
Undercover Video Reveals CIA Top Brass Involved in Deep State Plot Against Trump

Undercover Video Reveals CIA Top Brass Involved in Deep State Plot Against Trump

adminMay 2, 20241 min read

Undercover Video Reveals CIA Top Brass Involved in Deep State Plot Against Trump

CIA Project Manager Amjad Fseisi has been caught in an undercover video admitting that the highest levels of the CIA, including the director, are plotting against Trump in a long-running campaign to destroy his personal […]

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Army Psyop Group Drops Bizarre ‘Ghosts In The Machine 2’ Recruitment Video

adminMay 2, 20242 min read
Military openly engaging in secretive psychological operations

The U.S. Army Special Operations Careers released a recruitment film on Wednesday, called, “Ghosts In The Machine 2,” the sequel to a video the Army released in 2022.

The weird video portrays a shadowy group of psychological warfare operatives inside the U.S. military who protect the nation from disinformation threats.

Alex Jones reviewed the first “Ghosts in the Shadows” video two years ago, saying, “I can tell you all the good people I know that have worked in those units are completely out of it and refuse to take jobs with it now, and the type of people they have in there are literally scum of the Earth that can’t even wipe their own asses.”

Jones continued, “Our government is run by enemies of the Republic. You’d have to be an idiot with no brain cells to not know that. And the litmus test is critical race theory and transgenderism to run all the good people out of the military and convert it over to a pure army of trash. Same thing with taking over the police departments, not to defund them, but to get control of them to be political officers, and Soros already has most of the people in local government under his control. The city attorneys, the county attorneys, the district attorneys, the local courts.”

Check out the first edition of the psyop recruitment videos below:

Biden Claims ‘Lack of Migrants’ Causing ‘Xenophobic’ Japan’s Economic Downturn

Biden Claims ‘Lack of Migrants’ Causing ‘Xenophobic’ Japan’s Economic Downturn

adminMay 2, 20241 min read

Biden Claims ‘Lack of Migrants’ Causing ‘Xenophobic’ Japan’s Economic Downturn

The US economy is booming because of large-scale immigration, according to Joe Biden who claimed the downturn in the Japanese economy can be attributed to the lack of diversity in their society because they do […]

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<div>Hilarious: Protester At UCLA Tries Ramming Cop With Garbage Can Shield & Gets Dropped!</div>

Hilarious: Protester At UCLA Tries Ramming Cop With Garbage Can Shield & Gets Dropped!

adminMay 2, 20241 min read

<div>Hilarious: Protester At UCLA Tries Ramming Cop With Garbage Can Shield & Gets Dropped!</div>

True idiocy on display

A video going viral online shows some pro-Palestine demonstrators at the University of California Los Angeles sprinting across campus with makeshift riot gear.

When a pair of the protesters using cut-up garbage cans as shields ran towards police officers, one of the cops laid his shoulder into one of them and slammed the commie to the ground.

These protesters are such pussies. Watch this from UCLA. I can’t stop laughing at the cut up garbage can “shields.”

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) May 2, 2024

See a longer version of the video below:

BIN THERE, DUMB THAT: Violent anti-Israel agitator charges at officer with garbage can shield — hits the dirt instead.

— Fox News (@FoxNews) May 2, 2024

“Record-Breaking” Week In Northern Border Sector Amid “Unprecedented Number” of Illegal Crossings

“Record-Breaking” Week In Northern Border Sector Amid “Unprecedented Number” of Illegal Crossings

adminMay 2, 20243 min read

“Record-Breaking” Week In Northern Border Sector Amid “Unprecedented Number” of Illegal Crossings

Illegals from across globe invading northeastern states

U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) agents are encountering historic numbers of illegal aliens crossing from Canada into the northeast as the Biden invasion rages on.

During the final week of April, USBP agents from Champlain Station in New York apprehended 220 illegal border crossers, marking the “highest number ever encountered in a single week in Swanton Sector history,” Swanton Sector Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia announced on Tuesday.

Swanton Sector continues to encounter an unprecedented number of undocumented migrants. During the week of April 22nd, Champlain Border Patrol Agents apprehended a total of 220 subjects, the highest number ever encountered in a single week in Swanton Sector history.

— Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia (@USBPChiefSWB) April 30, 2024

A trio of illegal aliens were found hiding in the woods in Mooers, NY, this week, presumably after crossing from Quebec.

