
New Japanese Study Suggests mRNA Vaccines Behind Explosion of Cancer Cases in Japan during the Pandemic

New Japanese Study Suggests mRNA Vaccines Behind Explosion of Cancer Cases in Japan during the Pandemic

adminApr 21, 20244 min read

New Japanese Study Suggests mRNA Vaccines Behind Explosion of Cancer Cases in Japan during the Pandemic

The second year of the pandemic in Japan saw a huge increase in rates of certain cancers

A new Japanese study ties “statistically significant” increases in particular kinds of cancers in the country in the period 2020-2022 to the administration of mRNA vaccines. These cancers include ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer. Importantly, the study demonstrates that neither COVID-19 itself nor “reduced cancer care” as a result of the lockdowns is likely to be responsible for these increases.

The study’s abstract explains the motivation for the study, which begins with the observation that significant increases in excess cancer deaths were observed after the first year of the pandemic.

“No significant excess mortality was observed during the first year of the pandemic (2020). However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer (including ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer) after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022,” the abstract explains.

“AMRs [age-adjusted mortality rates] for the four cancers with the most deaths (lung, colorectal, stomach, and liver) showed a decreasing trend until the first year of the pandemic in 2020, but the rate of decrease slowed in 2021 and 2022.”

Dr. Peter McCullough Sounds the Alarm on COVID Vaccine-Induced “Turbo Cancer”

“The COVID vaccines have at least three mechanisms by which they could start a cancer, or they could promote an existing cancer.”

1.) The messenger RNA from COVID-19 injections could severely…

— The Vigilant Fox ? (@VigilantFox) April 16, 2024

Professor Angus Dalgleish, a renowned cancer specialist in the UK, warned in 2022 that the vaccinations appeared to be “boosting” cancers and bringing patients out of remission, including his own patients.

He wrote an open letter to the British Medical Journal at the end of that year, in which he argued that the mass-vaccination program needed to be brought to a halt and the serious negative effects of the mRNA vaccines needed to be considered.

“The link with clots, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy…

“However, there is now another reason to halt all vaccine programmes. As a practising oncologist I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel.

“Even within my own personal contacts I am seeing B cell-based disease after the boosters. They describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the booster – one developing leukaemia, two work colleagues Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and an old friend who has felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster and who, after getting severe bone pain, has been diagnosed as having multiple metastases from a rare B cell disorder.”

Last week Professor Dalgleish hailed the new Japanese study in a piece for a British publication, The Conservative Woman.

“The results are astounding,” he wrote

“It shows there was a deficit for all cancers in the year 2020 when the first and second covid waves occurred. In 2021 there was an excess of deaths of 2.2 per cent and a 1.1 per cent increase in cancers. However, by 2022 the excess deaths had increased 9.6 per cent and cancer by 2.1 per cent. This paper was completed and published before the 2023 figures release which will almost certainly be much worse. What is remarkable here is that we are talking mortality, that is deaths from cancer not incidence of it.”

Black America Is Awake: Alex Jones Interviews Dom Lucre

Biden to Withdraw Troops From Niger as Region Increasingly Turns to Russia

Biden to Withdraw Troops From Niger as Region Increasingly Turns to Russia

adminApr 21, 20244 min read

Biden to Withdraw Troops From Niger as Region Increasingly Turns to Russia

Thousands protest “American imperialism” in African nation

In what is simultaneously a humiliating setback for the Deep State and a welcome victory for noninterventionist American taxpayers, the White House on Friday announced that US military forces will be withdrawn from Niger over the coming months. The move comes after Niger’s mid-March declaration that was ending its military cooperation with the United States.  

Following Niger’s announcement, US military officials scrambled in vain to salvage the relationship. At stake: The $110 million Air Base 201, which the New York Times characterized as the Pentagon’s “most strategic military asset in sub-Saharan Africa.” Said to be a key base for counterterrorism, it was a major hub for drone operations in the region. 

