
RFK Jr., The Natural Law Party and Universal Natural Rights

RFK Jr., The Natural Law Party and Universal Natural Rights

adminApr 23, 20246 min read

RFK Jr., The Natural Law Party and Universal Natural Rights

Scott Lively advocates unity around founding principles to thwart secular humanist elite.

The biggest news domestically this week was that Robert Kennedy Jr. got on the ballot in Michigan with the help of the Natural Law Party. Most Americans have never heard of this transnational political party founded on the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, advocating the use of Transcendental Meditation. I only know of it because George Harrison (my favorite Beatle) did a benefit concert for the NLP at the Royal Albert Hall in London back in 1992.

Now, I’m a Christian pastor firmly grounded in the truth of John 14:6, but politically and culturally speaking I think TM is relatively benign, and its Hindu-leaning emphasis on natural law is a positive counter to the anti-theist, transhumanist agenda of the “elite” Secular Humanists who now dominate America and most of Western civilization. The MAGA movement is already fully comfortable with Tulsi Gabbard who follows the Hinduism of her father, Mike, who was my friend and powerful ally in the 1990s culture wars against the LGBT agenda. Generally speaking the Hindus are on our side in the matter of natural rights derived from natural law, as are all the world religions.

I have no problem with RFK welcoming the assist from the NLP, and am pleased that he is diligently persisting in his run. If the “elites” somehow kill Donald Trump’s chances of winning back the presidency or (God forbid) actually assassinate him, RFK would offer an alternative to Obiden a thousand times better than a continuation of the current nightmare. If Trump and Kennedy both reach the finish line, the latter’s haul of Democrat and libertarian-leaning independent voters could tip a close contest to Trump, which would make RFK the MVP of 2024.

Should Trump retake the White House (and the Lord tarry) the long-term future of this nation will depend on more than just draining the swamp in Washington and the blue cities – it will require the population of this country to embrace a return to the worldview of the founders. Let me explain why and how this could and should happen.

Throughout human history there have only ever been two forms of government: by far the most common being top-down control of an “inferior” majority by a minority of their “superiors,” and the very rare alternative being collective self-government by sovereign individuals.

Top down control has manifested in many forms both religious and secular, benevolent and malignant: historically and symbolically exemplified by Nimrod, and most fully realized in its malignant form in what we modernly call totalitarianism. It’s more benevolent forms are often religious, such as the Roman Catholic Church and its many Protestant alternatives with centralized hierarchical governance.

Collective self-government has also existed in multiple forms, both religious and secular, with good and bad intent, an ancient small-scale example being the Jerusalem Council of Acts, but the the prime example being America’s protean founding under the Mayflower Compact of 1620, and its more famous sequel, our Declaration of Independence, which is literally America’s First Organic Law. Collective self-government is most beautifully summarized in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, which is the ultimate bedrock of constitutional self-rule:ADVERTISEMENT

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” [Emphases mine.]

More fundamental to America than anything in the Bill of Rights is the historically unique pronouncement that “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” This is the prime-reality and logical necessity of true collective self-governance.

Restoring that principle as the overarching mandate of our federal and state governments must be Job 1 in a second Trump term or we will merely trade one set of masters for another. But how – after decades of “Great Replacement” importation of Third World immigrants – can we restore that mentality to a population that is no longer predominantly White Anglo-Saxon Protestants as was true for our first century and a half as a nation?

The WASPs – in particular the Scottish Presbyterians starting in the 1500s – constructed that self-governing mindset on the theological foundation of Luther’s “priesthood of all believers” – a bottom-up governmental system characterized by the “covenental oaths” of Christian equals, creating constitutionalism as we know it. The Pilgrim Separatists (separating from top-down Anglicanism) brought it to America, where the covenantal oath called the Mayflower Compact planted the seed that became Americanism, as exemplified by that other key covenental oath, the Declaration of Independence.

What, then, can unify so vastly diverse a population as we have now? The only possible basis for national consensus other than a Christian revival more sweeping than anything previously seen in the world (which is in God’s purview, not ours) is unity on universal natural law and rights – which all the world already embraces – except for the Secular Humanist minority that rules over us like a self-appointed aristocracy and keeps us polarized to prevent their overthrow.

So I say let’s build a movement to save and conserve the natural world from the transhumanists and rally around “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” however we may perceive Him. We can have collective self-governance on that basis with unity on all the issues most basic to humanity. And let’s start by seeking common ground on those basics with ALL those groups who believe in natural law, as RFK Jr. has shown by his example.

