
Economist Peter Schiff Predicts A Financial Crisis That Will Make The Great Depression Look Tame

Economist Peter Schiff Predicts A Financial Crisis That Will Make The Great Depression Look Tame

adminApr 29, 20244 min read

Economist Peter Schiff Predicts A Financial Crisis That Will Make The Great Depression Look Tame

Peter Schiff joins Alex Jones to reveal how to prepare for the collapse of the US Dollar.

Economist Peter Schiff joined The Alex Jones Show on Monday to warn Americans to prepare for an inflationary depression set to dwarf past financial crises.

Schiff told Alex Jones that high inflation and the economic slowdown will be even more severe than the “stagflation” crisis of the 1970s.

“It’s not going to be that benign this time. What happened in the ’70s is like a Sunday school picnic compared to what we’re going to go through because we’re in much worse shape economically than we were then,” Schiff said.

“So if it’s stagflation, the stagnation is much worse — more like depression — and the inflation is much higher. So we’re going to get all the bad things of the ’70s, only on steroids.”

Schiff also explained that gold is set to keep climbing in price since the Federal Reserve is refusing to raise interest rates to the higher levels necessary to fight inflation.

“I think the explosion is yet to come, because most people aren’t even buying gold yet,” he said. “They don’t even realize that they need to because most people believe the false narrative that inflation is going to come back down to 2%, and that all the Fed has to do is hold off on the rate cuts for a little bit longer and just let the inflation rate come down.”

“But that’s completely false. We’re not going anywhere near 2%,” he continued. “We’re going in the other direction and we’re going to accelerate, and the markets have still not yet come to terms with the reality that high inflation is here to stay, and it’s gonna get worse.”

Schiff went on to say that because the economy has gotten so much worse under Biden that he’s become the most unpopular president in the history of such polling.

“Most of the reports that you look at show that just since the beginning of the Biden administration, the cost of living is up about 30 or 40%. Now, that is a huge increase. And it really amounts to a tax to cover the increased cost of government spending,” Schiff said.

“That’s why Americans are struggling. That’s why Biden is the most unpopular president in the history of popularity polls, and Harris is the most unpopular vice president.”

“The savings rate has imploded. Credit card debt is at an all-time record high. And more Americans than ever before are forced to moonlight. People are working second and third jobs because that’s the only way to pay the bills. They can’t cover the rent, put food on the table, and pay their electric bill on one job anymore, because the value of their paycheck has bene eviscerated by inflation, so now they have to take two or three jobs.”

“And then you have Joe Biden bragging about all those jobs he created when all those people who have them would prefer not to,” he added.

In fact, Schiff said, the economy is so bad and Biden is so unpopular that Trump has a good shot of winning the 2024 election unless the Democratic Party pulls Joe out of the running and replaces him with a better candidate.

“I think the only hope the Democrats have of Trump not winning — even if he’s in jail, I think he wins from jail,” he said. “If they put him in jail, he can win from a jail cell if he’s running against Biden.”

“So I think the only chance they have is they got to get rid of Biden and they’ve got to get rid of Harris — they both have to go. And they have to somehow find an alternative that the voters will accept,” he concluded.

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<div>BAN THE JAB: Arizona GOP Passes Resolution Declaring COVID-19 Shots ‘Biological & Technological Weapons’</div>

BAN THE JAB: Arizona GOP Passes Resolution Declaring COVID-19 Shots ‘Biological & Technological Weapons’

adminApr 29, 20244 min read

<div>BAN THE JAB: Arizona GOP Passes Resolution Declaring COVID-19 Shots ‘Biological & Technological Weapons’</div>

“Government agencies, media, and tech companies, and other corporations have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid injections are safe and effective,” AZ GOP resolution states.

The Arizona Republican Party on Sunday overwhelmingly passed a resolution declaring the COVID-19 mRNA injections to be “biological and technological weapons.”

The Arizona GOP voted and passed the “Ban the Jab” resolution with approximately 96% of the vote after it was submitted by Dan Schultz of

The resolution also calls for Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) to prohibit the sale and distribution of all mRNA shots in the state and for the Attorney General “to immediately seize all COVID injections” and “perform a forensic analysis on these so-called ‘vaccines.’”

Yesterday, Arizona GOP passed the Ban the Jab resolution with 95.62% of the vote, declaring the shots biological and technological weapons and calling on the Gov to prohibit their distribution, and the AG to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis of…

— Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) April 28, 2024

“Proponents of the resolution argue that the vaccines have not undergone sufficient testing and that their potential long-term effects are unknown,” Chester Tam reported on SubStack.

