
Chemtrail Conspiracies Have Become Reality as Corporate Media Sells Geoengineering as The Solution For Climate Change

Chemtrail Conspiracies Have Become Reality as Corporate Media Sells Geoengineering as The Solution For Climate Change

adminApr 12, 20244 min read

Chemtrail Conspiracies Have Become Reality as Corporate Media Sells Geoengineering as The Solution For Climate Change

Chemtrail experiment launched out of San Francisco Bay, set to last two months.

Once considered “conspiracy” theory” by the entire corporate media, geoengineering is now being lauded as the solution for climate change. For years, the media was used to gaslight the public about this reality and coverup this mass experimentation in the skies. These geoengineering experiments are conducted without human consent, and they adversely affect the environment, the weather and human health.

Corporate media is programmed to gaslight and deceives the public about geoengineering and chemtrails

One of the most important developments lately, in this fight for the future of humanity, is a new law in Tennessee that blocks geoengineering across the state. If word gets out about people protecting themselves from these chemtrails, then the entire U.S. might become a no-fly zone for weather modification schemes and the intentional spraying and dumping of toxins and chemicals onto the people, the cities and countryside. The Mexican government became aware of these schemes and banned the large scale experiments immediately.

Now that the public is becoming more aware of the existence of these unethical experiments, the corporate media is being used to promote these geoengineering schemes as if they are a new thing that will save the planet from global warming.

A new report from San Francisco, California claims that the U.S. is conducting its “first outdoor test to limit global warming.” The project is derived from a controversial field of research known as solar radiation modification. These schemes, financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, require aerosols to be shot into the stratosphere, where the particles allegedly reflect sunlight away from the Earth. But how do these microscopic salt particles affect the ecosystem?

Chemtrail experiment launched out of San Francisco Bay, set to last two months

A decommissioned aircraft carrier, equipped with the aerosol injections, was launched out of the San Francisco Bay at the end of March 2024. The aircraft is equipped with specially designed sprayers that can shoot trillions of sea salt particles into the sky. The experiment allegedly seeks to increase the density and capacity of marine clouds to reduce solar radiation in the region. The operation increases cloud cover over the region, artificially blocking out the sun, and making the population susceptible to unknown experimental particles that will inevitably rain down over the land.

This is all part of an unethical project led by researchers at the University of Washington. The project is called CAARE, which stands for The Coastal Atmospheric Aerosol Research and Engagement. The experiments are scheduled to run through April and May. The area affected includes the skies surrounding the USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum in Alameda, California.

The secrecy surrounding these projects is beginning to unwind, as criminal conspiracies become more transparent. Going forward, these conspiracies will be sold to the public under a guise of benevolence and scientific achievement.

“Since this experiment was kept under wraps until the test started, we are eager to see how public engagement is being planned and who will be involved,” said Shuchi Talati, the executive director of the Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering, a nonprofit that seeks to include developing countries in decisions about geoengineering.

“While it complies with all current regulatory requirements, there is a clear need to reexamine what a strong regulatory framework must look like in a world where [solar radiation modification] experimentation is happening,” she added.

A similar project authored by Harvard University sought to use the skies over Sweden as testing grounds for reflective aerosols. The project was halted after indigenous groups pushed back. By blocking out the sun, weather patterns can be altered for millions of people in unknown ways. Artificial cloud seeding can have ripple effects for the entire world.

Man-made climate change is not the most pressing problem. Globalist-funded geoengineering schemes and large-scale intervention in the skies could greatly impact our weather and climate, causing unforeseen problems for farmers, fisheries and ecosystems, among many other environmental and human health impacts.

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Watch OJ Simpson Demand You Get Your Covid Shots

Watch OJ Simpson Demand You Get Your Covid Shots

adminApr 12, 20241 min read

Watch OJ Simpson Demand You Get Your Covid Shots

After cancer claimed the life of OJ, some suspect that his love of the covid inoculations are to blame.

On Thursday, Owen Shroyer covered a special message by the late OJ Simpson telling people to get the covid shots. Just a couple years later the former murder suspect and football player has died after a bout of cancer. With many referring to the covid shots as lethal injections, and information coming out regarding vaccine-induced turbo cancer, speculation is swirling if the vaccinations had something to do with OJ’s cancer.