US-Niger relations took a major downturn with a July 2023 coup that toppled President Mohamed Bazoum in favor of a military junta. The new government was increasingly keen on Russia, something that triggered bitter complaints from US officials. Things deteriorated further when Western intelligence accused Niger of engaging in secret talks to give Iran access to its uranium.

In a March statement, junta spokesman Col. Maj. Amadou Abdramane said, “Niger regrets the intention of the American delegation to deny the sovereign Nigerien people the right to choose their partners and types of partnerships capable of truly helping them fight against terrorism.”

Niger is kicking US troops out of the country and thousands protested to show their support.

Chanting “Down with American imperialism,” these protests follow the expulsion of French troops last year.

— BreakThrough News (@BTnewsroom) April 16, 2024

The Russians may well take the keys to Air Base 201. Bringing an air-defense system with them, more than 100 Russian instructors arrived in the country last week. 

According to Russia’s state-owned news outlet Ria Novosti, the Russian personnel are part of Africa Corps, the new paramilitary structure intended to take the place of the Wagner group, the military company whose mercenaries and operations spread in Africa under the leadership of Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, who was killed in a plane crash last year. –New York Times

At public demonstrations, Nigeriens have been seen waving Russian flags and shouting slogans denouncing US imperialism. Russian flags have even become a trendy item to display in everyday life, emblematic of a major geopolitical transition. “The Russian flag has become a symbol of resistance in West Africa, affiliated with anti-West and anti-French attitudes,” Kyle Walter, research head at Logically, told the New York Times. 

Indeed, Niger isn’t the only country in the Sahel region that’s warming up to Russia. Burkina Faso and Mali have also sought President Putin’s help in battling ISIS and Al Qaeda insurgents. As Andrew Korybko explained at Substackthe Pentagon is likely to pivot to Ivory Coast — aka Cote D’Ivoire — where its drones will be welcome at French bases. “Acomplementary presence in Senegal can’t be ruled out either but nothing will be decided until after its delayed presidentialelectionsare held later this month,” he added. 

There are approximately 1,100 US service members in Niger. In 2017, members of Congress were surprised to learn that soldiers and airmen had been deployed there. They found out in the worst possible way: After four US Army Special Forces soldiers were killed there after being ambushed by ISIS militants. 

Even uberhawk and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham had no idea. “I didn’t know there was 1,000 troops in Niger,” he said on Meet the Press. “They are going to brief us next week as to why they were there and what they were doing.”

Last October, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul introduced a bill that would force Biden to withdraw American forces from the country. “If we’re going to send someone’s son or daughter to a foreign country, if they are going to risk their life, Congress should vote on them being there,” Paul told Defense News. “They’re ruled by a military junta led by a guy that we trained in democracy training over here.” His bill was defeated by an 86-11 margin. 

Transhumanist Plan to Exterminate All Humans Now Public Information

US Could Send More Military Personnel to Kiev – Pentagon

US Could Send More Military Personnel to Kiev – Pentagon

adminApr 21, 20242 min read

US Could Send More Military Personnel to Kiev – Pentagon

The new advisers would help with logistics and weapons maintenance, Major General Pat Ryder has said

The US is considering sending additional military advisers to its embassy in Kiev, Pentagon spokesperson Major General Pat Ryder told Politico magazine on Saturday.

The troops would serve in non-combat roles, primarily supporting logistics, monitoring deliveries of US weapons, which Washington admits it often cannot trace once they arrive in Ukraine, and assisting with their maintenance.

The news comes as the US House of Representatives passed a $61 billion aid bill on Saturday, with the Pentagon saying the package will include “things like air defense and artillery capabilities.”

Although Ryder did not specify how many advisers would be sent to Kiev, citing “operational security and force protection reasons,” sources familiar with the matter told Politico that the number could be up to 60.

The additional advisers could work at the Office of Defense Cooperation at the embassy, Ryder explained.

Ukraine is struggling to regain the initiative on the battlefield in the wake of a failed counteroffensive last summer, as well as more recent losses exacerbated by a dwindling supply of foreign ammunition.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin recently admitted that “things on the battlefield begin to shift a bit in Russia’s favor,” with Kiev’s forces struggling “in terms of holding the line.” According to Politico, the advisers would be tasked with helping the Ukrainians with newly delivered equipment as the fighting is expected to intensify during the summer.

