
‘Transgender’ Sexual Predators Are Being Enabled by The Homosexual Agenda

‘Transgender’ Sexual Predators Are Being Enabled by The Homosexual Agenda

adminApr 26, 20244 min read

‘Transgender’ Sexual Predators Are Being Enabled by The Homosexual Agenda

Since the inclusion of ‘P’ in LGBTQIAAS2P+, many have deemed homosexuality to be the gateway drug to pedophilia.

(LifeSiteNews) — Andrew Miller, a sexual predator who ran a butcher’s shop in the Scottish Borders, is currently serving a 20-year-prison sentence for kidnapping a primary school girl and abusing her for 27 hours. He abducted her while identifying as a woman named Amy George; the judge who sentenced him last October cited the fact that he presented as a woman as one of the reasons the child agreed to get into his car in the first place. The judge went so far as to say that the girl would “obviously” not have climbed into Miller’s car if he had not been dressed as a woman. 

This is the sort of thing we were told would never happen; it is the sort of thing that, apparently, only transphobic bigots acting in bad faith would ever mention. Additionally, we are supposed to believe that anyone who identifies as a woman is a woman. That is not a caricature of the transgender movement’s ideology; the right to legal “self-identification” is one of their key political objectives. Incidentally, now that he’s locked up for the foreseeable future, Miller has ceased to identify as a woman. As it turns out, his femininity was simply a convenient costume he donned for the purpose of hurting a little girl. 

READ: Transgender activists are threatening the author of scathing UK report on child ‘sex changes’ 

Just this week, there was yet another example. Thirty-three-year-old Solomon Galligan was arrested at a Walgreens in Colorado after attempting to kidnap a child at Black Forest Elementary School in Aurora last Friday; he managed to seize one of the children, but tripped and lost his grip. Galligan also identifies as transgender, writing in a 2011 Facebook post: 

So im starting my hormone shots and i relly cant wait im on my hormone pills ive been on them for almost 4 months i wake up all depressed and crying but in the end its gonna be totally worth it you know what io mean im really excited my measurements are already changing and im super thrilled.

It was a big year for Galligan – in addition to beginning his “transition,” he was also convicted of “non-consent sexual contact” and put on the sex offender registry. 

Over the past few months, I’ve seen J.K. Rowling and other critics of the transgender movement get constantly smeared as hateful paranoiacs who invent fake scenarios to whip up resentment towards “trans people.” But how many examples do we need to cite before people recognize that these critiques are rooted in reality? The violent “transgender vampire” recently convicted of assaulting a cognitively disabled girl? The Canadian sex offender also recently convicted for using a “gender-neutral” change room to watch women undress? The trans-identified male in Illinois who pled guilty to threats of child rape? Or how about the female inmate sexually assaulted by a violent trans-identified male locked up with her at Washington Women’s Prison? 

READ: Paris Olympics will feature a ‘Pride House’ to ‘celebrate’ homosexual and gender-confused athletes 

Or how about just last month, when Spain’s Councillor of Family, Youth, and Social Affairs in Madrid raised the alarm after “locating multiple cases in which men convicted of domestic violence changed their legal gender identity” due to Spain’s “‘progressive’ approach to gender identity,” with three of those men – now identifying as women – making requests to “stay in women’s shelters with the wives and children who had been escaping from them”? Some of these stories go beyond even what critics of the transgender movement’s political agenda predicted – but they prove beyond doubt that critics of the transgender movement’s agenda were right all along. 

The transgender agenda is dangerous, and those who suffer the most are the vulnerable, the victimized, and women and girls. If you don’t believe those who have been predicting these outcomes for years, try reading the news. 

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Catholic Student Suspended For Wearing ‘There Are Only Two Genders’ Shirt

Catholic Student Suspended For Wearing ‘There Are Only Two Genders’ Shirt

adminApr 26, 20243 min read

Catholic Student Suspended For Wearing ‘There Are Only Two Genders’ Shirt

Malachy O’Kane said he remarked to the vice-principal, Wojtek Czermak, that he was forbidding him to express his own opinion as Czermak stood in front of a Black Lives Matter poster.

SHARBOT LAKE, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) – A Catholic teenager has been suspended from his Ontario public high school for wearing a sweatshirt reading “There are only two genders.”

Astonishingly, a teacher from that same school called the Children’s Aid Society about the family that day.

Malachy O’Kane, 16, was suspended on April 18, the second day he decided to wear his gender critical shirt to the Granite Ridge Education Centre in Sharbot Lake, a village near Kingston, Ontario. He was excluded from school for six days, beginning Friday, April 19.

