

Passengers Walk to Airport after Pro-Palestine Protesters Block Traffic into Chicago’s O’Hare

adminApr 15, 20244 min read
Footage shows dozens of tardy passengers forced to walk to airport by foot to try to make flights.

Travelers faced major delays Monday morning at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport after leftists holding a pro-Palestine protest blocked traffic, forcing many to ditch their ride-shares and walk to their terminals.

The protesters, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, interlocked their hands and formed a human barrier blocking a ramp leading to O’Hare’s domestic terminals.

“Traffic came to a complete standstill right in the middle of rush-hour at one of the busiest airports in the country,” notes ABC 7 Chicago.

Video shows dozens of tardy passengers walking to the airport by foot to try to make their flights.

If you’re flying out of Chicago, you’re probably going to miss your plane.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 15, 2024

JUST IN: All outbound lanes on Kennedy Expressway at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago have been blocked by pro-Palestine protesters.

People were seen getting out of their cars and making the long walk to the terminal so they didn’t miss their flights.

“Vehicular travel…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 15, 2024

Masked protesters stand firm with their arms encased in drainage pipes in front of O’Hare airport, effectively blocking travelers from reaching their flights.

Real change happens when folks miss their flights en masse.

— Dr. Jebra Faushay (@JebraFaushay) April 15, 2024

O’hare international airport shut down due to the protest ? a lot of people are walking to the airport

— alan ☆ (@alanxgalindo) April 15, 2024

Anti-Israel protesters in Chicago are blocking roads leading into O’Hare Airport. People are having to walk to airport to make their

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) April 15, 2024

#TravelAlert UPDATE: Inbound traffic into O’Hare on I-190 is resuming following earlier protest activity. Allow extra time if traveling to the airport this morning.

— O’Hare Intl. Airport (@fly2ohare) April 15, 2024

Many online questioned why police didn’t stop the protest from happening, or arrest protesters.

Pro-Palestinian protesters block the entrance to Chicago O’Hare International Airport. People are getting out of their cars to walk to make their flights. Why aren’t police arresting them?

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) April 15, 2024

Why Chicago Police didn’t stop the mob from blocking the highway to the airport?

This protest is not organic, it was paid and planned in advance.

— I Meme Therefore I Am ?? (@ImMeme0) April 15, 2024

Why the hell are Chicago police standing around and allowing a mob to block the highway to an international airport?

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 15, 2024

Police stand by and do nothing as Pro “Palestine” agitators block the road leading to Chicago’s O’Hare international airport forcing travelers to abandon their cars and walk to the airport with all their luggage.

— Han Shawnity ?? (@HanShawnity) April 15, 2024

An update from O’Hare claimed protests had cleared up and traffic had resumed, though they gave no details on how the protest was dispersed.

#TravelAlert UPDATE: Inbound traffic into O’Hare on I-190 is resuming following earlier protest activity. Allow extra time if traveling to the airport this morning.

— O’Hare Intl. Airport (@fly2ohare) April 15, 2024

Amid the chaos, a flight leaving from O’Hare evidently had to turn around due to an alleged terror threat.

More from

While the protest was going on, a United Airlines spokesperson said a flight from Chicago to Washington, “returned safely to Chicago, after a non-credible threat was found written on a lavatory mirror.”

Pro-Palestine demonstrators also snarled traffic on San Francisco’s Golden Gate bridge on Monday, under the banner, “Stop the world for Gaza,” in what appears to be a large coordinated effort:

Both directions of the Golden Gate Bridge have been shut down due to a Pro-Palestinian protest. Demonstrators have blocked the southbound direction of Highway 101. This is the second protest causing major back-ups on Bay Area roadways, the demonstration has blocked northbound…

— ABC7 News (@abc7newsbayarea) April 15, 2024

Watch: Massive Protests Erupt in Japan Over WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

Watch: Massive Protests Erupt in Japan Over WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

adminApr 15, 20245 min read

Watch: Massive Protests Erupt in Japan Over WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

“Our health is being used as a weapon, and now we’re in the midst of a third world war fought with information, questioning whether responsible adults are aware and able to protect themselves accordingly,” says Prof. Masayasu Inoue.