Swanton Sector Agents responded to a concerned citizens call about suspicious activity in Mooers, NY. As a result, Agents encountered and apprehended 3 undocumented migrants hiding in the woods. We thank our community for continuing to report suspicious activity.

— Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia (@USBPChiefSWB) May 1, 2024

Last week, three Mexican citizens were caught near Highgate, Vermont, after Canadian authorities alerted USBP about an illegal crossing.

Border Patrol Agents responded to a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) report of 3 subjects walking towards Highgate, VT. Agents located and apprehended 3 Mexican nationals attempting to avoid detection. Thank you RCMP for assisting to protect the Northen Border!

— Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia (@USBPChiefSWB) April 29, 2024

March was the busiest month in history in Swanton Sector, as 1,109 illegal aliens from 40 countries were apprehended.

“The top three nationalities apprehended were 408 Indian, 323 Bangladeshi, and 170 Mexican nationals,” Chief Garcia revealed in a statement.

The month of March 2024 had the highest number of apprehensions in one month in Swanton Sector history, with a record of 1,109 apprehensions from 40 different countries. The top three nationalities apprehended were 408 Indian, 323 Bangladeshi, and 170 Mexican nationals.

— Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia (@USBPChiefSWB) April 19, 2024

Infowars has frequently reported on the surge of illegal migration along the northern border of the U.S.

Aleksandr Dugin, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson Expose the Secrets of the Transhumanist Death Cult

Dan Lyman on X | Gab

Covid Vaxxed ‘Will Die Within 3 to 5 Years,’ Warned Top Immunologist Just 3 Years Ago

Covid Vaxxed ‘Will Die Within 3 to 5 Years,’ Warned Top Immunologist Just 3 Years Ago

adminMay 2, 20243 min read

Covid Vaxxed ‘Will Die Within 3 to 5 Years,’ Warned Top Immunologist Just 3 Years Ago

Dr. Dolores Cahill, a former professor of Translational Science at University College Dublin School of Medicine, warned the jab would lead to a spate of deaths.

People vaccinated with mRNA Covid-19 injections will likely die within 3 to 5 years, a lead professor of medicine warned.

In footage from a 2021 independent documentary recirculating on social media, Dr. Dolores Cahill, a former professor of Translational Science at University College Dublin School of Medicine, warned the jab would lead to a spate of deaths.

“Everybody who has an mRNA injection will die within three to five years even if they have only one injection,” Cahill stated.

??? ??? ? ????????
All jäbbed will ? in 3 to 5 years…
– Dr. Dolores Cahill
Prof. Dr Cahill has over 25 years expertise in high-throughput protein array, antibody array, proteomics technology development,⁰automation & their biomedical applications

— ZZZ (@AskMeLaterOn) September 12, 2023

Dr. Cahill goes on to discuss how mRNA technology for vaccines had never been approved “because of the death and illness of the animals in the studies,” adding that “either all of the animals died or half of the animals died.”

Dr. Cahill’s dire warnings on the jabs echoed those of Canadian medical professional Dr. Charles Hoffe, who warned fellow physicians in July 2021 that vaccinated “people will probably all develop right-sided heart failure within three years and die because they now have increased vascular resistance through their lungs.”

“The concern is: because these vessels are now permanently damaged in a person’s lungs, when the heart tries to pump blood through all those damaged vessels there’s increased resistance trying to pump the blood through those lungs,” explained Dr. Hoffe.

“So those people are going to develop something called ‘pulmonary artery hypertension’ – high blood pressure in their lungs, and the concern with that is that those people will probably all develop right-sided heart failure within three years and die because they now have increased vascular resistance through their lungs.”

Dr. Cahill’s remarks also dovetail with the work of a New Zealand government database whistleblower who was able to pinpoint how deaths began to spike shortly after the vaccine rollout.

Now, three years after Dr. Cahill’s predictions, reports still linger of young healthy people who’ve died suddenly, or been affected by severe vaccine adverse reactions.

Here’s a longer excerpt of Dr. Cahill’s remarks:

“Everybody who has an mRNA injection will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection” -Delores Cahill

It is 2024 – Time Is Up!.

— ?⭐️Edwin⭐️? (@Nuked4Every1) January 2, 2024

Here’s a longer clip of the documentary where Dr. Cahill’s prediction is featured:


**Tomorrow’s News Today** Video from Feb. 2021 shows Professor Dolores Cahill explaining how the ‘cytokine storm’ is an antibody dependent response of the human body and ties in the increase in deaths after taking the coronavirus vaccine.