

Watch: Biden Lectures Media to Get Behind His Campaign to Defend ‘Democracy’

adminApr 28, 20245 min read
“The stakes couldn’t be higher every single one of us has roles to play — a serious role, to play in making sure democracy endures, American democracy. I have my role, but with all due respect, so do you,” he tells press at White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Joe Biden during the annual White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday lectured members of the media that a free press won’t exist much longer unless they get behind his campaign.

Biden told the press that “the most urgent question of our time is whether democracy is still the sacred cause of America. That is the question the American people must answer this year and you, the free press, play a critical role in making sure the American people have the information they need to make an informed decision.”

Biden calls on journalists to rise up against Trump in the 2024 election:

“On the third anniversary of January 6, I went to Valley Forge and I said the most urgent question of our time is whether democracy is still — is still the sacred cause of America. That is the question…

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 28, 2024

Biden also called on the media to combat disinformation, but not before doubling down on the dishonest talking point about Trump’s “bloodbath” remarks relating to the automobile industry to argue that the former president is “attacking democracy.”

“The defeated former President has made no secret of his attack on our democracy. He said he wants to be a dictator on day one and so much more. He tells supporters he is the revenge and retribution. When in God’s name ever heard of another president say something like that? And he promised a bloodbath when he loses again,” Biden claimed.

Biden also insisted that he’s not asking the media to take sides — just before suggesting that the media take his side.

“We have to take this seriously. Eight years ago, it could have been written off as just Trump talk but no longer, not after January 6. I’m sincerely not asking you to take sides, but asking a rise up to the seriousness of the moment,” Biden asserted.

“Move past the horse race numbers and the gotcha moments, and the distractions, the sideshows that have come to dominate and sensationalize our politics and focusing on what’s actually at stake,” he continued, adding “I think in your hearts, you know what’s at stake.”

Biden again calls on journalists to defend democracy (i.e. crush Republicans):

“Move past the horse race numbers and the gotcha moments, and the distractions, the sideshows that have come to dominate and sensationalize our politics and focusing on what’s actually at stake. I…

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 28, 2024

“The stakes couldn’t be higher every single one of us has roles to play — a serious role, to play in making sure democracy endures, American democracy. I have my role, but with all due respect, so do you,” he added.

“In the age of disinformation, credible information that people can trust is more important than ever and that makes you, and I mean this with the bottom of my heart, makes you more important than ever. So tonight, I’d like to make a toast — to a free press, to an informed citizenry, to an American where freedom and democracy endure. God bless America,” Biden concluded.

Many on social media called out Biden’s naked hypocrisy of attempting to rally members of the media behind him while lecturing about a free press.

A “free press” but I’m gonna tell you what to write about and what not to.

— Chrissy (@Chrissys067) April 28, 2024

So he’s saying don’t write anything about me, just go after Trump.

— linda thompson (@lthomps54) April 28, 2024

It’s a campaign rally. These are his constituents.

— Janice (@jannyfayray) April 28, 2024

They’re not even trying to hide their collusion. And people wonder why the media has lost so much trust with the public…

— beefy.atlas (@AtlasBeefy) April 28, 2024

The only disinformation I see, is the lies being told by Biden.

— Peter Van Dam (@PeterVanDam18) April 28, 2024

Of course, CNN gushed all evening over Biden’s speech, claiming he embodies “decency.”

CNN absolutely loved Biden’s speech demanding journalists side with him. to save democracy and both Colin Jost’s Trump-filled monologue and lecture about how Biden embodies “decency” #WHCD

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 28, 2024

Watch Biden’s full WHCD remarks:

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Panic in DC: CNN Poll Shows Trump CRUSHING Biden Despite Witch Hunt Trials

Panic in DC: CNN Poll Shows Trump CRUSHING Biden Despite Witch Hunt Trials

adminApr 28, 20242 min read

Panic in DC: CNN Poll Shows Trump CRUSHING Biden Despite Witch Hunt Trials

President Trump leads Joe Biden 42% to 33% including third party candidates.

Former President Donald Trump is handily beating Joe Biden in the latest CNN poll by a margin of 9 points if third-party candidates are included.

In a two-way race, President Trump leads Biden 49% to 43%. That six point lead marks Trump’s biggest in any major nationwide poll taken in the month of April.

“Our new poll which was conducted by SSRS finds Trump is leading Biden, who has ample work to do with his base, and with independent voters who are breaking to his GOP rival,” CNN’s Manu Raju reported Saturday.


