
BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Democrats Want To Kill Trump

BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Democrats Want To Kill Trump

adminApr 22, 20241 min read

BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Democrats Want To Kill Trump

Rep. Greene joins Alex Jones to discuss Congress’s treason in allocating over $95 billion to Ukraine and Israel as America faces crises.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) joins Alex Jones to discuss the treasonous actions of Congress giving Ukraine and Israel $95+ billion while America collapses.


‘Something Will Have To Give’: IMF Issues Dire Warning to Biden Admin Over Soaring Debt

adminApr 22, 20243 min read
UN financial institution sounds the alarm over Biden’s reckless spending as ballooning national debt shows no signs of slowing.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned that the Biden administration’s rampant spending and the soaring U.S. debt pose “significant risks” to the global economy and threaten to continue more high inflation.

“The exceptional recent performance of the United States is certainly impressive and a major driver of global growth, but it reflects strong demand factors as well, including a fiscal stance that is out of line with long-term fiscal sustainability,” the IMF wrote in its latest World Economic Outlook last Tuesday.

“This raises short-term risks to the disinflation process, as well as longer-term fiscal and financial stability risks for the global economy since it risks pushing up global funding costs,” it continued. “Something will have to give.”

The Washington-based UN institution went on to say that the U.S. is on track to record a fiscal deficit of 7.1% in 2025 – more than triple the level in other advanced economies. 

Vitor Gaspar, director of the IMF’s fiscal affairs department, likewise criticized America’s “loose fiscal policy.”

“Loose fiscal policy in the United States exerts upward pressure on global interest rates and the dollar. It pushes up funding costs in the rest of the world, thereby exacerbating existing fragilities and risks,” he said.

“This calls for a cautious and gradual approach to easing by the Federal Reserve,” he added.

But the Biden regime is showing no signs of heeding the IMF’s warning.

The Biden administration last month proposed a gargantuan $7.3 trillion budget for fiscal year 2025, the New York Post reported.

If approved, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) estimates the national debt would surge to $45.1 trillion — or 105.6% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) — by 2034 under the plan.

Additionally, just days after the IMF’s warning was published, the House of Representatives, led by Democrats and RINOs, passed a $95 billion foreign aid spending package for Ukraine and Israel.

Meanwhile, the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report revealed inflation remained elevated last month at 3.8%, prompting Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to announce last week that it will likely delay expected rate cuts until data shows inflation moving back down.

The IMF sounding the alarm about Biden’s reckless spending is a major signal the government should immediately take steps to reduce the $34 trillion national debt.

But that won’t happen as long as the Uniparty is in charge.

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UK Insurers Refuse To Pay Nord Stream Because Attack Was ‘Inside Job’ by Gov’t

UK Insurers Refuse To Pay Nord Stream Because Attack Was ‘Inside Job’ by Gov’t

adminApr 22, 20241 min read

UK Insurers Refuse To Pay Nord Stream Because Attack Was ‘Inside Job’ by Gov’t

A legal team representing insurers Lloyd’s and Arch says that since evidence has emerged that the Nord Stream attack was an “inside job by the government,” they have no responsibility to pay for damages to […]

The post UK Insurers Refuse To Pay Nord Stream Because Attack Was ‘Inside Job’ by Gov’t appeared first on The People’s Voice.

WATCH: Hundreds of Illegals Enter San Diego After ‘Men in Black Masks’ Cut Border Fence

WATCH: Hundreds of Illegals Enter San Diego After ‘Men in Black Masks’ Cut Border Fence

adminApr 22, 20243 min read

WATCH: Hundreds of Illegals Enter San Diego After ‘Men in Black Masks’ Cut Border Fence

More than 130,000 illegal aliens have been released onto the streets of San Diego since September

A massive group of illegal aliens stormed into Southern California after men wearing “black face masks” cut through the border barrier this week, according to reports.

The incident unfolded at around 8:00 p.m. on Sunday night in San Diego.

A citizen journalist called Cory Gautereaux filmed the mass incursion and authorized California activist and commentator @BrittRooted to publish it on X.

?Tierra Del Sol, Boulevard, San Diego, CA | 04/21/24
Shared with permission from @CoryGoat
“At around 2000 today, approximately 150-200 illegal aliens entered the US via a cut border fence. The men who cut the fence wore black face masks and quickly pushed this large group of…

— rooted.wings (@BrittRooted) April 22, 2024

“At around 2000 today, approximately 150-200 illegal aliens entered the US via a cut border fence,” Gautereaux reportedly said.

“The men who cut the fence wore black face masks and quickly pushed this large group of people into the United States. Probably 150-200 people > 60% military aged males. Pay attention.”

Border Patrol agents can be seen patching the damaged bollards as Mexican officials mill around on the other side of the barrier following the act of sabotage.

It is unclear if any of the masked men were apprehended by authorities on either side of the border.

