
Pfizer Slapped With Meager Fine For Promoting Its Covid-19 mRNA Injection Prior to Approval

Pfizer Slapped With Meager Fine For Promoting Its Covid-19 mRNA Injection Prior to Approval

adminApr 18, 20244 min read

Pfizer Slapped With Meager Fine For Promoting Its Covid-19 mRNA Injection Prior to Approval

The fine only equates to a mere 0.00005 percent of Pfizer’s 2021 revenues.

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer was slapped with a measly fine for promoting its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA injection before it was even approved by British authorities.

Back in November 2020, Pfizer U.K. Medical Director Dr. Berkeley Phillips shared a post from a fellow employee on Twitter (now X) about the company’s COVID-19 injection. “Our vaccine candidate is 95 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 and 94 percent effective [in preventing COVID-19] in people over 65 years old,” the post stated. Four other Pfizer U.K. employees re-tweeted the same post, and an additional four also liked it.

But the tweet did not sit well with the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA), the self-regulatory body that oversees the pharmaceutical industry in the United Kingdom. The PMPCA administers the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry Code of Practice for the industry.

According to a panel convened by the PMPCA, the November 2020 tweet “clearly referred to the outcome of the Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine being developed to protect against COVID-19.” But as per the panel, Clause 3.1 of the code “prohibited the promotion of a medicine prior to the grant of its marketing authorization” – which was only given to the injection in December 2020.

The promotion of an unlicensed medicine or unauthorized indication is a criminal offense and can merit a penalty of either imprisonment for up to two years or a fine. True enough, Pfizer was slapped with the latter and ordered to pay £34,800 ($43,270) for the violation.

But this fine only equates to a mere 0.00005 percent of Pfizer’s 2021 revenues. The Daily Exposecontinued that this penalty “is much smaller than other, larger fines that have been issued to them over the years.” Given the billions of earnings the New York-based drug giant makes every year, such a penalty amounting to tens of thousands of dollars is merely spare change.

Nothing accidental about Pfizer’s blatant deception

Phillips later remarked that the social media post that merited the fine was “accidental and unintentional.” But looking at things deeper, there is nothing accidental and unintentional about Pfizer’s deception – most especially with regard to the COVID-19 injection.

(Related: Scientist says Pfizer INTENTIONALLY DECEIVED regulators about COVID-19 vaccine contamination.)

According to the Expose, Pfizer has already been reprimanded six times for its promotion of the COVID-19 vaccine. The £34,800 ($43,270) fine also follows Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla being found guilty in November 2022 of misleading British parents over the safety of the COVID-19 injection for children.

“People will be likely to need to have annual COVID-19 vaccinations for many years to come,” Bourla told the BBC, adding that such yearly injections would be necessary to maintain a “very high level of protection.”

The Pfizer CEO also mentioned that injecting British and European children with the COVID-19 vaccine would be a “very good idea.”

“COVID-19 in schools is thriving. This is disturbing; there are kids that will have severe symptoms. So there is no doubt in my mind that the benefits, completely, are in favor of doing it.”

The Expose ultimately remarked: “Since 2009, Pfizer has been found guilty of numerous offenses and fraudulent practices – including corruption and blackmail; spinning negative data to place it in a more positive light; negligence; failing to warn of drug risks; acting fraudulently with a blatant disregard for human lives and the law; [and] stalking and terrorizing whistleblowers and their families.”

Pfizer’s actions have even been judged to be ‘highly unethical, harmful to science, wasteful of public resources and potentially dangerous to the public’s health.’ Yet over the years, ‘consequences’ for Pfizer have been minuscule compared to the massive profits they have earned.”

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House Rejects Bill That Would Require Feds To Obtain a Warrant To Spy on Americans

House Rejects Bill That Would Require Feds To Obtain a Warrant To Spy on Americans

adminApr 18, 20241 min read

House Rejects Bill That Would Require Feds To Obtain a Warrant To Spy on Americans

Congress has rejected a bill that would require the federal government to obtain a warrant to spy on Americans’ private data via third parties. HR 4639, “The Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act” (FANSA), […]

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How mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Are Actually Destroying People’s Immune Systems

How mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Are Actually Destroying People’s Immune Systems

adminApr 18, 20245 min read

How mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Are Actually Destroying People’s Immune Systems

Learn the underlying mechanisms to which the gene therapy lethal covid injections wreck havoc on the immune system.

Now that a few years have passed since the first mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were administered, their effects on the immune system are becoming painfully obvious – and some medical experts are concerned about the potential impact on human health.

mRNA, or messenger RNA, vaccines are a relatively new player in the vaccine field. Their goal is to invade the body’s cells and teach them how they can generate a protein that will spur an immune response to produce antibodies that can prevent infection should an actual virus enter the body.

