
Illegal Alien Arrested for Stabbing Fellow Illegal to Death at Florida Hotel

Illegal Alien Arrested for Stabbing Fellow Illegal to Death at Florida Hotel

adminApr 18, 20242 min read

Illegal Alien Arrested for Stabbing Fellow Illegal to Death at Florida Hotel

Guatemalan illegal found running along I-75 after allegedly murdering another Guatemalan man

Authorities arrested a male illegal alien who allegedly murdered one of his fellow countrymen at a hotel in Florida over the weekend.

The shocking incident unfolded on Saturday evening in Wildwood, a city in Sumter County approximately 60 miles south of Gainesville.

Police were called to a Day’s Inn just after 7:30 p.m. due to a stabbing on the premises.

Deputies with the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) discovered a Hispanic male suffering from knife wounds to the chest.

The victim was airlifted Shands Hospital in Gainesville but could not be saved.

? Sumter County, FL: Sheriff’s office reports that one illegal alien was stabbed and killed by another over the weekend.

“The suspect was identified as Ricardo Agustin Lorenzo…an illegal immigrant from Guatemala.”

The victim, Bilder Eulaio Pablo, was also Guatemalan.

— Illegal Alien Crimes (@ImmigrantCrimes) April 16, 2024

“A short time after the incident was reported to the Sheriff’s Office, Deputies located the suspect traveling southbound on foot along Interstate 75,” SCSO explained in a press release.

“The suspect attempted to evade deputies by hiding in the wood line along Interstate 75 but was apprehended a short time later.”

Ricardo Agustin Lorenzo, 49, was charged with second-degree murder and ordered held on no bond.

Authorities discovered he is an illegal alien from Guatemala and Immigration and Customs Enforcement has lodged a detainer against him.

The victim, identified as 25-year-old Bilder Eulaio Pablo, was also determined to a Guatemalan national illegally present in the U.S. at the time of his death.

An investigation is ongoing.

InfoWars has been documenting the surge of crime fueled by the ongoing Biden border invasion.

Penn Station was slammed by hundreds of illegal aliens arriving to New York City this week.

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Video: Moment Judge Finds Mother ‘Not Guilty’ After Smothering 2-Month-Old Daughter To Death While On Meth

Video: Moment Judge Finds Mother ‘Not Guilty’ After Smothering 2-Month-Old Daughter To Death While On Meth

adminApr 18, 20242 min read

Video: Moment Judge Finds Mother ‘Not Guilty’ After Smothering 2-Month-Old Daughter To Death While On Meth

Judge equated the drug-fueled rage to partying on the weekend

A shocking story is going viral online as a black woman was found “not guilty” for child neglect after she admitted to killing her own two-month-old daughter by smothering her with a couch cushion while high on methamphetamines.

According to Fox 59, “Court records show the mother gave a lengthy confession in which she tearfully admitted she smothered her daughter in the couch cushions because she was high on meth and wanted the child to stop crying and be quiet so she could get some sleep.”

Indianapolis judge finds mother not guilty in death of infant daughter after she admitted to smothering the child while high on meth

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) April 18, 2024

Explaining the reason behind the bizarre ruling, the judge presiding over the case “insisted prosecutors didn’t prove she intentionally harmed her daughter,” telling prosecutors “they charged the suspect with the wrong crime,” according to the outlet.

Did the prosecutors intentionally charge the mother with the wrong crime, or is this another example of government failure?

<div>Top UK Newspaper Says USA Civil War ‘Increasingly Plausible’ & ‘More’ Insurrections Likely</div>

Top UK Newspaper Says USA Civil War ‘Increasingly Plausible’ & ‘More’ Insurrections Likely

adminApr 18, 20243 min read

<div>Top UK Newspaper Says USA Civil War ‘Increasingly Plausible’ & ‘More’ Insurrections Likely</div>

Establishment media continues pushing divisive rhetoric as the ruling class loses influence over the masses

The Metro, Britain’s most circulated freesheet tabloid newspaper, ran an article on Thursday claiming the United States could soon go through a second civil war.

Could a second American civil war happen? Maybe, says @DouthatNYT. But the movie “Civil War” shows how far we are from that happening anytime soon.


— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) April 18, 2024

“Second US civil war becoming ‘increasingly plausible’ as more insurrections likely,” reads the headline.

The article claimed slavery was the key cause of the Civil War before jumping to modern times and labeling the January 6th setup a deadly “insurrection.”