Tens of thousands of protesters swarmed the streets of Japan over the weekend to stand against the World Health Organization’s sweeping pandemic treaty.

The protests reportedly emerged in multiple locations on Saturday, including the “streets of Ikebukuro to the gatherings at Higashi-Ikebukuro Central Park”, with video showing the massive crowds peacefully protesting.

Thousands attend public demonstration against WHO and New World Order across multiple locations in Japan!

Pre-demonstration speeches:
Prof: Masayasu Inoue: …there indeed exists something very evil. It’s often dismissed with a single phrase as a…

— aussie17 (@_aussie17) April 13, 2024

Speakers included Molecular Pathology Professor Masayasu Inoue and modern History Researcher Chikatsu Hayashi, who spoke out against the WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the medical establishment’s experimental COVID mRNA “genetic vaccines.”


………報道すべきだよな?#パンデミック条約反対 デモが池袋にて行われております。@ttmikrs 様より動画引用

— 埼玉 (@saitama_5992) April 13, 2024

From Aussie 17:

The protest not just opposed potential mandatory vaccinations but also the perceived overreach of health authorities and their ties with global pharma, echoing a distressing sentiment of disenfranchisement among the populace. Demonstrators criticized the lack of explanations for a sharp increase in excess deaths and demanded accountability and clarity on vaccine-related casualties.

Eminent speakers, including Professor Masayasu Inoue and modern history researcher Chikatsu Hayashi, provided compelling pre-demonstration speeches that laid bare the concerning dynamics between global health authorities and pharmaceutical agendas.

Professor Inoue highlighted the concerning trend of our health being weaponized in what he termed as “a third world war fought with information.” He urged the public to resist introducing genetic vaccines into their bodies, implicating a significant portion of WHO’s funding comes from pharmaceutical giants and private interests like the Bill Gates Foundation.

Prof. Masayasu Inoue’s impassioned speech highlighted how the COVID pandemic revealed a “third world war fought with information” and the introduction of genetic vaccines “means our health is being used as a weapon.”

“My message for today is about vaccines that use our genetics to make our bodies produce pathogens or proteins, even if they’re disguised as vaccines, for example, next could be influenza,” he told the crowd, according to Aussie 17.

“To everyone here, among friends and acquaintances, introducing genetic vaccines into the body should not be done, regardless of the type. Take this as the key message home; by doing so, I hope you can protect your children and grandchildren.”

“Upon investigation, over 85% of WHO’s budget turns out to be funded by pharmaceutical companies and stakeholders like Bill Gates Foundation, indicating that it’s being directed towards their interests,” he continued. “This means our health is being used as a weapon, and now we’re in the midst of a third world war fought with information, questioning whether responsible adults are aware and able to protect themselves accordingly.”

History Researcher Chikatsu Hayashi continued: “Let’s stop the third atomic bomb with our hands, in the hands of the Japanese people. Shall we not?”

We stand against WHO, global totalitarianism, pandemic treaties, submarine IHR, genetic vaccines, plandemic, control of information, and declare to eliminate all these. Figures such as Tedros, Gates, Schwab, Biden, representatives of the New World Order,” Hayashi added.

The WHO along with dozens of world leaders issued a statement last month demanding the accelerated development of a “multi-lateral agreement on pandemic preparedness and prevention.”

“A pandemic accord is critical to safeguard our collective future. Only a strong global pact on pandemics can protect future generations from a repeat of the COVID-19 crisis, which led to millions of deaths and caused widespread social and economic devastation, owing not least to insufficient international collaboration,” the leaders wrote in a joint letter.

But the letter is misleading in that it doesn’t address amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that are being made in tandem with the Pandemic Treaty.