They are different from traditional vaccines in the sense that they do not use a weakened or live virus in order to cause the desired immune response. Instead, they used genetic material, or mRNA, to provide the instructions for producing the target viral protein. The mRNA is packaged inside a protective lipid nanoparticle that will help the genetic material make its way into the cells. There, it will produce the viral protein so the immune system can recognize it and create antibodies that will neutralize it. This is why many people are likening them to gene therapy injections.

While this may sound like an effective approach in theory, there are actually many shortcomings to the process. However, of greater concern to many people are the potential side effects, many of which are unknown because the technology is so new and there have been no long-term studies on the effects of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

We do know, however, that mRNA vaccines can cause a person’s immune system to become overstimulated, which is why so many people are experiencing inflammation and autoimmune reactions to the jabs. And while authorities claimed that the mRNA in these vaccines breaks down quickly and is eliminated by the body when they were pushing the jabs on the masses, this has turned out not to be the case at all.

In fact, these vaccines were given emergency use authorization when clinical trials with them were only in phase 3 and real-world data was already showing a higher mortality rate among vaccinated individuals compared to those who were not vaccinated. They were also showing a higher risk of getting infected with the virus. This and other evidence pointed to COVID-19 vaccines destroying people’s natural immune responses.

Activating latent viruses

Another big risk of the jabs was severely underplayed by authorities: the activation of latent viruses. Many scientists were immediately concerned that these jabs could activate dormant viruses such as HIV and herpes and pushed for further research to be conducted into these risks before rolling out the shots.

Latent viruses can sit in the body in a dormant state for extended periods of time without causing any obvious symptoms. However, when the immune system is activated by mRNA jabs and produces chemokines and cytokines that signal molecules to recruit immune cells to the infection site, the cells may recognize and target latent viruses, activating and replicating them.

In addition, we now know that mRNA from these vaccines does not degrade quickly and is not eliminated by the body rapidly. Instead, it multiplies millions of times and can make its way across the blood-brain barrier. This is why these vaccines are perfectly capable of activating latent viruses.

Another big problem with these vaccines is their potential to alter the ability of a person’s immune system to recognize and respond to other pathogens. This could compromise the immune system’s effectiveness when it comes to fighting off all types of infections and raise a person’s risk of disease. This may also help explain why there is a much higher mortality rate among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.

Virologist warns of hospital collapse

While mRNA vaccines are still the subject of ongoing research, early data shows that the benefits of these jabs do not come close to outweighing the potential risks, particularly when you consider their inability to prevent the transmission of the virus from person to person.

Esteemed Belgian virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has warned that a huge wave of illnesses and deaths among the highly vaccinated population with their compromised immune systems is just around the corner, causing the collapse of the hospital system and social, financial and economic chaos.

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UK: Illegal Migrant Who Protested With Sign Reading ‘Migrants Are Not Criminals’ Pleads Guilty to Rape of 15-Year-Old Girl

UK: Illegal Migrant Who Protested With Sign Reading ‘Migrants Are Not Criminals’ Pleads Guilty to Rape of 15-Year-Old Girl

adminApr 18, 20242 min read

UK: Illegal Migrant Who Protested With Sign Reading ‘Migrants Are Not Criminals’ Pleads Guilty to Rape of 15-Year-Old Girl

Several attempts to deport Congolese national Anicet Mayela prior to the attack were thwarted by human rights lawyers and feigned injuries.

A Congolese migrant who had his deportation from the U.K. blocked by an airline’s cabin crew and previously campaigned outside a detention center with a sign that read, “Migrants are not criminals,” has pleaded guilty to raping a 15-year-old girl.

Anicet Mayela entered his guilty plea at Oxford Crown Court last Friday for one count of rape of a former economics student. The court heard how there was a high level of “dangerousness” surrounding the attack, which is understood to have taken place between Dec. 1 and Dec. 31 last year.

The Congolese national had been living in Britain since 2004 when he paid smugglers to help him escape his country of origin where he claimed he was being persecuted.

Several attempts by the U.K. Home Office to deport him were thwarted by feigned injuries and legal challenges, including an incident back in May 2005 when a planned deportation flight was prevented from taking off by Air France cabin crew who claimed public officials had broken Mayela’s hand after handcuffing him.

With the aid of left-wing charities, including the Institute of Race Relations, and immigration lawyers, the Congolese national won leave to remain in Britain later that year after successfully arguing a return to his homeland would be a violation of his human rights.

Mayela used the opportunity to actively campaign against the deportation of illegal migrants, participating in a demonstration near his detention center in Oxford where he spoke to the BBC and hung a sign around his neck that read, “Migrants are not criminals.”

