
‘Sometimes I Control Myself, Sometimes I Don’t Control Myself’ – Homeless Algerian Migrant Charged With Kidnapping And Raping French Woman Who Helped Him

‘Sometimes I Control Myself, Sometimes I Don’t Control Myself’ – Homeless Algerian Migrant Charged With Kidnapping And Raping French Woman Who Helped Him

adminApr 24, 20244 min read

‘Sometimes I Control Myself, Sometimes I Don’t Control Myself’ – Homeless Algerian Migrant Charged With Kidnapping And Raping French Woman Who Helped Him

The Algerian has four previous convictions, including assault against two other women.

A 25-year-old homeless Algerian migrant has been arrested and charged for allegedly kidnapping, beating and raping a 49-year-old French woman in Saint-Herblain, near Nantes, after she worked with the man “for years” to help him.

The victim was raped in an ordeal that lasted from Friday evening all the way into Saturday morning, with the man forcibly keeping her inside the apartment until she managed to escape and alert police.

Prosecutors say the man broke into her home with a knife and held the victim captive. The victim’s husband and children were not home during the incident.

The homeless migrant was arrested inside the victim’s home on Saturday morning and was held in custody over the weekend. On Monday, he was brought before a judge to be indicted.

“Sometimes I control myself, sometimes I don’t control myself,” he told the judge during his indictment.

The woman told police that she had worked with the man for years trying to help him through her aid work, according to French news outlet Actu 17.

The man is well known for various property crimes and for being violent with two other women, according to a police source speaking with French newspaper Le Figaro. He has four convictions in total but has never been deported. 

The victim is known to work for an association that supports those facing poverty, with the woman meeting the 25-year-old alleged rapist while he was “in a time of need.” 

“What is described by the victim is unspeakable,” a source close to the victim told Presse Ocean news outlet. The victim was ordered to stay home for 10 days due to the injuries she sustained during the brutal rape and kidnapping.

Good Samitarians often targeted

The news follows a trend of good Samaritans who take migrants into their homes or work with migrants being targeted for rape and murder. Last year, an Afghan migrant was convicted of nearly killing a mother and her daughter in a stabbing attack after the 16-year-old rejected his desire to enter a relationship; he is currently standing trial in a German court for his alleged crime. Prosecutors say the 27-year-old man, Fuwad O., who had claimed refugee status, was welcomed as a friend by the mother and daughter in the German city of Speyer, but when the 16-year-old daughter turned down his advances, he stabbed her in a rage.

Also last year, a failed Iranian asylum seeker was sentenced to prison after brutally murdering a frail 87-year-old woman who took him into her home in the English county of North Yorkshire.

Another murder in 2023 saw an Albanian migrant kill his French host over an argument over religion and then send a photo of the murder scene to an acquaintance over Snapchat.

In yet another incident in 2023, an Algerian woman stabbed her host three times in the throat for unknown reasons outside Paris, resulting in the death of the French citizen.

In 2023, a pro-migrant French activist, the 23-year-old Océane Decan, who is well known for her extreme social media presence and radical activities, said she was “shocked” to see her migrant rapist on the streets so soon after she was raped by him. The man was unemployed and homeless, and raped her at knife-point.

In 2022, a 31-year-old Afghan national was convicted for the stabbing murder of a septuagenarian killed in his Paris home in the 19th district of the French capital, with the victim being stabbed 30 times. The Afghan man was reportedly allowed to stay with the host despite a record of sexual assault, although it is unclear if the victim was aware of his past crimes.

In 2020, the head of a pro-migrant organization was murdered in his sleep by a 20-year-old Afghan man he had taken into his home. He beat the victim to death with an iron rod.

In 2019, 61-year-old Patricia H., a volunteer at a refugee center in Hanover who gave asylum seekers German lessons, was murdered after being suffocated with duct tape. Faried A., a 32-year-old asylum seeker whose asylum application had been rejected, was accused by prosecutors of murdering her to steal the woman’s money.

