

Leftist Musician, Obama Pal John Legend Tells MSNBC Trump ‘Racist at His Core’

adminApr 22, 20244 min read
Champagne socialist lectures Americans on why Orange Man bad.

Limousine liberal John Legend, who’s pals with Democrat ex-President Barack Obama, claimed former President Donald Trump is a “dyed in the wool” racist in a recent MSNBC interview.

“He’s made it clear throughout his life that he believes black people are inferior. Like he believes that to his core in his bones,” Legend said in an interview on Sunday with former Biden White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, offering absolutely no proof to back his claims.

??BREAKING NEWS: John Legend told MSNBC that Donald Trump is a racist at his core.

Legend stated: “He’s made it clear throughout his life that Black people are inferior, he believes that to his core… but also when you hear some of the stray comments he makes.

He clearly…

— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) April 22, 2024

The entertainer, known to have close ties with the Obama administration, went on to falsely claim Trump blocked black people from living in his buildings and that the former president “believes in a genetic hierarchy,” and is “racially determined” — whatever that means.

“He wouldn’t let us live in his buildings back in the day,” Legend said. “But also when you hear some of the stray comments he makes, he clearly believes in a genetic hierarchy of humanity and he’s racially determined. So he is a tried and true, like, dyed-in-the-wool racist, like, in the core of his being, he’s a racist.”

“So I don’t want to hear what he has to say about what he’s done for black people. He’s done very little for us and he is at his core truly, truly a racist and you even hear what he says about immigration and what countries he wants people to come in from — they all are very white.”

“He’s not been an ally,” he continued. “At the same time he’s claiming credit for those small things, he’s also saying if people are stealing something they should get shot in the middle of the store. When we protested the killing of George Floyd, he advocated for the military to shoot us in the streets.”

Legend’s out-of-left-field slander and outright lies against the 45th president reeks of desperation, especially considering the musician and his supermodel wife are known to be devout Democrats — who at one time made an odd comment about having sex at an “Obama thing.”

Now that Obama’s sexuality is going mainstream. Watch this clip of Chrissy Teigen talking about the best place her and John Legend had sex.

“Probably the Obama thing,” she says. ?

— LIZ CROKIN (@LizCrokin) August 12, 2023

As for Legend’s allegations, the Justice Dept. sued the Trump organization in 1973, claiming he violated civil rights laws by refusing to rent to black tenants; however, Trump and his father responded with a $100 million countersuit accusing the government of defamation.

While Trump ultimately settled with the DOJ out of court, there was never an admission of guilt and Trump later highlighted in his 1987 book, “Trump: The Art of the Deal,” that he’d ordered his managers to weed out low-income tenants no matter what race, writing, “What we didn’t do was rent to welfare cases, white or black.”

One sad prospect is Democrats may have trotted out Legend to try to counteract Trump’s surging popularity with black voters.

Blacks for Trump release song, say Donald Trump is the first black President. They’re behind him 500 percent. WATCH

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) April 22, 2024

This Black American PATRIOTIC WOMAN boldly and proudly stands with Donald J Trump. Do you?

FOLLOW HER ON YOUTUBE : The Conservative Poet

— Adam Francisco (@adamfrancisco_) April 17, 2024

Watch the full John Legend MSNBC interview:

<div>Breaking: Unredacted Docs Reveal Biden, Garland & Jack Smith Collusion in Trump Classified Documents Case</div>

Breaking: Unredacted Docs Reveal Biden, Garland & Jack Smith Collusion in Trump Classified Documents Case

adminApr 22, 20244 min read

<div>Breaking: Unredacted Docs Reveal Biden, Garland & Jack Smith Collusion in Trump Classified Documents Case</div>

“More proof of collaboration between Biden White House and NARA to concoct a case,” writes reporter Julie Kelly.

Unredacted documents released by Judge Aileen Cannon in former President Donald Trump’s “classified documents” case reveal the extent of collusion between the Biden administration, the DOJ, and special counsel Jack Smith to “concoct” the case.

The records also appear to confirm, contrary to media reporting, that Trump was telling the truth when he said his team was still negotiating chain of custody with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) when they suddenly lodged a criminal referral in Feb. 2022.

“Thanks to order by Judge Cannon, key evidence related to classified docs case is now unredacted,” reporter Julie Kelly posted on X Monday.

“On the left: What DOJ/Jack Smith wanted to conceal. On the right: Now we know why. More proof of collaboration btw Biden White House and NARA to concoct a case.”

