
Video: Famous Pedo Catcher Calls For Ceasefire In Houston At City Council Meeting

Video: Famous Pedo Catcher Calls For Ceasefire In Houston At City Council Meeting

adminMay 1, 20242 min read

Video: Famous Pedo Catcher Calls For Ceasefire In Houston At City Council Meeting

‘How about we call for a ceasefire in Sunnyside, or the Southside, or Third Ward? Will you call for a ceasefire there, Mayor?’ he tells the council.

One of the internet’s favorite child predator catchers, Alex Rosen, made a speech at the Houston City Council in Texas this week to call for the members to promote peace in their own violent city instead of overseas between Israel and Palestine.

Forget Palestine and Israel.

I’m calling for a CEASE FIRE in Houston!

— Alex Rosen (@iFightForKids) April 30, 2024

After briefly slamming “bums” who don’t want to work for their housing and instead ask for government handouts, Rosen went on to ask the council to stop focusing so much attention on the foreign fight.

He then explained the city has spent $35 million on murals promoting Black Lives Matter and “trannies,” suggesting the money should have went into beefing up the police force to protect minority communities.

Continuing, Rosen told the council, “Murals haven’t saved a single life as far as I know… How about we paint a mural for every single person that’s died after a result of some Houston judge letting off a convicted career criminal to go kill more people?”

“How about we call for a ceasefire in Sunnyside, or the Southside, or Third Ward? Will you call for a ceasefire there, Mayor?” he asked.

The mayor and council did not respond to Rosen’s request for comment.

<div>WEF Report Urges Public-Private Partnerships in CBDC & Digital ID</div>

WEF Report Urges Public-Private Partnerships in CBDC & Digital ID

adminMay 1, 20244 min read
Globalist New World Order think tank pushes governments to work in tandem with corporations to establish digital currency for the financial industry.

A report published in April by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in collaboration with Accenture titled Modernizing Financial Markets with Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency (wCBDC) described the ongoing interest by the globalist think-tank to institute a digital currency for interbank payments and securities transactions.

While a retail CBDC is a digital currency for general use by the public, a system currently being established, a wholesale CBDC is a digital currency for use by the financial industry.

“…a wCBDC is defined as a tokenized CBDC designed for interbank payments and securities transactions between commercial banks, financial institutions and possibly certain global corporations,” the report said on page 9.

In order to access the digital money, identification verification would be conducted.

“Use digital identity frameworks could enhance compliance with KYC/AML/CFT while preserving privacy,” the report said on page 51.

KYC stands for know-your-customer, AML stands for anti-money-laundering and CFT stands for countering-financing-terrorism. Of course, the definitions of what constitutes money laundering or terrorism falls solely on the hands of government officials.

The WEF stated that corporations will need to work with governments to establish the digital currency future.

“World Economic Forum has collaborated with Accenture to articulate how a wCBDC might provide differentiated value. We took a holistic view of the relevant industry challenges to produce practical insights for policy-makers and the private sector’s planning efforts to realize the full potential of wCBDC, if pursued. Importantly, deep public-private sector collaboration is necessary to modernize wholesale financial markets securely and efficiently,” the report said on page 3.

The report also discussed how governments must work with corporations to mitigate ‘illegal activity’ – or in other words, financial transactions the government decides to ban.

“Public-private cooperation with agencies like FATF and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) will be paramount to mitigating illicit activity,” the report said on page 51.

On the conclusion page, the report states that deep public-private partnerships are needed in order to establish the cashless society future.

“Public and private sector leaders should evaluate wCBDC specific to their jurisdictional context,” the report said on page 75. “Still, there are several areas where persistent challenges will require deep private-public sector collaboration and experimentation to overcome.”

Nearly all central banks are investigating the digital payment method.

“Over 98% of the global economy’s central banks are researching, experimenting, piloting or deploying central bank digital currency (CBDC),” the report said on page 3.

An image on page 17 of the report shows which countries are engaged in global wCBDC efforts.

<div>WEF Report Urges Public-Private Partnerships in CBDC & Digital ID</div>

Analysis of the report by Reclaim The Net journalist Didi Rankovic proposes that the language from the WEF seems to build the facade that the think tanks is impartial and of a centrist view on the topic while at the same time tacitly guiding global geopolitics via the financial sector.