More than 130,000 illegal aliens have been released onto the streets of San Diego since September, including 2,000 in the past three days alone, according to San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond.

We continue to see an increase in border crossings in San Diego.

In the past 3 days, over 2,000 migrants have been street released, running our total to over 130,000 since the Federal Government began dropping them on our streets in September.

— Supervisor Jim Desmond (@jim_desmond) April 22, 2024

Border Patrol’s San Diego Sector has been one of the busiest along the southern frontier this month, averaging between 800 and 1,000 ‘encounters’ per day.

Smugglers Repeatedly Cutting Border Barrier on Arizona Rancher’s Land

Dan Lyman on X | Gab

Ron Paul: Final Nail in America’s Coffin?

Ron Paul: Final Nail in America’s Coffin?

adminApr 22, 20244 min read

Ron Paul: Final Nail in America’s Coffin?

When future historians search for the final nail in the US coffin, they may pinpoint April 20, 2024 — the day Congress funded multiple wars, eroded privacy further, and granted the president power to selectively shut down the internet.

When future historians go searching for the final nail in the US coffin, they may well settle on the date April 20, 2024.

On that day Congress passed legislation to fund two and a half wars, hand what’s left of our privacy over to the CIA and NSA, and give the US president the power to shut down whatever part of the Internet he disagrees with.

The nearly $100 billion grossly misnamed “National Security Supplemental” guarantees that Ukrainians will continue to die in that country’s unwinnable war with Russia, that Palestinian civilians will continue to be slaughtered in Gaza with US weapons, and that the neocons will continue to push us toward a war with China.

It was a total victory for the war party.

The huge spending bill is all about politics for Biden, yet so many Republicans simply went along with it. The last thing the people running Biden’s White House want to see as a close election approaches are ads blaming Biden for “losing Ukraine.”

The US and its allies have already sent over $300 billion to Ukraine and the country is still losing its war with Russia. Nobody believes another $60 billion will pull a victory from the jaws of defeat. But this additional money is meant to keep up appearances until November at the expense of Americans who are forced to pay for it and Ukrainians who are forced to die for it.

Speaker Johnson could not have passed these monstrosities without the full support of House Democrats, as the majority of Republicans voted against more money for Ukraine. So in the worst example of “bipartisanship,” Johnson reached across the aisle, stiffed the Republican majority that elected him Speaker, and pushed through a massive gift to the warfare/(corporate) welfare state.

After the House voted to send another $60 billion to notoriously corrupt Ukraine, Members waved Ukrainian flags on the House Floor and chanted “Ukraine, Ukraine.” While I find it distasteful and disgusting, in some way it seemed fitting. After all, they may as well chant the name of a foreign country because they certainly don’t care about this country!

Along with sending $100 billion that we don’t have to fund more overseas war, Speaker Johnson threw in another version of the Tik Tok ban, which gives Joe Biden and future presidents the power to shut down websites at will by simply declaring them to be “foreign adversary controlled.”

Not to be outdone, the US Senate on that same day passed the extension of Section 702 of the FISA Act, which not only allowed the government to continue spying on us without a warrant, but also contained new language massively expanding how they can spy on us.

Many conservative voters are asking what the point of Republican control of the House is if the agenda is determined by Democrats. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is even reported to have bragged to his colleagues about how easily Speaker Johnson gave Democrats everything they wanted and asked for nothing in return.

What is the silver lining in all this bad news? Most Republicans in the House voted against continuing the Ukraine war. That’s a good start. Our ideas are growing, not only across the country but even in the DC swamp. Take courage and don’t give up! Work for peace!

This article first appeared at


Which Major City Will Completely Collapse First – Los Angeles, Chicago Or New York City?

adminApr 22, 20247 min read
A horrific societal collapse is upon us, and yet this nation continues to refuse to change direction.

In 2024, virtually all major U.S. cities have certain things in common.  First of all, if you visit the downtown area of one of our major cities you are likely to see garbage, human excrement and graffiti all over the place.  As you will see below, some of our core urban areas literally look like they belong in a third world country.  Most of our politicians don’t seem too concerned about doing anything to clean up all the filth, and so it shouldn’t be a surprise that rat populations are absolutely exploding all over the country.  In some of our largest cities, the total rat population is numbered in the millions.  Meanwhile, rampant theft, out of control violence, endless migration, predatory gangs and the worst drug crisis in the entire history of our nation have combined to create a “perfect storm” of social decay that is unlike anything that any of us have ever seen before.  Millions of law-abiding citizens and countless businesses have been fleeing America’s largest cities, and property values in our core urban areas have been absolutely crashing.  We really are in the early stages of a full-blown societal “collapse”, and things just keep getting worse with each passing day.

In this article, I want to focus on the three largest metropolitan areas in the United States: New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

John Williams recently took his camera with him as he walked through downtown Los Angeles, and he described what he witnessed as “hell”…

Decades of failed policies have transformed one of the greatest cities in the entire country into one of the worst.

