
Soros Funds College Chaos – Exclusive Report

Soros Funds College Chaos – Exclusive Report

adminApr 29, 20241 min read

Soros Funds College Chaos – Exclusive Report

Learn more about the agenda to divide and conquer America

George Soros has been funding the infiltration of all aspects of the United States power structure in order to take it down


Breaking: Persecuted Top Brazilian Journalist Says The Tyrants Are Losing

Breaking: Persecuted Top Brazilian Journalist Says The Tyrants Are Losing

adminApr 29, 20241 min read

Breaking: Persecuted Top Brazilian Journalist Says The Tyrants Are Losing

Journalist Allan Dos Santos explains how the Brazilian people are turning against the socialist government for attempting to censor free speech.

Allan Dos Santos joins Alex Jones live to break down how Brazil’s Supreme Court tyrants are losing the hearts and minds of the Brazilian people as they wage a war against Elon Musk and X.

BREAKING: Persecuted Top Brazilian Journalist Says The Tyrants Are Losing

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 29, 2024

Columbia Chaos: This is 100% Obama Come Full Circle

Columbia Chaos: This is 100% Obama Come Full Circle

adminApr 29, 20246 min read

Columbia Chaos: This is 100% Obama Come Full Circle

Wayne Allyn Root: Everything happening in NYC right now has BHO’s fingerprints all over it

This is all Barack Obama.

What you see happening right now in New York City all started at Columbia University way back in the early 1980s. Obama was my Columbia classmate. And now it’s all full circle back to our roots (excuse the pun).

Columbia University is the canary in the coal mine.

George H.W. Bush talked about “1,000 points of light.” Obama uses “1,000 points of destruction” to achieve his goal – the intentional destruction of America.

You can see it all happening just blocks apart right now – all built around Columbia and NYC.

Upper Manhattan is where the anarchy at Columbia is on display. The Jew-hatred. The America-hatred. The hatred of capitalism. The desire to destroy the greatest nation in world history ever blessed by God.

And then a few miles south in lower Manhattan is the courtroom where a rigged communist show trial is happening to destroy the greatest symbol of everything Obama hates – President Donald J. Trump.

SYNERGY: Columbia and New York City. That’s where Obama and I learned the plan to destroy America, called “Cloward-Piven.”

I have a unique understanding of Obama. Not only was he my college classmate, but I’ve studied him for most of my adult life. You want to understand what makes Obama tick? Read the 452 pages of my No. 1 bestselling book from 2013, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.”

Here is what I see happening right now:

Obama is the real president of the United States. Unelected. Yet he holds all the power and calls all the shots for his braindead, dementia puppet Joe Biden.

The rigged election; the open borders; the Green New Deal; diversity, equity and inclusion, and critical race theory; transgender brainwashing of your kids at school; the weakening of our military; the division and hatred; the crime wave created by radical leftist prosecutors who let every criminal go free; the weaponization of government; the 86,000 new IRS agents; the massive spending and debt, leading to massive inflation, which murders the middle class.

Everything bad and evil happening for the past three and a half years all started with Obama’s presidency.

Obama honed these skills at Columbia. Then he sharpened them for eight years as president. Now he has perfected and accelerated them as the “shadow president” – the man behind puppet Biden.

Everything happening in NYC right now has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

The anarchy at Columbia. That’s Obama.

The hatred for America. That’s Obama.

The hatred for capitalism. That’s Obama.

The hatred for Trump and the communist show trial rigged to destroy him. That’s Obama.

The hatred for Jews (and anyone in power). That’s Obama.

By the way, don’t take my word for it. Even ultra-liberal, lifelong Democrat and former Obama supporter Alan Dershowitz recently said Obama hates Israel and the Jews. He called Obama “despicable.” He blames Obama for the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and anti-American attitudes in this country today.

Alan, welcome to “Wayne’s World.” This is exactly what I’ve been saying about Obama since my college classmate was campaigning for president in 2007.

One more thing Obama is great at – painting everyone who disagrees with his plans to destroy America as a “racist.” You know the real definition of racist? Anyone winning an argument with a communist.

This is all Cloward-Piven.

The main goal of Cloward-Piven is to get the whole country on welfare and food stamps so the nation will be overwhelmed. This creates so much debt that the economy implodes, the country collapses and in this mess, America is reborn as a socialist/communist utopia.

Obama started all of that during his presidency. The spending, taxes and debt exploded. Even though Obama’s friends and donors got filthy rich on Wall Street, Main Street was decimated. By some measures, Obama’s economy was worse than the Great Depression.

Under Obama, the number of Americans on welfare, food stamps and a thousand other government programs exploded to well over 100 million.

Then he passed Obamacare to solve a problem that never existed. Health care spending exploded. More Americans dependent on government, more debt, more inflation to wipe out the middle class.

But now Obama has perfected his craft.

If you can’t get everyone on welfare, just open the border and wave in the whole poverty-stricken world. Plus, the added benefit of all the sick and pregnant of the world to add more massive spending, health care spending, welfare and debt until the economy is overwhelmed and America collapses.

