it in certain jurisdictions to basically rig it to ‘cut my legs off’, take me off the air, and try to silence me because I was one of the loudest voices,” Jones said Wednesday.

The Infowars founder went on to explain that he plans to sue the CIA and FBI for violating his civil rights and hopes to receive assistance from Elon Musk, who is also being targeted by the same Democrat law firm that went after Jones.

Jones also described how his targeting by the alphabet agencies is also part of the Deep State’s larger censorship and persecution playbook as revealed in the House’s Government Weaponization hearings, where the agencies coordinated with Big Tech companies to shut down certain dissident accounts.

“This is just another level of how they’re on the inside running this, it’s totally illegal. It’s 100 times larger on the scale of what came out in Sen. Frank Church’s hearings in the 70s,” Jones said, referring to the congressional investigations into intelligence abuses against the American people such as MKULTRA, which involved the drugging and torture of unwitting citizens for mind control experimentation, and COINTELPRO, which involved the surveillance and infiltration of political and civil-rights organizations.

“So we need serious hearings with serious teeth. We need funding to be cut to all these special units they’ve got in the CIA and the FBI, it’s supposedly illegal to have the CIA operating domestically,” Jones continued.

“But we know that in the middle of Obama’s term he got that law removed and repealed that the CIA couldn’t engage in domestic propaganda, but it’s still illegal for them to be engaging with American citizens domestically.”

“So this is the government waging war against the people directly, here they are bragging about it, and it’s hiding in plain view,” he added.

Jones also pointed out that the intelligence agencies have been abusing FISA Section 702 for years as a workaround to surveil political enemies without a warrant like they did with former President Donald Trump in 2016.

“They’ve already weaponized it. The Justice Department, the CIA and the NSA are all in with Big Tech, that came out in the Weaponization hearings,” Jones said. “They’re using it against the people.”

“When we don’t like open borders or devalued dollars then we’re called Russian agents, when we’re the loyal Americans. And we have the Justice Department…since Biden got in openly declare war on populist Christian conservatives and are saying the largest political bloc in the country is the biggest threat to the nation, when it’s the globalists that have sold out America to Communist China and all these globalist forces, and so they really want to get the reauthorization of FISA,” he added.

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Alex Jones Responds To Justin Trudeau’s Attack

Alex Jones Responds To Justin Trudeau’s Attack

adminApr 10, 20241 min read

Alex Jones Responds To Justin Trudeau’s Attack

Same Prime Minister that wore black face and gave standing ovation to actual Nazi war criminal comes after Infowars founder.

Infowars’ Alex Jones replies to Justin Trudeau after the Canadian Prime Minister condemned him as a “conspiracy theorist and liar” over his recent endorsement of Canadian political rival Pierre Poilievre.

Alex Jones Responds To Justin Trudeau’s Attack

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 10, 2024

Is this the same Trudeau that gave a standing ovation to an actual Nazi war criminal from WW2?

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 10, 2024

I love it! The man child who says he admires “China’s basic dictatorship” is attacking me!

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 10, 2024

Trump Visits Atlanta Chick-fil-A: “It’s The Lord’s Chicken”

Trump Visits Atlanta Chick-fil-A: “It’s The Lord’s Chicken”

adminApr 10, 20242 min read
Wholesome Trump encounter goes viral

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump stopped by an Atlanta, Georgia, Chick-fil-A location to grab a bite to eat, chat with employees and buy other patrons their lunch in the process.

Donald Trump at Chick-Fil-A:

“It’s the Lord’s Chicken” ?

— ALX ?? (@alx) April 10, 2024

Left-wing media will undoubtedly lose it over Trump’s popularity with young black Americans as one woman told him, “I don’t care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump, we support you!”

The 45th President asked for a big hug from the loving fan.

Trump Visits Atlanta Chick-fil-A: “It’s The Lord’s Chicken”

One young man asked, “How you doing, Trump?” adding, “I love you, mayne. Make America Great!”

