
Fauci Exposed As A ‘Dishonest, Self-Serving Political Animal’

Fauci Exposed As A ‘Dishonest, Self-Serving Political Animal’

adminApr 17, 20241 min read

Fauci Exposed As A ‘Dishonest, Self-Serving Political Animal’

Florida Surgeon General GOES OFF on the corrupt doctor

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo recently delivered a fiery rant about the horrific medical advice given by Dr. Anthony Fauci during the Covid pandemic.

During an interview with actor Russell Brand, Ladapo said Fauci is “a dishonest, self-serving political animal who happens to have scientific training,” adding, “he is obviously a dishonest and untrustworthy person.”

The Gateway Pundit‘s Maria Zee broke down Ladapo’s comments in a video going viral online:

Russell Brand Goes Quiet as Florida Surgeon General Drops a Bomb on Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Joseph Ladapo did not mince his words.

Russell Brand asked, “Can you tell us the lessons we can learn from the figure of Anthony Fauci.”

Dr. Ladapo responded, “Maybe lesson number one is…

— The Vigilant Fox ? (@VigilantFox) April 16, 2024

Watch the original Russell Brand interview below:

2 Out of 3 Colleges Require DEI Courses — REPORT

2 Out of 3 Colleges Require DEI Courses — REPORT

adminApr 17, 20245 min read

2 Out of 3 Colleges Require DEI Courses — REPORT

Curriculum and courses have been developed to brainwash students into being liberals, according to a new report.

Two-thirds of U.S. colleges require students take Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) courses to graduate, according to an April report published by Speech First, a free speech organization focused on college advocacy.

When the organization investigated 248 colleges and universities in every state and Washington D.C., they found that a large majority force all students to take courses which indoctrinate them with the ‘Neo-liberal’ establishment school-of-thought on topics such as diversity (racial issues), equity (ensuring no one achieves more than anyone else) and inclusion (allowing those not qualified for a seat at the table to have a seat at the table).

“…a significant majority (67%) of these institutions mandate DEI academic courses to satisfy general education requirements. Among the 165 establishments we identified that enforce these requirements, 98 are public institutions, and 67 are private institutions,” the report said.

Speech First’s report was the culmination of an investigation identifying courses and training that centered on an ‘anti-racist’ premise, usually including notions such as ‘whiteness’ or ‘white supremacy’. The investigation also looked at DEI statements within college’s hiring processes.

Speech First looked at what the DEI courses seek to instill in students’s political beliefs.

“The inquiry revealed that students are subjected to courses advocating far-left ideological perspectives and pushing far-left political advocacy,” the report said.

It went on to give a deeper analysis of exactly how these courses target student’s thoughts, leading to them seeing the world through the lens of social justice, and not reality that’s based on reasoning and deduction of facts or experiences.

“…DEI mandates undermine the foundational principle of meritocracy, prioritizing identity over qualifications and competence. They go further to place students into identitarian groupings based on racial, sexual, and political characteristics to create a rigid framework amongst students where they only see each other as either the ‘oppressor’ or the ‘oppressed’,” the report said.

The report also explained how DEI remains in curriculum standards at colleges in states that have officially prohibited or defunded DEI departments.

“Ultimately, our report found that even in states that have banned DEI departments at public schools, in many cases, students are still being required to take DEI courses to graduate,” the report said.

The Heritage Foundation published a report in 2021 showing that in higher education, DEI staff made up an average 3.4 positions for every 100 tenured faculty.

Speech First documented several examples of courses and content that fulfill college’s DEI requirements.

There is the course ‘Psychology of Racism’ at Marquette University which concentrates exclusively on making black people view themselves as victims, according to the Speech First report.

You also have ‘Philosophy of Race’ at the University of San Diego which has students view everything through the lens of race and social justice, the Speech First report said.

Speech First detailed ‘Queering Childhood’ at Pomona College in Claremont which covers topics from a number of DEI authors.

There’s Jules Gill-Peterson who argued for children transitioning and challenged parental consent for puberty blockers, the Speech First report said.

There’s Alison Kafer, an associate professor of feminist studies who introduced the term ‘crip children’ in her book ‘Feminist, Queer, Crip’ in which she seeks to reclaim the word ‘cripple’ to assert pride and agency in disability communities, according to the Speech First report.

Lee Edelmann, who in his book ‘No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive’ claims that heterosexual reproduction oppresses the gays, the Speech First report said.

There’s also University of Utah English professor Kathryn Bond Stockton who teaches queer theory and literature in her book ‘The Queer Child’ where she argues that children are inherently queer, Speech First said in their report.

Speech First also chronicled courses such as ‘Social and Racial Justice: Advocacy and Action’ at Boston University that teaches students how to become social justice warriors at public protests, ‘Bad Catholics’ at Loyola Marymount University is a religious class that focuses on the bipoc and latinx through a lens of queerness, ‘Body, Culture, Power’ at Princeton University that teaches that white people are inherently bad, and lastly ‘Queer Kinship: Undoing the American Family’ at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities that teaches about patriarchal and heteronormative structures and why the family is evil.

CIA Plot To Murder Julian Assange Exposed By His Brother

Watch: Joy Reid Insinuates Trump Prosecution A Form Of Racial Vengeance

Watch: Joy Reid Insinuates Trump Prosecution A Form Of Racial Vengeance

adminApr 17, 20243 min read

Watch: Joy Reid Insinuates Trump Prosecution A Form Of Racial Vengeance

Leftist news host says it’s ‘poetic’ that several black Americans are directly involved in the political attack

MSNBC host Joy Reid celebrated the amount of black Americans involved in the blatant political persecution of Donald Trump on behalf of the corrupt Democrat-led D.C. establishment.