Alex Jones Breaks Down How He Was Able To Predict 9-11

Germany’s Youth Swing to The Right: Anti-Immigration AfD Becomes No. 1 Party For Germans Under 30

Germany’s Youth Swing to The Right: Anti-Immigration AfD Becomes No. 1 Party For Germans Under 30

adminApr 24, 20244 min read

Germany’s Youth Swing to The Right: Anti-Immigration AfD Becomes No. 1 Party For Germans Under 30

“We can speak of a clear shift to the right in the young population,” summarized one researcher.

German youth are shifting towards the Alternative for Germany (AfD) amid concerns over mass immigration, inflation, the economy, and the war in Ukraine, according to the “Youth in Germany” study, which was conducted on 14- to 29-year-olds.

The results of the large-scale survey show that twice as many young people would vote for the AfD compared to 2022 and that the party is now the number one party in Germany in terms of favorability.

“The AfD has clearly succeeded in presenting itself as a protest party for the traffic lights and as a problem solver for current concerns,” reads the study.

The study also notes that politically conservative, anti-immigrant and xenophobic statements have increased among youth.

“We can speak of a clear shift to the right in the young population,” summarized researcher Hurrelmann.

The survey shows that the number one concern of young people is inflation, with 65 percent confirming this, while the wars in Europe and the Middle East took the number two spot, with 60 percent of those surveyed citing these as a concern.

The number three concern was scarce and overpriced housing at 54 percent. Climate change and divisions in society both garnered 49 percent.

Although concern over “the increase in refugee flows” was only a concern of 41 percent of this age group, this was a huge increase from the last survey, when only 22 percent cited this as a concern.

The study authors note that although Germany’s youth are more used to living in international and multi-ethnic circles than older generations, “regardless of this, there seems to be growing concern that too many refugees are coming into the country and that this poses dangers due to the lack of living space, social division and financially strained social systems.”

The growing concern over immigration, inflation, and the war in Ukraine has been a boon for the AfD party. In just one year, the AfD has almost doubled its share of the vote among young people. At 22 percent, the party is now the number one party for those under 30 in terms of favorability. 

In addition, issues like the housing crisis and inflation are directly tied to the migrant crisis. As Remix News has previously reported, migrants are contributing to a housing squeeze as the country reaches new population records every year solely due to mass migration, all at a time when housing construction has plummeted. At the same time, mass migration is putting severe strains on the healthcare system and social benefits.

For Germany’s “Generation Z,” the education situation may also be contributing to their growing worry over the migration crisis. As reported here, teachers and parents are raising the alarm about diversity in the school system, with falling standardsviolence in the classroom, and conflicts between different student groups contributing to a deteriorating education system. 

The study notes that AfD has found success on TikTok and Instagram, which may account in part for the party’s success with the youth. The popularity of right-wing parties on TikTok in particular may be why the Western left-liberal establishment is looking to ban or curtail the app.

In the survey, the Christian Democrats (CDU) are also doing well with young people, coming in at second place with 20 percent support. The ruling left-liberal government has seen its support among the young drop substantially.

The survey also notes that the rate of mental illness and anxiety about the future are rising in German youth.

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Whistleblower Quits NSPCC Charity Over ‘Trans Grooming’

Whistleblower Quits NSPCC Charity Over ‘Trans Grooming’

adminApr 24, 20241 min read

Whistleblower Quits NSPCC Charity Over ‘Trans Grooming’

A senior volunteer has revealed that she left the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) because the charity was pursuing an aggressive form of trans ideology Julia Marshall claims that the […]

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Turkey’s Erdogan Condemns Israel’s Netanyahu For Outdoing Hitler in Slaughter of 14,000 Children in Gaza

Turkey’s Erdogan Condemns Israel’s Netanyahu For Outdoing Hitler in Slaughter of 14,000 Children in Gaza

adminApr 24, 20245 min read

Turkey’s Erdogan Condemns Israel’s Netanyahu For Outdoing Hitler in Slaughter of 14,000 Children in Gaza

Erdogan urges regional peace as he meets Hamas leader in Turkey.