The piece focused on a study by a California State University San Bernardino team of researchers comparing the “social psychology of the United States of the 1850s to today.”

The team claimed there are “striking similarities” between pre-Civil War America and the modern social climate.

After painting the picture that America is headed for another domestic fight, the authors offered a gloomy prediction for the future, writing, “We argue the likelihood of protracted social and political conflicts lasting decades – if not generations – are essentially inevitable and will engulf public administration as well.”

Overall, the publication concluded that if an all-out civil war doesn’t take place, other politically motivated social turmoil will almost undoubtedly occur.

The paper even suggested a person or group may refuse to “relinquish power,” perhaps insinuating Donald Trump wants to become a dictator as mainstream media and Democrat politicians have repeatedly claimed.

“At least for the foreseeable future, more likely are trajectories moving toward other types of social unrest short of civil war – ongoing civil strife, additional insurrections, decades-long intraregional political gridlock causing widespread administrative dysfunction, and even a failure to relinquish power,” the researchers wrote.

This was published just after the film “Civil War” was released, in what many people are calling a blatant example of “predictive programming” by the elite.


Caught in the web of social media manipulation? This movie, a masterclass in “Predictive Programming,” isn’t just a film; it’s a psychological warfare tool aimed at seeding the terrifying notion of a “Civil War” among Americans.…

— ALPHAWARRIOR (@xAlphaWarriorx) April 12, 2024

The social engineers want Americans distracted and divided so they can pillage our resources as we focus our attention on each other instead of the people responsible for destroying the greatest nation in the world.

UK Conservative Party Pushing Smoking Ban For Those Born After 2008

UK Conservative Party Pushing Smoking Ban For Those Born After 2008

adminApr 18, 20243 min read

UK Conservative Party Pushing Smoking Ban For Those Born After 2008

The home of Winston Churchill to ban smoking for all adults born after January 1, 2009 regardless of age.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s party saw victory on Tuesday when Parliament voted largely in favor of a smoking ban that would prohibit anyone born after January 1, 2008 from ever being able to purchase tobacco products in England.

The measure, that was introduced on March 20 seeks to create a ‘smoke free generation’, despite critics saying the act will create a two-tiered society of adults who can and can’t buy tobacco products once those born post-2008 reach adulthood.

“Under the Tobacco and Vapes Bill introduced today, children turning 15 this year or younger will never legally be able to be sold tobacco,” the government press release stated.

The press release went on to discuss the negative health impacts of smoking and how the ban will reduce costs for the government-run health system.

In a vote held Tuesday, 383 MP’s voted in favor of the smoking ban, while 67 voted against it.

Critics in the U.K. have discussed the irony of a country once run by cigar-smoking Winston Churchill phasing out all forms of smoking for it’s citizens.

‘This policy is so bizarre’

Jacob Rees-Mogg echoes Boris Johsnon’s comments made earlier about Rishi Sunak’s smoking ban, where the ex-PM called it ‘absolutely nuts’.

— GB News (@GBNEWS) April 11, 2024

? ?️ “What your going to obviously see here is a very slow but steady growing black market.”@cjsnowdon discusses the generational smoking ban and its impact on criminal activity on @GBNews ?

— IEA (@iealondon) April 16, 2024

Critics of the legislation also pointed out that prohibition has never worked and only serves to drive a black market.

‘What we don’t need now is more bans, more restrictions, if the Government can’t even enforce its existing laws.’

Cheif Executive of the UK Vaping Industry Association, Andrej Kuttruf, explains what he thinks would be a better alternative to the Government’s smoking ban plan.

— GB News (@GBNEWS) April 16, 2024

New Zealand attempted a similar legislation, but scrapped it soon after.

BREAKING: Germany Announces Plan To Ban Private Car Ownership

The American Journal: Humanity Enters Age Of AI Warfare

The American Journal: Humanity Enters Age Of AI Warfare

adminApr 18, 20241 min read

The American Journal: Humanity Enters Age Of AI Warfare

Artificial Intelligence deciding who lives and dies on the battlefield.

“The American Journal” is live every weekday from 8-11 am CST.

As I said a month ago this is robotic genocide. Let the computer tell other computers who to kill so humans have no guilt or decision making duties that can get in the way of the machinery of death.

