
Must-See! Dr. McCullough Schools ‘Occupy Democrats’ Host On Covid Jabs

Must-See! Dr. McCullough Schools ‘Occupy Democrats’ Host On Covid Jabs

adminApr 16, 20243 min read

Must-See! Dr. McCullough Schools ‘Occupy Democrats’ Host On Covid Jabs

‘The two major things that saved people’s lives were having natural immunity from the first round of infection, and then early treatment,’ says the doctor.

World-renowned Dr. Peter McCullough talked this week with Brian Shapiro of “Occupy Democrats,” resulting in an epic exchange about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 shots.

? Dr. Peter McCullough Gives a Masterclass in How to Debate COVID Vaccine Safety w/ the Occupy Democrats Network

“The same pattern is seen worldwide. There are calls to pull these vaccines off the market, they are so grossly unsafe because people die quickly after taking them.”…

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) April 16, 2024

Shapiro explained he thinks the Covid jab “saved” his life and claimed people were less likely to end up in the ICU or die of Covid if they had taken the experimental shot, asking, “Am I wrong?”

Dr. McCullough bluntly replied, “Yeah, you’re wrong and here’s the reason why. The prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials in vaccines never showed a reduction in severity, they never showed a reduction in hospitalization and death. And, what’s come out over time is the virus has mutated to become a much milder virus.”

He continued, “So, as the vaccines were rolling out, we were being confronted with a less severe virus. The other thing that happened is we learned how to treat the illness. So, we treated patients early and avoided hospitalization and death. So, the two major things that saved people’s lives were having natural immunity from the first round of infection, and then early treatment.”

The doctor also told Shapiro that with each shot an individual takes, they are more and more likely to catch Covid.

Dr. McCullough pointed out the CDC has verified over 18,000 American deaths related to the Covid shots since they were introduced when the average number used to be 150 vaccine-related deaths per year.

Dropping a bombshell, the doctor told the leftist host FDA testimony exposed the CDC’s Covid number as being underreported by a factor of thirty, making the total amount of Americans who died in connection with the experimental Covid shots around 550,000!

“The same pattern is seen worldwide, there are calls to pull these vaccines off the market because they’re so grossly unsafe,” he added.

This is the type of conversation needed to awaken those who are still open to listening.

Facebook Imposes 10-Year ‘Restriction’ on Conservative Portuguese Political Party

Facebook Imposes 10-Year ‘Restriction’ on Conservative Portuguese Political Party

adminApr 16, 20243 min read

Facebook Imposes 10-Year ‘Restriction’ on Conservative Portuguese Political Party

Conservative party gets account restricted after posting video deemed to not respect Meta’s community standards.

Portugal’s third largest political party, right-wing Chega, has received a decade-long restriction from Facebook (Meta) just a month and a half before the European Parliamentary elections.

In a post published to Facebook just hours ago, a party member with tape over their mouth brings attention to the shadow ban and said they will not be silenced.

“In Portugal and Brazil, censorship threatens to return with a vengeance. We have to be attentive. They will not pass by us,” the post reads in Portuguese.

Facebook claims the party has been restricted for not respecting community standards.

The leader of the political party, André Ventura said this is ‘political censorship’ and will refer the situation to Parliament and the courts.

“When questioned by Observador, André Ventura confirmed that the case has already been reported to Facebook, but went further and revealed that CHEGA will ‘take the matter to Parliament and all the judicial bodies until Facebook is condemned’,” the Observador reported in Portuguese on Sunday.

The Portuguese tabloid Correio da Manhã reported in Portuguese that the censorship stemmed from a post about violent gypsies.

“Two days ago, a video was published on CHEGA’s Facebook page entitled ‘Until when will we accept this impunity?’. In it,  André Ventura makes a statement in parliament and images appear of a group that admits to having beaten and shaved a woman’s hair in order to take away her children,” the Portugal Resident reported.

“In the video, André Ventura says that there is ‘brutal impunity’ with ‘the gypsy community in Portugal’ and that ‘there is only one party capable of telling the truth’,” the Portugal Resident reported.

“‘Your account is restricted for 3,649 days. Your account activity has violated our community standards. Therefore, you will not be able to perform one or more usual actions,’ was the message sent by Meta to Chega’s official Facebook account—which boasts nearly 200,000 followers—on Sunday afternoon’,” the European Conservative reported Monday.