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

BIDENSURGENCY: Top 6 Ways to PREVENT the Democrats from STEALING the November POTUS Election

BIDENSURGENCY: Top 6 Ways to PREVENT the Democrats from STEALING the November POTUS Election

adminApr 23, 20245 min read

BIDENSURGENCY: Top 6 Ways to PREVENT the Democrats from STEALING the November POTUS Election

Don’t let this November rob the Republic of democracy and freedom.

The “New World Order” as George H.W. “Poppy” Bush put it, is in full effect right now, and these Satanists want the Republic of the United States to look like a God-forsaken Banana Republic as soon as possible. If you believe this is some kind of wild conspiracy theory, then you may want stop gulping the (fake news) Kool-aid and try some filtered water instead. First off, there is no way sleepy, creepy Joe Biden received 80 million votes after a lackluster campaign that involved about a dozen stops in high school auditoriums with about 15 paid goons sitting in Covid-friendly circles with their face diapers firmly in place.

The USA is now 3-and-a-half years deep into the Bidensurgency where communists run the corrupt polls, news, military and DC gulags for “election deniers”

The insurgency of Washington DC by the CCP puppets was carefully orchestrated well in advance of the 2020 fake election to overthrow President Donald J. Trump. Like never before in the Republic, the President was so rich himself he had no desire or need to embezzle billions and trillions of dollars through Big Government, the Military Industrial Complex or even Big Pharma.

Sure, Trump pushed for Covid vaccines, but remember, the majority of Americans, including the majority of conservatives, believe that vaccines are good for health safety, not the other way around. Over 270 million Americans rushed out to get jabbed with the most dangerous injections ever created, and now millions are suffering the consequences.

The pandemic was eventually — and justifiably — nicknamed the plandemic and the scamdemic, as it assisted in the biggest election “steal” in the history of the world. Have no doubt — the Demonic Democrats are planning a repeat. They aim to increase and propagate the Bidensurgency of communists in Washington DC and across the country come November, and this may just be the final election ever for the Banana Republic of America. But wait, it’s not too late yet. You can step up, with all other conservatives, independents, Republicans, Libertarians and anyone else who isn’t too dumbed-down with clot shots, fluoride and canola oil. Here’s how we can prevent the big 2024 steal the Dems have planned.

Top 6 ways to stop the steal this November, before it’s too late for us all

  • #1. Denounce Plandemic II that’s sure to be sweeping the nation and world within the next 6 months.
  • #2. Have thousands of legitimate poll watchers oversee the counting of votes in November.
  • #3. Get out and vote Republican across the board (while praying the RINOs don’t take over) — too many Americans think their vote won’t matter, but it matters a lot (makes it tougher if it’s a total Red landslide for the Left to cheat it).
  • #4. Get your smart device out and video record any and all “smurfs” (Soros-paid Leftists and criminals) dropping more than one ballot in a drop box at a time.
  • #5. Vote against any legislation that helps allow illegal immigrants to vote in our American elections (because they’re likely to vote for more free stuff and not Constitutional rights).
  • #6. Do NOT support fake pandemics that help the Left cheat on election day and night (as they kick out conservative poll watchers claiming “Covid” safety) while mailing in about 40 million faked (CCP-manufactured) NWO ballots.

Every day, Biden imports about a hundred thousand illegal immigrants into our country in order to shift the vote in November. Every single one of them will surely be granted “emergency amnesty” by October 31st, so they can all vote for free stuff, while replacing American citizens who are dying “unexpectedly” and “unexplainably” from the Wuhan Virus clot shots.

We already know that mail-in ballots are the number one way that the 2020 election was a huge steal for the Bidensurgency. These ballots are so easily counterfeited, as they have no watermarks, no serial numbers, no security threads. It’s almost to the point where the fake news media can simply say any number on election night and the masses will believe it’s true.

Realize that what the Bidensurgency called “the most secure election in U.S. history” was exactly the opposite, the most CORRUPT election in U.S. history. It’s always opposite day when it comes to fake news. Don’t let this November rob the Republic of democracy and freedom. Keep your truth news in check by adding to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on the demonic Democrats trying to steal another election with fake votes, fake people and fake virus tests. #Bidensurgency

THE END OF HUMANITY – As Planned By The Global Leaders.