There is growing global opposition to the proposed accord and IHR amendments: Iran, New Zealand, Slovakia and the Netherlands recently rejected IHR amendments proposed in 2022, while in South Africa, a “WHO Withdrawal Bill” has been proposed.

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Trump Lambasts ‘Crooked Joe’, Wars, Inflation, Green Agenda, Trannies & Illegal Aliens at Pennsylvania Rally

adminApr 15, 20246 min read
Donald Trump spoke about the many failures of Democrats during the speech, coining the term ‘Crooked Joe Biden’, but offered a brighter future under his leadership.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivered an hour-long speech in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania Saturday night to a massive crowd of 42,000 where he discussed the dire straights America has found itself in under the current administration and what he would do to make America great again.

“They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they’re not after me, they’re after you, and I just happen to be standing in their way and I always will be in their way,” Trump said.

They’re only trying to get through Trump to get to you.

— Sean Seraphim Alexander Miller (@IWArchivist) April 15, 2024

The 45th President showed the Pennsylvania crowed a chart on a large screen depicting the massive increase in illegal aliens entering the U.S. under Joe Biden, labeling it as a ‘rocket ship of illegal immigrants’ saying many of the people coming don’t even know the names of the countries they come from.

“They’re sending prisoners, murderers, drug dealers, mental patients and terrorists, the worst anywhere in the world,” Trump said. “People are coming from the Congo…where do you live in the Congo, we live in prison, oh that’s right they released them from prison…but they’re coming in from Africa.”

Illegal aliens are murderers, they’re rapists, and some of them, I’m sure, are completely good individuals.

— Sean Seraphim Alexander Miller (@IWArchivist) April 15, 2024

The former president also discussed the transgender takeover of women’s sports, covering the story of a world class female swimmer who was about to break a record until she faced a man in competition.

“…but then she looked to her very right…and there was this giant human being, a man that about three weeks before was a man, but now he’s a woman,” Trump said.

Men are better women’s athletes than women are.

— Sean Seraphim Alexander Miller (@IWArchivist) April 15, 2024

The Republican candidate said he will have the wars that started under Biden ended immediately under his presidency to avoid nuclear war.

“I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine totally settled, I will settle it, and I’m the only one who can say this because these other people have no clue, I will prevent World War Three,” Trump said.

Trump knows it’s World War 3, but he will sign the Putin Peace Plan.

— Sean Seraphim Alexander Miller (@IWArchivist) April 15, 2024

Trump began his speech by wishing prayers and blessings to Israel, chronicling the failures of President Joe Biden, which he referred to as weak on foreign policy, immigration, energy, and geopolitics.

“To think about what we have to go through and the things we put up with, with at the border, with the no energy independence, with all electric cars, would everybody like to buy an electric car for the rest of your life,” Trump asks the crowed, which erupted with an resounding ‘no’.

The former president discussed how he will bring back what has been taken away under the Biden presidency.

“We will return the world to peace-through-strength and it will happen very quickly, we will revive American strength abroad and we will restore American strength at home, we were respected 4 years ago all over the world, today we are considered a joke,” he said. “It’s not going to be for long, believe me.”

Trump said that if he’s elected America will quickly restore its economy to the greatest in the world, while also citing inflation under Biden and the constantly changing story coming from the Democrat president.

“First of all Crooked Joe claimed inflation was transitory, remember that, then he said it was temporary, then he said it won’t happen, it really won’t happen, and then he said well it’s much higher than expected, and then the supply chains closed, and then the energy went through the roof,” Trump said.

He went on to say that all of America knows the real blame for the bad economy lies with one man, Joe Biden. Trump also went over price increases on energy and fuel under Biden, promising to end the inflation and put a stop to The Green New Deal which he labeled as The Green New Scam, a hoax.

“On day one I will terminate Crooked Joe’s insane electric vehicle mandate, gone, day one, that’s going to happen on day one,” Trump said.

The 45th president pivoted into how U.S. liberties are being curtailed, mentioning how the Second Amendment is being eviscerated under Biden and promising it won’t be under him.