To date, data reveals an estimated 14,000 children have been killed in Gaza. Regarding this grim news, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of outdoing German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

Anadolu news agency reported on Wednesday that Erdogan told a Justice and Development (AK) Party group meeting in the Turkish parliament that with unconditional support from the West, Israel is carrying out massacres that are marks of shame in human history, both in Gaza and the West Bank. He said that the Palestinian cause gave his life new meaning, adding that no one can question Turkey’s sensitivity to the Palestinian issue. “As long as God grants me life, I will continue to defend the struggle of Palestine and will be the voice of the oppressed Palestinian people,” Erdogan vowed.

Erdogan further compared the struggle of Hamas to the Turkish War of Independence (1919-1922) and reminded the members of the Parliament that he had stood up for the Palestinian militant group at the 2009 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “When no one else would speak, we stood up and said: ‘Hamas is not a terrorist organization, but a resistance group.’ We presented maps at the UN showing how Israel has gradually occupied the lands of Palestineover the past 70 years,” he said.

Also, during an opening speech at an award ceremony in Ankara, Erdogan said the systematic slaughter of six million Jews in the Holocaust was not as bad as Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza and likened Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the Strip to that of Jews rounded up in concentration and death camps. “We’ve seen the Nazi camps of Israel. How does this happen? They used to talk about Hitler, but how are you any different than Hitler?” he asked of Israel. “This is even worse than Hitler,” he added and received deafening applause. “What Netanyahu is doing is no less than what Hitler did.”

On the same day, Netanyahu responded to the Turkish leader, saying Erdogan has no right to lecture Israel about morality. “Erdogan, who commits genocide against the Kurds, who holds a world record for imprisoning journalists who oppose his rule, is the last one who can preach morality to us,” the Israeli leader said.

Israel and Turkey were long-time regional allies but ties imploded after a 2010 Israeli commando raid on the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara ship, part of a blockade-busting flotilla, that left 10 Turkish activists dead. Relations between the two nations have been up and down since then and they only restored full diplomatic ties in August 2022.

Meanwhile, the United Nations has estimated that 85 percent of the Gaza residents have been internally displaced and face acute shortages of food, water and medication, while more than half of the infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed. A recent report by UN Human Rights Council special rapporteur Francesca Albanese has accused Israel of intending to commit genocide in the enclave. (Related: LIES: U.S. asserts no genocide was committed in Gaza amid violent Israeli military campaign.)

Erdogan urges regional peace as he meets Hamas leader in Turkey

Efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza and to reach a fair and lasting peace in the region were tackled during a meeting between Erdogan and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Istanbul on Saturday. This meeting, which took place amid escalating regional tensions following Israel’s reported attack on Iran this week, has been the first meeting of the two leaders since Israel began its military offensive in the enclave.

“Issues related to Israel’s attacks on lands of Palestine, particularly Gaza, efforts for adequate and uninterrupted delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, and a fair and lasting peace process in the region were discussed,” Erdogan said in a statement. The statement also indicated that the Turkish president stressed that Israel should not benefit from the developments (between Iran and Israel) and that it is important to make efforts that will draw attention to Gaza again.

During their talk, Erdogan told Haniyeh that Turkey continues its diplomatic efforts for a permanent ceasefire as well as the establishment of an independent state of Palestine. He also told Haniyeh that “it is vital for Palestinians to act in unity,” the statement said.

Palestinian militant group Hamas seized control in Gaza in 2007, a year after sweeping elections, following a brief civil war with Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces, reducing the PA’s rule to the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Efforts to reconcile the two sides have so far failed over thorny power-sharing issues.

Read more stories about Israel’s violent attacks in Gaza, killing mostly women and children at

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ANOTHER Prominent Homosexual Activist Arrested For Child Sexual Exploitation

ANOTHER Prominent Homosexual Activist Arrested For Child Sexual Exploitation

adminApr 24, 20244 min read

ANOTHER Prominent Homosexual Activist Arrested For Child Sexual Exploitation

Many now view homosexuality as the gateway drug to pedophilia.

