
Biden Proposes Highest Capital Gains Tax in Over 100 YEARS

Biden Proposes Highest Capital Gains Tax in Over 100 YEARS

adminApr 24, 20244 min read
Biden’s 2025 budget proposal raises the top marginal rate on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends to 44.6%.

The Biden administration has proposed the highest top capital gains tax in over a century.

According to Biden’s 2025 budget proposal the top marginal rate on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends would rise to 44.6%.

The proposal, which marks the highest tax increase since the creation of the capital gains tax in 1922, could significantly curtail the financial returns of investors in stocks and crypto.

Biden Proposes Highest Capital Gains Tax in Over 100 YEARS

“For example, a taxpayer with $1,100,000 in taxable income of which $200,000 is preferential capital income would have $100,000 of capital income taxed at the preferential rate and $100,000 taxed at ordinary rates,” the proposal states.

Additionally, the proposal when combined with state capital gains tax would exceed 50% in many (mostly blue) states and would not account for inflation’s erosion of purchasing power.

From Americans for Tax Reform:

Under the Biden proposal, the combined federal-state capital gains tax exceeds 50% in many states. California will face a combined federal-state rate of 59%, New Jersey 55.3%, Oregon at 54.5%, Minnesota at 54.4%, and New York state at 53.4%.

Worse, capital gains are not indexed to inflation. So Americans already get stuck paying tax on some “gains” that are not real. It is a tax on inflation, something created by Washington and then taxed by Washington. Biden’s high inflation makes this especially painful.

Many hard working couples who started a small business at age 25 who now wish to sell the business at age 65 will face the Biden proposed 44.6% top rate, plus state capital gains taxes. And much of that “gain” isn’t real due to inflation. But they’ll owe tax on it.

The advocacy group also noted that Biden’s tax proposal dwarfs Communist China’s top capital gains tax, which is 20%.

If that wasn’t enough, the 2025 budget also includes a second Death Tax that would essentially enforce a mandatory capital gains tax at death, an initiative that Congress tried and failed to implement in 1979 because it was “impossibly unworkable,” according to The New York Times.

Almost immediately, however, the new law touched off a flood of complaints as unfair and impossibly unworkable. So many, in fact, that last year Congress retroactively delayed the law’s effective date until 1980 while it struggled again with the issue.

Not only were there protests from people who expected the tax to fall on them — family businesses and farms, in particular — bankers and estate lawyers also complained that the rule was a nightmare of paperwork.

Biden is proposing a 44.6% capital gains tax, the highest ever, previously set by Jimmy Carter.

Here’s how that worked out for Jimmy Carter:

— Joe Consorti ⚡ (@JoeConsorti) April 24, 2024

In all, Biden’s 2025 budget calls for about $5 trillion in tax increases over the next decade.

Meanwhile, Biden also vowed on Tuesday not to cut any more taxes after Trump’s tax cuts expire in 2025.

“If I’m reelected, it’s going to stay expired,” his account posted on X.

Donald Trump was very proud of his $2 trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy and biggest corporations and exploded the federal debt.

That tax cut is going to expire.

If I’m reelected, it’s going to stay expired.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) April 23, 2024

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Watch: Clueless Students at NYU Demonstration Have No Idea Why They’re Protesting

Watch: Clueless Students at NYU Demonstration Have No Idea Why They’re Protesting

adminApr 24, 20242 min read

Watch: Clueless Students at NYU Demonstration Have No Idea Why They’re Protesting

NYU coeds fail to explain why they’re attending Pro-Palestine demonstration.

Gen Z students who were interviewed couldn’t explain why they were attending a pro-Gaza demonstration at New York University.

The clueless students incredibly still agreed to go on camera, despite being unable to verbalize the purpose of the protest.

“What would you say is the main goal with tonight’s protest?” a journalist asked a student.

?VIDEO: A REAL interview we had at NYU:

QUESTION: “Why are you protesting?”

PROTESTER #1: “I don’t know. I’m pretty sure there’s something about Israel [turns to other person] Why are we protesting?”

PROTESTER #2: “I wish I was more educated.”

PROTESTER #1: “I’m not either.”

— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) April 24, 2024

“I think the goal is just showing our support for Palestine and demanding that NYU stops — ,” the student says, before admitting, “I honestly don’t know all of what NYU is doing.”