Meanwhile, you also completely change the demographic makeup of America and replace American citizens with foreign sheep who vote 100% Democrat to keep their welfare checks coming.

And boy did Obama sharpen his use of government as a weapon. I’m a witness. As president he used the IRS to try to destroy me personally.

Today he has weaponized every agency of government and funded 86,000 new IRS agents – many with guns. He uses the DOJ and FBI to destroy Trump, Jan. 6 protesters and soon everyone who stands in the way of the final destruction of America.

Obama and his Marxist comrades use a government partnership with media and social media to push propaganda and misinformation out to the public 24/7, and to censor, silence and ban anyone who tells the truth.

And then there’s the radicalized lynch mobs used as Obama’s army to create chaos and crisis. Today, he is behind the anarchy and unrest of this radical anti-Israel, pro-Hamas movement.

Soon, the real “Obama Army” will appear – 20 million new illegal aliens – most of them criminals and military-aged males.

The Trump persecution. The rigged Trump trials. The Jew-hatred. The America-hatred. The open border empowering a foreign invasion. The insane welfare, spending and debt. Exploding health care costs.

It’s all Obama on STEROIDS.

It all started at Columbia. That’s the centerpiece of the attack on Trump, America, capitalism and Jews right now.

It’s all come full circle.

Trump Shares Video Claiming ‘Old Guard’ Globalists Being Politically Destroyed

Trump Shares Video Claiming ‘Old Guard’ Globalists Being Politically Destroyed

adminApr 29, 20242 min read
Epic hype video going viral

American presidential frontrunner Donald Trump shared a video to his Truth Social platform on Sunday that claimed, “We are witnessing the destruction of the old guard.”

The epic footage went on to show Trump meeting with world leaders during his presidency, explaining, “Saudi Arabia submitted. The Vatican submitted. NATO submitted. Japan submitted,” along with a slew of other nations.

Trump Shares Video Claiming ‘Old Guard’ Globalists Being Politically Destroyed

The video Trump shared was posted in response to a separate Truth Social post, where the user Clandestine wrote, “VERY interesting. The New York Times reports that Trump recently spoke with Saudi Crown, Mohammad Bin Salman.”

“As tensions rise in the Middle East, Trump is communicating with arguably the most prominent figure in the Muslim world, while Biden is asleep at the wheel,” he explained. “The NYTs cite they do not know the contents of the conversation, just that the two spoke via phone recently.”

“Trump has always had a great relationship with MBS, and all the BRICS leaders for that matter. Let’s hope Trump and his diplomatic efforts can convince the BRICS nations to hold off from escalating WW3, in the hopes that Trump can reclaim office and swiftly end NATO/Israel’s aggression. The leaders of the world know that Biden isn’t going to solve anything. The world wants Trump.”

It’s clear the rest of the world had more respect for America during Trump’s presidency as he was a true leader and not another globalist puppet like Joe Biden.

Watch: Liberal Comedian ROASTS Biden During WH Correspondents’ Dinner

Watch: Liberal Comedian ROASTS Biden During WH Correspondents’ Dinner

adminApr 29, 20244 min read
While comedian mainly played to leftist pro-Biden MSM crowd with numerous anti-Trump jokes, he also managed to get a few savage barbs at the Democrat presidential nominee.

Liberal comedian and Saturday Night Live cast member Colin Jost hilariously mocked Joe Biden during the White House Correspondents’ Dinner Sunday night, making several jokes at the senile puppet president’s expense.

While the SNL “Weekend Update” anchor definitely played to the leftist pro-Biden MSM crowd with numerous anti-Trump jokes throughout his routine, he also managed to get a few savage barbs at the Democrat presidential nominee. See a few of Jost’s jabs at Biden below.

Jost joked about Biden losing support among Black Americans:

COLIN JOST: “My Weekend Update co-anchor, Michael Che, was going to join me here tonight — but in solidarity with President Biden, I decided to lose all my Black support”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 28, 2024

He also remarked on Biden stumbling going up the stairs of Air Force One:

“…Like with the economy, the vibes are bad, but the numbers say it’s strong. The economy is sort of like you [Biden] on steps of Air Force One — it feels like it’s stumbling, but there’s somehow upward progress.”

COLIN JOST: “The economy is kind of like [Biden] on the steps of Air Force One”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 28, 2024

At one point, Jost claimed he’d forgot his cocaine at the White House, but that Biden used it to get through his State of the Union address:

“The last time I was in DC, I left my cocaine at the WH. Luckily, the President was able to put it to good use for his State of the Union…Of course, the President doesn’t call it cocaine. He calls a high-speed rail by the way. Can you blame the guy for turning to cocaine? He must be exhausted orchestrating for for separate trials against his rival, rigging the Super Bowl, and gearing up to steal a second election…I love by the way, the trump’s to attacks on president Biden, or that he’s a senile old man and a criminal mastermind. I’m like, I think you gotta pick one.”

Jost on Biden: “He must be exhausted orchestrating four separate trials against his rival; rigging the Super Bowl; and gearing up to steal a second election. Wow.”

— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) April 28, 2024

Jost also suffered a brief meltdown laying out how Trump is embroiled in several court cases — but still tying Biden in polls:

Colin Jost, low-key melting down with liberal journalists about why ANYONE would vote for Trump and not Biden #WHCD:

“[L]et me see if I can summarize where this race stands at this moment. The Republican candidate for president owes half a billion in fines for bank fraud and is…

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 28, 2024

He also commented on both presidential candidates’ old age:

JUST IN: Colin Jost mocks Trump and Biden for being older men, says, “I’m not saying both candidates are old, but you know Jimmy Carter is out there thinking, ‘I could maybe win this thing.'”WATCH

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) April 28, 2024

Here’s Jost’s routine in full:

Former President Donald Trump, who was the butt of several Jost jests, was unamused, writing on Truth Social, “The White House Correspondents’ Dinner was really bad. Colin Jost BOMBED, and Crooked Joe was an absolute disaster! Doesn’t get much worse than this!”

The New York Times was also unhappy with Jost’s set:

Watch: Liberal Comedian ROASTS Biden During WH Correspondents’ Dinner

Ahead of Jost taking the stage, Crooked Joe Biden also tried his decrepit old hand at comedy, at one point brazenly joking about the legal battles in which his opponent’s currently engaged.

Biden jokes about Donald Trump facing an unprecedented lawfare campaign that he’s directing

I cannot wait to remove this tyrant from office

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) April 28, 2024

Here’s Biden’s full appearance, which contained several campaign-style statements rather than jokes.

Hunter Biden to Sue Fox News Over ‘Laptop From Hell’ Coverage

Hunter Biden to Sue Fox News Over ‘Laptop From Hell’ Coverage

adminApr 29, 20244 min read

Hunter Biden to Sue Fox News Over ‘Laptop From Hell’ Coverage

Hunter’s lawyers allege Fox’s airing of “intimate images” belonging to Hunter Biden that were “hacked, stolen, and/or manipulated” violated Biden’s civil rights and copyright law.

Hunter Biden’s lawyers plan to sue Fox News “imminently”, alleging the network engaged in “conspiracy” to defame him over its coverage of his infamous Laptop From Hell.

A letter from law firm Geragos & Geragos sent to Fox News Channel and Fox News Digital alleges a “conspiracy and subsequent actions to defame Mr. Biden and paint him in a false light, the unlicensed commercial exploitation of his image, name, and likeness, and the unlawful publication of hacked intimate images of him.” 

“While routinely defaming and disparaging Mr. Biden, FOX has simultaneously sought to profit by the unlawful exploitation of Mr. Biden’s image, name, and likeness for commercial purposes and reprehensible dissemination of salacious photographs depicting Mr. Biden,” wrote lawyer Tina Glandian, a partner at Geragos & Geragos.

BREAKING – YOUR REACTION: Hunter Biden goes on the offensive, plans to sue Fox News ‘imminently’ for publishing intimate images of him from the laptop and allegedly attacking him. WATCH

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) April 29, 2024

The letter also alleges that Fox’s airing of “intimate images” belonging to Hunter Biden they claimed were “hacked, stolen, and/or manipulated” violated Biden’s civil rights as well as copyright law. 

Attorney Mike Geragos also said in a statement, “For the last five years, Fox News has relentlessly attacked Hunter Biden and made him a caricature in order to boost ratings and for its financial gain.”

“The recent indictment of FBI informant Smirnov has exposed the conspiracy of disinformation that has been fueled by Fox, enabled by their paid agents and monetized by the Fox enterprise. We plan on holding them accountable.”

The lawyers also demanded that Fox News take down their special, The Trial of Hunter Biden — a six-part mock trial focused on his foreign business dealings.

This comes amid the backdrop of Hunter’s upcoming trial in Delaware in early June for alleged gun crimes.

Hunter may be at a disadvantage because the First Amendment protects freedom of speech and of the press, which can make it difficult for a public figure to win a lawsuit against a news outlet for reporting on truthful information.

Additionally, the public figure doctrine, established in the Supreme Court case of Curtis Publishing v. Butts (1967), states that public figures must prove actual malice, meaning the news outlet knowingly published false information or did so with reckless disregard for the truth, in order to win a defamation lawsuit.

How Hunter plans to establish malice when the explicit images and emails found on his abandoned laptop were confirmed to be authentic remains to be seen.

After all, Fox News didn’t take or manipulate the pictures of Hunter smoking crack.
630-page report on the Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell. No raids, no arrest, no indictments for Hunter Biden.

Detailed documentation of 459 crimes committed by the Biden Crime Family and its associates.

Lock Him Up!#BidenWorstPresidentEver #LockHimUp

— Steve Takane???? (@VnhkUmT2FrcvVrG) April 15, 2024

Hunter Biden will sue Fox News for defamation.

wait, for what?

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) April 29, 2024

Keep dreaming.

Drug addiction is the child of sexual abuse.

Hunter Biden calls his dad pedo pete in the laptop from hell.


— Shaun Humphrey (@ShaunHumphrey65) April 22, 2024

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