
How Dems Could Be Held Accountable for Tossing Mayorkas Impeachment

How Dems Could Be Held Accountable for Tossing Mayorkas Impeachment

adminApr 25, 20246 min read

How Dems Could Be Held Accountable for Tossing Mayorkas Impeachment

Michael Schisler applies U.S. Code provision to senators who ‘conspired’ together

As most are aware, Senate Democrats recently voted unanimously to discard the House impeachment articles against Alejandro Mayorkas for his unlawful implementation of Biden’s open border policies. This was the first time in U.S. history that an impeachment has been summarily discarded by the U.S. Senate for a person still in office for crimes alleged while still holding that office.

The House of Representatives did its job in accordance to the Constitution, including investigations, subsequently sending its articles of impeachment to the Senate. Since the House is the duly elected representation of We the People, the articles of impeachment against Mayorkas emanated from We the People. And poll after poll shows that the American people do in fact want Mayorkas removed for his lawless handling of the southern border.

But the Senate didn’t do its constitutional duty, apparently in violation of the body’s own rules no less. And as a result, We the People were illegally denied the impeachment trial of Mayorkas and the Senate’s lawful verdict.

Nowhere in the Senate’s own published rules for impeachment do we find any plain reading of the text to support the idea that a trial of the accused via articles of impeachments is optional for the Senate. But even if it were optional, as Democrats contend, such optionality creates a monumental problem under the law.

In designing their tactic to dispose of the articles against Mayorkas, Senate Democrats mimicked a trial judge’s right to dismiss a case due to lacking evidence, in the judge’s sole opinion. The problem is, the Senate is not a trial judge and has no similar right. And even if it did, as Democrats contend, the Senate would be required to exercise that right in a way that doesn’t violate the rights of others.

But it’s impossible for the Senate to cite lack of evidence or unconstitutionality of charges without violating other’s rights because in so doing they automatically violated the constitutional rights of every U.S. citizen alive to have their duly elected representatives’ articles of impeachment against Mayorkas tried.

And therein lies the monumental problem.

This is exactly why the plain reading of the Senate impeachment rules doesn’t allow the Senate to dismiss an impeachment. Democrats had to painfully contort the Senate rules in order to come up with a “right” for them to dismiss the articles and not go to trial.

But it gets worse.

When Schumer played his hand in calling for a vote to dismiss the articles, and Democrats in the Senate voted unanimously to dismiss without further consideration the establishment of a committee to hold a trial, as offered by Ted Cruz, it’s clear that this was a predetermined course of action Democrats had war-gamed in advance to execute at the appointed time. Or said another way, Senate democrats conspired to dismiss the articles of impeachment rather than try them.

So here we have in the Senate majority’s actions, both a conspiracy and a violation of constitutional rights.

The trillion-dollar question is whether there is anything illegal about any of this. Turns out U.S. law does in fact have something Democrats swear applies to these kinds of situations:

18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights, which states:

“If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, …”

This is the same statute being used by Democrats in their lawfare against Donald Trump for his alleged role in J6. And if it’s good enough to use against Trump, its good enough to use here, too.

Fifty-one Senate Democrats conspired to kill the valid articles of impeachment. As a direct result, constitutional rights were denied the entire U.S. citizenry to have our articles of impeachment tried by the Senate.

So now the question for the citizenry becomes, “How do we peaceably redress our grievance?” I would advocate exclusively through established mechanisms, meaning our elected representatives.

But what would we have our elected representatives do?

Impeach all 51 Senate Democrats for violation of 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights.


That’s what.

Clearly, this is a case where an unprecedented act by Senate Democrats requires an even more unprecedented response by House Republicans.

Were this to ever come to pass, which it won’t with Mike “Hakeem” Johson as speaker, the way it likely plays out is that the House impeaches the 51 Democrat senators, sends their articles of impeachment to the Senate, and all Democrats in the Senate would be prohibited from participating in the trial since, they are the impeached defendants.

From this point it becomes a game of chicken between Republicans and Democrats in the Senate. Republicans would tell their Democrat colleagues that the Mayorkas impeachment will in fact go to trial, or else all 51 Democrat Senators are going on trial.

