
Sick! American Airlines Flight Attendant Filmed Children Using Airplane Bathrooms

Sick! American Airlines Flight Attendant Filmed Children Using Airplane Bathrooms

adminMay 3, 20242 min read

Sick! American Airlines Flight Attendant Filmed Children Using Airplane Bathrooms

Hundreds of child porn images found on man’s iCloud account

A flight attendant working for American Airlines has been charged on two counts after he was caught secretly recording video of a 14-year-old girl in an airplane restroom via his cell phone, according to police.

The suspect, 36-year-old Estes Carter Thompson III of Charlotte, North Carolina, reportedly had footage of at least four other female children and hundreds of AI child porn images on his cellular device and iCloud account.

NEW: American Airlines flight attendant Estes Carter Thompson III indicted for secretly filming a 14-year-old girl going to the bathroom on the plane.

Police say Thompson had recordings of four other girls, 7, 9, 11 & 14, on his phone.

The incident happened when Thompson…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 3, 2024

Investigators said the 14-year-old girl was led to the first-class restroom by Thompson, who claimed he had to wash his hands first but placed his cell phone under the toilet seat with the camera set to record.

The young lady explained she didn’t even see the phone until she got up from her seat, taking a photo to show her mother once she did notice the device.

When the girl’s father learned of the predatory airline employee, he confronted the man and a scuffle broke out according to the victim’s attorney.

Thompson was charged with “one count of attempted sexual exploitation of children and one count of possession of images of child sexual abuse depicting a prepubescent minor.”

The suspected pedophile faces decades in jail time if convicted on both counts.

Cambridge Academic Says Climate Change Alarm Is Now A Dangerous Ideology

Cambridge Academic Says Climate Change Alarm Is Now A Dangerous Ideology

adminMay 3, 20241 min read

Cambridge Academic Says Climate Change Alarm Is Now A Dangerous Ideology

Climate change has become a dangerous ideology according to Cambridge University professor Mike Hulme. Hulme, Professor of Human Geography at Cambridge University, says climate change is NOT going to end the world and we need […]

The post Cambridge Academic Says Climate Change Alarm Is Now A Dangerous Ideology appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Illegals Swarm California Beach Town By Boat

Illegals Swarm California Beach Town By Boat

adminMay 3, 20243 min read

Illegals Swarm California Beach Town By Boat

If this isn’t an invasion, what is?

Footage out of Newport Beach, California, shows 24 illegal migrants driving a boat up to a marina, exiting, and running through a nearby neighborhood.

The incident took place in a beautiful and affluent area as seen in the footage.

WATCH: Approximately two dozen migrants were caught on film unloading off a boat in NEWPORT BEACH Thursday morning on the tip of the Balboa Peninsula and fleeing into the neighborhood.

Until we fix our broken immigration laws, every town in Orange County is a border town.

— OCLiberator (@OCLiberator) May 2, 2024

Fox News reporter Bill Melugin shared and commented on the video, writing, “Newport Beach mayor Will O’Neill says he’s aware and in touch with the OC Sheriff about it.”

Wow. Video shows a large group of suspected illegal aliens docking a boat at the peninsula in Newport Beach, then disembarking and fleeing into a nearby neighborhood. Newport Beach mayor @RealWillONeill says he’s aware and in touch with the OC Sheriff about it.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) May 2, 2024

O’Neill wrote on X, “I’m aware of a video showing a mass of people offloading from a boat in our Harbor. I’ve been in touch with the O.C. Sheriff’s Department who patrols our Harbor to find out how we can do better. That said, I wholeheartedly agree with O.C. Sheriff Don Barnes’s tweet from two days ago about how our law enforcement’s hands get tied behind their backs by Sacramento’s ‘sanctuary state’ policies.”

I’m aware of a video showing a mass of people offloading from a boat in our Harbor.