❗️ JUST IN: President Trump made a surprise stop at a Chick-fil-a receiving TONS of praise from employees and patrons

“I don’t care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump, we support you!”


These are so inspiring to watch ????


— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) April 10, 2024

See an alternative angle below:

President @realDonaldTrump stops by Atlanta Chick-fil-A and orders milkshakes!

— Margo Martin (@margommartin) April 10, 2024

US Navy Deletes Embarrassing Photo Showing Warship Commander  Holding Rifle with Scope Mounted Backwards

US Navy Deletes Embarrassing Photo Showing Warship Commander Holding Rifle with Scope Mounted Backwards

adminApr 10, 20244 min read
Gun-savvy social media users spot numerous things wrong with photo promoted by DoD branch.

The US Navy deleted a photo Tuesday after social media users highlighted a commanding officer improperly holding a rifle that was also incorrectly assembled.

The photo featured Cmdr. Cameron Yaste firing rounds while aboard the USS John S. McCain, with a caption reading, “From engaging in practice gun shoots, conducting maintenance, testing fuel purity, and participating in sea and anchor details, the #USNavy is always ready to serve and protect.”

US Navy Deletes Embarrassing Photo Showing Warship Commander  Holding Rifle with Scope Mounted Backwards

This was shared today by the official US Navy Instagram.

When you see it try not to break your phone.

— Zachary Bell (@zacharyebell) April 9, 2024

One embarrassing faux pas immediately spotted in the DoD branch’s photo, however, the optic scope on Yaste’s M4 carbine was installed backwards. Additionally, others commented the scope’s lens covers may not have been flipped open.

This is the state of our Navy?Featuring an instagram post (left) about #readiness with a man shooting a rifle while looking down a Trijicon scope that is mounted BACKWARDS.

This is so embarrassing ?

— Frankly Frank (@CastiglioneFrnk) April 9, 2024

Moreover, the Trijicon scope may not have been necessary at all, as one user pointed out.

Scope appears to be mounted in reverse. Awfully short barrel to bother with a scope. You either set it up for CQC or accuracy at distance, but not both at the same time.

— American BadAss (@HumbleGuru) April 9, 2024

Others spotted various other things were also wrong with the photo, including the butt of the rifle not being properly shouldered, his elbow flaring out, and a vertical pistol grip’s location too far up on the bottom rail.

This US Navy ad as seen through the eyes of an experienced frogman: “CO of a DDG firing a 5.56…
1. Needing a hand on his butt stock shoulder for “recoil”
2. The Trijicon mounted backwards
3. And lens caps still closed.
The Chinese must be f**ing terrified.”

— Lara Logan (@laralogan) April 10, 2024

lol it’s completely pointless. You may as well just grab the mag.

— BKactual (@BravoKiloActual) April 9, 2024

The US Navy posts such bad-ass pics. Before the pic was deleted, the audience noted that:

– the scope is on backwards
– the lens caps are on
– the stock is half-butted
– his elbow should be down
– he has a weird foregrip


— Chebureki Man (@CheburekiMan) April 10, 2024

US Navy just killing it on Instagram ??

— BKactual (@BravoKiloActual) April 9, 2024

It gets worse the longer you look.

— Travis P (@Travis_P__) April 9, 2024

In an X update, the Navy acknowledged deleting the post following the criticism, writing, “Thank you for pointing out our rifle scope error in the previous post. Picture has been removed until EMI is completed!”

? From engaging in practice gun shoots, conducting maintenance, testing fuel, and participating in sea and anchor, the #USNavy is always ready to serve ?. Thank you for pointing out our rifle scope error in the previous post. Picture has been removed until EMI is completed!

— U.S. Navy (@USNavy) April 9, 2024

Over 70% of Men of US of military service age are unfit, according to the Pentagon.

Here, the US Navy posts a picture of a Naval officer firing an M4 Carbine. The Scope is mounted back to front on the rifle.

Don’t worry. The Russians only have shovels and Microwaves. Right?

— Chay Bowes (@BowesChay) April 10, 2024