— President Trump leads Biden 49% to 43% in a two-way race.

— President Trump leads Biden 42% to 33% including third party candidates.

— 55% say the Trump presidency was a success. 39% say the Biden presidency is a success.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 28, 2024

Among all voters, when independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included in the matchup, Trump holds 42% to Biden’s 33%, with Kennedy at 16%, West at 4% and Stein at 3%.

55% of those polled also say the Trump presidency was a success, but just 39% say the same thing of Biden’s presidency.

From CNN:

Assessing Biden’s time in office so far, 61% say his presidency thus far has been a failure, while 39% say it’s been a success. That’s narrowly worse than the 57% who called the first year of his administration a failure in January 2022, with 41% calling it a success.

Republicans now are more unified around the idea that Trump’s presidency was a success than Democrats are that Biden’s has been one. Overall, 92% of Republicans call Trump’s time in office a success, while just 73% of Democrats say Biden’s has been a success so far. Among independents, 51% say Trump’s presidency was successful, while only 37% see Biden’s as a success.

This data may help explain why Democrats are determined to keep Trump from campaigning around the nation for weeks while his Manhattan “hush money” trial proceeds.


‘Hunter Got High’: Rapper Afroman Releases Song Exposing Biden Corruption

adminApr 28, 20243 min read
Diss track lets “everyone know that even Afroman is fed up with the way the Democrats are running the country.”

Rapper Afroman released a new track last week mocking the Biden Crime Family and Washington D.C.’s corruption.

Released via Baste Records, Afroman released “Hunter Got High,” a Hunter Biden-themed remix of the 2001 hit “Because I Got High.”

Naturally, the media is very upset about the rapper’s “sad pivot” to conservative politics.

From Consequence:

Afroman said it himself in 2022: he needs money…which must be one of the reasons why he’s making a pivot to conservative politics with his new single “Hunter Got High,” a Hunter Biden-themed remix of “Because I Got High.”

Released via Baste Records (a “conservative music company” making its “first venture into political satire” with the single), “Hunter Got High” is, to be frank, lame. Selling itself as letting “everyone know that even Afroman is fed up with the way the Democrats are running the country,” it sees Afroman switch out the lyrics to his 2001 stoner masterpiece with tired references to the younger Biden’s many scandals and conspiracies, which are not only unfunny, but somehow manage to make a catchy tune no longer catchy.

Seems the media is just upset over this latest example of blacks turning on the Democrats and Joe Biden.

But remember, according to Biden, “you ain’t black” unless you vote for him.


Shout out to Baste Records …

Hey Hunter! Roll another one of those congressional blunts brotha …

He was gonna get his laptop fixed, but Hunter got high

He wasn’t gonna show all those dick pics, but then he got high

He shoulda let Hillary bleach the whole hard drive

But Hunter got high, Hunter got high, Hunter got high

He wasn’t gonna mess with the hoes, but Hunter got high

Wasn’t gonna, take em all out on a boat, but Hunter got high

He’s the smartest man that Joe’s ever known in his life

Till Hunter got high, Hunter got high, Hunter got high

He was gonna go visit his dad, but Hunter got high He thought he had a secret stash, but Hunter got high

The White House got shut down and we all know why

Hunter got High, Hunter got High, Hunter got High

He never could paint worth a fuck, Hunter got high

Now he gets, a half a mill and up,  “damn that’s high”

Biden never use to start with B-U-Y Till Hunter got high, Hunter got high, Hunter got high Ukraine wasn’t part of the plan, till Hunter got high

China wasn’t that big a fan, till Hunter got high

He wasn’t gonna split it all, with the old big guy ‘But Hunter got high, Hunter got high, Hunter got high

He wasn’t gonna go to court until he got high

He’d never been indicted before, but Hunter got high

His attorney’s out smokin a bowl, and we all know why

Cause Hunter got high, Hunter got high, Hunter got high

He was making 80 G’s a month, but Hunter got high

On a job brotha ain’t never done, Hunter got high

He got more LLC’s than John Gotti’s ex-wife

Cause Hunter got high, Hunter got high, Hunter got high

His cousin never was a pimp, ‘Till Hunter got high

He had the best friends money could rent, but Hunter got high

Just imagine if he wasn’t rich, and so damn white

The cops would raid his house, eat his lemon pound cake, disconnect his cameras and steal his money

The War On Noticing Continues

The War On Noticing Continues

adminApr 28, 20247 min read

The War On Noticing Continues

“Political correctness is a war on noticing,” says Steve Sailer

My cat has developed this awful habit.