I’ve been in touch with the O.C. Sheriff’s Department who patrols our Harbor to find out how we can do better. That said…


— Will O’Neill (@RealWillONeill) May 2, 2024

Sheriff Barnes’ post can be seen below:

Maritime smuggling is up, and although our Harbor Patrol works to interdict vessels trafficking drugs and people, state restrictions on communications with federal partners hinder our efforts. The state should repeal laws that restrict communication with our federal partners.

— OC Sheriff Don Barnes (@OCSheriffBarnes) April 30, 2024

Mayor O’Neill added, “Our nation’s border crisis is serious, lawless, and dangerous. The approaches taken by the administrations in D.C. and Sacramento have made it significantly worse. As it has been said, every city is now a border city. We must expect better from people in charge of enforcing our laws.”

Our nation’s border crisis is serious, lawless, and dangerous. The approaches taken by the administrations in D.C. and Sacramento have made it significantly worse.

As it has been said, every city is now a border city.

We must expect better from people in charge of enforcing our…

— Will O’Neill (@RealWillONeill) May 2, 2024

The people of Commiefornia are sick and tired of being ruled by Democrat politicians who refuse to uphold the law, are intentionally allowing criminals to run rampant and letting illegals flood the state.

Government Data Indicates Catastrophic Reproductive Destruction Post-Covid-Shot

Government Data Indicates Catastrophic Reproductive Destruction Post-Covid-Shot

adminMay 3, 20243 min read

Government Data Indicates Catastrophic Reproductive Destruction Post-Covid-Shot

Government health data indicates massive harm to the reproductive abilities of the ‘vaxxies’.

A recent report ‘Canadian Gov’t Database Reveals Catastrophic Reproductive Damage to Men and Women Post-mRNA Vaccine Rollout’ authored by Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly of Daily Clout analyzed data issued by the Canadian government’s Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). They conducted a granular analysis of six million patients between the years 2015 through 2022, before, during and after the Covid vaccine rollout, and found a massive spike in reproductive health issues post-shot.

“This dataset shows clear evidence of an increased numbers of patients who sought medical care after the public rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in Canada, for reproductive disorders,” the report said. “The categories of reproductive disorders that showed increased starting in 2021 ranges from male infertility (low- and no-sperm count) to pelvic inflammation to menstrual disorders and post-menopausal bleeding to missed and incomplete abortions, or what is commonly known as miscarriages.”

Being that over eighty-five percent of those residing in Ontario are at least double-vaccinated against Covid-19 and fifty percent of Ontario residents are triple-vaccinated, the post-vaccine effects are based on a large dataset.

The years of data were separated into 2015-2019 (pre-vaccine) and 2021-2022 (post-vaccine). The year of 2020 was omitted due to lockdowns decreasing medical visits and screenings, thus decreasing diagnosis likelihoods.

Charts with specific numbers of health incidences can be found for each of the health outcome datasets within the report.

Summing up the analytical data, male infertility (oligospermia, azoospermia) including low- and no-sperm counts in semen went up, the amount of female patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory conditions and diseases increased, the amount of females reporting disorders with menstruation rose massively, medical visits of females reporting menopausal and post-menopausal bleeding went up, the amount of patients visiting doctors for infertility increased, women reporting other disorders of female genital organs went up and miscarriages or spontaneous abortions increased as well.

That is not all however.

“The number of women seeing doctors for incomplete or complete abortions (“in which products of conception have passed and the cervix is closed,” for the latter), which can mean delivery of a dead baby up to 19 weeks’ gestation, also rose,” the report said within the ‘Overview’ section.

Of note, the number calculations for the adverse event incidences in the report are divided by the number of years of the dataset (five years for pre-vaccine and two years for post-vaccine) in order to account for the different length of the datasets.

“It is past time for the Canadian medical and government establishment, along with mainstream medical professionals and legacy media, to stop gaslighting suffering patients. It is time for them to explore the dramatic evidence of the relationship between COVID vaccination rollout and the reproductive damage that tens of if not thousands of patients suffered,” the report concludes with.

