
This Is The Uniparty ‘Reveal’: Speaker Johnson To Pass .3 Billion Foreign Aid Package Using Democrats

This Is The Uniparty ‘Reveal’: Speaker Johnson To Pass $95.3 Billion Foreign Aid Package Using Democrats

adminApr 18, 20246 min read

This Is The Uniparty ‘Reveal’: Speaker Johnson To Pass .3 Billion Foreign Aid Package Using Democrats

In order to appease said base, Johnson – who faces a growing threat of removal by House conservatives – has added a US border security measure to the package.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is scrambling – both to keep his job, and to pass several bills to devote billions in US taxpayer funds to foreign entanglements that Johnson’s conservative base has little-to-no appetite for.

The bills would provide around $60.8 billion for Ukraine, $26.4 billion for Israel, and $8.1 billion for Taiwan. Meanwhile, following Republican outcry – Johnson included a fifth bill which would revive the Secure Border Act – so US border security is essentially an afterthought.

In order to appease said base, Johnson – who faces a growing threat of removal by House conservatives – has added a US border security measure to the package, which he told lawmakers the House would vote on Saturday night. The $95.3 billion package includes three aid bills to send funds to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, after claiming that the situation in Ukraine was at a tipping point, and the “axis of evil” of Russia, China and Iran are coordinating to help Russia to push further into Europe, like Hitler.

Speaker Mike Johnson: “We’re going to stand for freedom and make sure that Putin doesn’t march through Europe… we’re the greatest Nation on the planet, and we have to act like it”

He confirms Trump supports him and the record-breaking Ukraine funding plan he just introduced

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 17, 2024


“To put it bluntly, I would rather send bullets to Ukraine than American boys,” said Johnson, the Washington Times reports.

He’s a stupid, gullible, dishonest person whose incompetence is eclipsed only by his cowardice. Imagine being alive and sentient and witnessing the last 10 years of Deep State skullduggery and then allowing yourself to be manipulated by the most corrupt intelligence apparatus on…

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2024

The Ukraine aid would be provided as a loan, but with provisions allowing for the loan to be canceled.

A fourth bill would allow the use of seized Russian assets for aid, and sanctions for Russia, China and Iran. It also includes the language of a House-passed bill requiring TikTok to divest from China, a proposal that stalled in the Senate.

A fifth, separate bill includes core components of the House GOP’s Secure the Border Act. -Washington Times.

Far-right conservatives in the House balked at the new plan, calling the border language “watered down” and demanding it to be attached to Ukraine aid.

Conservatives slam

Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) called it a “joke,” arguing that Johnson is more worried about Ukraine than the US-Mexico border – which the speaker had previously promised to pair together.

“He certainly doesn’t want to try to use border security because I guess he’s afraid it might mess up Ukraine,” Good added.

Rep. Thomas Massie said on X that Johnson “plans to pass the rule for the $100 billion foreign aid package using Democrats on the Rules Committee,” adding “This is the Uniparty “reveal.””

This is the Uniparty “reveal.”

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) April 18, 2024

GOP Gives up on Johnson: @RepThomasMassie says Mike Johnson has betrayed the Republican conference on 2 big occasions and he is about to do it a third time. Massie has called on Johnson to resign as John Boehner did and allow the GOP to elect a new speaker. #TheGreatAmericaShow

— Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) April 18, 2024

The Secure Border Act – passed by the House but shut down in the Democrat-led, open-border Senate, would restart the construction of Donald Trump’s southern border wall, and would include other measures to stem the flow of migrants.

Momentum Builds for Ouster

According to The Hill, momentum is “growing quickly” to oust (‘vacate’) Johnson if he moves to alter the ‘motion to vacate’ rule as part of the above package. The move would raise the threshold for forcing a vote on a motion to vacate – which can currently be called by a single lawmaker. This would reverse an agreement struck between former GOP Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA) and conservatives in January of last year as a condition of their support for his leadership.

Johnson denied that he’s considering such a modification, however he told CNN on Wednesday that the ouster mechanism “has been abused in recent times,” adding that “maybe, at some point, we change that.”

The denial has done little to mollify the conservatives, who huddled with Johnson for a long and tense discussion on the chamber floor Thursday — a meeting that featured plenty of yelling. Afterward, some of the conservatives said they’re ready to support a motion to vacate if Johnson endorses the rule change making it harder to launch that very process. 

It’s a red line for me, for sure,” Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) told reporters after the gathering broke up.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who led the effort to oust McCarthy from the Speakership in October, would not commit to supporting Johnson’s removal over the rule change but suggested that it could be the last straw for him.