Whenever she wants something, she finds the nearest wooden surface—a door, the side of a bookcase, my acoustic guitar—and starts to paw at it. Rapidly. With her claws out.

The sound is unbearable, especially when she does it on the bedboard. She knows I can’t ignore it for more than about two seconds. I wish I could get her to stop.

Animals notice things, like how annoying sounds can get them more food even though they’ve only been fed five minutes ago.

Humans notice things too. Noticing is the basis of modern man’s crowning achievement, science. The entire enterprise is built on noticing regularities and making laws and actionable knowledge out of them.

Noticing is how man split the atom, built rockets that put Neil Armstrong on the moon and created powerful camera-phones that allow us to send high-resolution images of our private parts around the world in an instant. No noticing, no science; no science, no modern world.

Noticing is also one of the most politically dangerous things you can do today.

As Steve Sailer put it, “Political correctness is a war on noticing.” He’s absolutely right. In order to be politically correct today, in order to signal your obedience to the new civic religion of the liberal bien-pensant elite, you have to stop noticing things. A lot of things.

It’s a ritual of submission, in fact.

Noticing isn’t the same thing as seeing. You can see something without noticing it. You can see the same people doing something again and again and not notice that it’s the same people doing that thing, again and again.

And even if you start to notice, if you’re too afraid to say what you’ve noticed—perhaps because you think you’ll lose your job, be prosecuted by the police or simply be held in contempt by so-called “polite” society—you’re not really noticing either.

Plenty of us know this is going on.

We’ve all noticed it.

Here’s an example of something you’re not allowed to notice for political reasons. In Britain today, you’re not allowed to notice that Asian Muslim men are deliberately targeting white British girls for rape on an industrial scale. You’re not allowed to notice that it’s been going on for decades, and you’re also not allowed to notice that the government, police and authorities are complicit in ensuring that it keeps on happening, because the root causes of the phenomenon—anti-white hatred and an alien religious chauvinism brought to the country by millions of immigrants in recent decades—simply cannot be addressed.

Today I reported on the conclusion of a ghastly trial at Leeds Crown Court in which over 20 Asian Muslim men were sentenced to nearly 350 years in jail for passing around and raping eight young white girls over a period of more than a decade.

The victims were treated as “defenceless commodities to be abused and traded at a whim.” Police described the abuse as “abhorrent in the extreme.”

And yet, neither the police nor the mainstream media have commented on a very noticeable pattern. All of the perpetrators, bar one, are Asian Muslims.

Beneath a gallery of musghots of the predators, you’ll see a roll-call of the names—Khurum Raziq, Nasa Hussain, Zafar Qayum, Ansar Qayum, Mohammed Jabbar Qayum, Mohammed Imran Zada…—but no mention of the obvious factors and motivations behind the targeting of poor white British girls, who are considered to be fair game because they aren’t Muslim.

Twenty-five men have been jailed for the r&pe, sexual abuse & trafficking of 8 girls in North Kirklees from 1999-2012 at Leeds Crown Court.

I’m please to report the sentences are savage.

Khurum Raziq, Heckmondwike – 22 years

Nasar Hussain, from Dewsbury – 18 years


— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) April 27, 2024

The Quran’s doctrine of “what the right hand possesses” (“ma malakat aymanukum”) has been used for 1,400 years to justify the taking of sex slaves from among the women of “non-believers” or “kuffars” in war.

And that’s exactly what these young girls are: sex slaves. Prizes of hatred and war. Bits of meat to be distributed, used and, finally, discarded.

The grooming and the rape have been taking place for decades in the UK. It’s well documented. A 2017 study by a think-tank showed that 84% of people convicted of grooming-gang offences in the UK since 2005 were Asian men. There have even been suggestions, voiced in Parliament, that between 250,000 and a million children may have been abused across the nation, on the basis of projections from the victim counts in wretched, dilapidated northern towns like Rochdale and Oldham.

After public outcry, there have been multiple official investigations. They’ve looked in detail at police procedures for handling complaints, interviewed survivors of the abuse and documented the cowardly failings of social services, local government and the police to protect vulnerable little girls from the depredations of hideous creatures like those convicted this last Friday.