“The WEF, an informal group gathering global elites, seems aware that CDBCs, in general, are a controversial proposition, and may be trying to control the optics regarding the depth of its involvement, since it doesn’t necessarily help elected national governments if WEF is seen as the main driving force behind the schemes,” Rankovic wrote in Reclaim The Net. “However, the WEF also obviously again trying to position itself at the center of incoming policies.”

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression

Watch: Man Exposes Vehicle-Tracking Tech Being Forced Onto Public

Watch: Man Exposes Vehicle-Tracking Tech Being Forced Onto Public

adminMay 1, 20244 min read
This is the beginning of the overall globalist agenda to COMPLETELY strip people their right to freely travel.

In a video going viral online, a man describes how his Hyundai Kona EV installed geo-tracking technology in the vehicle without his consent.

??, #Geofencing and #geotiming on your car. Just a conspiracy theory right, that you could get your EV a shut down…. Maybe like when they want to lock down next. Or limit your mileage. Anyway please tag this guy if you know who he is

— leilani dowding ?? ☮️ (@LeilaniDowding) April 30, 2024

He explains that after purchasing the car from a dealer, “The car went in for a maps upgrade and came back as a write off for me. They took the opportunity to upgrade the blue link Linfotainment software. When I started it up, I was presented with a new screen saying terms and conditions changed.”

After reading a few pages of the new terms, the man says his vehicle “was now equipped with geo-fencing and geo-timing capabilities. We’re talking about anything with an SOS button.”

Next, the guy notes his wife’s 2016 vehicle had a built-in system where a “range limit” and “time limit” for usage could be remotely programmed into the car.

His wife’s vehicle’s terms of service state the technology can’t be used without consent, “unless required by law,” which the man points out makes the consent part essentially irrelevant.

For example, German Transport Minister Volker Wissing infuriated many citizens last month after suggesting the government may ban them from driving on weekends this summer if new climate legislation isn’t passed by July.

The German government is holding the people’s right to drive freely hostage in exchange for support of their corrupt “green” globalist agenda that will ultimately strip citizens of private car ownership outright.

See below:

America is already boasting of its first car-free neighborhood as the blatant attack on basic freedoms is painted as an environment-friendly way of the future.

In London, England, the government has been facing extreme backlash for the past year after it imposed taxes on vehicles driving inside a certain area labeled The Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ).

The government has incrementally expanded the zone to include taxes on more and more drivers of gas vehicles.

The map below shows the original zone in red, the second expansion in dark green and third expansion in light green.

Watch: Man Exposes Vehicle-Tracking Tech Being Forced Onto Public

New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) proposed a similar scheme in December that will charge drivers a fee for entering Manhattan’s Central Business District (CBD), which is designated as anywhere below 60th Street in Manhattan.

Of course, freedom of travel isn’t the only thing being restricted as the technocrat elitists eventually plan on forcing humanity into high-tech “15-minute cities” where privacy and private property do not exist.

Listen to this chilling warning of what’s coming by ex-London Mayor candidate Shyam Batra, who describes the New World Order plot as “diabolical”.

“We are going to be in an open prison… for the rest of our lives.”

Mayor of London candidate, Shyam Batra, on 15 minute cities: “You won’t be able to drive a petrol or diesel car anymore… If you want food, you will get a calorie controlled system sent to you by text,…

— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) March 31, 2024

The gameplan is simple and it’s being rolled out in front of all our eyes in nations across the globe.

Humanity must defend itself now or surrender to the New World Order slave system being created around us.

The American Journal: U.S. Campus Protests Over Israel Intensify

The American Journal: U.S. Campus Protests Over Israel Intensify

adminMay 1, 20241 min read

The American Journal: U.S. Campus Protests Over Israel Intensify

Demonstrations spiraling out of control as police clash with protesters as well as pro-Israel groups fighting with some campus activists.

“The American Journal” is live every weekday from 8-11 am CST.

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Central Banker Tells WEF That Covid Helps With The Transition to a Cashless Society

Central Banker Tells WEF That Covid Helps With The Transition to a Cashless Society

adminMay 1, 20245 min read

Central Banker Tells WEF That Covid Helps With The Transition to a Cashless Society

WEF’ers discuss what a digital payment future will look like, and how the ‘Fauci Flu’ has aided in actualizing it.