Democrats will appeal to the Supreme Court, claiming the Senate cannot legally function with 49 members simultaneously trying the other 51 members. Who knows what the Supreme Court would do with such a mess?

But in the meantime, who would blink first? Would the Democrats capitulate and allow Mayorkas to go to trial, where he would assuredly be acquitted anyway? Or would Republicans capitulate to media smears?

I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a lawyer, but by the same token it really isn’t difficult to understand why simultaneously impeaching all 51 Democratic senators works under “18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights.” For months now, Democrats have been explaining their novel new legal reasoning why this statute is surely applicable in such situations. Including the one regarding Trump with respect to J6.

And hats off to them; they did a great job explaining it in a way that even I can understand. All I’ve done is apply their own legal theories to a very similar legal predicate. And who knows, if Republicans decide to actually fight for a change instead of just whining, maybe karma pays our Senate Democrats a most unwelcome visit very soon.

House Republicans have a very real option to correct the Senate with respect to their dismissal of the Mayorkas impeachment trial. And the public needs to see Republicans do something other than capitulate as usual. To quote a famous movie depicting a precarious situation and directing it toward Republicans: “What’s your move?”

Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride ‘Significantly Lowers’ Children’s IQ

Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride ‘Significantly Lowers’ Children’s IQ

adminApr 25, 20241 min read

Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride ‘Significantly Lowers’ Children’s IQ

A Harvard University meta-analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) concluded that children who live in locations with highly fluoridated water have “significantly lower” IQ scores than those who live in low fluoride […]

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Watch — Trump Lawyer Asks SCOTUS: “Could President Obama be Charged with Murder for Killing US Citizens Abroad by Drone Strike?”

Watch — Trump Lawyer Asks SCOTUS: “Could President Obama be Charged with Murder for Killing US Citizens Abroad by Drone Strike?”

adminApr 25, 20247 min read

Watch — Trump Lawyer Asks SCOTUS: “Could President Obama be Charged with Murder for Killing US Citizens Abroad by Drone Strike?”

Trump lawyer asks SCOTUS if ex-presidents Bush, Obama & Biden face charges for their crimes while in office.

A lawyer representing former President Donald Trump in a pivotal Supreme Court case on presidential immunity on Thursday posed a hypothetical question asking if ex-presidents George Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden could similarly be retroactively charged for their transgressions while in office.

“Without presidential immunity from criminal prosecution there can be no presidency as we know it,” Trump attorney D. John Sauer said during his opening statement.

“For 234 years of American history, no president was ever prosecuted for his official Acts. The Framers of our Constitution viewed an energetic executive as essential to securing Liberty.”

Trump lawyer argues for presidential immunity.

He brings up these three examples.

1. Bush lied to congress to induce war with Iraq.

2. Obama ordered drone strikes to kill U.S. citizens abroad.

3. Biden induced foreigners to enter the U.S.

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 25, 2024

“If a president can be charged, put on trial, and imprisoned for his most controversial decisions as soon as he leaves office, that looming threat will distort the president’s decision-making precisely when bold and fearless action is most needed,” he continued. “Every current president will face de facto blackmail and extortion by his political rivals while he is still in office.”

“The implications of the Court’s decision here extend far beyond the facts of this case,” Sauer stated.

The opening statement by Trumps attorney struck home with me.

There are concrete crimes committed by other presidents that haven’t been touched by any prosecutorial standard.

If they strip Trump of the immunity, then the last 5 presidents have to take the stand and go to court.

— Joshua Walker (@RedsRepair95) April 25, 2024

“Could President George W. Bush have been sent to prison for obstructing an official proceeding or allegedly lying to Congress to induce war in Iraq?” asked Sauer.

“Could President Obama be charged with murder for killing US citizens abroad by drone strike?” he continued. “Could President Biden someday be charged with unlawfully inducing immigrants to enter the country illegally for his border policies?”

“The answer to all these questions is no. Prosecuting the president for his official acts is an innovation with no foothold in history or tradition and incompatible with our constitutional structure.”

Meanwhile, attorney Michael Dreeben, representing the Biden Justice Department and Special Counsel Jack Smith attempted to claim the Constitution does not grant presidential immunity.

Attorney for Jack Smith: There is no immunity that is in the constitution unless this court creates it today.