Although President Joe Biden promised that American troops will not be sent to fight Russia in Ukraine, Moscow has warned that it considers the US and other NATO members de facto participants in the conflict. Russia has also criticized French President Emmanuel Macron and other European politicians who have said they cannot rule out deploying troops to Ukraine in the future.

Russia maintains that no amount of foreign aid will change the course of the conflict or save Ukraine from defeat.

Transhumanist Plan to Exterminate All Humans Now Public Information

‘Like Toys, Not Drones’ – Iran Continues Mocking Israel’s Attack as Contrasting Narratives Emerge

‘Like Toys, Not Drones’ – Iran Continues Mocking Israel’s Attack as Contrasting Narratives Emerge

adminApr 21, 20244 min read

‘Like Toys, Not Drones’ – Iran Continues Mocking Israel’s Attack as Contrasting Narratives Emerge

“What happened last night was not a strike,” Iran’s top diplomat asserted

Iran has continued mocking Israel’s limited attack which happened in the early hours of Friday morning. In a fresh interview with NBC, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian dismissed much of the initial reporting in the West concerning the strike, which appeared to center on the city of Isfahan – which hosts a nuclear energy site – as “not accurate”.

“What happened last night was not a strike,” the Iranian top diplomat asserted. He claimed that the the attack involved merely two or three small UAVs, which “were more like toys that our children play with, not drones.”

He said that the UAV’s were all taken out by Iran’s anti-air defenses, and even claimed they took off from inside Iran, suggesting that the attack took place by proxy.

Iranian state TV had reported shortly after midnight as the attack was unfolding that “three drones were observed in the sky over Isfahan. The air defense system became active and destroyed these drones in the sky.”

However, Israeli media along with the New York Times are saying the whole thing was meant as a strong symbolic message to Iran that Israel can inflict severe damage at will if it chooses to:

The alleged Israeli strike overnight Thursday-Friday on Iranian air defenses near the Natanz nuclear site used a high-tech missile that was able to evade Iran’s radar systems, in a move “calibrated to make Iran think twice” before launching another direct attack on Israel, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

Two unnamed Western officials cited by the newspaper said the missile aimed to show Tehran that Israel is able to dodge and neutralize its defenses.

Two Iranian officials said the strike hit a Russian-made S-300 air defense system. They told the newspaper that Iran had not detected intrusions into its airspace from drones, missiles or aircraft.

Israeli sources say that IAF jets were able to launch missiles from outside Iranian airspace, and further did not use Jordanian airspace, given concerns that Amman could be dragged into the conflict.

“Satellite imagery seen by the Times of Israel showed damage to the radar of an S-300 system at the Eighth Shekari Air Base in Isfahan, said to be part of an array defending the nearby top-secret Natanz nuclear site,” Israeli media reports further. “The imagery was not immediately permitted for publication, per the policy of the agency that took the photo.”

But there are contrary reports among Western press accounts. For example, there’s this satellite imaging analysis in CNN which points to an attack which did almost nothing in terms of serious damage:

There does not appear to be any extensive damage at an air base purportedly targeted by an Israeli military strike, according to exclusive satellite images obtained by CNN from Umbra Space. 

The synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images were taken around 10:18 a.m. local time. 

There does not appear to be any large craters in the ground and there are no apparent destroyed buildings. Additional visual satellite imagery will be needed to check for burn scars – which cannot be seen by SAR images — around the complex.

The Iranians have not confirmed or admitted to any fighter jet-launched missiles being used in the attack, as they continue to intentionally downplay it

The IRGC has been trolling Israel really hard about the alleged use of quadcopters.

They posted this video comparing Iran’s retaliation to Israel’s and used an actual drone toy ad from the early 2000s.

This is where things are at, folks. ?

