
Trump: “Biden Will Lead Us Into World War 3”

Trump: “Biden Will Lead Us Into World War 3”

adminApr 14, 20241 min read

Trump: “Biden Will Lead Us Into World War 3”

Donald Trump slammed Biden as “pathetic” on Friday, warning that his inability to govern could see America dragged into World War 3 before November. During a press conference at Mar-a-Lago, Trump commented on Biden warning […]

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Britain’s Next Prime Minister Keir Starmer Says UK Willing To ‘Nuke Millions of People’

Britain’s Next Prime Minister Keir Starmer Says UK Willing To ‘Nuke Millions of People’

adminApr 14, 20241 min read

Britain’s Next Prime Minister Keir Starmer Says UK Willing To ‘Nuke Millions of People’

Britain’s next Prime Minister Keir Starmer has admitted that he would be “willing to hit the ‘Nuclear Button’ killing millions of people if the circumstances arose.” reports: Appearing on ITV News Friday, Starmer said […]

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No Surprise: Migrant Crime Reaches Record Levels in Germany

No Surprise: Migrant Crime Reaches Record Levels in Germany

adminApr 14, 20243 min read

No Surprise: Migrant Crime Reaches Record Levels in Germany

Migrants commit crimes in Germany at a shockingly disproportionate rate

New statistics show that levels of migrant crime have reached record highs in Germany. The figures, compiled by the German Interior Ministry, show an 18% increase in migrant crime last year, with the total number of foreign suspects hitting 923,000. Germany continues to welcome huge numbers of migrants to the country each year.

Despite making up only 15% of the population, foreigners are 41% of all crime suspects in the country now. The figures for “native” Germans include naturalized migrants, so the actual figures for crimes committed by people with a “migrant background” would be even higher.

The statistics have not yet been released by the Interior Ministry, but reporters at the German newspaper Die Welt managed to obtain them.

Just a few weeks ago it was revealed that foreigners were responsible for 100% of all serious sexual crimes in the German city of Frankfurt, and 57.4% of all crimes in the city.

Those who predicted migration -> crime surge in Germany were correct.

41.1% of criminal suspects in Germany are not German citizens.

About 15% of the total population are not citizens.

No info on % of criminal suspects who are German citizens with “migrant background”.

— Whyvert (@whyvert) April 10, 2024

Growing crime and violence is affecting every level of German society, including schools. In 2023, there was an average of five police interventions a day in schools in the German capital. There was widespread outrage recently when a video emerged of Turkish teenagers torturing a 12-year-old German child on film.

The head of the German Police Union, Rainer Wendt, had choice words for the Federal Interior Minister, Nancy Feaser, after the new statistics were reported, claiming that only somebody who has “completely lost contact with the population” could express surprise at these figures.

Faeser has been open in stating, like other European politicians on both the left and right, that she believes the “far right” is a much greater threat to internal security than migrants.

The German government is particularly afraid of the surging anti-immigration Alternative for Germany party (AfD), which has become one of the most popular parties in the country. Members of the ruling coalition have threatened to ban the party and jail its members, and threats of violence and reprisals are common including from “liberal” television personalities.

Actual violence against AfD members, especially political candidates, is also on the rise.

Live Coverage: Iran Attacks Israel, Putin Threatens WW3

Spike in Voluntary Sterilizations after Roe v. Wade Overturned, Mostly Women

Spike in Voluntary Sterilizations after Roe v. Wade Overturned, Mostly Women

adminApr 14, 20243 min read
There was a significant spike in voluntary sterilizations after the Dobbs decision in 2022

A new study has revealed a significant spike in voluntary sterilizations in the US among 18- to 30-year-olds after Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022. The spike was most significant among women, but there was also an increase in the number of men seeking medical sterilization.

This new study, published in the journal JAMA Health Forum, is the first to evaluate the effects on reproductive health and contraception of the decision to return the right to decide the legality of abortion to individual states.

The researchers used the database TriNetX to access continuously updated medical data from academic medical centers and affiliated clinics across all four census regions of the US. They looked at data for both tubal sterilizations (i.e. in women) and vasectomies.

Rates of voluntary sterilization were already increasing prior to the Dobbs decision in June 2022, but subsequently there was a sharp increase for both sexes.

Spike in Voluntary Sterilizations after Roe v. Wade Overturned, Mostly WomenSterilization trends from the new study

“Prior to Dobbs, the monthly permanent contraception rate increased by 2.84 and 1.03 procedures per 100 000 person-months among female and male patients, respectively,” the study explains.

Dobbs was associated with an immediate level increase of 58.02 procedures and 5.31 procedures per month among female patients. Among male patients, it was associated with a level increase of 26.99 procedures and no significant change in the number of procedures per month.”

Although the researchers did not carry out any qualitative work to investigate the opinions or intentions of young people seeking sterilization after the Dobbs decision, they speculate that the trend, especially in young women, can be explained by the “disproportionate health, social, and economic consequences of compulsory pregnancy on women and people with the capacity to become pregnant.”

Doctors reported last year that they were seeing a clear increase in sterilizations; although the new study contradicts some of the claims that were made.

The Dobbs decision not only affected women, but also men. We found a 225% increase in vasectomy consults at our institution following Dobbs, particularly in non-married and childless men. Are more men taking responsibility for their repro health given barriers imposed on females?

— Alex Zhu (@alexzhuDO) May 6, 2023

“We found a 225% increase in vasectomy consults at our institution following Dobbs, particularly in non-married and childless men,” said physician Alex Zhu.

“Are more men taking responsibility for their repro health given barriers imposed on females?”

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The Exodus Continues: Blue Regions Still Bleeding as Residents Escape Democrat Policies

adminApr 14, 20244 min read
If Democrats can’t trick people into staying, they plan to force people to stay.

Can Democrats take a hint?  The answer is obviously no, but with millions of people flooding out of Democrat controlled places and relocating to more conservative regions one might think they would finally get the message.

Blue cities and states across the US have been experiencing a mass exodus of legal residents since before the pandemic event; many of them business owners taking their money (and job opportunities) with them.  The hardest hit states in the country include New York, Illinois and California, with cities like NYC, LA, Chicago and San Francisco seeing some of the most aggressive population shift.  In states like California the standard operating procedure has been to lie about the situation, using the surge of illegal immigrants to hide population loss in the census.   

There are a multitude of reasons for the great American migration:  The pandemic lockdowns made many people realize Democrats are inclined towards authoritarian policies and they left because they wanted freedom. Sanctuary status is allowing illegals to flood into blue areas, straining welfare programs and inflating housing costs.  The bureaucracy of leftist cities creates a concrete barrier to success for most small to medium business owners, and even larger companies and chains are ready to exit because of high taxes and over-regulation.  Finally, soft prosecution laws in blue states and cities have led to a clear spike in criminal activity which Democrats are also trying to deny.

It’s estimated by Zillow’s chief economist that establishing a residency in California would require around $1 million or more in starting money.  The state has the second highest cost of living in the nation, as well as the worst reported job growth in the nation in 2023.  Property prices are exploding higher, but with fewer and fewer buyers.  This is probably why California has been dead last on the list of most desirable states to move to for the past few years running.   

No one wants to be left holding the bag in a state or city where it’s becoming impossible to leave.  For people with the money, relocation is a no-brainer.  

Another factor which is going mostly ignored by the establishment media is the rising trend of political disassociation.  The left has become so extreme in their views and behavior that the rest of the populace doesn’t want to deal with them anymore.  Conservatives and independents are rushing for the exits to get as far away from these people as possible.

Contrary to popular fears among conservatives, the exodus has not pushed voting numbers towards progressive politicians or policies in the slightest.  In fact, Idaho has reported a considerable influx of conservative voters moving in after escaping blue states.  Similar reports are coming out of Texas and Florida.  There is no blue tide.  There is no California takeover – Red states are only turning more red.