“We’re the ones who are fighting to save our democracy and Crooked Joe Biden is the demented tyrant, he’s the demented tyrant who’s trying to destroy our democracy,” Trump said, later going on to talk about how Biden can’t speak, walk and almost fell out of a helicopter.

He also discussed the upcoming trial against him which he labeled a ‘Biden trial’.

“Fully gagged before a highly conflicted and corrupt judge that suffers from TDS, does anyone know what TDS is? Correct, Trump Derangement Syndrome,” he said to the raucous crowd.

“But like all true communist show trials, this is what you call a communist show trial, and we’re going communist, don’t kid yourself,” the former president said, which elicited the chant ‘we love Trump’.

The Republican presidential hopeful discussed the stolen 2020 election and warned of election theft in 2024, saying that we need a landslide victory that’s too big to rig.

“Now they cheat like hell and when you see them cheating you get out there and start screaming, start screaming,” Trump said. “The racial left Democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we’re not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024.”

The presidential candidate finished up by calling the 2024 election ‘the final battle’.

“We’re ready to be a failed nation, we’re a failed nation right now,” Trump said.

Live Coverage: Iran Attacks Israel, Putin Threatens WW3

The Personal Really Is Political

The Personal Really Is Political

adminApr 15, 20246 min read

The Personal Really Is Political

Our identity is more than just a series of badges we wear

“Unpopular opinion: mind your business and leave the guy alone.”

That was professor Peter Boghossian, whom you may know for his role in the “grievance studies affair” with James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose. He was offering his two cents on Twitter about a story I covered for Infowars on Saturday: the Spanish politician outed as a gross sexual deviant when videos of him eating his own feces off the floor ended up on social media.

Until March 27, when he was relieved of his duties, Daniel Gómez del Barrio was a representative of the country’s ruling left-wing Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party in the council for the sleepy town of Illescas. What’s more, he was the council’s head of the local Department of Youth, Children and the Family.

Imagine that.

Spanish news website El Diario described how del Barrio “offered himself on social networks as a ‘despicable sexual slave.’” He also requested to be “humiliated and used as a urinal.”

For liberals, eating your own feces on camera is just a valid lifestyle choice like any other, and should be no bar to holding public office.

— RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) April 14, 2024

Peter Boghossian seems to believe he’s in a minority when he states that what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms is a matter solely for their own concern and should have no bearing on their public standing whatsoever.

Except he’s wrong. It’s not an “unpopular opinion” at all.

Truth is, the notion that sexuality, and identity more broadly, is simply a badge or series of badges we wear is one of the abiding pathologies of modern liberalism and modern life. Every aspect of our personality can simply be put on or taken off at will. Nothing stays, nothing sticks, nothing carries over from one aspect of our lives to the next.

Put it on, take it off.

You’re a “despicable sex slave” at home, and an upstanding pillar of the community, a man with the right moral instincts to protect children and families, as soon as the key turns in the door and you’re off to work.

Unless, of course, you’re one of the two congressional staffers caught having sex in the Capitol back in December, in which case you definitely take your sexual proclivities with you to work.

But that was just an aberration right?

We’ve heard this so many times before. It was precisely the language that was used in the late 1970s and early 1980s by the gay-rights movement. “What happens between two consenting adults in the bedroom is between them and them alone.”

Or, rather, what happens in the unlit rooms and strappado-chambers of the San Francisco bath-houses is between the two or 20 or 200 men involved and them alone.

Actually, most people didn’t even know what the bath-houses were or what kind of things were going on in them. It would have been better if they had. Then they’d have had a better idea of what to expect twenty, thirty or even, now, forty years down the line. Instead, heterosexual allies of the gay-rights movement thought homosexual men were campaigning for the right to be in monogamous, loving relationships—and how could anybody object to that?