NEW: Thanks to order by Judge Cannon, key evidence related to classified docs case is now unredacted.

On the left: What DOJ/Jack Smith wanted to conceal.

On the right: Now we know why. More proof of collaboration btw Biden White House and NARA to concoct a case.

— Julie Kelly ?? (@julie_kelly2) April 22, 2024

The documents without the blackout markings show the convoluted effort by Biden’s DOJ in conjunction with NARA’s National Archivist David Ferriero to halt normal negotiations with Trump’s team and instead launch an unprecedented criminal investigation.

They show that in May 2021, just months after Trump left office, NARA General Counsel Gary Stern admitted to Ferriero that “things were very chaotic, as they always are in the course of a one-term transition” and that the “transfer of the Trump electronic records is still ongoing and won’t be completed for several more months.”

But by June 2021, Ferriero told Trump’s team that he was “out of patience.”

The unredacted records also reveal NARA was working with the Biden DOJ to craft a criminal referral in September 2021, five months before NARA’s “official” referral to the DOJ in February 2022.

That criminal referral was predicated on Ferriero’s assumption that “alleged — and non-existent — ’24 boxes’ of records ‘have been destroyed.’”

“The Biden White House and DOJ were [sic] intimately involved in developing a criminal case against Trump for records mismanagement–it appears the first go-around related to alleged “destruction” of government papers,” Kelly wrote.

Outrageous lies by Joe Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and DOJ/Jack Smith about “independence” from investigations into Trump.

The Biden White House and DOJ wew intimately involved in developing a criminal case against Trump for records mismanagement–it appears the…

— Julie Kelly ?? (@julie_kelly2) April 22, 2024

Kelly also highlighted that the records reveal the DOJ told NARA “how to cover its tracks” in a complex bureaucratic runaround.

Now you know why the insiders like Andrew Weissmann and Barb McQuade are desperate to get rid of Judge Cannon. Without her courage on this matter, incriminating evidence of Biden’s WH and DOJ running the investigative show behind the scenes would be buried maybe forever.


— Julie Kelly ?? (@julie_kelly2) April 22, 2024

Meanwhile, recent polling shows most Americans are now wise to the government’s lawfare tactics against Trump, believing the cases against him are “politically motivated witch hunts” to derail his 2024 presidential election run.

Follow Jamie White on X | Truth | Gab | Gettr | Minds

The Ghost Of Hitler Is Being Used By The Globalists To Trigger A New World War

The Ghost Of Hitler Is Being Used By The Globalists To Trigger A New World War

adminApr 22, 20241 min read

The Ghost Of Hitler Is Being Used By The Globalists To Trigger A New World War

Jones explains why Hitler fetish isn’t the answer to defeating the New World Order.

Alex Jones delivers a powerful, historical deep dive on Hitler, European history, and World War II, and he responds to Hitlerphiles who’ve criticized him across the internet.

The Ghost Of Hitler Is Being Used By The Globalists To Trigger A New World War

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 22, 2024

Happy birthday to the man who got 24 million Germans killed! Hitler also launched a world war that killed another 80 million people. Just because our rulers are evil does not mean Hitler was good! Fuck Adolf Hitler!

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 21, 2024

For all the Hitler lovers this post should make it all better:) but I will say it again fuck Adolf Hitler and every other totalitarian oppressor of the people!

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 21, 2024


Activist Who Called On Trans Women To “Arm Up” Enraged By Conservative Media Coverage

adminApr 22, 20244 min read
Tranny tirade was posted in response to people who asserted they would never allow a man to enter a woman’s lavatory while their daughters were present.

Is biological men forcing their way into women’s bathrooms really a hill worth dying on?  Transgender activist “Tara Jay” (originally named Thomas Jay White) seems to think so.  A year ago Thomas made a TikTok that went viral, calling on trans women (men) to ‘arm up’ and be ready to die (or possibly kill) in the event that they are prevented from using public bathrooms reserved for legitimate females.  The tirade was posted in response to people who asserted they would never allow a man to enter a woman’s lavatory while their daughters were present.  Thomas claims this would be ‘the last mistake they ever make.’  Here is the original screed:

It probably doesn’t need to be noted that White does not look remotely like a woman.  Despite this, he considers himself a woman as well as a Poly Trans lesbian using she/her/hers pronouns, meaning, he is still a man that is attracted to women sexually. His call for activists to purchase guns and be ready to “die on the hill” of access to women’s bathrooms was used widely by conservative media personalities as a clear example of the unhinged nature of the trans movement. 