At this point, theft has become so rampant that even the ultra-progressive politicians in California have come to the conclusion that something must be done.

So several bills that would “crack down on shoplifting” have been introduced in the state legislature

Shoplifters beware.

The California Assembly has introduced a comprehensive package of seven bills aimed at addressing the rising concerns over retail theft across the state.

One of the key initiatives is Assembly Bill 2943, jointly authored by Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur (D) and Speaker Robert Rivas (D). The bill targets serial retail thieves by introducing a new crime with penalties of up to three years behind bars for possession of stolen property with intent to resell. It also allows for the aggregation of similar thefts from different victims to charge grand theft, under specific criteria.

Hopefully something will get done, because right now a criminal in the state of California can “literally walk into a retail store every single day of the year and steal $949 worth of merchandise” and never spend a single minute in jail.

“You can literally walk into a retail store every single day of the year and steaI $949 worth of merchandise”

“And you will NEVER do a minute in jail”

“Under California law, assauIt on a peace officer with anything other than a fully automatic weapon is not a vioIent crime”…

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) April 19, 2024

Los Angeles has become a paradise for shoplifters, but many would argue that things are even worse in the Big Apple.

As I discussed a few days ago, New York City has “a $4.4 billion shoplifting economy”.

And approximately 90,000 packages are stolen in New York City every single day.

This is just one of the reasons why we have seen a mass exodus.

Countless New Yorkers have already left for greener pastures, and lots more are thinking of leaving

About 7 million New Yorkers plan to leave the state, a new survey revealed this month.

In a new Marist poll, 37 percent of New Yorkers—roughly 7 million people—said they plan to move away. The number was slightly more concentrated among Republicans, as 46 percent said they plan to leave the state compared to just 29 percent of Democrats.

Unsurprisingly, many of those that are fleeing are heading to Florida

For many, Florida remains one of the top places to move, but Southern states in general have been recording the biggest influx in transplants.

According to, Philadelphia, Miami, Atlanta, Tampa and Orlando remain some of the top locations for New Yorkers to start again.

I wouldn’t want to live in the Big Apple either.

The rat problem alone would be enough for me to move.

It just continues to escalate, and politicians are now proposing to use “rat contraceptives” to deal with “the millions of rats lurking in subway stations and empty lots”…

In New York City, the idea to distribute rat contraceptives got fresh attention in city government Thursday following the death of an escaped zoo owl, known as Flaco, who was found dead with rat poison in his system.

City Council Member Shaun Abreu proposed a city ordinance Thursday that would establish a pilot program for controlling the millions of rats lurking in subway stations and empty lots by using birth control instead of lethal chemicals. Abreu, chair of the Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management, said the contraceptives also are more ethical and humane than other methods.

Unfortunately, New York City doesn’t have the worst rat problem in America.

That title actually belongs to the city of Chicago

Chicago has once again been declared the rattiest city in the U.S. according to Orkin’s annual ranking.

Los Angeles surpassed New York on this year’s list now holding the #2 spot and bringing the Big Apple down to #3, Orkin shared.

Other notable shifts included Houston, which moved 10 spots up to #20, and Charlotte, North Carolina that rose 16 spots to #21.

Somehow, the rat problem in Chicago has gone to an entirely new level in 2024.

In fact, one local resident says that it is now the worst that she has ever seen in her entire lifetime

A resurgence of rats has gotten out of control in Chicago’s Portage Park neighborhood, multiple residents explained Friday as they called for city leaders to take further action.

Diana Gazda, a resident of the Far Northwest Side community for seven decades, said she has never seen an infestation like it.

“We never had a rat problem like this,” she stated. “I’ve been here 71 years in my house.”

In addition to being world famous for rats, the Windy City is also world famous for violence.

In Chicago, you can be gunned down at any time of the day or night.

Nobody is safe, and that is especially true for police officers

A Chicago police officer was shot to death early Sunday in Gage Park on the Southwest Side in what sources are saying was an apparent carjacking.

Officers responded to a ShotSpotter alert about 2:55 a.m. and found Officer Luis Huesca with multiple gunshot wounds in the 3100 block of West 56th Street, a police spokesperson said in a statement.

Huesca, 30, was driving home from work, according to city officials. Huesca, who was still wearing his uniform, was taken to University of Chicago Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

So which of these cities will completely collapse first?

I think that is a very good question.

They are all headed downhill very rapidly, and they are all being run by radical leftists.

Of course the exact same things could be said about dozens of other U.S. cities.

For years, I have been warning my readers about the “cultural transformation” that has been taking place in America.

How we raise our kids really matters.

We have been failing them for decades, and now the consequences can be very clearly seen in the streets of our major cities.

A horrific societal collapse is upon us, and yet this nation continues to refuse to change direction.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.