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Arizona Democrat Praises Satanists After GOP Senator Initiates Bill Banning Public Displays of Devil

Arizona Democrat Praises Satanists After GOP Senator Initiates Bill Banning Public Displays of Devil

adminApr 12, 20247 min read

Arizona Democrat Praises Satanists After GOP Senator Initiates Bill Banning Public Displays of Devil

Satanists came to the Arizona Senate to oppose the Reject Escalating Satanism by Preserving Essential Core Traditions (RESPECT) Act.

(LifeSiteNews) – Arizona Democrat state Senator Juan Mendez welcomed satanists to the legislature on February 7, proclaiming through a large white COVID mask that he and his colleagues were “graced” by the presence of “ministers and members” of the Satanic Temple.

The satanists were there to testify before a Senate Government Committee against a billintroduced by Sen. Jake Hoffman, the Reject Escalating Satanism by Preserving Essential Core Traditions, or RESPECT Act. It would have banned “Satanic memorials, statues, altars or displays or any other method of representing or honoring satan” from being erected on public property. All committee members present that day minus Mendez voted in favor of the bill, but it ultimately failed when two Republicans voted with Democrats against it.

“The Temple practices non-theistic satanism divorced from superstition without any belief in gods or devils,” Mendez gushed. “They practice the religious values of compassion, justice, bodily autonomy, free speech, science, humility, and noble action.”

READ: The Satanic Temple sues Texas for regulations that ‘interfere’ with their abortion ‘destruction ritual’

As LifeSiteNews has reported, the Satanic Temple (TST) presents itself as an atheistic, non-religious organization that doesn’t actually worship the devil. TST engages in various stunts such as erecting statues of Baphomet on public property, hosting “after-school Satan” clubs in elementary schools, arguing for a “religious liberty” right to abortion, and agitating for the LGBT cause. TST says it embraces Satan’s name as a “symbol of the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority.”

The group says on its website:

We do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.

Yet the group simultaneously promotes “ritual abortions” and “unbaptism ceremonies.” It also says on its website, “The Satanic Temple does not have any required rituals, but some members choose to participate in rituals that they find personally meaningful” and admits one such ritual is a “Black Mass,” which the TST says is “a celebration of blasphemy, which can be an expression of personal liberty and freedom.”

“As an organized religion, they actively do outreach and community service and participate in public affairs where their issues – where the issues might benefit from their rational, satanic insights,” Mendez continued. “The mission of the satanic temple is to encourage (benevolence) and empathy among all people. They embrace practical common sense and justice. They are guided by their conscience to undertake noble pursuits that fulfill their religious values – again, particularly of compassion and free speech. I welcome them to the floor today and we’ll hear from them later on in government committee. Thank you.”


Democrat Senator, Juan Mendez, shows his support for worshiping the devil as he proudly honors and welcomes Satanists and their satanic ministry to the Senate today.

The Senator promotes them as taking ‘noble action’ and says he’s ‘graced’ with their presence.

— AZSenateRepublicans (@AZSenateGOP) February 7, 2024

WATCH: Democrat Arizona Senator Juan Mendez just gave a 2-minute fawning monologue in the middle of the Arizona Senate floor honoring Satanists as “empathetic common sense justice warriors”

Daily reminder not to take evil, deranged devil-worshippers seriously when they attack…

— CatholicVote (@CatholicVote) February 8, 2024

Sen. Hoffman: ‘Abhorrent and disgusting’ that Americans can go to jail for knocking over satanic memorial, but no consequence for filming gay sex in US Capitol room

During the committee hearing, Hoffman defended the constitutionality of the RESPECT Act, arguing that Satan himself is not a “religion” and that the bill would simply ban displays honoring the devil on public property.

“It is a desecration of our public property in the United States of America and in the state of Arizona for a satanic display, memorial, statue, altar, to be on public property,” he said.

READ: Trump says Arizona went ‘too far’ in reviving near-total abortion ban, will be ‘straightened out’

“It is legally and constitutionally suspect to argue that Satan, someone who is universally known to be an explicit enemy of God, is somehow a religion,” Hoffman said. “That is just an absolutely ludicrous statement to make.”

“The antithesis of religion is Satan,” Hoffman told Mendez early during the hearing. The bill is communicating that lawmakers respect the people of this state and reject escalating satanism, Hoffman emphasized. Mendez argued it unfairly targeted satanism.

A number of TST members and supporters visible on the recording of the committee meeting were still wearing COVID masks, and Mendez kept his on during the hearing, too.