BOMBSHELL: Dr. Robert Malone Exposes Globalist Plan To End Humanity

The American Journal: ‘Antisemitism’ Bill Used To Destroy First Amendment

The American Journal: ‘Antisemitism’ Bill Used To Destroy First Amendment

adminMay 3, 20241 min read

The American Journal: ‘Antisemitism’ Bill Used To Destroy First Amendment

Manufactured crisis being used to take YOUR rights!

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Dangerous ‘Gender Unicorn’ Used by Homosexual Activists For Indoctrinating Children

Dangerous ‘Gender Unicorn’ Used by Homosexual Activists For Indoctrinating Children

adminMay 3, 20244 min read

Dangerous ‘Gender Unicorn’ Used by Homosexual Activists For Indoctrinating Children

The widely used model has become part of the curriculum at many schools and a resource for counselors and others to spread confusion.

(LifeSiteNews) — If your child attends a public school in North America, there is a good chance that he or she has learned about a new species, recently invented by LGBT activists: the “Gender Unicorn.” So — what is the Gender Unicorn?

Tranny Unicorn Image

The Gender Unicorn was created in 2014 by LGBT organization Trans Educational Student Resources (TSER) and rapidly became a key method of indoctrinating children into gender ideology — but not just children. The Gender Unicorn has been used in the U.S. Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency DEI training; in training at hospitalsin universities; and even preschools. In just a few years, it has become one of the most popular tools of trans activists in a wide range of institutions.

Championed by LGBT groups, it became a keystone of sex education programs and LGBT programming in public schools overnight, and is used by teachers, counselors, and other educators to teach the tenets of the transgender movement in a fun, accessible, “child-friendly” way. Over the past few years, there have been dozens of mainstream news stories promoting the Gender Unicorn (you can read examples herehere, and here), as well as stories highlighting the horror of parents when they discover what their children are being taught.

Parental concern is fully justified. According to TSER’s own description of the Gender Unicorn, each student can fill it out where they land in the following categories. TSER defines each category as follows:

Gender identity,” which TSER defines as “one’s internal sense of being male, female, neither of these, both, or another gender,” informing students that “for transgender people, their sex assigned at birth and their own internal sense of gender identity are not the same.

Gender Expression or Presentation,” which is defined as “the physical manifestation of one’s gender identity through clothing, hairstyle, voice, body shape, etc.”

Sex Assigned at Birth,” which is defined as “the assignment and classification of people as male, female, intersex, or another sex based on a combination of anatomy, hormones, or chromosomes.” TSER emphasizes that it “is important that we don’t simply use ‘sex’ because of the vagueness of the definition of sex and its place in transphobia.” This is a radical rejection of biological reality, science as previously taught, and the introduction of a hotly contested and dangerous ideology.

Physically Attracted To” is defined as “sexual orientation,” a phrase that is now somewhat complicated by the introduction of gender fluidity to LGBT ideology due to the fact that it is antithetical to previous claims by the gay rights movement that sexual orientation is a fixed and immovable thing.

Emotionally Attracted To” is defined as one’s romantic or emotional “orientation,” and TSER hastens to add that this attraction “can be from a variety of factors, including but not limited to gender identity, gender expression/presentation, and sex assigned at birth.”

In short, the Gender Unicorn is a tool of indoctrination meant to convey to children that everything is up for grabs — their gender, sex, sexual partners, sexual preferences, and attractions. TSER began releasing transgender infographics for the purposes of indoctrination in 2012, and their content swiftly became extremely popular — it is used not only in North America but around the world. It bears mentioning that the activists behind TSER are, unsurprisingly, extremely radical. Founder Eli Erlick, who created the Gender Unicorn, sent out a four-word tweet in response to the news that Roe v. Wade had been overturned: “Supreme court assassination challenge.”

You may not have heard of the Gender Unicorn. Again, if your children attend a public school, they probably have. It has become part of the curriculum or LGBT programming in many schools (including British Columbia’s SOGI resources), and it is a key recommended resource of educators and even some clinicians and counselors. It is also a very dangerous tool that every parent should be aware of.

BOMBSHELL: Dr. Robert Malone Exposes Globalist Plan To End Humanity