“I am here to support my friends. I have been inside here, and at Colnbrook,” he told the U.K.’s public broadcaster from outside the detention center.

On Friday, Mayela was ordered to remain in custody while a pre-sentencing report was prepared.

He is scheduled to return for sentencing on May 10.

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No More Russian Language on Air in Three Months – Kiev

No More Russian Language on Air in Three Months – Kiev

adminApr 18, 20243 min read

No More Russian Language on Air in Three Months – Kiev

Ukraine’s goal of eradicating bilingual media content has almost been achieved, the government has claimed.

Ukraine’s ban on using the Russian language in the media will take full effect three months from now, Kiev’s state language protection commissioner, Taras Kremin, has said.

Since gaining independence, Ukraine has been a bilingual nation, with most citizens able to speak or understand both Russian and Ukrainian. After the US-backed coup in Kiev in 2014, the new nationalist authorities adopted policies aimed at suppressing the Russian language, on the grounds of national unity and security.

The restrictions include a requirement for national media to predominantly use Ukrainian in broadcasts. The permitted share of content in Russian has declined from 40% in 2016 to an almost complete ban, which will come into force in July – the deadline that Kremin referred to in his statement on Wednesday.

“Today national television channels practice bilingual Ukrainian-Russian programming, in which participants use the Russian language without a translation or subtitles,” he said. “Starting on July 17, this practice will end. There will be more Ukrainian language!”

Read more ‘There are no Russian-speaking Ukrainians’ – Kiev 

The push by Ukrainian nationalist leaders to impose the state language on Russian-speakers living in the east of the country was a major reason for locals’ rejection of the post-coup authorities. One of the first acts of those who seized power in Kiev was to abolish a law adopted in 2012, which gave the Russian language official regional status.

The new authorities have been adopting laws to eradicate Russian from all spheres of public life, including education, entertainment, and even services provided by private businesses.

In an interview last year, Kremin denied that some Ukrainian citizens could be called Russian-speaking, describing the term was “a marker introduced by Russian ideology,” and declared that “everyone in the country must have a command of the Ukrainian language.”

In contrast, this week the leader of another post-Soviet nation, Kazakhstan, rejected the notion that one language spoken by his people should be favored over others.

READ MORE: Zelensky’s comedy partner slams campaign against Russian language

“Young people now are fluent in the state [Kazakh] language, in Russian language, in English and other languages, and that is good,” President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said on Tuesday. “It’s ridiculous to ramp up hysterics over a language, let alone fight against one, as they did in some other states. We all see what they have now as a result.”

The Kazakh leader did not specify which other nations he was referring to.

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Woke Maryland Private School Want To Know The Gender Identity Of Young Students, And If They Had ‘Oral Sex’

Woke Maryland Private School Want To Know The Gender Identity Of Young Students, And If They Had ‘Oral Sex’

adminApr 18, 20243 min read
Schools are increasingly moving toward the realm of pedophilia.

The parents of an elite Baltimore County, Maryland, private school, where tuition ranges from $32,000 for lower school to as high as $38,000 for upper school per year, are beyond frustrated. Many can’t voice their concerns about the woke mind virus infecting the school’s administration because contracts signed during the Covid era silence them from speaking out. 

The St. Paul’s School in the Greenspring area, just above imploding Baltimore City, and nestled in steeplechase horse country, continues to have a weird fetish about asking young, vulnerable students about their “gender” and “sexuality.”

In January, parents went bonkers when an “identity inventory” was handed out to young boys. The questionnaire asked them if they were “Cisgender” or “Transgender” or “Gender Non-Conforming” or “Agender.” 

Woke Maryland Private School Want To Know The Gender Identity Of Young Students, And If They Had ‘Oral Sex’

After the school hushed up several parents, making an example out of at least one, where the parent’s kids were suspended then reinstated after the parent spoke out on social media about wokenism being injected into the curriculum, the school could not help itself by going down the woke rabbit hole – once again. 

Yet more parents have contacted us about another survey given to young girls at the school. This time, it’s called the “Independent School Health Check,” and it was administered by the Indiana University Center For Survey Research. 

Parents are particularly livid with these two questions (and the answers)

  1. “Do you currently identify your gender as being the same or different from your sex assigned at birth?”
  2. “How do you describe yourself?”

One very concerned parent asked why their kids are data mined by the school like Google does for internet search browsers.

Another parent voiced concerns that other private schools in the area have “gone full woke,” while public schools in the state are imploding. 

The lesson learned is parents need to heavily vet schools and or get involved to ensure their children are not being brainwashed by dangerous wokeism. 

As for the concerned parents, now is the best time to homeschool – or how about – starting a non-woke school that actually focuses on learning instead of toxic gender nonsense.

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