THE END OF HUMANITY – As Planned By The Global Leaders.

adminApr 23, 20245 min read
Film exposes global agenda to replace humans with AI, warns of human eradication.

Did you know there is an official agenda, one which is heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and AI? Their plan is to end the era of humanity and usher in a new era of neo-humanity, in which people are a mix of man and machine and our thoughts and emotions will be monitored by AI.

Stop World Control, who ask us “Is that the world you want for yourself and your children?” have just released a short film THE END OF HUMANITY” with the intention that it will serve as a warning to mankind, to prevent this nefarious plan and to save the human race from both eradication and from this extreme form of slavery.”

We have shared the film today which can be viewed following this introduction from Stop World Control:

Ending humanity to ‘save the planet’

Many of us have seen the popular science fiction movies about robots taking over the world and eradicating humanity. But little do we know that this is exactly what is being prepared by the global leaders. It is what they are promoting, developing, financing and calling for, all around the world.

The globalists even claim that this is the only way to save the Earth from total collapse. Without exiting the era of mankind and entering into the era of NEO-HUMANITY, the world is doomed, they say. One of their arguments is that humans are the cause of climate change, and must therefore be replaced with artificial alternatives to “save the planet”.

This worldwide reformation is called “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” and is intended to completely digitize every aspect of life on Earth.

Our film “THE END OF HUMANITY” exposes this global agenda, which is being powerfully promoted with massive support from the most powerful organizations worldwide.

This is not just a film. This is reality.

THE END OF HUMANITY – As Planned By The Global Leaders.

Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, stated during the recent World Government Summit in Dubai:

“The future is already here. It’s coming like a tsunami! This Fourth Industrial Revolution will not only change everything we do, but it will have an impact on who we are.”

Major developments are underway to transplant the human personality into robotic carriers, to give man artificial immortality. This is the ultimate dream of the elites: to become immortal.

Robots are already replacing nurses, social workers, psychological assistants, doctors, cashiers, cooks, law enforcement, etc., in several areas of the world. The first computer chips are already being implanted into humans. The blending of man with machine is a reality, while AI is taking the world by storm, removing millions of human jobs as we speak.

The horrifying thing is that specifically those sensitive jobs where people need a human touch, true understanding and emotional support are being replaced with robots. Can you imagine being taken care of by a robot in the hospital or nursing home? That’s exactly what is happening. Removing the human experience, which is so precious, beautiful and deep, and replacing it with unfeeling robotic alternatives.

Inserting thoughts and emotions into everyone

At the same time, technologies are being installed in every nation of the world that will continually record all the thoughts, emotions and dreams of everyone. These technologies even have the ability to insert thoughts and emotions into the population. That is not a conspiracy theory, as it is publicly stated by the former president of Chile, Sebastian Pinera, and by the Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, Ida Auken, former minister of the environment of Denmark.

In Europe, the public ‘School TV’ tells kids how ‘cool’ it is to have a chip in your brain.

Google is organizing symposia declaring how humans will become one with computers, while the CEO of Nokia says that, in a few years, everyone will have their smartphones inside their body. This means that every detail of our lives can be constantly monitored. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum hosts conferences about ‘brain transparency’, discussing how all our most intimate, personal data will be stored in the cloud and controlled by Big Tech.

All this falls in line with the announcement of the WEF that by 2030, no one will have any privacy. Klaus Schwab says we will have to get used to a society of “full transparency”, where everything we think, feel and dream is monitored.

The film “THE END OF HUMANITY” is a warning to mankind, intended to prevent this nefarious plan and to save the human race, from both eradication and from this extreme form of slavery.


Stop World Control –
Stop World Control – The End Of Humanity –As Planned By The Global Leaders –

BREAKING: Trump Advisors Identified As WEF Agents

BREAKING: Trump Advisors Identified As WEF Agents

adminApr 23, 20241 min read

BREAKING: Trump Advisors Identified As WEF Agents

Bad actors in Trump’s orbit exposed

Tom Renz joins Alex Jones live to expose Susie Wiles’ connections to the World Economic Forum as she advises President Trump.

BREAKING: Australian Senator Calls For Elon Musk’s Arrest For Defending Free Speech

BREAKING: Australian Senator Calls For Elon Musk’s Arrest For Defending Free Speech

adminApr 23, 20241 min read

BREAKING: Australian Senator Calls For Elon Musk’s Arrest For Defending Free Speech

Senator Jacqui Lambie called for Elon Musk to be jailed for allowing footage of a priest being stabbed by a radical Islamist to be shared freely on the X platform.