“They point to reports of adverse reactions and vaccine-related injuries as evidence of the risks associated with vaccination. Additionally, the resolution calls for a forensic analysis of the vaccine vials to determine their contents and potential impact on public health. This demand for further investigation underscores the deep-seated skepticism and mistrust surrounding COVID-19 vaccines within certain political circles.”

This comes in addition to 10 Florida Republican County Parties which have already passed ‘Ban the Jab’ resolutions declaring COVID-19 injections biological and technological weapons.

Those groups have also called on Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) to prohibit their distribution and the Florida Attorney General to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis.

The Arizona GOP was scheduled to vote on the resolution in January, but other business and debates delayed the vote.

Arizona ‘Ban the Jab’ Resolution:


Strong and credible evidence shows Covid 19 and Covid 19 injections are biological and technological weapons, and

Pfizer’s clinical data revealed 1,223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects, and

an enormous number of people have died and or have been permanently disabled after having been injected by the Covid 19 injections, and

strong and credible evidence from Sweden exists that Covid mRNA shots alter human DNA, and

government agencies, media, and tech companies, and other corporations have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid injections are safe and effective, and

The Florida Department of Health has called for a halt to the mRNA injections, and continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and therefore constitute crimes against humanity,


On behalf of the preservation of the human race, the 2024 Arizona Republican Party Presidential Nominating Convention Delegates call upon Governor Hobbs and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and all mRNA injections in Arizona, and for the Arizona Attorney General to immediately seize all Covid injections and mRNA injections in Arizona and perform a forensic analysis on these so-called “vaccines.”

Follow Jamie White on X | Truth | Gab | Gettr | Minds

Gates Insider Admits Elite Planning to Euthanise BILLIONS via Bird Flu Vaccine 

Gates Insider Admits Elite Planning to Euthanise BILLIONS via Bird Flu Vaccine 

adminApr 29, 20241 min read

Gates Insider Admits Elite Planning to Euthanise BILLIONS via Bird Flu Vaccine 

A Gates Foundation insider has revealed America’s food supply will be deliberately infected with bird flu to spark the next pandemic and pave the way for Bill Gates’ next money-spinning vaccine to conquer the global […]

The post Gates Insider Admits Elite Planning to Euthanise BILLIONS via Bird Flu Vaccine  appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Soros Funds College Chaos – Exclusive Report

Soros Funds College Chaos – Exclusive Report

adminApr 29, 20241 min read

Soros Funds College Chaos – Exclusive Report

Learn more about the agenda to divide and conquer America

George Soros has been funding the infiltration of all aspects of the United States power structure in order to take it down


Breaking: Persecuted Top Brazilian Journalist Says The Tyrants Are Losing

Breaking: Persecuted Top Brazilian Journalist Says The Tyrants Are Losing

adminApr 29, 20241 min read

Breaking: Persecuted Top Brazilian Journalist Says The Tyrants Are Losing

Journalist Allan Dos Santos explains how the Brazilian people are turning against the socialist government for attempting to censor free speech.

Allan Dos Santos joins Alex Jones live to break down how Brazil’s Supreme Court tyrants are losing the hearts and minds of the Brazilian people as they wage a war against Elon Musk and X.

BREAKING: Persecuted Top Brazilian Journalist Says The Tyrants Are Losing

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 29, 2024

Columbia Chaos: This is 100% Obama Come Full Circle

Columbia Chaos: This is 100% Obama Come Full Circle

adminApr 29, 20246 min read

Columbia Chaos: This is 100% Obama Come Full Circle

Wayne Allyn Root: Everything happening in NYC right now has BHO’s fingerprints all over it

This is all Barack Obama.

What you see happening right now in New York City all started at Columbia University way back in the early 1980s. Obama was my Columbia classmate. And now it’s all full circle back to our roots (excuse the pun).

Columbia University is the canary in the coal mine.

George H.W. Bush talked about “1,000 points of light.” Obama uses “1,000 points of destruction” to achieve his goal – the intentional destruction of America.

You can see it all happening just blocks apart right now – all built around Columbia and NYC.

Upper Manhattan is where the anarchy at Columbia is on display. The Jew-hatred. The America-hatred. The hatred of capitalism. The desire to destroy the greatest nation in world history ever blessed by God.