While speaking at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) ‘Special Meeting on Global Collaboration, Growth and Energy Development‘ Sunday, Central Bank of Bahrain governor Khalid Humaidan told the ‘Open Forum: The Digital Currencies’ Opportunity in the Middle East‘ panel that the goal of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) is to replace cash with digital payments, and that the Covid pandemic was a convenient helper toward that goal.

“I think the transition to fully digital [currency] is not going to be a stretch, people are used to it, people are engaged in it, and circumstances that help is adoption rates increased because of Covid,” Humaidan said.

“There’s less use of cash […] The transition to fully digital is not going to be a stretch […] People are used to it […] Its adoption rates increased because of COVID […] There is very little resistance”: Central Bank of Bahrain Governor Khalid Humaidan to the WEF on CBDC

— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) April 29, 2024

Humaidan also stated that the general public is not resisting the CBDC.

“This is where contactless [payment] started to become something of a necessity, something of a safety, something of a requirement, and because of that there is very little resistance, trust is already there,” the central banker said.

He also talked about how central banks control the issuance of cash, managing the supply via interest rates, and that the effort is largely controlled by the private sector. The banker stated that it is likely a CBDC will be no different, in the fact that private central banks will still dominate the system.

Most ominously, the man said that he hopes cash will go away completely.

“At some point in time hopefully we’ll be able to be 100 percent digital,” he said.

“We’re probably going to stop calling it central bank digital currency [CBDC]. It’s going to be a digital form of cash, and at some point in time hopefully we will be able to be 100% digital”: Central Bank of Bahrain Governor Khalid Humaidan to the WEF

— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) April 29, 2024

Getting rid of cash will prohibit the anonymous transfer of funds, a premise already admitted by the financial sector.

Speaking at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Summit in March 2023, European Central Bank (ECB) president Christine Lagarde said that a CBDC will not be private or anonymous, yet was reassuring that cash will stick around, for the purpose of anonymity.

“A digital currency is an alternative, is another means of payment and will not provide exactly the same level of privacy and anonymity as cash, but will be pretty close in terms of complete neutrality in relation to the data,” she said.

“Is it [digital euro] going to be as private as cash? No. A digital currency will never be as anonymous and as protecting of privacy in many respects as cash, which is why cash will always be around”: Christine Lagarde, BIS Innovation Summit, March 2023 #CBDC

— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) April 11, 2023

Cornell University professor Eswar Prasad spoke at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions or ‘Summer Davos’ in Tianjing, China where he spoke of a dark future.

“You could have, as I argue in my book, potentially a better, or some people may say a darker world where the government decides that units of central bank money can be used to purchase some things but not other things that it deems less desirable,” Prasad said. “And that is very powerful with the use of a CBDC, and I think also extremely dangerous with central banks.”

“You could have a potentially […] darker world where the government decides that [CBDC] can be used to purchase some things, but not other things that it deems less desirable like say ammunition, or drugs, or pornography, or something of the sort”: Eswar Prasad, WEF #AMNC23

— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) June 28, 2023

Mexican Bank Governor, Agustín Carstens, made clear during an International Monetary Fund (IMF) meeting back in October 2020 that CBDCs can have their use limited to purchases and merchants that the issuing institution deems fit.

Agustín Carstens, general manager of the Bank for International Settlements—the central bank of central banks—admits that CBDC will grant central bankers “absolute control” over how it can be used, and the technology to be able to centrally enforce that.

Not “up to date” with…

— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) February 10, 2024

“A key difference with the CBDC is that central banks will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that determine the use of that expression of central bank viability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that,” Carstens said.

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will be Worse Than The Great Depression

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will be Worse Than The Great Depression

adminMay 1, 20241 min read

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will be Worse Than The Great Depression

Kirk Elliot PhD discussed CBDCs and bank collapse – a problem, reaction, solution dialectic.

Kirk Elliot joined Alex Jones on his Tuesday show to break down how central bank digital currencies will be used as the ‘cure’ for financial collapse while stealing the wealth of people worldwide.

“They’re the same people that head the central banks before that are ushering in central bank digital currency, they don’t lose, in fact what they gain is complete control over people,” the economist said.

Don’t miss:

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression