
<div>VIDEO: Robert Barnes Responds to Israel Committing Political Suicide, Trump’s First Criminal Trial, & More</div>

VIDEO: Robert Barnes Responds to Israel Committing Political Suicide, Trump’s First Criminal Trial, & More

adminApr 15, 20242 min read

<div>VIDEO: Robert Barnes Responds to Israel Committing Political Suicide, Trump’s First Criminal Trial, & More</div>

Persecution of Donald Trump will backfire, according to renowned lawyer.

Attorney Robert Barnes joined Alex Jones Sunday to discuss current political events and the law-fare attacks against presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“Trump was the victim of extortion by Stormy Danials, not the person who perpetrated it, and they’re trying to convert an accounting issue into a criminal issue,” Barnes said. “And the idea that it interfered in the election is ludicrous, there’s no evidentiary bases for that, and of course they’re focused on things that Trump did while President of the United States and pretending somehow he can’t be immune from prosecution by politically motivated prosecutors for this, so I think what the judge is doing he thinks is going to advance the Democrat Party’s interest, I think it’s going to undermine it.”

Barnes went on to explain how the political prosecution of Trump will put more pressure on the Supreme Court to grant the former president full immunity in all these cases.

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Israel Purposely Dragging America Into World War III

Israel Purposely Dragging America Into World War III

adminApr 15, 20241 min read

Israel Purposely Dragging America Into World War III

The tit-for-tat attacks are escalating between the Jewish and Islamic world’s in the Middle East, hurtling the globe toward world war.

On his Sunday show, Alex Jones covered how Israel is dragging the US into World War III.

“All over the internet Israel is so hated now by the majority of people, when Hamas attacked I thought it was terrible, and then I saw the howls of enjoyment from the pro-Israel people when they were carpet bombing innocent people, and I thought that was disgusting and horrible,” the talkshow host said. “And now I’m seeing howls of excitement over Iran hitting Israel, and now I’m seeing all the lip-smacking by the other side, both the neocons and war-mongers and some people in Israel, their leadership, ‘oh we’re going to destroy Iran now’ and we’re all hurtling over the edge of total destruction.”

Jones went on to say nuclear war is unwindable for anybody, and called for it to stop immediately.

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Guatemala Investigating US NGOs for Child Trafficking, Seeking Help from Texas Attorney General

Guatemala Investigating US NGOs for Child Trafficking, Seeking Help from Texas Attorney General

adminApr 15, 20245 min read

Guatemala Investigating US NGOs for Child Trafficking, Seeking Help from Texas Attorney General

Guatemala is seeking help from the State of Texas to counter child trafficking and abuse

Guatemala is seeking help from the Texas Attorney General to investigate child trafficking in the country by US NGOs, according to investigative journalist Sara Carter.

On her website yesterday, Carter described obtaining an official letter sent by the Guatemalan government to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. The letter was sent to Paxton on Saturday.

“Guatemala’s Attorney General is investigating ongoing criminal claims that a number of American tax payer funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating both inside and outside the United States are complicit  in the ongoing trafficking, abuse and disappearance of children from its nation, according to an official Guatemalan letter obtained by this investigative columnist.”

The letter alleges that unaccompanied minors and adolescents are being trafficked from Guatemala into the US and suffering “sexual and physical abuse” at facilities that are run by NGOs funded by the US taxpayer.

#BREAKING Guatemala is investigating U.S. NGOs for child trafficking, seeks Texas AG collaboration

Guatemala’s Attorney General is investigating ongoing criminal claims that a number of American tax payer funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating both inside and…

— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) April 15, 2024

Billions of dollars have been granted by the US to NGOs working to aid illegal migrants entering the US.

“As a Prosecutor’s Office, Ministerio Publico of Guatemala, have received a criminal complaint that states some criminal actions, which we see with great concern,” Angel Pineda, Guatemala’s Secretary General, told Carter.

“Due to the situation that is happening in Texas, regarding different forms of abuses of some Guatemalan children and adolescents, when the institution received that criminal complaint, the institution has started investigations, so it is necessary to work on this matter in an integral way.

 “That is why, I have been authorized to ask for the collaboration of prosecutor Paxton so we can work together and protect Guatemalan children, and have sent a letter in that matter.”

In the letter, Attorney General María Consuelo Porras lays out in detail the shocking allegations against these government-funded American NGOs.

“These Guatemalan children have reportedly been placed in shelters and organizations throughout Texas under the guise of providing them with a family environment. Disturbingly, there have been reports and documented situations of sexual abuse in these shelters, which is a huge violation of the rights and dignity of these children.”

The letter places a significant portion of the blame for the abuses on the State of Texas.

“The State of Texas bears much of the responsibility for these lost children, who have been transferred to the border and processed migratory (through migration procedures)  in Texas apparently fully aware of this situation.”

Porras continues: “You know, deficiencies in security and diplomacy related to the border between the United States and Mexico have resulted in a significant increase in drug trafficking, but also a devastating emergence of human trafficking. In relation to the new complaint that has been filed with this institution, a horrifying pattern of the disappearance of children from Guatemala has been brought to our attention, and it has been reported to the Public Ministry that a complex network involving Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operating within Guatemala, who collaborate with specific entities in the State of Texas, are implicated in the abuse of Guatemalan children when they are away from their parents and do not have someone to protect them.”

Carter reached out to Attorney General Paxton for comment, but at time of publication had received no response.

Border Hawk on Timcast

19,000+ child illegals have flooded NYC school system

American students were turned away on the first day of classes last month, even though many are dependent on school programs for meals

How many American children went hungry so illegals could eat?

— Border Hawk (@BorderHawkNews) October 8, 2023

American NGOs have already attracted the attention of lawmakers for violations of the law and for failing to protect the migrants in their custody. As Carter notes, these NGOs have included Christian organisations like Annunciation House, a Catholic NGO that is currently being sued by Attorney General Paxton.

In February last year, The New York Times published a detailed exposé on the abuse of migrant children in jobs across the United States. Many are forced to work in violation of child-labour laws. Nearly 130,000 unaccompanied migrant children entered the US governments shelter system in the fiscal year 2022.

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US, UK Ban Deliveries of Russian Copper, Nickel And Aluminum to Western Metals Exchanges: Here’s What This Means

US, UK Ban Deliveries of Russian Copper, Nickel And Aluminum to Western Metals Exchanges: Here’s What This Means

adminApr 15, 20247 min read

US, UK Ban Deliveries of Russian Copper, Nickel And Aluminum to Western Metals Exchanges: Here’s What This Means

The rules prohibit delivery of new supplies from Russia to the London Metal Exchange, where the global benchmark prices are set.

On Friday, the US and UK imposed new restrictions on trading Russian aluminum, copper and nickel in the latest hollow bid to curb President Vladimir Putin’s ability to fund his war machine (as discussed previously, Russian oil is now trading above the western embargo “cap” price virtually everywhere).

According to Bloomberg, the rules prohibit delivery of new supplies from Russia to the London Metal Exchange, where the global benchmark prices are set, as well as to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The restrictions apply to copper, nickel and aluminum produced on or after April 13, and the US is also banning Russian imports of all three metals.

Yet like the case of oil sanctions, the decision is purely for popular theater as it will not prevent Russia from being able to sell its metals, since the sanctions do not prevent non-US persons and entities from buying physical Russian copper, nickel or aluminum. While the LME plays a pivotal role in setting global prices, the vast majority of metals are bought and sold between miners, traders and manufacturers without ever seeing the inside of an LME warehouse. Already since 2022, the share of Russian metals sales to China has increased substantially, as some western buyers sought alternative suppliers.

Still, as Bloomberg notes, the new restrictions are likely to affect prices on the LME, which are used as a benchmark in a huge number of contracts around the world. For months, an influx of Russian metal has weighed on LME prices – particularly for aluminum – with non-Russian supplies trading at a premium.

The sanctions will also affect the willingness of traders to handle Russian metal, as many view the ability to deliver on the LME as essential, and some contracts include clauses specifying that they will be void if the metal ceases to be LME-deliverable.

That means the metal – like Russian sourced oil – is likely to trade at a widening discount to other origins, thus reducing the revenue Russia receives, while still continuing to flow into the global market and avoiding the impact of full-scale sanctions on crucial raw materials while making billions more for global commodity merchants like Glencore, Vitol and Trafigura who will be willing – and very well paid – middlemen to assist buyers in evading sanctions. Russian metals exports were worth $25 billion in 2022 and $15 billion in 2023.

“We will reduce Russia’s earnings while protecting our partners and allies from unwanted spillover effects,” US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a joint statement with her UK counterpart, Jeremy Hunt, who added that the move “will prevent the Kremlin funneling more cash into its war machine.”

No you won’t. All you will achieve is raising the prices of commodities further, but yes, the sanction will raise questions for Glencore which has remained one of the biggest traders of Russian metal thanks to a long-term contract with Rusal.

Russia is a major producer of the three metals, accounting for about 6% of global nickel production, 5% of aluminum and 4% of copper. However, Russian supplies account for a much larger percentage of metal on the LME. At the end of March, Russian metal accounted for 36% of the nickel in LME warehouses, 62% of the copper and 91% of the aluminum.

Comex copper futures rose after the announcement, while shares of US metal producers including Alcoa Corp. gained in post-market trading.

For a more practical perspective of what the sanctions mean, we go to commodity trading powerhouse Goldman Sachs, whose trading desk has published a note discussing the short and long-term impacts of the delivery ban.

Is this a full sanction on Russian metal ? No, OFAC prohibit:

  • a. Russian metal being imported into the US
  • b. OTC derivates settling against Russian metal
  • c. US persons’ from warranting Russian metal produced after 13th April 2024 on either the COMEX or LME.
  • There has not been any sanction around the consumption of Russian metal.

How much aluminium, copper and nickel does the US currently import ? Very little, imports for 2021, 2022 and 2023 respectively were

  • Aluminium (HS code 7601): 215k, 190k, 17k MT
  • Copper (HS code 7408 + 7403): 10k, 0k, 0k MT
  • Nickel (HS code 7502): 5k, 10k , 0.6k MT
  • Therefore Goldman expects the impact on US physical premiums to be modest because US consumers have already diversified their supply chains away from Russian metal

Are many OTC derivatives settled against Russian metal ? Goldman does not think the Services Determination clause prohibiting settlement of derivatives in Russian metal will impact price because.

  • i) Most OTC derivatives are cash settled; in our experience brand specific physically settled options and swaps are rare
  • ii) Off-take agreements and long-term supply contracts, which probably still do reference Russian metal, are likely not to be classified as a derivative under the Services Determination clause (otherwise end-users would be prevented from consuming Russian metal which would be a de-facto full sanction).

What happens to LME inventory? Unclear until we receive further guidance from the LME, which is scheduled for 11am LDN on Sunday. Currently neither UK nor US persons’ can deliver fresh Russian metal. The question market participants are asking is whether the LME will restrict all future deliveries of Russian metal (not just from UK or US persons).

What % of LME inventory is currently Russian? As of March 28, the LME provided the following breakdown:

  • Aluminium: 312k MT (91%)
  • Copper: 61k MT (62%)
  • Nickel: 25k MT (36%)
  • Which is why LME term structure is in such wide contangos (see below point)

What is the impact on LME spreads? Assuming only US and UK persons’ are restricted from delivering fresh Russian production then the c/3M spread (metal for physical delivery at t+2 vs metal for deliver in 3 months’ time) should trade to full finance, because a) the cohort of participants who can take delivery of Russian metal on the LME is reduced, and b) non-US / UK names are incentivised to delivery excess units to achieve a rent deal. Forwards should tighten due to expectation of lower future supply (as Rusal and Norilsk send a higher % of their production to China).

Can China compensate for lower Russian supply? Yes but it takes time. The dynamic in aluminium, where Chinese demand increased by >10%, yet LME struggled to move higher because China were meeting ex-China end-use demand (solar) via primary tolling will, over the medium-term, limit the impact of lower Russian primary supply to ex-China, but it takes time, and won’t impact price today.

What is the is the impact on flat price? Yesterday’s announcement did not reduce the supply of spot metal to the ex-China market; end-users are not restricted from consuming Russian metal, US consumption of Russian metal is already essentially zero, and Rusal (aluminium) and Norilsk (nickel) will not immediately divert supply to China due to arbitrage economics and capacity constraints – Rusal rail aluminium to Northern China and Norilsk struggle to price against SHFE due to persistent negative ARB caused from Indonesia supply growth, which is tolled via China , for example. That being said, history has taught us that the market will price in some “full-sanction” risk premium which when combined with the current macro bid (reflation narrative etc) means we expect a complex wide rally on the Monday’s Shanghai open. At some point the rally (in vol and price) should be faded (especially in nickel), but given where CTA momentum indicators are currently, this is a debate for another day.


