
Black America Is Awake: Alex Jones Interviews Dom Lucre

Black America Is Awake: Alex Jones Interviews Dom Lucre

adminApr 19, 20241 min read

Black America Is Awake: Alex Jones Interviews Dom Lucre

The intrepid Dom Lucre joins the Alex Jones Show to cover the waterfront of breaking news and information.

Journalist Dom Lucre, “The Breaker of Narratives,” (@dom_lucre) joins Alex Jones to break down how black Americans are more awake than ever and are getting fed up with the Deep State’s BS.

Black America Is Awake: Alex Jones Interviews Dom Lucre

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 19, 2024

I would call this the good guys teaming up. Get ready for the best election season of our lifetime. Thank you Alex Jones for you love and acceptance.

— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) April 19, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Alex Jones Responds To Claims He’s Giving Pierre Poilievre Talking Points

EXCLUSIVE: Alex Jones Responds To Claims He’s Giving Pierre Poilievre Talking Points

adminApr 19, 20242 min read

EXCLUSIVE: Alex Jones Responds To Claims He’s Giving Pierre Poilievre Talking Points

Canadians in parliament attack anti-globalist politician for speaking truth to power.

Alex Jones gives his take on comparisons between his rhetoric and that of Canadian politician Pierre Poilievre, explaining they sound alike because both base their arguments on fundamental facts.

Here’s what Jones is referring to:

We are both talking about the same facts. CBDC and internet ID systems are being rolled out now. The WEF backed left in Canada is trying to say it’s made up. Try again gaslighting punks!!

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 19, 2024

The comparisons between Jones and Poilievre come as Canadian Prime Minister last week ranted on the floor of Parliament against Poilievre, his main political rival, for not denouncing an endorsement by Alex Jones.

WATCH: Prime Minister #JustinTrudeau calls out #PierrePoilievre for not yet denouncing endorsement by “conspiracy theorist and liar” Alex Jones:

“He did absolutely nothing because those kinds of endorsements fit within his political strategy.”#cdnpoli #QP

— Jason Pugh ?? ?️‍? (@TheJasonPugh) April 9, 2024

Radical Leftists Vow to Disrupt the Democrat Convention in Chicago -Report

Radical Leftists Vow to Disrupt the Democrat Convention in Chicago -Report

adminApr 19, 20243 min read

Radical Leftists Vow to Disrupt the Democrat Convention in Chicago -Report

Dems hoping not to recreate 1968 DNC riots in Chicago.

Democrats must be puzzled.

After spending the last four years demonizing MAGA as domestic terrorists and anti-democratic to boot, they’re now surrounded by real domestic terrorists and democracy haters, coming at them like the Wicked Witch of the West’s flying monkeys.

According to the Free Press:

CHICAGO — In a room full of 450 far-left activists, a leader with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization kicks off a chant: “Protest is a right—not just for the rich and white.”

“Have you heard that the Democratic National Convention is coming to Chicago?” Joe Iosbaker asks the crowd. “Are we going to let ’em come here without a protest? This is Chicago, goddamn it—we’ve got to give them a 1968 kind of welcome.”

In 1968, the Democratic Convention in Chicago was a bloodbath, with 600 arrests in one street battle that was broadcast all over the world. And the group that met here last Saturday, in the local headquarters of the Teamsters Union, wants to repeat history when Joe Biden is named the presidential nominee at the DNC this August. They oppose the president they call “Genocide Joe” for backing Israel in its war against Hamas.

The radicals, from an old pro-Mao far-left organization that’s been around for about 40 years in places like San Francisco, and always on the irrelevant fringe, are feeling their oats these days, much as the old Democratic Socialists of America got a new battery with the dawn of the Biden era.

FRSO views the violence and rioting last seen in Chicago in 1968 as a good thing, the heralding dawn of a glorious new revolution.  August’s convention where dotardly old Joe Biden is trotted out as the champion of democracy is the perfect occasion for mayhem. The rest of us see something not to vote for.

The mess and the violence of 1968 left Chicago a shambles for years, and the city took decades to recover.

Well, now the crazies are back, getting ready to wreck Chicago a second time this August 19. Odds are good they will succeed, too, given the fecklessness of the blue city government led by clueless leftist Brandon Johnson, which the Free Press article notes. Johnson won’t have any idea how to handle them, it won’t be with any resolution, so they will run circles around him and create a lot of problems, outright upstaging the convention if it gets bad enough.

Read more

Gov’t Weather Modification Could Spark ‘Weather Wars’ Between Countries, Warns Meteorologist

Gov’t Weather Modification Could Spark ‘Weather Wars’ Between Countries, Warns Meteorologist

adminApr 19, 20243 min read

Gov’t Weather Modification Could Spark ‘Weather Wars’ Between Countries, Warns Meteorologist

“If we’re not careful, unrestrained use of this technology could end up causing diplomatic instabilities with neighbouring countries engaging in tit-for-tat ‘weather wars'”

A top meteorologist is warning government weather modification could unintentionally spark conflicts between nations where weather would be used in warfare among countries.

According to Kisters senior meteorologist John Jaques, the cloud seeding debacle that precipitated the Dubai floods should serve as a reminder that government influence on the weather can lead to consequences that aren’t fully predictable.