— Acyn (@Acyn) April 25, 2024

Elsewhere during the proceedings, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor questioned if presidential immunity extends to a president who orders a military assassination of a political rival.

Justice Sotomayor: “If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military…to assassinate him, is that within his official acts for which he can get immunity?”

Trump attorney D. John Sauer: “That could well be an official act.”

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) April 25, 2024

Of course, Dreeben when asked if Obama could be tried for murder for the drone strikes argued this could not be the case.

JUST IN: DOJ lawyer Michael Dreeben says it’s perfectly fine for Obama to drone strike innocent civilians while arguing in favor of prosecuting Trump for “election interference.”


The comment came after Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh cornered Dreeben by asking…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 25, 2024

“So the Office of Legal Counsel looked at this very carefully and determined that, number one, the federal murder statute does apply to the executive branch,” Dreeben said. “The president wasn’t personally carrying out the strike, but the aiding and abetting laws are broad, and it determined that a public authority exception that’s built into statutes and that applied particularly to the murder statute, because it talks about unlawful killing, did not apply to the drone strike.”

Justice Samuel Alito later discussed the prospect of vindictive prosecutors with ulterior political motives with Dreeben.

Masterclass from Justice Alito on presidential

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 25, 2024

The Dreeben Rule: trust the self-restraint of Deep State and Soros prosecutors!

“Prosecutors have no incentive to bring a case to a grand jury and secure an indictment when they don’t have evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It’s self defeating.”

— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) April 25, 2024

One of the most shocking moments from today’s arguments. DOJ actually argues presidents don’t need immunity for their official conduct because no prosecutor would ever do wrong!!!

— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) April 25, 2024

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson also got smacked down when she tried to argue a broad immunity scope would “embolden” a president to act with reckless abandon, to which Trump’s attorney replied it hadn’t been a problem for the past 234 years.

Justice Jackson gets embarrassed by Trump lawyer John Sauer when she tries to describe America where the president has immunity:

“The regime you’ve described is the one we’ve operated under for over 234 years.”

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) April 25, 2024

President Trump remarked favorably of the SCOTUS case on Thursday.

“The U.S. Supreme Court had a monumental hearing on immunity and the immunity having to do with presidential immunity, and I think it was made clear that a president has to have immunity—We want presidents that can get things done and bring people together. So, I heard the meeting was quite amazing and the justices were on their game.”

?Trump responds to the Supreme Court hearing on presidential immunity:

“The U.S. Supreme Court had a monumental hearing on immunity and the immunity having to do with presidential immunity, and I think it was made clear that a president has to have immunity—We want presidents…

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) April 25, 2024

Zero Hedge reports SCOTUS could issue a ruling granting Trump partial immunity.

Reading the tea-leaves of the comments has left most believing that SCOTUS will fail to grant former President Trump the full immunity he is seeking (choosing instead to narrow the protections for former presidents), but are likely to issue a ruling that could further delay his trial on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election.

That would be a partial win for the former President.

UN Says ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists Must Be Punished Like Terrorists 

UN Says ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists Must Be Punished Like Terrorists 

adminApr 25, 20241 min read

UN Says ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theorists Must Be Punished Like Terrorists 

The United Nations has declared war on conspiracy theorists, describing the rise of people thinking for themselves as “worrying and dangerous”, and providing the public with a toolkit to “debunk” and “prebunk” anyone who dares […]

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Welsh Gov’t To Begin Banning Historical Art That Offends Minorities

Welsh Gov’t To Begin Banning Historical Art That Offends Minorities

adminApr 25, 20241 min read

Welsh Gov’t To Begin Banning Historical Art That Offends Minorities

The Welsh government has ordered the removal of all public statues, plaques and paintings that might offend minorities. If the public art is deemed not to project the “right historical narrative,” it should be banned […]

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Australian Gov’t To Make Sharing Memes a ‘Criminal Offence’

Australian Gov’t To Make Sharing Memes a ‘Criminal Offence’

adminApr 25, 20241 min read

Australian Gov’t To Make Sharing Memes a ‘Criminal Offence’

The Australian government has announced plans to make the sharing of memes on social media a criminal offence, punishable by prison and/or a hefty fine. During a press appearance, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese categorised […]

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