
<div>Iran Offers Scholarships To US & European Students Expelled Over Anti-Israel Protests</div>

Iran Offers Scholarships To US & European Students Expelled Over Anti-Israel Protests

adminMay 4, 20241 min read

<div>Iran Offers Scholarships To US & European Students Expelled Over Anti-Israel Protests</div>

Two Iranian universities have offered scholarships to students in the US and Europe student who have been expelled for taking part in pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Mohammad Moazzeni, who runs Shiraz University in the Fars province offered […]

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People Injured by Covid Jabs Are Being Ignored  NYT Investigation Reveals

People Injured by Covid Jabs Are Being Ignored NYT Investigation Reveals

adminMay 4, 20241 min read

People Injured by Covid Jabs Are Being Ignored  NYT Investigation Reveals

Despite years of reporting that covid vaccine injuries are “misinformation” and “conspiracy theory,” The New York Times is now reporting that “thousands” may have been injured by the jabs. This week, The New York Times […]

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“There Is Somebody Funding This”: 29% of NYU Arrests, 60% of City University Arrests Were Not Students

“There Is Somebody Funding This”: 29% of NYU Arrests, 60% of City University Arrests Were Not Students

adminMay 4, 20243 min read

“There Is Somebody Funding This”: 29% of NYU Arrests, 60% of City University Arrests Were Not Students

A significant proportion of protestors arrested at two New York universities had no affiliation with the universities

Over a quarter of arrests made by NYPD at the pro-Palestine demonstrations at Columbia University were of people “not affiliated” with the university, according to the NYPD.

29% of the people arrested at Columbia were not students or members of the university claimed a statement that was issued by the Police Department on Thursday night.

The figure was even higher at City College of New York. The NYPD said 60% of arrestees there on Tuesday night had nothing to do with the university.

Deputy Police Commissioner Kaz Daughtry voiced his opinion that the protests are being directed and funded from outside.

“There is somebody funding this. There is somebody radicalizing our students,” the deputy commissioner said. He pointed to “literature and leaflets” found at both campuses as evidence in support of his claims.

“Someone is radicalising our students” & “we will find out who that is” say police after NYU & New School raid.

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 3, 2024

The Deputy Commissioner’s words echoed those of New York Mayor Eric Adams, who has said that “outside agitators” are coordinating and pushing the protests into violence. Adams said that the occupation and vandalism of Hamilton Hall at Columbia was “the tipping point for me.”

Across the US, well over 2000 people have now been arrested at campus protests that have dominated the news cycle over the last week.

The arrest figures from New York seem to confirm other reports that the protests are being directed by forces outside the student body at many of the universities involved.

A week ago, The New York Post ran a report claiming that George Soros and Soros-backed groups have funnelled significant amounts of money to some of the most prominent groups involved in the protests.

The protests at Yale, Berkeley, the Ohio State University, Emory in Georgia and other universities are being led by the Soros-funded group Students for Justice in Palestine or the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

The USCPR has received over $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.

The Open Society Foundations are now controlled by George Soros’s son, Alex.

The Foundations are used to funnel large amounts of money to other groups like the Tides Foundation, which then distributes it to smaller groups like A Jewish Voice for Peace.

Campus protestors have also proclaimed that “intifada revolution” is necessary not just in Gaza but also in the US, where it will be the prelude to a “socialist reconstruction of the United States.”

“We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America,” said one speaker at a rally at George Washington University. 

BREAKING: The Civil War Has Begun— Discover The Globalist Kill List

Vaccine Refusers Must Be Treated With Psychiatric Drugs Claims College of Physicians and Surgeons

Vaccine Refusers Must Be Treated With Psychiatric Drugs Claims College of Physicians and Surgeons

adminMay 3, 20241 min read

Vaccine Refusers Must Be Treated With Psychiatric Drugs Claims College of Physicians and Surgeons

The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario has proposed a mandate to provide psychiatric drug treatment for those who refuse mRNA injections or vaccinations. In a recent communication to its members, the medical College […]

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BREAKING: The Civil War Has Begun— Discover The Globalist Kill List

BREAKING: The Civil War Has Begun— Discover The Globalist Kill List

adminMay 3, 20241 min read

BREAKING: The Civil War Has Begun— Discover The Globalist Kill List

Alex Jones predicts globalist hit squads will soon target prominent conservative figures.

Alex Jones says the Deep State is going to go for broke and predicts it will attempt to assassinate several prominent conservative figures in order to stoke a Civil War.

Also check out, “MUST WATCH — X Spaces: Has The Civil War Already Begun, And What Comes Next?

Watch: Trump to Challenge  Unconstitutional Gag Order Suppressing Right to Free Speech

Watch: Trump to Challenge Unconstitutional Gag Order Suppressing Right to Free Speech

adminMay 3, 20242 min read

Watch: Trump to Challenge  Unconstitutional Gag Order Suppressing Right to Free Speech

Weaponized court system blatantly interfering in 2024 election by preventing Republican presidential frontrunner from speaking his mind.

President Donald Trump said he plans to challenge the constitutionality of a gag order in his New York criminal trial, saying it infringes on his First Amendment right to free speech.

Speaking to reporters outside his hush money trial Friday morning, Trump said the gag order unjustly prevents him from rebutting attacks from opponents, potentially violating the US Constitution.

“No. [The gag order] won’t stop me from testifying,” Trump responded to a reporter. “The gag order is not for testifying. It stops me from talking about people and responding when they say things about me and I’m not allowed to respond.”

“So this judge is taking away my constitutional right,” he stated.

“And as a – the Republican candidate and someone who’s leading Biden by a lot, I should be able to respond, but this guy’s got me with a gag order.”

Trump went on to say his attorneys would soon file a motion challenging the order.

“We’re filing I think today a constitutional motion to get this out. We’ll be filing a lawsuit on the constitutionality of it.”

“But if someone says something about me and I’m not allowed to respond, that’s never happened before,” he added.

Republican political strategist Roger Stone predicted on the Alex Jones Show last week Trump would challenge the gag order.

As predicted Trump challenges unconstitutional gag order. It’s not a gag order. It’s election meddling. And a so-called judge is not a judge. He’s a political operative of the Democratic Party and everybody knows it.

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) May 3, 2024

Later in the day, Trump also bashed “Soros-backed” NY District Attorney Alvin Bragg and the weaponized judicial system coming after him.

? Donald Trump speaks after court, Nukes ‘Soros-Backed’ NY District Attorney Alvin Bragg for wasting time on this trial while letting crime in the city run rampant

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 3, 2024