As is common among such activists, rather than taking stock of his statements and realizing how insane they sound, White has doubled down recently and posted a new response threatening specific conservative commentators with “a knock on their door” (ostensibly in the form of lawsuits) should they continue with their scrutiny of his videos and background.

Radical trans activist who threatened people who would question him using the women’s bathroom is threatening people again. He specifically mentions me, Tim Pool, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and Steven Crowder. “You’re gonna get a knock on your door.”

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) April 21, 2024

The trans movement increasingly represents people who are already deeply disturbed and unstable, people who latch onto trans identity as a way to act out on their darker impulses thinking they will be protected because of their status.  Then there are the people who simply want as much attention as possible.

Nearly every major study on the psychology of people identifying as trans, or as gender dysphoric, has found the majority have been diagnosed with at least one mental illness besides a disconnection from their gender.  Notably, trans women (men) had far higher rates of narcissism than the societal average.  Around 0.5% of the regular population is inclined towards narcissism – The trans woman population is 10.4% narcissistic.  That’s a massive separation.   

This greatly helps to explain the behaviors of many trans activists and clarifies why it’s important to keep such people in check rather than giving them whatever they want in the name of “inclusion.”   The growing militancy of trans activists is merely an extension of the growing militancy of the far left in general.  The problem is not so much that they claim they’re willing to fight for what they believe in; it’s that what they believe in is oppression of the majority and the deconstruction of normality for the sake of their ideology.

It’s not enough for people to tolerate trans activists – Everyone is required to embrace them, affirm them, celebrate them and submit to their every demand.  And, if you don’t submit, then you’re a “bigot” and thus fair game for violent retaliation.      


California Fast Food Prices Soar As Minimum Wage Hike Takes Toll

adminApr 22, 20242 min read
Minimum wage increase forcing restaurants to pass operating costs onto consumer.

Consumers of fast food in California are paying more for meals after the state’s new minimum wage law went into effect, local media reports.

According to Fox 11 Los Angeles, the minimum wage increase for fast-food workers touted by Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom that hiked hourly pay to $20 is negatively affecting consumers, who have to shell out more at restaurants.

“Fast food workers got a raise and customers are apparently paying the price — literally,” a Fox 11 anchor described.

“Since the minimum wage went up to $20 an hour, many restaurants have raised their prices, and one research company looked at 25 different chains and found that many of their items went up in cost.”

Some fast-food joints that increased prices include Wendy’s (8%), Chipotle (7.5%), and Starbucks (7%), according to the Kalinowski Equity Research firm.

Who saw this coming?

$20 minimum wage prompts fast food price increases in California.

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 18, 2024

Taco Bell and Burger King also raised prices by 3% and 2% respectively.

“The one chain that didn’t raise prices so far: McDonalds,” announced Fox11.

The predictable price rises come as some fast-food companies in the state also moved to cut staff ahead of the FAST Act (Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery Act) going into effect.

Business Insider reported in March that several pizza restaurants, including Pizza Hut and its franchisees Southern California Pizza Company and PacPizza, planned to lay off up to 1,200 delivery drivers in order to make ends meet.

Watch As Carnival Cruise Picks Up 27 Illegal Migrants Afloat In Ocean Near Cuba

Watch As Carnival Cruise Picks Up 27 Illegal Migrants Afloat In Ocean Near Cuba

adminApr 22, 20242 min read

Watch As Carnival Cruise Picks Up 27 Illegal Migrants Afloat In Ocean Near Cuba

Invaders now aboard luxury cruise ship

Footage going viral online shows a Carnival cruise ship bringing aboard 27 “migrants” who were adrift and calling for help about twenty miles off the coast of Cuba over the weekend.

Carnival Cruise Rescue Of Migrants!! More videos in post#carnivalparadise#Migrants

— KevinAmyJean (@KevinAmyJean1) April 22, 2024

?SHOCKING FOOTAGE: Carnival Cruise Line caught on camera helping illegal aliens invade the United States ⚠️

— Matt Wallace (@MattWallace888) April 22, 2024

Fox News reports, “All 27 passengers were taken aboard, fed and checked by medical personnel. Roatan officials and the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Key West were notified. Neither the Coast Guard sector nor Carnival Cruise Line could immediately be reached for comment.”

The ship will continue with its planned stops, apparently allowing the group of soon-to-be illegal immigrants a free cruise and potentially a free trip into America as the ship’s final destination is Tampa, Florida.