If you want to know more about this clever switcheroo, I’d point you in the direction of Randy Schilts’ classic book about the early days of the AIDS epidemic, And the Band Played On. Schilts, an openly gay man himself, drew huge criticism from the gay community for breaking the gay omerta on the bathhouses.

The moral of that story: Beware anybody who tells you slippery slopes aren’t real. They’re greasing the slope as they speak.

The notion of durable identity—of character, to use an old-fashioned term—has really taken a beating over the last hundred years. As well as fashionable literary and philosophical theories imported from the madrassas of Paris, home-grown notions have done their part too.

Stanley Milgram dealt a grievous blow with his famous electro-shock experiments, the results of which were published in his 1974 book Obedience to Authority. Millgram was able to persuade ordinary people to administer what they thought were fatal electric shocks to other people, simply by having people in lab-coats tell them to do so. The implication was that all it took for “nice people” to become brainless automatons that could be programmed to kill, was the presence of authority. The world was shocked, but maybe a little less shocked than it would have been had World War II not happened.

What’s interesting about the Milgram experiments isn’t necessarily that so many people could be convinced to “kill” to curry favour with authority figures, but that so many couldn’t. In actual fact, what deserves explaining in the Milgram experiments is precisely not why so many did “kill”, but why so many didn’t.


The answer is… character. People do have durable identities and personalities. They do carry themselves with them wherever they go. Yes, some people may have weak character, and bend easily when pressure is applied, but others don’t. They know who and what they are.

They know what is right and what is wrong.

This isn’t just the story of the Milgram experiments. It’s the story of the pandemic too: of all the brave people who risked their jobs and livelihoods, who risked social ostracism and were shunned by their families, who refused to be compelled to bargain with the government for their god-given rights as sovereign individuals.

It’s the story of social life, full stop.

So when someone says to me, “Mind your own business about that politician’s personal life,” I say, “No, I don’t think I will.” The personal really is political.

Live Coverage: Iran Attacks Israel, Putin Threatens WW3

GATECRASHERS: China’s Disintegration Warfare

GATECRASHERS: China’s Disintegration Warfare

adminApr 15, 20244 min read

GATECRASHERS: China’s Disintegration Warfare

No country comes remotely close to executing the Art of War as China does with its methodical creeping disintegration warfare being waged on the United States.

America is intentionally under attack by many incarnations of foreign infiltration. Whether its the blunt dull force of the open Jihad growing within the interior of the United States, or the hordes of bloodthirsty Haitians storming the beaches of Florida, or the now rampant looting of American stores, hospitals, and benefits by illegals that has no end in sight.

Yet, no Country comes remotely close to executing the Art of War as China does with its methodical creeping disintegration warfare being waged on the United States.

Author Peter Schweitzer writes that disintegration warfare, “in the Chinese leaders’ words is going after the United States’ ‘soft underbelly’ in terms of politics, economics, and the spirit and psychology of people.” It is based on the ancient Chinese strategist and general Sun Tzu’s teachings on how to win a war without fighting. The strategy is aimed at undermining a rival country’s “national will, values, and cohesion.”

A Chinese Migrant who is now a US Congressional Candidate has warned Americans not to underestimate China’s use of ‘soft power’ to infiltrate the U.S. and achieve global dominance.

“Most of those people they want to flee China because in the last three years it has become very harsh and inhumane,” she said. “In 2012, under Xi Jinping, you notice a shift in China. He is the new Mao, doing Cultural Revolution 2.0.”

“But I’m also very worried is so well organized, correlated, with some sleeper cells … I just feel like we have a really dark force on us…”

And while the swarms of illegals continue to chip away at the American economy. China is logging every weakness in American national security it can find. In 2019, three Chinese nationals were sentenced to prison for illegally taking photographs at a Florida Navy base.

Lyuyou Liao, 27, was sentenced to 12 months in prison, after pleading guilty to illegally entering NAS Key West and taking photographs and video footage of property on the Truman Annex of the station. Of course the cartel/china Fentanyl operations are contributing to killing over 100,000 Americans as of 2023. Meanwhile, the Chinese are pouring fuel on the fire of gang violence tearing cities apart.