Malachy was first told to remove his shirt by the school’s vice-principal, Wojtek Czermak, on April 17, after the teenager was called out of his classroom about 30 minutes after the school day began.

“[Czermak] actually had the student counselor who helps talk with all the kids in the room with him,” Malachy told LifeSiteNews. “He said, ‘You can’t wear that.’ And I said, ‘Why?’ And he said, ‘It’s considered hate speech.’”

According to the teenager, the school, which serves children from kindergarten to Grade 12, displays ideo-political messaging, including LGBT and Black Lives Matter images, on its walls. Malachy said he remarked to the vice-principal that Czermak was forbidding him to express his own opinion as he stood in front of a BLM poster.

Vice-Principal @WCzermak SUSPENDED #Catholic student Malachy O’Kane for wearing a sweater declaring that “there are only 2 #genders” — but Malachy O’Kane refuses to be silenced.

Watch LifeSiteNews’ EXCLUSIVE interview with Malachy O’Kane now!


— LifeSiteNews (@LifeSite) April 25, 2024

Malachy’s mother Kate O’Kane told LifeSiteNews that she knew that Malachy was going to get resistance when he went to school in his “There are only two genders” shirt. In fact, that resistance came from staff. Malachy told LifeSiteNews that when he arrived at school, many students high-fived him and said they agreed with him but guessed aloud that he would be suspended.

At first, the vice-principal merely remonstrated with Malachy and called the boy’s mother, who was waiting by the phone. Kate stood firmly behind her son, telling Czermak that the young man has “the freedom to express himself” and “the freedom to express his beliefs.”

“You shove the LGBTQ down these children’s throats, and if they say they disagree with you, they’re silenced,” the mother of five recalled telling the vice-principal.

“They’re removed so they can’t be loud, but you’re very loud. It’s all over the schools,” she added.

“I said, if he had shown up wearing a pride flag saying gender is non-binary, he would have been celebrated. But he wears this saying there are only two genders, quietly protesting what he believes. And he is taken out and silenced and removed.”

READ: Catholic school board upholds Josh Alexander’s suspension for opposing gender ideology

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Pro-Homosexual Bishop Inspired by Pope Francis to Commit Diocese to Net-Zero Emissions by 2030

adminApr 26, 20246 min read
Lexington, Kentucky Bishop John Stowe’s net-zero initiative conforms to suggestions put forth by the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Plan Platform.

LEXINGTON, Kentucky (LifeSiteNews) — Pro-LGBT Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky, announced Tuesday that his diocese is pledging to reach net-zero carbon emissions across 59 parishes by 2030, citing the inspiration of Pope Francis.

“This is our gift to Pope Francis on his name day,” Stowe said during a diocesan press conference announcement, explaining that the presser was taking place not only the day after “Earth Day” but on the feast of St. George, who shares the name of Jorge Bergoglio.

Stowe first alluded to Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’, in which the Pontiff cited a “disturbing warming” of the climate as dangerous to the planet and claimed that most of this is caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emitted “mainly” by human activity. He also blamed CO2 “pollution” for “compromis(ing)” ocean life.

As Chris Morrison of the Daily Sceptic pointed out, “The political fiction that humans cause most or all climate change and the claim that the science behind this notion is ‘settled’ has been dealt a savage blow by the publication of a “World Climate Declaration (WCD),” signed by over 1,100 scientists and professionals.”

Led by Professor Ivar Giaever, a Norwegian physics Nobel Prize laureate, the signatories declared emphatically that “There is No Climate Emergency,” stressing a few key points: that earth’s climate has always experienced natural cooling and warming phases; that “climate policy relies on inadequate models;” that “CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on earth”; that warming is “far slower than predicted;” and that “climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities.”

“We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. Go for adaptation instead of mitigation,” the group concluded.

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore has denounced such policies even more strongly, having warned last year that a global achievement of “Net Zero” carbon emissions would lead to “at least 50 percent of the population” dying. 

Campaign Life Coalition has also warned that cries of an impending “climate catastrophe” disguises a depopulation agenda, since globalists have signaled that they view overpopulation, and even “each new baby born,” as an environmental burden upon the planet.

Nevertheless, Bishop Stowe holds to the climate alarmist narrative of globalists, who frame global warming as an apocalyptic matter. He highlighted the fact that Francis likewise sees climate change as an urgent matter, noting that his Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum took a “different tone” than Laudato Si’.