“I’m pretty sure they’re…” she says, before turning to her friend (who’s wearing a mask) to ask, “Do you know what NYU is doing?”

“About what?” the friend asks.

“About Israel,” the student responds. “Why are we protesting here?”

“I wish I was more educated,” the friend confesses, with the student adding, “I’m not either.”

The students’ inability to articulate their attendance comes as police arrested 133 pro-Palestine demonstrators at NYU earlier this week as radical leftists hold nationwide protests.

Watch: Biden Reads “Pause” on Teleprompter

Watch: Biden Reads “Pause” on Teleprompter

adminApr 24, 20242 min read

Watch: Biden Reads “Pause” on Teleprompter

More senile antics from Dementia Joe.

Joe Biden mistakenly read stage directions in his teleprompter script aloud at a campaign event, once again illustrating why the 81-year-old is mentally unfit to serve the country.

Speaking at a labor union event in Washington, DC, Wednesday, Biden stated, “Imagine what we could do next,” before adding, “Four more years. Pause.”

NOW – Biden: “Four more years. Pause.”

— (@disclosetv) April 24, 2024

Within seconds, Biden appeared to have recognized the mistake, stating, “Oh,” before the crowd broke into chants shouting, “Four more years!”

Social media users highlighted the flub as proof Biden’s too old to be president.

How can anyone see this and think this old fuck is fit to be president

— lizard (@StockLizardKing) April 24, 2024


— mcbenis (@pt0kes) April 24, 2024

This is an embarrassment at this point.

— Planet Of Memes (@PlanetOfMemes) April 24, 2024

Others highlighted Biden’s made the same error previously, for example when he read, “End of quote. Repeat the line,” during a press conference in July 2022.

Biden reading from the teleprompter: ?

2024: “Four more years. Pause.”

2022: “End of quote. Repeat the line”

— Eddie (@ICU1010) April 24, 2024

Whoever controls the teleprompter is the real President!

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 8, 2022

We look forward to reading how the Biden propagandists spin the faux pas on their official White House transcript.

Blasphemous Biden Makes Sign Of Cross At Mention Of Abortion

Blasphemous Biden Makes Sign Of Cross At Mention Of Abortion

adminApr 24, 20243 min read

Blasphemous Biden Makes Sign Of Cross At Mention Of Abortion

Pro-abortion Democrat politician made sign as fellow Dem. complained less Florida babies will be aborted.

Sleepy Joe Biden enraged religious Americans on Tuesday as he made the sign of the cross while Democrat Florida gubernatorial candidate Nikki Fried complained about the state restricting abortion access.

The pro-abortion “Catholic” president made the sign as Fried said, “We come back here to the state of Florida where Ron DeSantis felt like he needed to run for president and so fifteen weeks wasn’t good enough. We had to go to six weeks.”

Biden makes Sign of the Cross while talking about

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 24, 2024

Biden surely wasn’t making the hand gesture towards the aborted children, but instead appeared to do it as a sign he is upset MORE children aren’t being aborted.

The incident was singled out on social media:

Biden the self-described “devout Catholic” makes the sign of the cross in support of this woman’s desire to kill babies up through 3 months of pregnancy.

— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) April 24, 2024

This. Is. VILE!

President Biden makes the Sign of the Cross at an abortion rally in Florida!

You cannot be Catholic and support abortion!

You cannot invoke GOD and promote Death!

— CatholicVote (@CatholicVote) April 23, 2024

This is blasphemous.

Joe Biden made the Sign of the Cross during an appearance in Florida to support abortion.

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 23, 2024

Biden blesses abortion with sign of the cross


— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) April 24, 2024

Christians give Biden reality check after he appears to bless abortion with sign of the cross: ‘He should know better’

— TheBlaze (@theblaze) April 24, 2024

Are you kidding me?

Biden made the Sign of the Cross while on a trip to promote abortion.

This is a mockery.

— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) April 24, 2024


Why is Joe Biden making the sign of the cross while promoting abortion in Florida?

This is totally EVIL and sacrilegious.

— (@LifeNewsHQ) April 23, 2024

Joe Biden’s support of abortion is openly against Catholic teaching.

Making the Sign of The Cross in support of infanticide is another level of disgusting.