I think a motion to vacate is something that could put the conference in peril, and Ms. Boebert and I were working to avoid that,” Gaetz said. “Our goal is to avoid a motion to vacate. But we are not going to surrender that accountability tool, particularly in a time when we are seeing America’s interests subjugated to foreign interests abroad.” –The Hill

The controversy comes as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has repeatedly threatened to drop a motion to vacate on Johnson over his willingness to negotiate deals with Democrats on key issues such as federal spending, government surveillance, and most recently – Ukraine aid.

“He’s serving Ukraine first and America last, and that would be the worst thing to do,” said Greene. “I can’t think of a worse betrayal ever to happen in United States history. And here’s what’s really ironic: the constitutional attorney, Mike Johnson, is literally betraying the American people in order to keep his grip of power on the Speakership.”

Watch: Democratic Leaders Tell America That Illegal Aliens Come First
Clown World: Students Stage Walk Out to Protest ‘Furries’ in Middle School

Clown World: Students Stage Walk Out to Protest ‘Furries’ in Middle School

adminApr 18, 20244 min read

Clown World: Students Stage Walk Out to Protest ‘Furries’ in Middle School

Students claim furries causing distractions by biting, scratching, spraying air freshener on, barking at, and chasing other students.

Students at a middle school in Utah walked out of class Wednesday in protest of a policy allowing peers to attend classes dressed in cartoonish animal costumes, otherwise known as “furries.”

Mt. Nebo Middle School students report furries have been causing disruptions by biting, scratching, spraying air freshener on, barking at, and chasing other students, as detailed by

What a time to be alive.

Yesterday, over 70 students walked out of Mt. Nebo School to protest the school for letting “furries” to bite, bark, & lick them.

ABC even interviewed a “member of the furry community” (they/them) to give a comment about the situation:

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 18, 2024

Wednesday’s hours-long protest was evidently an effort by students to demand the district enforce its dress code policy, as put forth in a petition that’s received over 1,400 signatures.

Students reportedly carried signs reading, “Compelled speech is not free speech,” “I will not comply,” and “We just wanted to learn.”

“We’re standing up for what we believe is right,” one student told the media outlet.

Speaking to, a furry named Strudel explained, “Furry is a fandom,” and claimed, “We don’t think that we’re animals.”

“I really like the idea of animals that walk and talk, so I’m going to dress up as one, as kind of a fun sort of cosplay thing,” described Strudel.

The protest comes as some students claim furries have been acting out towards other members of the student body.

“There was some kids dressed up as animals and I heard that another kid got bit by one of them,” one parent told ABC4.

“Back when I went to school, you couldn’t dress that way. You couldn’t do certain things, and I think it kind of has to go back a little bit. And I know kids need their own personalities, but it’s ridiculous when kids are dressing like animals and licking and biting people. I just don’t think that’s ok,” she added.

However, according to a district spokesperson, the problem has been embellished and possibly altogether fabricated.

From ABC4:

“A lot of the information that’s been put out there is completely incorrect and inaccurate,” Nebo School District Public Information Officer Seth Sorensen told

While Sorensen said there have been issues with harassment or students making others feel uncomfortable or unsafe, he said most of the claims online are false.

“The administration at the school addressed that with the entire student body and they sent out a couple of emails,” Sorensen said. “Some of those emails were misinterpreted, and parents took to online formats to voice some of their concerns and questions.”

Moreover, Sorensen said videos circulating online showing furries at school didn’t come from Mt. Nebo and called reports of furries “a little bit inaccurate.”

“Today, we had some students and parents choose to exercise their right to assemble, and do a little protest for what they perceived was something that was happening in the school,” he insisted. “It actually is not something that’s been occurring.”

Even Strudel conceded school’s not the right place for cosplay, saying, “school is for learning.”

Pfizer Lied to Us Again

Pfizer Lied to Us Again

adminApr 18, 20249 min read
Much of the blame for the vaccines’ underperformance could be placed on Pfizer itself; the company relentlessly promoted hopelessly inaccurate efficacy estimates and supported efforts to unnecessarily mandate mRNA shots.

There used to be a time where claims from pharmaceutical companies may have been treated with some degree of skepticism from major institutions and media outlets.

Yet in late 2020 and into 2021, suddenly skepticism turned to complete blind faith. But what changed? Why, political incentives, of course!

Initially, Covid vaccines produced by Pfizer were seen as dangerous and untested; they were considered a Trump vaccine that only idiots who were willing to risk their own health would take. However when the 2020 election had been officially decided, and Biden and his political allies represented the Covid vaccines as the pathway out of the pandemic, a moral choice that would help yourself and others, narratives and incentives changed dramatically.

Pfizer became a heroic symbol of virtue, and all questioning of Covid vaccines was grounds for immediate expulsion from polite society, regardless of the actual efficacy of Pfizer’s products.