“It was almost scolding in nature because not much has happened since 2015,” Stowe said Tuesday. “And, in fact, (Francis) points out that those who oppose the idea of working for the preservation of the planet — those who deny the reality of climate change — are having too much influence. He said we’re losing time. We have to begin to act.”

The bishop acknowledged that the area encompassed by his diocese, which spans 50 counties in eastern and central Kentucky, has traditionally depended on coal mining to sustain itself economically.

“But now, knowing what we know, we have to be committed to an economic conversion, to make sure that the jobs that are helping people get to work are ones that will protect and preserve our environment,” Stowe said. 

Other Catholic institutions have already begun to implement net-zero plans across the U.S., according to the National Catholic Reporter.  The Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis has begun a “Parish Net Zero Covenant” initiative, citing the Vatican’s own commitment to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. The Diocese of Davenport, Iowa has also launched a “Laudato Si’ Action Plan” to conform with the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Plan Platform, issued by the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development.

At least 20 U.S. dioceses, including the Diocese of Lexington, have thus far joined the platform, which was launched in 2021 and the goals of which include the “adoption of sustainable lifestyles,” promoting “ecological spirituality” (which could involve “creation-based liturgical ceremonies,” according to the platform website),  and a “response to the cry of the earth,” which encompasses carbon neutrality and the adoption of renewable energy.

While he enthusiastically champions climate change mitigation, Stowe flouts Catholic doctrine, particularly regarding homosexuality and transgenderism, which he has a long track record of embracing.

In 2017, two years after he was made a bishop by Pope Francis, Stowe spoke at a New Ways Ministry conference, even though the nominally Catholic group advocates for homosexual “marriage” and has been condemned by the Vatican and the U.S. bishops.

“Christian morality is more concerned with the well-being and dignity of the person than with rules, norms, or commandments. Jesus seems to teach this on many occasions,” the bishop claimed at the time.

In 2019, Stowe led an “LGBTQ retreat” at the University of Notre Dame, once a bastion of Catholicism in North America, and also issued a “prayer” card celebrating homosexual “pride.” The card featured an image of a crucifix with rainbow colors coming from it. It was produced to be distributed at pro-homosexual events.

Stowe is also one of several bishops who endorsed pro-homosexual Jesuit Father James Martin’s book on “the Catholic Church and the LGBT community.” 

After the Vatican issued Fiducia Supplicans, a priest in Stowe’s diocese was depicted blessing a lesbian couple.

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Pope Francis: ‘Deniers of Climate Change’ Are ‘Foolish’

Pope Francis: ‘Deniers of Climate Change’ Are ‘Foolish’

adminApr 26, 20247 min read

Pope Francis: ‘Deniers of Climate Change’ Are ‘Foolish’

Pope Francis, in a recent CBS interview, labeled skeptics of the climate change narrative as ‘foolish’ for not believing ‘research.’

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis has stated that “deniers of climate change” are “foolish” as they don’t believe “research,” and insisting that “climate change exists.”

In comments made to CBS Evening News and aired April 24, the 87-year-old Pontiff decried those whom CBS’s Norah O’Donnell described as “deniers of climate change.”  

“There are people who are foolish, and foolish even if you show them research, they don’t believe it,” responded Francis. “Why? Because they don’t understand the situation or because of their interest, but climate change exists.”

Giving @Pontifex the @jordanbpeterson treatment for his climate change pontificating

READ MORE: #PopeFrancis #CatholicTwitter #News

— LifeSiteNews (@LifeSite) April 25, 2024

In contrast, Dr. John Clauser – Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 2022 alongside two other scientists, for his work in the field of quantum mechanics – has argued that “misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience.” 

“In turn,” he added, “the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists. In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis.”

Asked by @NorahODonnell about “deniers of climate change” #PopeFrancis said: “There are people who are foolish, & foolish even if you show them research, they don’t believe it. Why, because they don’t understand the situation or b/c of their interest, but climate change exists”

— Michael Haynes ?? (@MLJHaynes) April 25, 2024

READ: Arctic sea ice just reached its highest level in 21 years, and it’s going largely unnoticed

CBS noted that Francis’ very brief comments will be expanded upon in a longer “60 Minutes” episode on May 19, followed by an hour-long program on May 20. 

Pope Francis has indeed made the talking point of “climate change” a central one in his 11-year pontificate along with the promotion of an “ecological spirituality.” 

His 2015 encyclical letter Laudato Si’ has become the reference text for numerous Vatican and papal initiatives focused on the so-called “green” agenda. In it, Francis speaks about a “true ecological approach” which listens to “both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”

READ: Don’t be fooled by claims of ‘consensus’ on climate change, science is not a popularity contest

The document has given rise to the Laudato Si’ Movement, which aims to “turn Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato Si’ into action for climate and ecological justice,” as the mass divestment from “fossil fuels” is inspired by the Pontiff’s environmental writings.