Australian Senator Jacqui Lambie called for Elon Musk to be jailed for allowing footage of a priest being stabbed by a radical Islamist to be shared freely on the X platform.

BREAKING: Australian Senator Calls For Elon Musk’s Arrest For Defending Free Speech

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 23, 2024

Biden’s America: 40% Of Renters Think They’ll Never Own A Home, Up From 27% Last Year

Biden’s America: 40% Of Renters Think They’ll Never Own A Home, Up From 27% Last Year

adminApr 23, 20244 min read
Nearly two in five (38%) U.S. renters don’t believe they’ll ever own a home, up from roughly one-quarter (27%) less than a year ago.

Bidenomics 101: the American dream of owning a home has become the American nightmare for almost half the US population.

As housing specialist Redfin reports, rising home prices and mortgage rates “are making it harder to believe in the American dream of homeownership. Lack of affordability is the most commonly cited reason renters don’t believe they’ll ever own a home.

The details are dire: Nearly two in five (38%) U.S. renters don’t believe they’ll ever own a home, up from roughly one-quarter (27%) less than a year ago. 

This is according to a Redfin-commissioned survey of roughly 3,000 U.S. residents conducted by Qualtrics in February 2024. This report focuses on the 1,000 respondents who indicated they are renters. The relevant questions were: “Do you believe that you will ever own your own home in the future?” and “Which of the following are reasons you aren’t likely to purchase a home in the near future?” The 27% comparison is from a Redfin survey conducted in May and June 2023. 

Lack of affordability is the prevailing reason renters believe they’re unlikely to become homeowners. Nearly half (44%) of renters who don’t believe they’ll buy a home in the near future said it’s because available homes are too expensive. The next most common obstacles: Ability to save for a down payment (35%), ability to afford mortgage payments (33%) and high mortgage rates (32%). Roughly one in eight (14%) simply aren’t interested in owning a home. 

Biden’s America: 40% Of Renters Think They’ll Never Own A Home, Up From 27% Last Year

Buying a home has become increasingly out of reach for many Americans due to the one-two punch of high home prices and high mortgage rates. First-time homebuyers must earn roughly $76,000 to afford the typical U.S. starter home, up 8% from a year ago and up nearly 100% from before the pandemic, according to a recent Redfin analysis. Home prices have skyrocketed more than 40% since 2019, due to the pandemic homebuying frenzy and a shortage of homes for sale. And the current average 30-year fixed mortgage rate is 6.82%. While that’s below the 23-year-high of nearly 8% hit in October, it’s still more than double the record low rates dropped to in 2020. 

Home prices have risen 7% in the last year alone, and monthly mortgage payments have risen more than 10%, which helps explain why renters today are more likely than they were last year to say they don’t see themselves owning a home anytime soon. 

Many renters can’t fathom homeownership because they’re already struggling to afford their monthly housing costs. Nearly one-quarter (24%) of renters say they regularly struggle to afford their housing payments, and an additional 45% say they sometimes struggle to do so.

Rents have soared over the last few years because so many people moved during the pandemic, upping demand for rentals. The median U.S. asking rent is roughly $2,000, near the record high hit in 2022–but the good news for renters is that prices aren’t growing nearly as fast as they were during the pandemic, partly because an influx of apartment supply is taking some of the heat off prices. 

“Housing costs are high across the board, but renting is a more affordable and realistic option for many Americans right now–especially those who have never owned a home and aren’t able to tap into equity from a previous sale,” said Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather. “While owning a home is usually a sound longterm investment, the barriers to entry and upfront costs of buying are higher than renting. Buying typically requires a sizable down payment and approval for a mortgage–things that are difficult for many people today, when the typical down payment is near $60,000 and mortgage payments are sky-high. The sheer expense of purchasing a home is causing the American Dream of homeownership to lose some of its shine.” 

Gen Z renters are most likely to believe they’ll own a home

Broken down by generation, Gen Z renters are by far the most likely to believe they will become homeowners (maybe it’s because they are also the dumbest). Just 8% of Gen Z renters believe they’ll never own a home, compared to 22% of millennials, 40% of Gen Xers and 81% of baby boomers.