Joy Reid: “For me, there is something wonderfully poetic about the fact that the first person to criminally prosecute Donald Trump is a black Harvard grad. And a black woman is doing the same exact thing in Georgia. And a black woman forced you to pay a $175 million dollar fine.…

— TheBlaze (@theblaze) April 16, 2024

Joy Reid: “For me, there is something wonderfully poetic about the fact that the first person to criminally prosecute Donald Trump is a black Harvard grad. And a black woman is doing the same exact thing in Georgia. And a black woman forced you to pay a $175 million dollar fine. Donald Trump is being held to account by the very multicultural, multiracial democracy that he’s trying to dismantle. Go DEI. My DEIs are bringing it home.”

Reid was called out for the race-baiting garbage on social media:

Joy Reid is the most openly racist member of the Fake News:

“The first person to criminally prosecute Donald Trump is a black Harvard grad. And a black woman forced you to pay a $175 million dollar fine… Go DEI. My DEIs are bringing it home.”

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 17, 2024

I love Joy Anne-Weave because she just says the quiet part out loud

— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) April 16, 2024

Joy Reid suggests that the criminal cases brought against Trump is racially-based vengeance by black officials:

“Go DEI. My DEIs are bringing it home.”

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 16, 2024

Reid previously said Trump is facing “demographic reality” by sitting in a court run by a black woman.

FLASHBACK: Joy Reid laughs and states Donald Trump is now facing ‘demographic reality’ because his judge is a Jamaican woman of color

I was told this was a conspiracy

— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) April 16, 2024


Trans-Crippled Man Had Healthy Fingers Lopped Off

adminApr 17, 20244 min read
A 20 year old Quebec man got a surgeon to amputate two healthy fingers after claiming ‘body integrity dysphoria’.

In a move not dissimilar to the transgender ‘chop chop’ and ‘snip snip’, a young man in Quebec, Canada recently had two completely functional fingers surgically removed, according to a March 27 clinical case report authored by Nadia Nadeau.

According to the report, the man related his condition to gender dysphoria, a mental disease the transgenders claim to be afflicted with.

“…a 20 years old ambidextrous male experiencing profound distress over his left hand’s fourth and fifth fingers sought elective amputation after noninvasive treatments proved unsuccessful,” the report said.

The man reportedly believed that the fingers should not be there, similar to how an increasing number of individuals believe their genitals should not be there.

“He recognizes their ownership but perceives they should not belong to his body, a feeling present since childhood,” the report said.

The report stated that these fingers repeatedly traumatized him, causing him to hide them and keep them contorted in weird positions causing pain, irritability, and anger. He also experienced daily intrusive thoughts and nightmares of the fingers rotting or burning.

“…a distressing feeling that they do not belong to him, that they should not be there and that they encroach upon his being, traumatizing him repeatedly,” the report said.

The young man has not came out of the closet to his family about being transcrippled, fearing embarrassment, the report alleges.

After being drugged for months the man still wanted the fingers chopped off.

“…he tried Fluoxetine up to 80 mg and Aripiprazole 15 mg daily, tolerating it well with mild sedation for 7 months,” the report said.

The report labeled the surgery a success, in that the amputation generated great relief for the man.

“Post-surgery, nightmares stopped immediately, along with the emotional distress. Postoperative surgical pain subsided in 1 week, and no phantom pain occurred at the one-month follow-up. Functionality was not meaningfully affected. In fact, he reported that without the two fingers he was able to use his hand as he had it mapped in his mind without having the fingers bothering him. Previously, those fingers would accidentally catch onto everything when he had them flexed. He won arm-wrestling games, was able to drive his four wheels, kept working with his hands without any problem. He had constructive life plans, reduced anger, and improved well-being with family and at work. No regrets were expressed. He feared judgment in romantic relationships but adapted his discourse to disclose as desired. During follow-up visits with the physicians involved in his care, he reported that he was now able to enjoy a normal life,” the report said.

The report went into theories as to what drives a person to become transcrippled.

“As a hypothesis to explain the disorder, it has been suggested that his could stem from a disparity between the perceived body schema and reality, resulting in the conviction that amputation is essential for one’s identity,” it said, citing this study on the topic.

Similarly, Infowars covered the case of a transcrippled woman who went on the Dr. Phil show in 2015 after dumping drain cleaner in her eyes to become blind.

“I really feel this is the way I was supposed to be born, that I should have been blind from birth,” the 30-year-old says.

“In 2006, Shuping finally found someone to help her realize her dream, which is when the psychologist poured drain cleaner in her eyes. After waiting 30 minutes before going to hospital, doctors were unable to save Shuping’s eyesight, which gradually declined over the next 6 months. Despite the fact that her sister and mother completely cut off contact with her over the incident, Shuping says she has never been happier,” the Infowars article read.

CIA Plot To Murder Julian Assange Exposed By His Brother

The American Journal: Trump On Trial As Sleepy Joe Hits Campaign Trail

The American Journal: Trump On Trial As Sleepy Joe Hits Campaign Trail

adminApr 17, 20241 min read

The American Journal: Trump On Trial As Sleepy Joe Hits Campaign Trail

Deep State openly tying feet of Trump campaign while escorting feeble Biden across finish line.

“The American Journal” is live every weekday from 8-11 am CST.

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Controversial TikTok Star Kyle Marisa Roth Dead At 36

Controversial TikTok Star Kyle Marisa Roth Dead At 36

adminApr 17, 20241 min read

Controversial TikTok Star Kyle Marisa Roth Dead At 36

TikTok influencer Kyle Marisa Roth has died unexpectedly at the age of 36. Her sister announced the news on social media Monday, saying that she “passed away last week.” The cause of death has not […]

The post Controversial TikTok Star Kyle Marisa Roth Dead At 36 appeared first on The People’s Voice.