Last October 4, Francis published a second part to Laudato Si’ in the form of Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum, in which he issued stark calls for “obligatory” measures across the globe to address the issue of “climate change.”

READ: Pope Francis calls for obligatory global ‘climate change’ policies in new document ‘Laudate Deum’

“It is no longer possible to doubt the human – ‘anthropic’ – origin of climate change,” wrote the Pontiff, before later calling for mandatory alignment with “green” policies:

If there is sincere interest in making COP28 a historic event that honors and ennobles us as human beings, then one can only hope for binding forms of energy transition that meet three conditions: that they be efficient, obligatory and readily monitored.

READ: Pope Francis advocates for powerful global government not subject to ‘changing political conditions’

Such papal promotion of the “climate change” cause has not gone without high profile criticism, including lately from Canadian philosopher Jordan Peterson. Peterson slated Francis for his focus on “climate change,” saying the Pope “seems to be on about [the topic] constantly when you should be saving souls.”

“That’s how you save the planet, not by worshiping Gaia,” Peterson stated, referring to the pagan name for “Mother Earth.” “I don’t see for the life of me what the Catholic Church has to do with the ‘climate crisis,’” he continued. “Just the formulation is wrong; the priority is wrong; you save the world one person at a time.”

READ: Jordan Peterson slams Pope Francis’ fixation on ‘climate change’: ‘He should be saving souls’

In what was set to be the culmination of all of his “climate change” activism, Francis was due to attend the COP28 climate conference in Dubai last November. However, due to ill health, he had to cancel the trip less than two days before he had intended to leave.

The Pope has also made numerous calls to action for global leaders to implement the pro-abortion Paris Climate Agreement, citing the “negative effects of climate change” and an “ecological debt” which required “climate finance, decarbonization in the economic system and in people’s lives.”

READ: Climate expert warns against extreme ‘weather porn’ from alarmists pushing ‘draconian’ policies

After many years of climate alarmism rhetoric from the Pontiff, in 2022 the Vatican officially joined the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Climate Agreement. The Pope defended the controversial move, saying that “she [‘Mother Earth’] weeps and implores us to put an end to our abuses and to her destruction.”

His continued promotion of the Paris Agreement, which underpins the majority of the current “climate change” agenda, comes despite the agreement’s fundamentally pro-abortion principles which connect to the stated U.N. goal of creating a universal “right” to abortion in line with Goal No. 5.6 of the organization’s Sustainable Development Goals.

READ: New documentary exposes climate agenda as ‘scam’ to increase globalist power and profit

His actions have disregarded long-standing and repeated concerns from pro-life and family advocates, who continually warned about the climate activism movement’s alignment with pro-abortion and population control advocates and lobby groups.

Consequently, the Pope’s “climate change” rhetoric has earned criticism also from prelates within the Church. Bishop Athanasius Schneider joined the late Cardinal George Pell in condemning Francis’ concept of “ecological conversion,” with Schneider arguing it was “an expression of pure naturalism… there is no supernatural vision, or a very vacant supernatural vision.” “Ecological conversion is an abuse of this concept of conversion itself,” he stated.

READ: Pope Francis is subverting faith to the all-consuming ideology of ‘climate change’

For 15 Years Alex Jones Covered The US/Russia War

‘You Don’t Have to Pay Income Tax’ – Peymon Mottahedeh

‘You Don’t Have to Pay Income Tax’ – Peymon Mottahedeh

adminApr 26, 20241 min read

‘You Don’t Have to Pay Income Tax’ – Peymon Mottahedeh

The federal income tax is not legal, according to critical experts of the central banking cartel.

Peymon Mottahedeh joined Chase Geiser on the Alex Jones Show Thursday to discuss the unconstitutional income tax.

Don’t miss:

For 15 Years Alex Jones Covered The US/Russia War

Facebook Fact-Checker Arrested for Attempting To Murder Independent Journalist

Facebook Fact-Checker Arrested for Attempting To Murder Independent Journalist

adminApr 26, 20241 min read

Facebook Fact-Checker Arrested for Attempting To Murder Independent Journalist

A Facebook fact-checker has been arrested for the attempted murder of an independent media journalist who he accused of spreading ‘misinformation’ online. Marko Suprun, a NATO state-funded Ukrainian fact-checker with close ties to Nazi activists, […]

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