“Cloud seeding aims to enhance and accelerate the precipitation process. Especially in areas which have not seen any rain over a long time, such intense precipitation can lead to infiltration excess flow, with potential flash floods as a result,” Jaques stated, according to Newsweek.

“The Dubai floods act as a stark warning of the unintended consequences we can unleash when we use such technology to alter the weather.”

“Additionally, we have little control over the aftermath of cloud seeding. Where exactly is it going to be raining effectively? Using techniques such as cloud seeding to bring much-needed rainfall in one area can cause flash floods and droughts in another.”

Jaques adds that a weather pattern unintentionally moving over a neighboring country where it’s undesired could lead to hostilities, potentially culminating in “tit-for-tat” weather warfare.

“Anytime we interfere with natural precipitation patterns, we set off a chain of events that we have little control over,” Jaques stated.

“While there is a lot we know, there is still a lot we don’t and there are still plenty of gaps in our understanding of these complex weather systems.

“Interference with the weather also raises all kinds of ethical questions, as changing the weather in one country could lead to perhaps unintended yet catastrophic impacts in another, after all, the weather does not recognise intentional borders.

“If we’re not careful, unrestrained use of this technology could end up causing diplomatic instabilities with neighbouring countries engaging in tit-for-tat ‘weather wars’.”

Of course, it’s widely known the US government carried out weather warfare during the Vietnam War, where the covert cloud seeding project Operation Popeye, meant to worsen monsoon conditions, prompted heavy rains intended to incapacitate Viet Cong forces.

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Operation Popeye was a chemical weather modification program carried out by the U.S. during the Vietnam War in 1967–1972.

The highly classified project was sponsored by Henry Kissinger, and the…

— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) April 18, 2024

Are government weather wars already happening around us unbeknownst to the general public?

WAKE UP or WACO – Documentary Teaser Trailer – Never Before Seen Footage

WAKE UP or WACO – Documentary Teaser Trailer – Never Before Seen Footage

adminApr 19, 20241 min read

WAKE UP or WACO – Documentary Teaser Trailer – Never Before Seen Footage

Alex Jones protested media outlets in the 1990s for helping cover up the Waco massacre.

Check out this trailer for Mike Hanson’s groundbreaking Alex Jones documentary “Wake UP or Waco,” featuring never-before-seen archival footage following Alex Jones as he exposes media lies surrounding the federal government’s massacre in Waco, Texas, in 1993.

Also, check out — February 28th, 1993: Thirty-one year Anniversary of US Government Attack On Church Community

And watch the documentary! America Wake Up or Waco – 3rd Edition New 2022

YouTube Censorship: Rogan, Jones, Timcast, The New American. Who’s Next, and How Much Should We Care?

YouTube Censorship: Rogan, Jones, Timcast, The New American. Who’s Next, and How Much Should We Care?

adminApr 19, 20243 min read

YouTube Censorship: Rogan, Jones, Timcast, The New American. Who’s Next, and How Much Should We Care?

The censorship cartel isn’t able to suppress everything.

The Big Tech censorship cartel has struck again. On Wednesday, Tim Pool posted on X that “Youtube has declared war on Timcast IRL retroactively enforcing rules against our 2 biggest shows ever featuring @joerogan@michaelmalice, and @RealAlexJones.” In the same post, Pool noted that “these shows were 3 years old” and that YouTube “gave bs reasons for the removal.”

Youtube has declared war on Timcast IRL retroactively enforcing rules against our 2 biggest shows ever featuring @joerogan, @michaelmalice, and @RealAlexJones

These shows were 3 years old

They gave bs reasons for the removals

— Tim Pool (@Timcast) April 17, 2024

But the censorship cartel isn’t able to suppress everything. In a separate post, Pool clarified that “Our biggest show was not on youtube, it’s on rumble.” Rumble, of course, has not engaged in the censorship that YouTube has, and has been properly awarded for its belief in freedom of speech by becoming an increasingly popular website.

X also has become a platform known for allowing opposing points of view since its purchase (before Twitter was renamed X) by Elon Musk. Interestingly, Pool’s post about the the removal of three-year-old shows quoted above had gotten almost 1 million views as of this writing. Obviously YouTube’s pathetic attempts to control what the people are allowed to view or know are not going unnoticed.

Many regular readers and viewers of The New American are aware that we too have been censored by YouTube. For years, that censorship directed at TNA included shadow-banning. Also, certain content was removed based on YouTube’s “misinformation” policy — with the policy interpreted broadly to include accurate information on Covid and other subjects that did not fit the establishment line. But in June 2023, YouTube went full-throttle in its censorship of The New American, banning us outright without explanation.

Our message to YouTube regarding this censorship? Well, that’s perfectly encapsulated in this short 18-second ad we did:

To be clear: The truth hurts those who attempt to wage war against it! Truth is eternal. It is enduring. It is a powerful weapon — much more powerful than the inferior substitutes of lies and deception the enemies of truth rely upon to wage their propaganda wars to beguile the masses.

The Deep State and media mavens attack and suppress the truth because they fully recognize that the truth will be their undoing should it become widely enough known. People do not want to be slaves to the power elites, and when they understand the true nature of the dystopian future planned for them — that it will not be bread and circuses but desolation and servitude — they will rebel against it.

YouTube and other social and major media censors cannot kill the truth, nor can they stop it from eventually coming out, no matter how hard they try. In the end, truth will triumph.