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President Of Belgian Health Insurance Company Promotes Euthanasia as Solution For Aging Population

President Of Belgian Health Insurance Company Promotes Euthanasia as Solution For Aging Population

adminApr 15, 20244 min read

President Of Belgian Health Insurance Company Promotes Euthanasia as Solution For Aging Population

Luc Van Gorp, president of Christian Mutuality, pushed suicide for older people who are ‘tired of life’ and shockingly described the elderly as a ‘mountain of meat’ that ‘starts to smell.’

(LifeSiteNews) — The president of Belgium’s largest health care fund has promoted euthanasia as a solution for the country’s aging population problem.

Luc Van Gorp, head of Christian Mutuality (CM), pointed out that the number of people over 80 in Belgium will double up to 1.2 million by 2050, putting large financial pressure on the health care system and insurance companies.

According to De Specialist, Van Gorp said the problem cannot be solved with more money and called for “a radically different approach.”

“Doctors and other health professionals are now doing their utmost to make everyone live longer, but for what purpose? Living longer is not an end in itself, is it? It must first of all be about the question: how long can I live with quality [of life].”

“What about the category of older people who receive maximum care, but who still do not have the quality of life they want? That question is asked far too little,” he stated.

READ: Oregon woman ‘happy to be alive’ today after doctor stalled her assisted suicide request

Van Gorp said that in addition to the current euthanasia law, there “should also be a softer form for people who feel that their lives are complete,” adding that “Many elderly people are tired of life.”

Instead of calling the process suicide, which has negative connotations, he “would rather call it: giving life back.”

“I know it is sensitive, but we really have to dare to have that debate.”

Van Gorp further asserted that the cost of caring for people – human beings whose lives have intrinsic, God-given value regardless of any suffering – towards the end of their life may not be worthwhile, citing “expensive medication” for cancer patients.

READ: Terminally ill children in the Netherlands can now be euthanized against their will

In a telling remark, the executive used the metaphor of a “mountain of meat” that begins to smell to describe elderly citizens.

“I sometimes compare the aging people with a mountain of meat,” he said. “That mountain first ends up in healthcare. Doctors and hospitals get to work on this and make good money from it. But as soon as that meat starts to smell, they pass it on to elderly care. But aging is not only the responsibility of the people who work in elderly care.”

While several left-wing and liberal politicians are sympathetic to Van Gorp’s ideas, according to VRT NWS, Christian Democrat leader Sammy Mahdi opposed the plans, saying, “If someone is tired of life and feels like they are standing in the way and no longer getting visitors, then we are failing as a society.”

Van Gorp reiterated his ideas in an interview with the newspaper DeMorgen, in which he stated:

The demand for care will only increase in the coming years. If we just keep doing the way we are doing today, we’re going for an outright care crash. We can only prevent this if we choose a radically different approach, from a healthy society that puts quality of life first instead of quantity.

“Numerous healthcare providers have long indicated that it cannot continue in this way,” he said. “There are simply not enough professional hands left to provide all care. And as a society, we create too little space to take care of those who are most dear to us.”

In 2002, Belgium was the second country in the post-World War II era that legalized euthanasia. In 2014, it became the first country to abolish the age restriction on euthanasia. It currently allows euthanasia for minors who suffer from a supposedly “terminal” disease, are allegedly close to death, or suffer from chronic pain and have the consent of parents and doctors.

In 2018, a government report revealed that three minors received lethal injections between 2016 and 2017.

The number of legal yearly euthanasia cases has been steadily on the rise since its legalization in 2002, reaching almost 3,000 cases in 2022.

READ: Belgium euthanasia stats show troubling increases, social acceptance

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators urging them to stop expanding assisted suicide

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Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Slams Israeli Envoy’s Call To Condemn Iran Attack

Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Slams Israeli Envoy’s Call To Condemn Iran Attack

adminApr 15, 20241 min read

Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Slams Israeli Envoy’s Call To Condemn Iran Attack

Russia’s foreign ministry spokersperson Maria Zakharova blasted the Israeli ambassador to Moscow for ‘expecting’ Russia to condemn Irans attack on Israel Russia does not feel obliged to condemn Iran’s missile and drone strikes on Israel […]

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