
Canadian Gov’t Admits Covid ‘Booster’ Paralyzed Young Mother, Offer To Euthanize Her To ‘Make Up For It’

Canadian Gov’t Admits Covid ‘Booster’ Paralyzed Young Mother, Offer To Euthanize Her To ‘Make Up For It’

adminApr 17, 20241 min read

Canadian Gov’t Admits Covid ‘Booster’ Paralyzed Young Mother, Offer To Euthanize Her To ‘Make Up For It’

Doctors within Canada’s socialized medical system have admitted that a Covid booster jab is responsible for paralyzing a 37-year-old mother from Ontario, who found herself paralyzed from the neck down within days of receiving a […]

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Watch: President Trump Greets Fans During Visit to Harlem Bodega

Watch: President Trump Greets Fans During Visit to Harlem Bodega

adminApr 16, 20242 min read

Watch: President Trump Greets Fans During Visit to Harlem Bodega

Trump flips script, uses NYC criminal trial to his advantage by campaigning in crime-stricken neighborhoods.

Former President Donald Trump connected with supporters during a brief stop at a convenience store in Harlem, where he was greeted by a large group of adoring fans.

Cameras were rolling Tuesday as Trump took advantage of having to be in New York City for his sham criminal trial by visiting the Sanaa Convenient Store in Harlem/Hamilton Heights.

President Trump about to visit Harlem/Hamilton Heights. Going to be wild.

— Gavin Mario Wax ?? ?? (@GavinWax) April 16, 2024


Trump is currently in a bodega in Harlem.

Crowd chants “4 more years!”

Biden already asleep.

— Raheem. (@RaheemKassam) April 16, 2024

RSBN is LIVE in New York City as President Trump expected to make stop at Harlem convenience store

— RSBN ?? (@RSBNetwork) April 16, 2024

President Trump visits Harlem/Hamilton Heights!

The love here is STRONG!


— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) April 16, 2024

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’re making a big play for New York… I love this city, and it’s gotten so bad in the last three years, four years, and we’re going to straighten New York out.”

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) April 16, 2024

Supporters outside the bodega chanted, “four more years!”

Trump’s getting “four more years” chants at a Harlem bodega ?

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) April 16, 2024

The site is the same store where clerk Jose Alba, in self-defense, fatally stabbed a violent ex-convict attempting to rob him, only to be later charged with murder.

Congress Muzzles Its History Of Journalistic Rape

Congress Muzzles Its History Of Journalistic Rape

adminApr 16, 20241 min read

Congress Muzzles Its History Of Journalistic Rape

Blatant corruption on display

It says a lot about our fading Republic when Congress has to hold a hearing for journalists to testify in defense of protecting their First Amendment sources.



Watch: GOP Lawmakers Grill Mayorkas Over Ties To NGO Urging Illegals To Vote For Biden in 2024 Election

adminApr 16, 20244 min read
“We know that you served as a former board member of this group that funds illegal immigration,” says Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene during impeachment hearing.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was dressed down by House Republicans on Tuesday over his alleged ties to an NGO that reportedly distributed flyers encouraging illegal aliens to vote for Joe Biden in the 2024 election.

Rep. Marjorie Greene (R-Ga.) pointed out to Mayorkas the bombshell report by Muckraker and the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project showing an NGO in Mexico distributing flyers urging illegals to vote for Biden when they invade the U.S.

“They found flyers throughout the Resource Center Matamoros (RCM) refugee camp in Mexico telling illegal aliens, ‘Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open,’” Greene told Mayorkas during the first day of his impeachment proceeding before the House Homeland Security Committee.

“Eyewitnesses saw the flyers also being handed out to migrants who were using RCM for assistance in coming to the United States.”

Secretary Mayorkas worked with dark money NGOs to finance the illegal alien invasion of America.

This is an act of treason.

The House already impeached Mayorkas, but Chuck Schumer must hold the trial to REMOVE him from office.

Mayorkas should not serve in our government.

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?? (@RepMTG) April 16, 2024

“In an audio recording, the founder of RCM named Gaby Zavala…agreed that they need to help as many people as possible before President Trump gets reelected.”

Greene went on to lambast Mayorkas for once serving as a board member for the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), for which RCM operates housing assistance for illegals.

“You’re familiar with their work. We know that you served as a former board member of this group that funds illegal immigration,” she said.

“And they’re very proud of you, Mr. Secretary. They congratulated you on your nomination [for DHS secretary],” she added, holding up the group’s congratulatory statement.

RCM bills itself as an operation which houses functions for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which helps illegal aliens enter the United States.@SecMayorkas is a former board member of HIAS, which received numerous grants from Soros’ Open Society Foundation over the years

— Oversight Project (@OversightPR) April 16, 2024

Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) later asked Mayorkas what DHS was doing to “ensure” that non-citizens can’t vote in the U.S. election, but was met with a tepid response from Mayorkas.

“What actions has the Department of Homeland Security taking to ensure, especially given the millions of illegal entries including two million ‘gotaways’, that non-citizens are being prevented from registering and voting unlawfully?” Bishop asked.

.@RepDanBishop confronts DHS Secretary Mayorkas on the RCM flyers found in Mexico allegedly encouraging illegal immigrants to vote in U.S. elections.

Mayorkas: “We do not oversee the election enrollment process; we enforce our borders.”

Bishop: So Nothing

— Media Research Center (@theMRC) April 16, 2024

Mayorkas responded that the DHS does “not oversee the election enrollment process.”

“What we do is enforce our borders, and in fact-” he said before Bishop cut him off.