And then a few miles south in lower Manhattan is the courtroom where a rigged communist show trial is happening to destroy the greatest symbol of everything Obama hates – President Donald J. Trump.

SYNERGY: Columbia and New York City. That’s where Obama and I learned the plan to destroy America, called “Cloward-Piven.”

I have a unique understanding of Obama. Not only was he my college classmate, but I’ve studied him for most of my adult life. You want to understand what makes Obama tick? Read the 452 pages of my No. 1 bestselling book from 2013, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.”

Here is what I see happening right now:

Obama is the real president of the United States. Unelected. Yet he holds all the power and calls all the shots for his braindead, dementia puppet Joe Biden.

The rigged election; the open borders; the Green New Deal; diversity, equity and inclusion, and critical race theory; transgender brainwashing of your kids at school; the weakening of our military; the division and hatred; the crime wave created by radical leftist prosecutors who let every criminal go free; the weaponization of government; the 86,000 new IRS agents; the massive spending and debt, leading to massive inflation, which murders the middle class.

Everything bad and evil happening for the past three and a half years all started with Obama’s presidency.

Obama honed these skills at Columbia. Then he sharpened them for eight years as president. Now he has perfected and accelerated them as the “shadow president” – the man behind puppet Biden.

Everything happening in NYC right now has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

The anarchy at Columbia. That’s Obama.

The hatred for America. That’s Obama.

The hatred for capitalism. That’s Obama.

The hatred for Trump and the communist show trial rigged to destroy him. That’s Obama.

The hatred for Jews (and anyone in power). That’s Obama.

By the way, don’t take my word for it. Even ultra-liberal, lifelong Democrat and former Obama supporter Alan Dershowitz recently said Obama hates Israel and the Jews. He called Obama “despicable.” He blames Obama for the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and anti-American attitudes in this country today.

Alan, welcome to “Wayne’s World.” This is exactly what I’ve been saying about Obama since my college classmate was campaigning for president in 2007.

One more thing Obama is great at – painting everyone who disagrees with his plans to destroy America as a “racist.” You know the real definition of racist? Anyone winning an argument with a communist.

This is all Cloward-Piven.

The main goal of Cloward-Piven is to get the whole country on welfare and food stamps so the nation will be overwhelmed. This creates so much debt that the economy implodes, the country collapses and in this mess, America is reborn as a socialist/communist utopia.

Obama started all of that during his presidency. The spending, taxes and debt exploded. Even though Obama’s friends and donors got filthy rich on Wall Street, Main Street was decimated. By some measures, Obama’s economy was worse than the Great Depression.

Under Obama, the number of Americans on welfare, food stamps and a thousand other government programs exploded to well over 100 million.

Then he passed Obamacare to solve a problem that never existed. Health care spending exploded. More Americans dependent on government, more debt, more inflation to wipe out the middle class.

But now Obama has perfected his craft.

If you can’t get everyone on welfare, just open the border and wave in the whole poverty-stricken world. Plus, the added benefit of all the sick and pregnant of the world to add more massive spending, health care spending, welfare and debt until the economy is overwhelmed and America collapses.

Meanwhile, you also completely change the demographic makeup of America and replace American citizens with foreign sheep who vote 100% Democrat to keep their welfare checks coming.

And boy did Obama sharpen his use of government as a weapon. I’m a witness. As president he used the IRS to try to destroy me personally.

Today he has weaponized every agency of government and funded 86,000 new IRS agents – many with guns. He uses the DOJ and FBI to destroy Trump, Jan. 6 protesters and soon everyone who stands in the way of the final destruction of America.

Obama and his Marxist comrades use a government partnership with media and social media to push propaganda and misinformation out to the public 24/7, and to censor, silence and ban anyone who tells the truth.

And then there’s the radicalized lynch mobs used as Obama’s army to create chaos and crisis. Today, he is behind the anarchy and unrest of this radical anti-Israel, pro-Hamas movement.

Soon, the real “Obama Army” will appear – 20 million new illegal aliens – most of them criminals and military-aged males.

The Trump persecution. The rigged Trump trials. The Jew-hatred. The America-hatred. The open border empowering a foreign invasion. The insane welfare, spending and debt. Exploding health care costs.

It’s all Obama on STEROIDS.

It all started at Columbia. That’s the centerpiece of the attack on Trump, America, capitalism and Jews right now.

It’s all come full circle.