“We do and have already been performing satanic rituals on public property. For one, my wedding happened in Catalina National Forest,” Oliver Spires, who identified himself as a “satanist” and minister with the TST, testified. “We’ve been participating in Tuscon in the all souls procession and we have and do use an altar during that procession.”

At the end of the hearing, Hoffman said that the real threat to the First Amendment is the aggressive atheists at organizations like the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

“They send cease and desist letters to pastors who might be asked to come open a meeting with prayer – a prayer whether it be in Allah’s name or Jesus Christ’s name – but they send cease and desist letters to try (to) prohibit free speech,” he said. “The people that this audience are cheering on are the ones trying to infringe free speech. This happened to me. I was gonna pray at the East Valley Prayer Breakfast. And guess what, I sure as hell did pray at the East Valley Prayer Breakfast because you will not trample my right to free speech. But your right to speak is very different from your ability to post an altar to Satan on public property.”

Hoffman concluded, “You know, I find it ironic that in Iowa, you can knock over a satanic display and you go to jail for that but yet at the U.S. Capitol you can have a gay sex orgy in a government building and there is zero consequence. That is abhorrent and disgusting. In Arizona I am going to fight to make sure that we do not have satanic memorials and altars and displays honoring Satan on public property. With that, I vote aye.”

In December 2023, the Satanic Temple of Iowa set up a statue of Baphomet in the state capitol after receiving permission to do so. A Navy veteran who previously ran for Congress in Mississippi destroyed it and was charged with a hate crime for doing so.

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Johnson County, Texas, Passes Resolution Banning Human Waste as Fertilizer

Johnson County, Texas, Passes Resolution Banning Human Waste as Fertilizer

adminApr 12, 20244 min read

Johnson County, Texas, Passes Resolution Banning Human Waste as Fertilizer

Municipalities around the nation are pushing back against toxic biosludge.

Johnson County, Texas, has issued a resolution prohibiting the use of dangerous biosolids there.

Although counties only have limited regulating authority on this matter, the resolution seeks to demonstrate their unwillingness to accept these toxic materials.

Commissioner Rick Bailey said that the resolution is really more of a request, adding: “We’re asking the city of Fort Worth and biosolids companies like Synagro and Rendon to not be bringing this stuff into our county.”

He said that despite the lack of enforcement power, he wants to send the message that there needs to be accountability for the use of biosolids. “The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has dropped the ball for 30, 40 years. They need to hear the message loud and clear that we’ve stepped up to do something when no other county in Texas has done so,” he added.

Biosolids are derived from municipal wastewater and are known to be contaminated with PFAS from municipal drinking water. These chemicals are used in industrial and household products and were not widely used when the EPA first implemented regulations on the use of biosolids on land. Known as forever chemicals, they do not break down easily in the environment and are frequently present in biosolids. They have been linked to a host of serious health problems, including liver damage, fertility issues and cancer.

The biosolids used in Johnson County come from Fort Worth and a company they contract with, Synagro, who processes the biosolids that are left over from sewage treatment and sells them as fertilizer.

As a result, the PFAS contaminate the area’s soil, surface water and ground water, and they have been found in fish and animal tissue there thanks to their easy migration through water and other methods.

The resolution states: “Doctors, laboratory technicians, scientists and other professionals retained by Johnson County have determined that the biosolids originating at the city of Fort Worth’s wastewater treatment plant and being spread in Johnson County as a fertilizer product are contaminated with PFAS at unsafe levels.”

The resolution explains how the biosolids sent by the city of Fort Worth to be disposed of on Johnson County farms are threatening the area’s livestock, drinking water, food chain and residents. It also urges the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to carry out a thorough investigation into the biosolids program and test for the presence of PFAS.

In addition, the resolution invites surrounding counties, such as Bosque, Hood, Hill, Somervell, Ellis, Tarrant and Parker, to join their resolution or pass similar measures. County representatives have said they have already received a lot of outside interest in their efforts.

Municipalities around the nation are pushing back against toxic biosludge

Biosolids are a problem throughout much of the country. Earlier this year, the Oneida County Boardin Wisconsin called on the state’s Department of Natural Resources to offer testing for PFAS for private wells situated within six miles of sites where biosolids are being spread. The measure came as a response to high PFAS levels discovered in private wells in Stella, Wisconsin.

PFAS aren’t the only concern when it comes to the use of biosolids; microplastics are increasingly making their way into the environment via treated wastewater sludge. One study found that just a single gram of Canadian municipal biosolids had hundreds of microplastic particles, which far exceeds the levels normally found in soil, water and air.