All of these reports have shied away from addressing the obvious facts about the race and religion of the perpetrators and the race and religion of the victims. There may be a passing remark about policemen feeling anxious not to be labelled “racist” if they pulled over Asian taxi drivers trafficking white children around northern towns—but that will be the only trace you’ll find of the true story behind these avoidable tragedies.

The most recent report, commissioned by Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham and released a few months ago, was a typical whitewash. It tells the shocking stories of girls like Victoria Agoglia, a 15-year old who reported to the police that she was being plied with drugs and alcohol and raped by a gang of Asian men. The police refused to investigate. Agoglia was injected with a lethal dose of heroin by one of her abusers. God rest her poor little soul.

But nowhere in the report were race and religion brought up, not properly. The word “white” appears only twice in 173 pages, and one of those instances is a quotation from a newspaper article that simply mentions the race of one of the victims.

The perpetrators are breezily referred to in some cases as “Asians,” with the suggestion that they might just as well be members of Aum Shinrikyo from Japan or Moonies from Korea and not all Muslim men from Pakistan.

It’s like it’s some kind of dirty secret that just can’t be spoken, because then everything would just come crashing down. The whole edifice of modern British society. Rubble.

Except it isn’t a secret. It’s right there in front of you, me—all of us.

The truth is, the willingness not to notice these things—the failures of multiculturalism and mass immigration, the deep contempt for the British people and their way of life held by the ruling classes and the institutions they control—is the price of admission as a citizen of the new Britain. And what a terrible price it is.

BOMBSHELL: Sharyl Attkisson Confirms Congress Controlled by Feds | GFKL #9


mRNA Vaccines in Livestock? Why Transparency in the Food Supply is More Critical Than Ever

adminApr 28, 20241 min read
Online meat shop breaks down the potential implications of mRNA vaccine use for the meat industry.

Online meat shop Good Ranchers discuss the world of mRNA vaccines for animals.

They break down the potential implications of mRNA products for the meat industry, the debate around labeling gene therapy on animal products, and the broader conversation it sparked about transparency in our food supply.

Video: Radical Islamist Protesters Call for Caliphate in Germany

Video: Radical Islamist Protesters Call for Caliphate in Germany

adminApr 28, 20243 min read

Video: Radical Islamist Protesters Call for Caliphate in Germany

Globalists’ desire to overthrow the West ensured with mass migration of people who will bring its fall about.

Thousand of Muslims marched in Hamburg on Saturday while calling for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in Germany.

Protesters gathered in the progressive district of St. Georg for a mostly peaceful demonstration against “Islamophobia” — but others in the group were calling for an Islamic state.

Much of the demonstration stems from Germany’s strong support for Israel amid its conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

The globalist want the overthrow of the west so they bring in people who will push it.

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 28, 2024

Muslim immigrants in Hamburg want Germany to become an Islamic caliphate and want to impose Sharia law. Angela Merkel will be happy and proud of this. We need mass deportations not in words but in concrete facts.

— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) April 28, 2024

Sreams of Allahu Akbar Echo Throughout Germany!

Hordes of Muslims March Through Hamburg, Demanding a Caliphate in Germany and Media to Abide by Sharia

Mobilizing the Umma (the global Muslim community) to establish their Islamic Civilization is their admitted goal.

Today in…

— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) April 27, 2024

Germany: Hundreds of Islamists are now demanding that a caliphate is established in the country and Sharia law be established.

The organization behind the protest is called Muslim Interaktiv, and is monitored by the authorities but not banned

— Megh Updates ?™ (@MeghUpdates) April 28, 2024

From The Telegraph:

Joe Adade Boateng, leader of Muslim Interaktiv which organised the march, said in a speech at the march that Germany needed a “righteous caliphate” to remedy the misrepresentation Muslim groups have faced in the media.

He was greeted with cheers of “Allahu akbar”, or God is great, by a mostly male crowd, some of whom were holding up signs reading “Caliphate is the solution” and “Stop the media hate”.

People were also holding up copies of the local tabloid newspaper, Bild, with stories about Islam that had been smeared with red paint.

According to reports, Muslim Interaktiv has amassed 24,000 followers on TikTok despite being under investigation by Hamburg’s domestic intelligence for “extremism.”

The radical nature of the demonstration was highlighted by chants of Allahu Akbar (God is great) and signs at the rally declaring that a “Caliphate is the solution” while others read, “Germany = dictatorship of values.”

This is a consequence of the globalist’s Great Replacement agenda that Germans are now facing.

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