— MRCTV (@mrctv) April 24, 2024

Joe Biden mocks God and Catholicism by making the sign of the cross at his apparent disgust for a 6 week abortion ban. He prefers abortion up until birth.

This is a mockery of God.

— Dr. Abby Johnson (@AbbyJohnson) April 24, 2024

H5N1 Bird Flu Found in Grocery Store Milk As Gates-Funded Vaccine Enters Trials

H5N1 Bird Flu Found in Grocery Store Milk As Gates-Funded Vaccine Enters Trials

adminApr 24, 20241 min read

H5N1 Bird Flu Found in Grocery Store Milk As Gates-Funded Vaccine Enters Trials

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has ordered states to prepare for “rapid bird flu testing” after H5N1 virus fragments were found in grocery store pasteurized milk. Incredibly, in what the media is claiming […]

The post H5N1 Bird Flu Found in Grocery Store Milk As Gates-Funded Vaccine Enters Trials appeared first on The People’s Voice.

ALERT! Biden Weighs Declaring ‘Climate Emergency’ That Grants Government ‘COVID-like Powers’

ALERT! Biden Weighs Declaring ‘Climate Emergency’ That Grants Government ‘COVID-like Powers’

adminApr 24, 20244 min read

ALERT! Biden Weighs Declaring ‘Climate Emergency’ That Grants Government ‘COVID-like Powers’

“Joe Biden would get about 130 wartime-like powers by which to bypass democracy and impose the Green New Deal on America without a single vote of Congress,” Marc Morano reports.

The Biden administration is considering declaring a climate emergency to combat the so-called “climate crisis” which would grant the federal government enormous “dictatorial” powers on par with the COVID and 9/11 emergency powers.

In an appearance on Fox Business Friday, Climate Depot Executive Editor Marc Morano reported that the White House suggested it may declare a climate emergency that would imbue it with “COVID-like powers.”

“This is the serious story of the day. NBC News has reported that if Joe Biden declared a national climate emergency, he would have COVID-like powers under that emergency and NBC also compared the climate emergency powers to the 9/11 emergency powers,” Marc Morano said Friday.

“The White House is now considering declaring a national climate emergency.”

“If Joe Biden declares a national climate emergency, he would have COVID-like powers. He would impose the Green New Deal on America without a vote in Congress”

The AP is urging other news outlets to…

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) April 23, 2024

Morano went on to warn that the climate emergency declaration would allow the Biden regime to “bypass democracy” to ram through the left’s radical Green New Deal before the 2024 election.

“The Center for Biological Diversity has estimated Joe Biden would get about 130 wartime-like powers by which to bypass democracy and impose the Green New Deal on America without a single vote of Congress,” he said.

“This is truly a Halloween story, not a story for Earth Day. This is a truly frightening story, and he might just be desperate enough to declare it.”

“This is being widely reported in the media. The Biden White House is leaking this out. This might happen, and it is going to give Joe Biden these kind — you want to say the words dictatorial powers. He doesn’t need no stinking democracy to impose the Green New Deal if he does this,” he added.

The Associated Press earlier this month updated its Stylebook Online guidance to claim that “climate crisis”, rather than “climate change”, is the best term to use to describe “the current situation.”

.@APStylebook has new guidance on climate change vs climate crisis term usage.

It says the term climate crisis is the correct descriptor of “the current situation.” ?

— Gabriella Hoffman (@Gabby_Hoffman) April 11, 2024

As Infowars and Alex Jones have reported for years, the federal government has been preparing to impose yet more lockdowns in the name of fighting climate change, especially ahead of important elections that would allow drastic changes in how ballots are recorded such as universal mail-in voting.

“They’re leaning to that direction,” U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart told Just the News in July 2023. “If you grant the president’s emergency powers to declare a climate emergency, [it will be] just like Covid.”

“They can literally do exactly what they did in COVID,” Stewart continued, adding that climate critics would be censored like critics of Covid were. “If you disagree with the climate emergency, [speech] can be shut down.”

“We really need to be paying attention to that because that power could be extended indefinitely until the ‘climate emergency’ is over. Who knows how long that would last,” he added.

Countries have already begun implementing soft climate lockdown trials on several occasions, such as in the UK and India.

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