Another prominent LGBT activist has been added to the long list of pedophiles disguising themselves as leftist activists.

Sean Pinion, a 31-year-old LGBT activist, is a transplant from Louisiana and has lived in Colorado Springs since 2016. He recently joined the Pikes Peak Arts Council, a non-profit organization fostering creativity, collaboration and cultural enrichment within the Pikes Peak region, in June 2023 and served as president.

In November 2022, the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) unit of the Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) initiated an investigation into an individual uploading child sexual abuse material on a social media platform. At the time, Pinion was promoting dangerous trans chest binding devices for children on social media.

Throughout 2023, the ICAC unit identified different addresses linked to a potential suspect in El Paso, yet locating the suspect proved elusive. In December 2023, the ICAC conducted several hours of surveillance on a possible address in unincorporated El Paso County within the Security-Widefield area. Subsequently, on April 11, 2024, a search warrant was conducted in the 200 block of Dexter Street, in a neighborhood northeast of US 85-87 and Mesa Ridge Parkway.

Four days after the release of the search warrant on April 11, the CSPD arrested Pinion and placed him in the El Paso County jail on a $20,000 bond on charges of alleged child sexual exploitation. Additionally, the Pikes Peak Arts Council immediately ousted Pinion from the position shortly after the arrest.

“In light of recent events, the executive board of the Pikes Peak Arts Council has formally removed Sean Pinion as president effective immediately. The Pikes Peak Arts Council has a zero-tolerance policy. Our board as a whole was unaware of the charges until news broke to us on Wednesday, April 17th, 2024. As representatives of the Pikes Peak Arts Council, [we] do not condone his actions nor are they a representation for who we are. Our number one priority is safety for those in our community,” the organization wrote in its official statement.

Pinion was scheduled to appear in El Paso County Court on April 24. However, several reports revealed that as of 8:05 p.m. on April 16, Pinion was no longer in police custody.

Prominent LGBT activists face serious child abuse charges

The arrest of Pinion in El Paso adds to a concerning pattern of prominent LGBT activists facing significant allegations of child sexual abuse.In February, 39-year-old Sean Gravells, a former president of the North Peace Pride Society (NPPS), an LGBT pride organization in northern British Columbia, Canada, was arrested on multiple charges of sex crimes against children, including touching a person under 16 for sexual purposes, sexual interference with a person under 16, possession of child pornography and importing or distributing child pornography. That same month, Kendall Stephen, a well-known trans-identifying activist, was arrested in Philadelphia on charges of raping two boys. (Related: Prominent Philadelphia LGBT activist ARRESTED for allegedly sexually assaulting 2 kids.)

In January, Gerad Slayton, a former executive director of the Rainbow Resource Center, was among more than a dozen men arrested in a sting operation targeting online predators attempting to solicit sex with minors.

In 2023, the same kind of abuse happened to two boys when a gay activist couple from Georgia adopted them. The couple faced allegations of abuse and trafficking in a pedophile ring. Additionally, Oregon teacher and activist Kelsey Boren, who mentored an 11-year-old drag queen, was convicted on child pornography charges and sentenced to less than a year in prison for 11 felony counts of encouraging child sex abuse.These incidents are now causing growing concern among the public: The longstanding efforts to refute stereotypes linking the gay community to target children are fueling suspicions that the end goal of the movement may not be the acceptance of diverse views but rather the grooming of the next generation.

Visit for more stories about child sex abusers.

Watch this video explaining why LGBT Pride is a form of child abuse.

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Mitch McConnell Blames Tucker Carlson For Delaying US Aid To Ukraine

Mitch McConnell Blames Tucker Carlson For Delaying US Aid To Ukraine

adminApr 24, 20241 min read

Mitch McConnell Blames Tucker Carlson For Delaying US Aid To Ukraine

The Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has accused Tucker Carlson of delaying the US aid package to Kiev, blaming him for the GOP’s “demonizing of Ukraine” McConnell claims that Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir […]

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