Much of the blame for the vaccines’ underperformance could be placed on Pfizer itself; the company relentlessly promoted hopelessly inaccurate efficacy estimates and supported efforts to unnecessarily mandate mRNA shots. 

Sure enough, on the back of progressive orthodoxy, corporate and institutional incompetence and media activism, they proudly reported record revenues.

We all know how that turned out in 2022 and 2023. 

Skepticism towards Pfizer’s vaccine was obviously quite well warranted. And it turns out that now we, and of course, Pfizer’s chief promoters in the media and public health class should have been even more skeptical.

They weren’t.

Pfizer’s Claims On Covid Treatments Were Wildly Inaccurate

As the Covid vaccines failed spectacularly to stop the spread of infections and did nothing to lessen all-cause mortality or even decrease population level Covid-associated deaths in highly vaccinated countries, Pfizer saw another opportunity.

Sure, their signature product failed to perform as expected. So why not create another one as an antidote?

Enter Paxlovid. 

Paxlovid, an antiviral drug, was supposed to help individuals with symptomatic Covid, who’d already been infected, recover more quickly and lessen the risk of severe illness. Sounds great right? 

It would appear that it sure did to Anthony Fauci and the cadre of media-promoted “experts.” 

Fauci praised Paxlovid in 2022, after the mRNA vaccines and booster doses failed to prevent him from contracting Covid. Bizarrely, Fauci implied that the same Pfizer products that he demanded everyone take would not have been enough to keep him healthy, saying that he believed Paxlovid had kept him out of the hospital.

Pfizer Lied to Us Again

Never mind, of course, that Fauci had a “rebound” case of Covid-19 after taking Paxlovid and getting vaccinated and boosted. Acknowledging imperfections would undercut his desire to get everyone to take more of his preferred products. 

Paxlovid made headlines again later in 2022 as Rochelle Walensky also praised Pfizer’s efforts, despite once again testing positive for “rebound” Covid after Paxlovid treatments.

Even today, the CDC’s own website says Paxlovid is an “effective” treatment for those who’ve contracted the virus and want to avoid severe illness. 

There’s just one problem; it’s not true.

A newly released study on Paxlovid on randomized adults with symptomatic Covid; one subset was given Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir-ritonavir) or a placebo every 12 hours for five days, with the intent of determining how effective it was at “sustained alleviation” of Covid-19 symptoms.

In this phase 2–3 trial, we randomly assigned adults who had confirmed Covid-19 with symptom onset within the past 5 days in a 1:1 ratio to receive nirmatrelvir–ritonavir or placebo every 12 hours for 5 days. Patients who were fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and who had at least one risk factor for severe disease, as well as patients without such risk factors who had never been vaccinated against Covid-19 or had not been vaccinated within the previous year, were eligible for participation. Participants logged the presence and severity of prespecified Covid-19 signs and symptoms daily from day 1 through day 28. The primary end point was the time to sustained alleviation of all targeted Covid-19 signs and symptoms. Covid-19–related hospitalization and death from any cause were also assessed through day 28.

Spoiler alert: it wasn’t effective at all.

Their measured results revealed that there was effectively no difference whatsoever in the “sustained alleviation” of symptoms between Paxlovid and a placebo. Those taking Pfizer’s miracle antiviral treatment saw their “signs and symptoms” resolve after 12 days, while the placebo recipients took 13 days. 

The median time to sustained alleviation of all targeted signs and symptoms of Covid-19 was 12 days in the nirmatrelvir–ritonavir group and 13 days in the placebo group (P=0.60). Five participants (0.8%) in the nirmatrelvir–ritonavir group and 10 (1.6%) in the placebo group were hospitalized for Covid-19 or died from any cause (difference, −0.8 percentage points; 95% confidence interval, −2.0 to 0.4).

This is the product that to this day is relentlessly promoted by the CDC, the media, and politicians as an effective tool to reduce the severity of symptoms and the length of illness. And it was virtually meaningless. 

Even with regards to the most severe outcomes, hospitalization, and death, the difference was negligible. Confidence intervals for the difference in outcome even stretched to a positive relationship, meaning that it’s within the bounds of possibility that more people died or were hospitalized after taking Paxlovid than a placebo. 

Succinctly, the researchers confirmed in their summary that there was no difference between the two treatments.

The time to sustained alleviation of all signs and symptoms of Covid-19 did not differ significantly between participants who received nirmatrelvir–ritonavir and those who received placebo.

But who are these researchers, you might ask…surely they’re fringe scientists, desperate to undercut a big, bad pharmaceutical company, right? How else could their conclusions so thoroughly undermine Pfizer?

Let’s take a look at the disclosure to see who funded this study, designed the trial, conducted it, collected the data, and analyzed the results. Surely, that will reveal the nefarious intentions behind this dastardly attempt to cut at the heart of Pfizer’s miracle drug.