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Trump Trial Day 2: Watch Donald Slam ‘Trump-Hating’  Judge As A ‘Total Disgrace’

Trump Trial Day 2: Watch Donald Slam ‘Trump-Hating’ Judge As A ‘Total Disgrace’

adminApr 16, 20242 min read

Trump Trial Day 2: Watch Donald Slam ‘Trump-Hating’  Judge As A ‘Total Disgrace’

‘This is all coming from the Biden White House because the guy can’t put two sentences together,’ Trump accurately noted.

Arriving for day two of his New York City trial over an alleged “hush money” payment to porn star Stormy Daniels, presidential frontrunner Donald Trump railed against the judge, Joe Biden and the show trial itself.

President Trump is fed up:

“Every legal scholar says this trial is a disgrace!”

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 16, 2024

“This is a trial that should have never been brought. It’s a trial that is being looked at all over the world, they’re analyzing it. Every legal pundit, every legal scholar said, ‘This trial is a disgrace. We have a Trump-hating judge. We have a judge who shouldn’t be on this case. He’s totally conflicted. But, this is a trial that should never happen. It should have been thrown out a long time ago.’”

Getting to the reason behind the Democrat-led legal attacks, Trump said, “I should be right now in Pennsylvania, in Florida, in many other states, North Carolina, Georgia campaigning. This is all coming from the Biden White House because the guy can’t put two sentences together. He can’t campaign. They’re using this in order to try and win an election and it’s not working that way, it’s working the opposite way.”


Peer Reviewed Study: Cancer Deaths Increase After Covid Vaccination

adminApr 16, 20243 min read
Esteemed doctor broke down a recent study in a video posted to his YouTube channel depicting massive cancer increases due to covid vaccine administration.

On Saturday, John Campbell, Ph.D. released a video discussing a Japanese peer reviewed study published April 8 in Cureus titled ‘Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan’ that indicates a significant increase in cancer deaths after inoculation with Covid gene therapy injections.

“The Japanese researchers are strongly suspecting and give good evidence for increased instance of several types of cancer, especially after the third booster dose of vaccine,” Campbell said in the video Saturday.

The paper sums up the types of cancers that were most notable.

“Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer and some specific types of cancer, namely, ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers, were observed in 2022,” the April 8 study said in it’s conclusion.

The doctor went on to discuss the paper.

“So they are not saying it’s due to reduced cancer care, they’re not saying it’s due to lockdown, they’re saying it’s an effect from the vaccine,” Campbell said. “And of course the researchers know that older people are more likely to die of cancer than younger people so of course they’ve taken that into account by the age adjusted statistics.”

Campbell clarified that the study indicates mortality, not diagnoses.

“Now I think there’s an important point here, these are talking about deaths from cancer, not new cases of cancer,” he said. “It’s reasonable to assume that many more people with these cancers were treated, their lives were extended by the oncologists and the clever doctors in Japan, so this is probably not representing the number of new cases, this is representing the number of new deaths.”

The study gave vaccination rate statistics for the island nation.

“As of March 2023, 80 percent of the Japanese population had received their first and second doses, 68 percent had received their third dose, and 45 percent had received their fourth dose,” the April 8 study said.

Campbell explained how the covid vaccinations may cause cancer to form.

“There are several mechanisms why this could be the case…blood clot effects of spike protein and lipid nanoparticles…and suppression of cancer immune-surveillance, because cancer probably arises regularly but the immune system takes care of it,” he said.

The doctor went on to say that what these findings mean for the future is unknown.

“We simply don’t know, it is concerning,” Campbell said.

Live Coverage: Iran Attacks Israel, Putin Threatens WW3

The American Journal: World On Edge Awaiting Israeli Response To Iran Attack

The American Journal: World On Edge Awaiting Israeli Response To Iran Attack

adminApr 16, 20241 min read

The American Journal: World On Edge Awaiting Israeli Response To Iran Attack

WWIII could soon erupt as the maniacs running the globe into the ground prepare for the Great Reset.

“The American Journal” is live every weekday from 8-11 am CST.

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Alex Jones Celebrates 30 Years on Air!

Alex Jones Celebrates 30 Years on Air!

adminApr 16, 20241 min read

Alex Jones Celebrates 30 Years on Air!

Alex Jones commemorated the heritage of his work fighting the New World Order.

On Monday, Infowars founder and talkshow host Alex Jones celebrated his 30 year anniversary on air with non-alcoholic sparkling wine.

“30 years folks, 30 years and we’re vindicated and way stronger than ever, and battle hardened,” Jones said while toasting glasses with the crew.

Don’t miss:

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