The types of microplastics identified in the biosolids by the researchers included microfibers, small plastic fragments, glitter and foam pieces. Unfortunately, these microplastics are too small to be caught by the filters in current wastewater treatment infrastructure, so there is no way to stop these microplastics from entering our air, soil, water, and by extension, food supply.

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Common Bandages Contain Alarming Levels of Cancer-Causing PFAS, Which Leach Directly Into The Blood

Common Bandages Contain Alarming Levels of Cancer-Causing PFAS, Which Leach Directly Into The Blood

adminApr 12, 20245 min read

Common Bandages Contain Alarming Levels of Cancer-Causing PFAS, Which Leach Directly Into The Blood

Investigation finds that PFAS are infiltrating our blood through BandAids and other common bandages.

A new investigation by Mammavation finds that cancer-causing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are manufactured into the absorbent pad and sticky flap of common bandages. This is concerning, because PFAS can then leach directly into the bloodstream.

According to the investigation, bandages from some of the most well-known brands, like Band-Aid and Curad, contain hazardous amounts of these “forever chemicals.” The testing revealed the presence of fluorine in more than two dozen bandages, which are widely available in medicine cabinets across the nation.

PFAS compounds are strong chemicals that can withstand being in the environment for many years because they have links between fluorine and carbon atoms. The compounds are found in many products, most notably nonstick cookware, hamburger wrappers, menstrual pads and water- and stain-repellent goods. Teflon, the ubiquitous nonstick coating seen in kitchens, is derived from polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), a type of fluorocarbon. It can linger in human tissue and the environment for years or perhaps decades before being eliminated. These chemicals interfere with human hormones, metabolism and body weight.

Investigation finds that PFAS are infiltrating our blood through BandAids and other common bandages

The investigation looked for PFAS compounds in the adhesive flaps and absorbent pads of bandages offered at CVS, Walmart, Rite Aid, Target and Amazon, among other large stores. When 40 bandages from 18 different brands were examined, quantifiable levels of  fluorine were discovered in 26 of the brands. Four types of bandages made by Band-Aid contained more than 180 parts per million of organic fluorine, a vital component of PFAS forever chemicals.

The investigators said that PFAS chemicals, which are occasionally used to produce adhesives, are byproducts of regular production processes. Mamavation claims that the PFAS in bandages are probably there because of their resistance to grease and water.

After a person consumes food or drinks water contaminated with PFAS chemicals, the toxins can readily enter the bloodstream. Once PFAS enter the bloodstream, they can settle into healthy tissue and start to harm organs such as the kidneys, liver and immune system. Toxicologist and former chief of the National Toxicology Program Dr. Linda Birnbaum, who co-led the lab research, described the findings as “troubling” because the toxic chemicals come in close contact with open wounds.

“It’s alarming to learn that bandages may also be exposing children and adults to PFAS because they are placed upon open wounds,” Dr. Birnbaum stated. Since the research makes it clear that PFAS are not necessary for wound care, it is critical that the industry stop using them in order to safeguard the public from PFAS and switch to PFAS-free alternatives.

Bandages with PFAS include:

  • Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Comfortable Protection Bandages: 188 ppm organic fluorine on absorbent pad
  • Band-Aid OURTONE Flexible Fabric BR45 Bandages — absorbent pad contained 262 ppm organic fluorine.
  • Band-Aid OURTONE Flexible Fabric BR55 Bandages — absorbent pad contained 250 ppm organic fluorine.
  • Band-Aid OURTONE Flexible Fabric BR65 Bandages — absorbent pads contained 260 ppm organic fluorine and sticky flaps contained 374 ppm.
  • Care Science Antibacterial Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages — sticky flaps contained 328 ppm organic fluorine.
  • Curad Assorted Bandaids 4-Sided Seal — sticky flaps contained 140 ppm organic fluorine.
  • CVS Health C60 Flexible Fabric Antibacterial Bandages — absorbent pad contained 201 ppm organic fluorine.
  • CVS Health C70 Flexible Fabric Sterile Bandages — sticky flaps contained 272 ppm organic fluorine and absorbent pad contained 124 ppm.
  • CVS Health C80 Flexible Fabric Antibacterial Bandages — 128 ppm organic fluorine measured on absorbent pad.
  • Equate (Walmart) Flexible Fabric Bandages Antibacterial — 118 ppm organic fluorine detected on absorbent pad and 165 ppm on the sticky flaps.
  • Equate (Walmart) SKIN TONE Antibacterial Bandages Flexible Fabric (darkest shade) — 197 ppm organic fluorine measured on the absorbent pad and 251 ppm on the sticky flaps.
  • Equate (Walmart) SKIN TONE Antibacterial Bandages Flexible Fabric (medium to dark shade) — 112 ppm organic fluorine detected on the absorbent pad.
  • Equate (Walmart) SKIN TONE Antibacterial Bandages Flexible Fabric (medium to light shade) — 120 ppm organic fluorine found on the absorbent pad.
  • First Honey Manuka Bandages — sticky flaps contained 157 ppm organic fluorine.
  • Rite Aid First Aid Advanced Antibacterial Fabric Adhesive Bandages — 101 ppm organic fluorine on the absorbent pad and 181 parts per million (ppm) in the sticky flaps.
  • Solimo (Amazon Brand) Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages — 104 ppm organic fluorine on the sticky flaps.
  • UP & UP (Target) Flexible Fabric Bandages — 256 ppm organic fluorine on the absorbent pad and 253 parts per million (ppm) on the sticky flaps.

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Macron First Threatens Russia With Troops, Then Purchases €600 Million Worth of Gas From Moscow in First Three Months of 2024

Macron First Threatens Russia With Troops, Then Purchases €600 Million Worth of Gas From Moscow in First Three Months of 2024

adminApr 12, 20244 min read

Macron First Threatens Russia With Troops, Then Purchases €600 Million Worth of Gas From Moscow in First Three Months of 2024

Macron may talk tough on Russia, but he’s handed over hundreds of millions to Moscow in just a matter of months.

At the same time that French President Emmanuel Macron is threatening to send troops to Ukraine to fight against Russia, his country is fueling the Russian war effort by purchasing €600 million worth of natural gas from Moscow in the first three months of 2024.

According to new data, France is quietly paying more and more for Russian gas, even as France uses increasingly harsh rhetoric towards Russia.

In fact, the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) think tank indicates that Russian liquefied natural gas shipments saw a bigger increase in France than any other EU country last year. The €600 million France paid will undoubtedly help fuel Russia’s war effort in Ukraine.

Last month, Macron said France could not rule out sending troops to Ukraine, with the announcement sparking fierce debate across Europe. Macron went so far as to call on fellow NATO allies to not be “cowards.” Many European leaders reacted harshly to Macron’s statements, including several nations stating plainly they would not send any of their own troops to participate in the conflict.

France has continuously tried to justify its gas and oil purchases from Russia by arguing that it is locked into long-term contracts with Russia that are difficult to cancel. Critics say that Macron could be doing more to reduce France’s reliance on natural gas from Russia, especially when he is claiming that France is one of Ukraine’s greatest allies.

Energy continues to be a bedrock for Russia’s revenue stream, with fossil fuels contributing up to half of its revenue streams.

Despite France and other EU countries continuing to actively purchase Russian oil and gas, as well as nuclear fuel, the EU’s efforts to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian energy have been largely successful, with the bloc reducing its consumption by two-thirds. However, there are questions about how accurate these purported figures actually are, as Europe has, for instance, drastically increased its purchases of natural gas and oil from India. In reality, much of these energy products come from Russia, with India simply serving as a middleman and skimming extra profit off the sales.

Europe continues to spend billions on Russian liquified natural gas (LNG), and for the foreseeable future, that is unlikely to change.

France is hardly the only country purchasing Russian energy, but Macron and many of the other Western leaders using hawkish rhetoric towards Russia are perhaps the biggest hypocrites. At least nine EU countries continue to buy Russian LNG, according to shipping data. France leads these countries in terms of overall quantities of purchases in 2024, while Belgium, Spain, and the Netherlands all follow behind. 

French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire has defended Paris’ massive purchases, saying that ending France’s dependence on gas from Moscow must be “gradually implemented to avoid too brutal an impact on the market” and price increases.

Recently, claims have been circulating that some right-wing politicians accepted money from the news outlet Voice of Europe, which was reportedly funded by Russia. The news caused widespread outrage from the liberal media, while, at the same time, some of the most left-liberal countries in all of Europe continue to send billions to Russia. 

Alex Jones Details How Feds Targeted Him And Other Patriots