Pfizer was responsible for the trial design and conduct and for data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The first draft of the manuscript was written by medical writers (funded by Pfizer) under direction from the authors.

Oh. Oh no.

Pfizer created the trial, conducted it, collected the data, and analyzed it. And it found that Paxlovid made no difference to the resolution of symptoms or with keeping people alive or out of the hospital. That has to sting.

Even worse, Covid vaccination was once again proven to be almost entirely irrelevant where results were concerned. Results were the same between “high-risk subgroups,” meaning those who had been vaccinated but had an elevated risk for more serious symptoms, and those who had never been vaccinated or had received the last dose more than a year ago.

Similar results were observed in the high-risk subgroup (i.e., participants who had been vaccinated and had at least one risk factor for severe illness) and in the standard-risk subgroup (i.e., those who had no risk factors for severe illness and had never been vaccinated or had not been vaccinated within the previous 12 months).

So not only did Paxlovid not make a difference, but vaccination status AND Paxlovid wasn’t enough to create a sizable gap in outcomes between healthy, unvaccinated individuals.

But wait, there’s more. 

Viral load rebounds were also more common in the Paxlovid group, and symptom and viral load rebounds combined were more common among those taking Pfizer’s treatment. While percentages were generally low, other studies have pegged Paxlovid-associated rebound as occurring nearly one quarter of the time. 

So it’s not particularly effective at reducing symptoms or resolving them more quickly, doesn’t lead to statistically significant improvements in the most severe outcomes, and is more likely to result in a rebound case of the illness it’s supposed to be protecting you from.

Sounds exactly like the type of product that Fauci, Walensky, and the CDC would praise, doesn’t it?

Paxlovid is the entire Covid-pharmaceutical complex summarized perfectly. Created to solve a problem that was supposed to be fixed by another product…understudied, overhyped by the “experts,” and prematurely authorized by a desperate FDA…and ultimately shown to be mostly ineffective.

Once again, the actual science disproves The Science™. And once again, we’ll get no acknowledgment of it or apologies for the billions of taxpayer dollars wasted. Can’t wait to see what Pfizer does for an encore.

Learn Why The Globalists Are Killing Their Own Monetary System
Breaking: Police Arrest Trans Student For Planning Multi-School Shooting

Breaking: Police Arrest Trans Student For Planning Multi-School Shooting

adminApr 18, 20242 min read

Breaking: Police Arrest Trans Student For Planning Multi-School Shooting

The connection between transgender individuals and mass murder cannot be ignored

An 18-year-old transgender student was arrested on Wednesday after police learned of the individual’s plan to commit a mass shooting at her Maryland high school and a nearby elementary school.

The Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) found a 129-page “manifesto” written by the suspect, who is named Andrea Ye but goes by Alex.

An 18-year-old high school student has been charged in connection with plans to commit a school shooting at a Montgomery County school. #MCPNews

— Montgomery County Department of Police (@mcpnews) April 18, 2024

According to 7News Maryland Bureau Chief Brad Bell, “Ye is biologically female though identifies as male.”

#BREAKING 18yo charged with threats of mass destruction. @mcpnews allege Andrea Ye, who prefers the name Alex and identifies as male, planned shootings at Wooten HS and Lakewood ES and detailed them in a manifesto. An 18 page charging doc includes a number of excerpts:

— Brad Bell (@Brad7News) April 18, 2024

Ye was previously receiving treatment at a psychiatric facility when another person in the psych ward learned of the manifesto and reported it to the police, fearing she’d act upon the “realistic” writings.

Charging documents show Ye also told her counselor about urges to harm people, wanting to use a gun against innocents and even describing a hypothetical attack at her high school graduation.

The individual allegedly hoped to achieve fame in connection with an act of mass murder.

Japan: Millions On High Alert After 6.4 Earthquake Strikes Off Shikoku

Japan: Millions On High Alert After 6.4 Earthquake Strikes Off Shikoku

adminApr 18, 20241 min read

Japan: Millions On High Alert After 6.4 Earthquake Strikes Off Shikoku

Millions of people are on high alert after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck South West Japan late on Wednesday. The quake’s epicenter was pinpointed to a channel between the islands of Kyushu and Shikoku, about […]

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Biden Claims He Prevented Israel from Invading One Of Their Own Cities

Biden Claims He Prevented Israel from Invading One Of Their Own Cities

adminApr 18, 20241 min read

Biden Claims He Prevented Israel from Invading One Of Their Own Cities

US President Joe Biden appears to have confused the Israeli port city of Haifa with the Palestinian town of Rafah in the Gaza Strip. He made the latest gaffe during an interview on the campaign […]

The post Biden Claims He Prevented Israel from Invading One Of Their Own Cities appeared first on The People’s Voice.