Are progressives moving out of the cities, too?  Yes, to the suburbs and to outlying towns within driving distances of their original homes.  It’s getting to the point where even leftists are admitting their own cities are not livable. The latest U-Haul data helps to explain the developments more clearly.

The exodus is now having visible effects on Democrat havens that can no longer be hidden.  Crime activity is so suffocating that many corporate chains are leaving, only to be threatened by city politicians with legal reprisals if they shut down.  If Democrats can’t trick people into staying, they plan to force people to stay.     

Penn Station was slammed by hundreds of illegal aliens arriving to New York City this week.

Afghan Migrant on Terror List Released By Immigration Judge, Free to Roam USA

Afghan Migrant on Terror List Released By Immigration Judge, Free to Roam USA

adminApr 14, 20244 min read

Afghan Migrant on Terror List Released By Immigration Judge, Free to Roam USA

Illegal alien on FBI terror watchlist has been twice apprehended in the U.S. only to be released by a federal apparatus that continues to make a mockery of the very notion of “border security”

An Afghan man and illegal immigrant who’s on the FBI terror watchlist has been twice apprehended in the United States only to be released by a federal apparatus that continues to make a mockery of the very notion of “border security.”  

Mohammad Kharwin, 48, was first arrested in Southern California in March 2023 after he’d illegally entered the United States from Mexico, according to NBC News, which was first to report the story. Border police suspected Kharwin was on the watchlist, because one unspecified attribute matched his entry on the list.

However, for lack of additional corroborating data, he was processed and released, just like hordes of other illegal migrants before and since. He was instructed to periodically call an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer, but was free to apply for asylum and permission to work in the United States. He was also free to board domestic flights.  

This February, the FBI alerted ICE that they suspected Kharwin had links to a terrorist group and could pose a danger. That prompted ICE to track him down in San Antonio and arrest him on Feb. 28. 

Buckle in, because the story’s about to get a lot worse. On March 28, Kharwin had an immigration hearing in Pearsall, Texas. The ICE prosecutors told the judge that Kharwin was a flight risk who should be detained without bond. However, they didn’t tell the judge that he posed a potential risk to national security, and declined to show the judge information revealing why the FBI is concerned about him. 

Kept in the dark, the unnamed immigration judge ordered that Kharwin be released, but demanded an above-average-for-illegal-immigrants $12,000 bond. Kharwin immediately paid it and off he went, without any court-mandated restrictions on his travel within the country. He is supposed to appear for another hearing next spring. ICE hasn’t appealed the ruling and, in NBC‘s reporting, there’s no indication authorities are seeking him. 

According to the watchlist, the FBI believes Kharwin is a member of an Afghanistan group called Hezb-e-Islami (HIG), which has been designated by the United States as a terror group. 

According to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, HIG is a “virulently anti-Western insurgent group” that sought to overturn the Western-backed Afghan government before its fall in 2021. 

HIG was responsible for attacks in Afghanistan that killed at least nine American soldiers and civilians between 2013 and 2015. The group is not seen as a top threat in terms of attacks inside the U.S.

Believe it or not, there are some 1.8 million names on the FBI’s terror watchlist, and, as has been observed in the colossal rolling clusterf**k at Guantanamo Bay, the US government sometimes misidentifies people — with positively godawful results. That said, the FBI could well be correct about Kharwin, and the handling of his March immigration hearing is certainly a cause for concern. 

There have been similar cases where watchlisted men have been processed and released. In February, we detailed the case of a man who allegedly is/was a member of the Somali terror group al-Shabaab. He was also caught in southern California in March 2023 and set free to roam the country.  

In 2023 the Border Patrol caught 172 suspects from the terror watchlist attempting to enter the US illegally. According to former DHS officials, the constant deluge of illegal migrants through the southern border has made it easier for bad actors to enter the country. According to NBC‘s analysis of government data, about 0.02% of encountered illegal immigrants are on the terror watchlist — making them needles in a Biden-enlarged haystack. 

Penn Station was slammed by hundreds of illegal aliens arriving to New York City this week.