

Bizarre: Murder Suspect Accused of Eating Victim’s Face

adminApr 30, 20242 min read
Suspect told officers he was homeless and that he’d been awake for “five days straight” due to something “possessing him.”

Police are investigating a bizarre murder in Las Vegas in which a suspect is accused of killing his victim and then consuming his face.

Police had received reports around 5am on Sunday about a man tackling another man near the Las Vegas strip.

“About 45 minutes later, another person called police, saying a man was on top of another man at a bus stop ‘eating’ the other man’s face,” according to

Police responding to the incident arrived to find 29-year-old Colin Czech with “biological matter in his hair, mouth and on his clothing,” crouched next to the victim.

Czech claimed to officers that the victim, Kenneth Brown, had attacked him.

“Brown had a large cut to part of his head and he was missing an eye and ear, according to documents the 8 News Now Investigators obtained.”

Slipping in and out of consciousness while in custody, Czech told officers he was homeless and that he’d been awake for “five days straight” due to something “possessing him.”

Additionally, Czech told officers he’d “used his teeth to hurt the victim, adding ‘he used his teeth to eat [the man’s] eyeballs and ears,’” according to documents obtained by

While Czech failed to appear for court on Monday, his next scheduled appearance is Wednesday, May 1, and he’s currently being held without bond.


Texas City Hit With 1,000% Increase In Overdose Calls In One Day, Killing Four

adminApr 30, 20242 min read
American drug epidemic continues spiraling out of control

Austin, Texas, officials announced on Monday a deadly and drastic increase in opioid overdose calls with at least thirty cases taking place in one day.

Austin Police Department and Austin-Travis County EMS said four people died from the overdoses and acknowledged that number could grow.

The emergency calls started coming in for the downtown area between Sixth and Eighth Streets, but soon spread across the city.

A typical day in Travis County sees about two or three overdose calls, making Monday’s 30 calls a 1,000% increase in call volume.

“When we see outbreaks like this, the suspicion is essentially there is a ‘new batch in town,’” a city official said.

Travis County in 2023 led the state of Texas in fentanyl-related deaths by population.

Last week, Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott criticized Sleepy Joe Biden’s open border policies, posting to X, “Pres. Biden’s open border policies are flooding our streets with deadly fentanyl, endangering the lives of Americans. Since 2021, Texas has seized over 475 MILLION lethal doses of fentanyl. We continue to fight back against the fentanyl crisis plaguing our state and the nation.”

Pres. Biden’s open border policies are flooding our streets with deadly fentanyl, endangering the lives of Americans.

Since 2021, Texas has seized over 475 MILLION lethal doses of fentanyl.

We continue to fight back against the fentanyl crisis plaguing our state and the nation.

— Gov. Greg Abbott (@GovAbbott) April 25, 2024

Judge Holds Trump in Contempt, Fines Him ,000 for Violating Gag Order, Threatens Jail If Repeated

Judge Holds Trump in Contempt, Fines Him $9,000 for Violating Gag Order, Threatens Jail If Repeated

adminApr 30, 20242 min read

Judge Holds Trump in Contempt, Fines Him ,000 for Violating Gag Order, Threatens Jail If Repeated

Court warns: ‘if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment.’

The judge overseeing Donald Trump’s criminal trial held the former president in contempt of court on Tuesday for violating a gag order, warning he could face jail if he repeats the offense.

In a contempt motion filed by Judge Juan Merchan, he accused Trump of willfully violating the order 9 separate times, fining the president $1,000 for each violation.

“The Court finds Defendant in criminal contempt for willfully disobeying a lawful mandate of this Court,” Judge Merchan wrote.

“The court finds the people have met their burden of proof and have demonstrated contempt. Mr. Trump is fined $1,000 on each of those two.”

“Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued
willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment,” Merchan wrote.

Trump was additionally ordered to remove seven “offending posts” from his Truth Social account, and two posts from his campaign website.

Despite the contempt charge, Trump still spoke to reporters outside the NYC courthouse on Tuesday morning, slamming Joe Biden for the protests unfolding at college campuses across America.

Politically motivated Judge Merchan just made a terrible ruling against me in court! He fined “Trump $9,000”for violating the unconstitutional gag order that he put on me. I mush have free speech! Also I should be at Barton’s graduation instead of this court room! Poor Barron!

— Donald J. Trump (Parody) (@realDonParody) April 30, 2024

It remains to be seen whether Trump will call Judge Merchan’s bluff by willfully violating the gag order again to test if the judge will follow through on his threat to jail him.

Read the order:

.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill to ‘Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East’

$3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill to ‘Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East’

adminApr 30, 20243 min read

.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill to ‘Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East’

$95 billion package does not include any funds to help rebuild America’s borders against illegal migration — but it does contain $481 million to settle migrants in US cities, and of course, the $3.5 billion to expand migration programs worldwide.

Tucked away in the $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan is a $3.5 billion slush fund to open new processing centers for Muslim migrants, in what Sen. Eric Schmitt described as a bid to “supercharge mass migration from the Middle East.”

Not only did the “Foreign Aid” package do nothing to secure our own border it included $3.5 Billion to supercharge mass migration from the Middle East.

— Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) April 24, 2024

And as Breitbart points out, the $95 billion package does not include any funds to help rebuild America’s border defenses against illegal migration – but it does contain $481 million to settle migrants in US cities, and of course, the $3.5 billion to expand migration programs worldwide.

The $3.5 billion was granted to the Department of State, which works with many international groups that feed and transport migrants on their way to the United States.

Biden’s deputies are now using the refugee programs as an adjunct to their diversity-expanding “equity” migration policy. For example, Biden’s deputies used the program in March to import 3,009 migrants from the safe and democratic countries of El Salvador and Guatemala.