As Breitbart reported, “Cities such as St. Louis continued to devolve into war zones. In 2021, the ATF reported 66 incidents of full auto gunfire. The next year, there were 339. Well over a third occurred in St. Louis County.”

The Communist Chinese government has been flooding the United States with illicit gun parts. Records reveal that between 2019 and 2021, there was a rise of 4,200 percent in incidents involving machine gun fire in 130 American cities, Schweizer reveals.

Although some of the illegal auto switches are made on 3D printers in the U.S., “the vast majority on the street” are from China and are of much higher quality that those made on 3D printers, Schweizer writes.

Not surprisingly, the number of switches seized by law enforcement officials investigating crimes jumped by a startling “570% during a period of 2017 to 2021, compared to the previous five years,” according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

America is up the creek without a paddle with the possibility of a rigged election in sight. The Chinese flooding of third world America with Glock Switches ensuring that the mass murder of innocent civilians will eventually lead to sweeping gun control.

Ron Paul: FISA Exchanges Real Liberty for Phantom Security.

Ron Paul: FISA Exchanges Real Liberty for Phantom Security.

adminApr 15, 20244 min read

Ron Paul: FISA Exchanges Real Liberty for Phantom Security.

Section 702 authorizes warrantless surveillance of foreign citizens.

House Speaker Mike Johnson betrayed liberty and the Constitution by making a full-court press to get a “clean” reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Act through the House.

Section 702 authorizes warrantless surveillance of foreign citizens. When the FISA Act was passed, surveillance state boosters promised that 702 warrantless surveillances would never be used against American citizens. However, intelligence agencies have used a loophole in 702, allowing them to subject to warrantless surveillance any American who communicated with a non-US citizen who was a 702 target. Intelligence agencies could then also conduct warrantless surveillance on any Americans who communicated with the new American target. This Section 702 loophole has been used so often to subject Americans to warrantless wiretapping that it has been referred to as the surveillance state’s crown jewel.

A bipartisan coalition of Republican and Democratic House members worked to add a warrant requirement to the FISA bill. Speaker Johnson agreed to allow a vote on the House floor on an amendment requiring federal officials to get a warrant before subjecting any American to surveillance. However, he publicly opposed the amendment, as did President Biden. Prominent deep state operatives, such as former Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo, also lobbied against the amendment.

The case against adding a warrant requirement to FISA consisted of hysterical claims that forcing the surveillance state to obey the Fourth Amendment would make Americans vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Particularity, the claim was made that forcing national security operatives to get a warrant before spying on US citizens would cripple the ability to respond to a “ticking time bomb” situation.

Those claims were debunked by the heroic Edward Snowden, who made the American people aware of the extent of warrantless surveillance. Snowden, who worked as a government contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), posted in a message on X (formally known as Twitter) that the warrant amendment would not stop federal agencies from acting without a warrant in a “ticking time bomb” situation.

A vote was held Friday afternoon on the amendment requiring a warrant before Section 702 powers would be used to spy on American citizens. Despite the fearmongering by Mike Pompeo and others, as well as the opposition of both President Biden and Speaker Johnson, the amendment failed to pass by only one vote. The amendment would have passed had Speaker Johnson not cast a rare floor vote (speakers usually do not vote on legislation) against the amendment.

When the PATRIOT Act was rushed to the House floor in the fall of 2001 — weeks after 9-11 — and voted upon before members had a chance to read it, only three Republicans voted against it. One conservative representative told me he voted for it even though he agreed with my opposition to the bill. He told me, “I can’t go back home and tell my constituents I voted agent the PATRIOIT Act!”

While the failure to pass the warrant amendment was dispiriting, the fact that it failed by only one vote shows how much progress we have made. It should thus inspire us to keep encouraging Congress to refuse to take away real liberty in the name of promises of phantom security.

This article first appeared at