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 18, 2024


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Cannibals Ate ‘Uncle Bosey’ — Biden

Cannibals Ate ‘Uncle Bosey’ — Biden

adminApr 18, 20245 min read
Joe Biden made up fake stories for unpublicized campaign ‘rallies’.

President Joe Biden twice mumbled false stories about his ‘Uncle Bosey’, insinuating the family member had been eaten by cannibals during World War II when the 81-year-old was taken out to campaign on Wednesday.

The first instance of the President relishing the fictional story regarding Uncle Bosey was at the Scranton, Pennsylvania airport around noon Wednesday, a day after the tired looking President gave two speeches in the Electric City, with nearly no warning to supporters on venue location.

Biden tells a story about his grandfather being “shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals” before recounting the debunked “suckers and losers” hoax for the second time in less than a day

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 17, 2024

Biden then flew off to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he spoke to the United Steel Workers union Wednesday. A confused and sleepy looking Biden then began to speak of the ill-fated Bosey once again.

Biden, for the third time in less than 24 hours, tells the dubious story about his “Uncle Bosey” and “a lot of cannibals” in New Guinea before repeating the debunked “suckers and losers” hoax.

He also claims D-Day was on a Sunday (it was on a Tuesday).


— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 17, 2024

The U.S. government claimed Uncle Bosey faced a very different fate during the war.

“For unknown reasons, this plane was forced to ditch in the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea. Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft’s nose hit the water hard. Three men failed to emerge from the sinking wreck and were lost in the crash. One crew member survived and was rescued by a passing barge,” the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency said about 2D LT Ambrose J. Finnegan (Uncle Bosey).

Biden kicked off his 2024 presidential campaign rallies this week in Pennsylvania, despite his campaign website not having a link to an events page as of 10:51 am Eastern on Tuesday.

Cannibals Ate ‘Uncle Bosey’ — Biden

When searching for the campaign site, search engines do however show an events page, yet when screenshotted at 10:54 am Eastern, just hours prior to the 2 pm Eastern Scranton speech, it did not show any rallies or speeches anywhere, even in Scranton when the city’s location had been selected.

When screenshotted at 10:48 am Eastern Tuesday morning, before Biden’s first Scranton speech, the White House also did not mention the venue location or even the time of the Scranton speeches.

The website Factbase did however list Biden’s campaign events when screenshotted at 10:49 am Tuesday, yet still did not list venue locations for the 2 pm Eastern nor the 5:40 pm Eastern campaign events.

Several mainstream media publications reported on the illusive Scranton speeches, yet none listed venue locations when screenshotted between 10:58 am to 11:23 am Eastern Tuesday.

Notably, the Times Tribune wrote on Friday that that the venue location was still unknown, yet speculated on a ‘cultural center’ in a Masonic temple due to enhanced police activity in the area, a speculation that later turned out to be right.

“Details of the visit, including times and exact locations, were unavailable Friday. However, there was a large law enforcement presence at the Scranton Cultural Center at the Masonic Temple around 12 45 p.m. Friday as members of the United States Secret Service, the Scranton Police Department, Scranton Fire Department fire inspectors and Pennsytvania Ambulance’s operations manager met. A group of law enforcement officials appeared to be inspecting the area, pointing up toward tall buildings surrounding the cultural center at 420 N. Washington Ave.,” the Times Tribune wrote Friday.

Only a local media organization, PA Homepage reported the exact location of the venue in an article published 10:46 am Eastern Tuesday and screenshotted at 11:07 am Eastern, about three hours before the President was set to take stage in the Masonic temple. The evening event was still left nebulous.

Footage of the first Scranton event was posted on Twitter X by Addison Smith and Jarrett Renshaw.

Biden set to speak in his hometown of Scranton PA this afternoon.

The press line (left) is currently longer than the attendee line (right).

— Addison Smith (@AddisonSmithTV) April 16, 2024

At @POTUS campaign event in biden hometown of Scranton where he is expected to renew calls to raise taxes on wealthy Americans

— Jarrett Renshaw (@JarrettRenshaw) April 16, 2024

The President mumbled his way through the speech, misspeaking several times.

“But you could never shit at the table” – Joe Biden

— Sean Seraphim Alexander Miller (@IWArchivist) April 16, 2024

Infowars writer Sean Miller reached out to the Biden campaign via email at 10:47 am Eastern Tuesday to inquire on rally venue locations. The campaign did not comment.

BREAKING: Germany Announces Plan To Ban Private Car Ownership