— Holly Dagres (@hdagres) April 19, 2024

Some Israeli officials actually agree that it was too small of a retaliatory strike. Most notably, Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir had quickly tweeted out in the wake of the overnight attack that the attack on Iran was in the end “lame”.

Iranian leaders have meanwhile declared the utter ‘failure’ of efforts to attack the Islamic Republic, and have further warned that Tehran won’t hesitate to strike back ‘harder’ if attacked by Israel. But the strategy of Iranian officials for now seems to be to simply deny that any level of major operation by Israel took place.

Transhumanist Plan to Exterminate All Humans Now Public Information

“Nyet Moscow Marjorie”: NY Post Mocks MTG after House Passes Ukraine Aid Bill

“Nyet Moscow Marjorie”: NY Post Mocks MTG after House Passes Ukraine Aid Bill

adminApr 21, 20242 min read
The New York Post mocked MTG on the front page of its Sunday edition

“The score in Congress is now ‘Jewish space lasers’ lady 0, common sense 1,” according to the Sunday edition of The New York Post, which runs with the headline “Nyet, Moscow Marjorie.” The cover includes a Photoshopped image of MTG in a Soviet fur hat.

The Post mocked Marjorie Taylor Greene and other “Republican renegades” on its front cover, and included a quotation from Rep. Ken Buck (R.-Colo.), who said “Moscow Marjorie has reached a new low.”

“Nyet Moscow Marjorie”: NY Post Mocks MTG after House Passes Ukraine Aid BillThe Sunday New York Post / Photo: New York Post

After the passing of the bill on Saturday, MTG laid in to Republicans who voted for the bill and especially Speaker Johnson.

“This is the third betrayal by Mike Johnson. He delivered a two-part Omnibus, funded the Department of Justice,  91 federal indictments against President Trump, funded the FBI that raided Mar-a-Lago, gave them a brand new FBI building, funded Joe Biden’s open-border policies that are killing Americans every single day.

“Then he reauthorized FISA that spied on American citizens, spied on President Trump’s campaign, and he voted against the warrant requirement, the same warrant requirement that he was for six months ago! And then he did this bullsh*t in here in the House floor, the foreign-war package that does nothing for America. It’s unbelievable.”

MTG said that if a vote were held to remove Johnson from Speaker’s position, he would be removed.

“I do not support Mike Johnson. He’s a lame duck.

“If we had the vote today in our conference, he would not be speaker today.”

Black America Is Awake: Alex Jones Interviews Dom Lucre

James O’Keefe Promises Undercover Videos Exposing Intel Agents after Tucker Appearance on Rogan

James O’Keefe Promises Undercover Videos Exposing Intel Agents after Tucker Appearance on Rogan

adminApr 21, 20242 min read

James O’Keefe Promises Undercover Videos Exposing Intel Agents after Tucker Appearance on Rogan

James O’Keefe is apparently preparing bombshell to release bombshell undercover videos of members of the US intelligence community

After Tucker Carlson’s appearance on Joe Rogan, James O’Keefe of OMG Media Group, formerly of Project Veritas, said it was “time to expose the intel community on video.”

O’Keefe made the comments on Twitter on Saturday, in response to Tucker Carlson’s appearance on Joe Rogan, in which Tucker said that American politicians are terrified of being blackmailed by intel agencies over their personal indiscretions, or of having “kiddie porn” put on their computer.

It’s time to expose the intel community on video.

Elected officials are afraid of them because they could use personal stuff as blackmail.

Do not run for office unless you’re willing to lay down your life for your country. Do not run if fear is in your vocabulary.

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 20, 2024

Tucker claimed to have spoken to “a very powerful elected official… a very famous person” who confirmed that this is going on.

“It’s time to expose the intel community on video,” O’Keefe tweeted.

“Elected officials are afraid of them because they could use personal stuff as blackmail.

“Do not run for office unless you’re willing to lay down your life for your country. Do not run if fear is in your vocabulary.”

Two hours later, O’Keefe added in another Tweet, “If I publish the video @OKeefeMedia has of these intel guys, you all better have my back.”

Black America Is Awake: Alex Jones Interviews Dom Lucre