“So said shorter: nothing,” Bishop interrupted. “How can Congress and the American people have confidence that the outcome of close elections will not turn on the votes of non-citizens who have registered and voted unlawfully?”

Mayorkas then changed his tune, claiming “election security is one of our priorities.”

The House voted in February by a vote of 214-213 to impeach Mayorkas over his failure to enforce border laws that have resulted in over 10 million illegal aliens pouring into the U.S. since Biden captured the White House in 2021.

Watch Mayorkas’ full testimony:

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UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Warns Deep State Will Sabotage Trump the Way It Did Her

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Warns Deep State Will Sabotage Trump the Way It Did Her

adminApr 16, 20244 min read
“The administrative state undermined Mr. Trump’s first term and undermined my tenure as Britain’s prime minister, forcing me out of office after 49 days.”

Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss says the Deep State deliberately undermined the British economy to sabotage her tenure, and warned former President Donald Trump could suffer a similar fate.

“His second term will be much like my time in office if he doesn’t confront the entrenched bureaucracy,” Truss wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Monday, titled, “The Deep State Lies in Wait for Trump.”

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Warns Deep State Will Sabotage Trump the Way It Did Her

“If the disasters of the past three years have taught us anything, it’s that we need a conservative back in the White House,” she wrote. “The West is succumbing to challenges from its enemies abroad while being undermined from within by the promotion of leftist ideologies, eco-extremism and wokeism. A Trump victory would provide much-needed leadership to the Western world.”

“But even if President Trump is re-elected, his battle will have only begun,” Truss continued. “Across the West—especially the English-speaking world—there has been a shift of power away from democratically accountable officeholders to unelected bureaucrats and technocrats.”

Let me tell you a story about an incumbent president with record-breaking economic success and an isolationist foreign policy who was crusinsing towards a second term despite being loathed by the deep state and then was suddenly hit with a black swan pandemic and race riots

— Auron MacIntyre (@AuronMacintyre) April 16, 2024

“The administrative state undermined Mr. Trump’s first term and undermined my tenure as Britain’s prime minister, forcing me out of office after 49 days.”

The British politician further details how on the eve of her introduction of a new economic plan, the Bank of England in partnership with the central bank caused turmoil in the British economy that was ultimately blamed on her administration.

As soon as I announced plans to institute a range of supply-side reforms, I was marked by the technocrats for political extinction. On the eve of the publication of our growth plan, the Bank of England raised interest rates, but not by as much as anticipated—a misstep that prompted a fall in the value of the pound, leading to higher yields on U.K. government bonds, known as gilts. The central bank also announced plans to sell £40 billion in gilts that evening, prompting private bond holders to pre-empt the sale by flooding the market with their own gilts that evening.

“Unelected bureaucrats caused this market turmoil, but elected representatives were blamed,” she wrote. “Neither I nor Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng had been given any warning before the liability-driven investment fund situation blew up.”

During a recent appearance on Fox & Friends, Truss also commented how much of the global unrest is because Western leaders, unlike Trump, are displaying weakness rather than strength on the world stage.

Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss:

“The Free World felt safer when Donald Trump was in office.”

— Proud Elephant ??? (@ProudElephantUS) April 16, 2024

“Well, if you look at what’s happened in Ukraine, what’s taking place in Israel, what’s happening with respect to the Chinese regime, the only thing these authoritarian regimes respect is strength, and the fact is the West has shown too much weakness.”

“Taking the sanctions off Iran trying to renegotiate a nuclear deal. I believe that was the wrong strategy,” Truss stated, adding, “and actually the free world felt safer when President Trump was in office, because those leaders were afraid of what Trump might do.”

<div>Stephen A. Smith: ‘Get Trump’ Lawfare Is Proof Democrats ‘Scared’ & ‘Can’t Beat Him On The Issues’</div>

Stephen A. Smith: ‘Get Trump’ Lawfare Is Proof Democrats ‘Scared’ & ‘Can’t Beat Him On The Issues’

adminApr 16, 20242 min read

<div>Stephen A. Smith: ‘Get Trump’ Lawfare Is Proof Democrats ‘Scared’ & ‘Can’t Beat Him On The Issues’</div>

U.S. citizens becoming sick of Democrats propping up Sleepy Joe Biden

ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith told his “liberal friends” that the blatant political legal attacks against Donald Trump are proving the Democrat Party cannot compete on an even playing field.

ESPN’s Stephen A Smith calls the “Get Trump” lawfare crowd a bunch of cowards:

“All you’re doing is showing that you’re scared you can’t beat him on the issues…Everything you do shows me you can’t beat him.”

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 16, 2024

“All you’re doing is showing that you’re scared you can’t beat him on the issues and the merits. That’s why he keeps saying, ‘It’s a political campaign against me.’ That’s why he keeps saying, ‘They can’t beat me at the polls. This is the only way they could do it,’” Smith said.

“And, if you don’t put him in jail and he still goes from being the presumptive GOP nominee to the official GOP nominee and he goes to the polls, even though he was gonna whine about winning and it being rigged again, you have given more fodder to that argument, which means we’ll never have peace in the country because tens of millions of people see what extent the other side is willing to go through just to keep him out of office because they can’t beat him on their own merits. And, they’re gonna say, ‘Hey. You trumped this up against him again.’ And, we’ll have no peace when all you gotta do is figure out a way to beat him on the issues.”

The video clip is going viral online as Smith’s message resonates with tens of millions of Americans who can see right through the Deep State-led Democrat lawfare against Trump.