They are also using the refugee funds to expand migration routes from many African and Muslim countries. In March, they pulled in 12,018 people from the Congo, plus 16,732 migrants from the Muslim countries of Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, and Eritrea, according to a report by -Breitbart

Tucked into the folds of the new foreign aid package is $3.5 billion for mass immigration NGOs.

America Last Republicans voted to supercharge mass immigration while approving ZERO $$ for the U.S. border.

— Theo Wold (@RealTheoWold) April 25, 2024

According to an April 23 release from the Biden DHS visa-granting agency, “The Biden-Harris administration set the refugee admissions ceiling for fiscal year 2024 at 125,000 refugees,” adding “With the opening of the Doha Field Office on May 7, 2024, and the Ankara Field Office on May 9, 2024, USCIS will have 11 international field offices. Other international field offices include Beijing; Guangzhou, China; Guatemala City; Havana; Mexico City; Nairobi, Kenya; New Delhi; San Salvador, El Salvador; and Tegucigalpa, Honduras.”

So – we have the US government encouraging migration, both legal and illegal – which hurts low-income Americans the most, while neglecting to the borders. Seems we’ve learned nothing from Europe.

The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government

The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government

adminApr 30, 20244 min read

The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government

From JFK to 9/11 the Zionist agenda comes first.

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded that the protests against Israel be stopped, the US government complied because our members of Congress have all been bought and paid for with tax dollars given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, known as AIPAC.

AIPAC openly brags about this on their official website, because they don’t have to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which requires agents of foreign principals to register and provide transparency.

Beginning in 1962 they were known as the American Zionist Council, and President John F. Kennedy was ordering them to register as a foreign agent. Along with members of the US government, the Zionists fought against this. In October of 1963, forms were prepared for them to register. But the next month, JFK was assassinated. And Israel has never been asked to register since.

Four years later, Israel attacked the USS Liberty, murdering dozens of Americans and injuring over a hundred. The US government helped them cover it up as an accident.

On the day of 9/11, five Israelis who were seen photographing the collapse of the twin towers and celebrating were arrested and detained for several weeks. In documents later released by FOIA requests, the FBI redacted their faces in pictures where they were posing in front of the burning towers. And described them as being happy and jovial.

One of them stated that, “Israel now has hope that the world will understand us.” The end of the declassified document asks if they had foreknowledge of the event and were there to film it, and the answer was redacted. As soon as they were released, they returned to Israel and went on television where they confirmed that the answer was yes.

The dancing Israelis had fake student IDs. And several accounts of suspicious Israeli art students were reported to be infiltrating government buildings. Over a hundred of these Israeli art students were arrested. Fox NEWS reported that these art students served in military intelligence and explosive ordinance units.

In March of 2000, several of these Mossad art students were living in the World Trade Center as part of the World Views Artist-in-Residence program. They occupied floors 90 and 91 where walls were unfinished and structural beams were exposed.

A member of this group of artists, Hanan Serfaty, was arrested by the DEA as part of the Israeli spy ring. But the identities of an additional 14 Israelis who were with him have never been released to the public. These Israeli artists were sharing the space with a group of Austrian artists known as Gelatin who were working on a project called “The B thing” that involved removing windows on the 91st floor of the North Tower. A small balcony was constructed for people to stand on while photographs were taken by a helicopter. Another group called, E-team, managed the helicopter with the designation number, N666LH. This helicopter was to be in an art exhibit memorializing this project scheduled for September 11th 2001.

In March of 2001, E Team had an art project called “127 windows.” Officially, they were going to write their name on the exterior of the tower. They had an artist’s rendering of what the project was supposed to look like, but it never appears to have happened. And on 9/11, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the exact spot where they were supposedly preparing to do this.

In 2001, Gelatin published a book on the project and described it as conspiratorial work. It includes a drawing of someone falling headfirst from the 91st floor with the words, 300 meters of pure pleasure.

Gelatin was originally spelled the same as the explosive, but was officially changed in 2005.

And the 9/11 Commission report does not mention Gelatin, E-Team, or any of the Israeli Mossad art students.

THE END OF HUMANITY: As Planned By The Global Leaders

THE END OF HUMANITY: As Planned By The Global Leaders

adminApr 30, 20242 min read

THE END OF HUMANITY: As Planned By The Global Leaders

The globalists are rushing to replace the human race with robots and AI.

This powerful documentary breaks down how world leaders are promoting the replacement of the human race with robots and AI.

The most important film of all time. The official agenda of the elites to end the human race, and replace mankind with robots. Watch this and share! These monsters must be stopped, and together we can do it!

Available in TWENTY languages. Go here:

— (@davidjsorensen) April 22, 2024

From the film’s description:

Did you know there is an official agenda to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and AI? This agenda is being heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum. Their plan is to end the era of humanity and usher in a new era of neo-humanity, in which people are a mix of man and machine. They also state that our thoughts and emotions will be monitored by AI in order to combat climate change. Is that the world you want for yourself and your children?

Ending humanity to ‘save the planet’

Many of us have seen the popular science fiction movies about robots taking over the world and eradicating humanity. But little do we know that this is exactly what is being prepared by the global leaders. It is what they are promoting, developing, financing and calling for, all around the world.

The globalists even claim that this is the only way to save the Earth from total collapse. Without exiting the era of mankind and entering into the era of NEO-HUMANITY, the world is doomed, they say. One of their arguments is that humans are the cause of climate change, and must therefore be replaced with artificial alternatives to “save the planet”.

This worldwide reformation is called “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” and is intended to completely digitize every aspect of life on Earth.
