
France Sends Troops to Ukraine Frontlines

France Sends Troops to Ukraine Frontlines

adminMay 5, 20241 min read

France Sends Troops to Ukraine Frontlines

100 of 1500 Foreign Legion troops are now in Ukraine

France has officially deployed 100 soldiers of the Foreign Legion to the frontlines in Ukraine, where they will offer support to the Ukrainian 54th Independent Mechanized Brigade.

Although the initial deployment is just 100 artillery and surveillance experts, around 1,500 French soldiers from the Legion are scheduled to be deployed in Ukraine.

President Macron has been repeatedly rebuffed in his calls for NATO countries to send troops to Ukraine. He has stated publicly that “nothing should be excluded” as a potential response by Ukraine’s NATO allies.

The official US position is still that it opposes sending troops to Ukraine, other than in an advisory role.

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Carmakers Sharing Location Data with US Government without Warrants

Carmakers Sharing Location Data with US Government without Warrants

adminMay 5, 20243 min read

Carmakers Sharing Location Data with US Government without Warrants

A number of carmakers are sharing location data from their cars with the US government, without the need for a warrant

A number of carmakers have confirmed that they are sharing location data from their cars with the US government, solely on the basis of subpoenas. This means that a judge does not have to provide approval for the data to be shared.

Toyota, Nissan, Subaru, Volkswagen, BMW, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz and Kia are sharing location data with authorities, without a warrant, The Leading Report revealed on Friday.

Democrat Senators Ron Wyden and Edward Markey sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission at the end of April asking that the body investigate the practice in greater detail, in order to ensure that Americans are offered consistent legal protections with regard to their personal data.

“Since 2014, the industry pledged to require a warrant or court order before turning over vehicle location data to law enforcement agencies, except in emergencies or with customer consent,” the letter reads.

“But recent investigations by our offices confirmed that only some of the car companies are honoring this commitment. Other companies revealed they turn over Americans’ location data to the government with a mere subpoena, which does not require a judge’s review and approval.”

The letter then notes that the “The significant differences in privacy protection by the different automakers are a result of the current state of federal privacy law.”

“Congress has failed to act to protect Americans’ privacy, and the Supreme Court has yet to issue clear guidance on whether the Fourth Amendment applies to all government surveillance of Americans’ location data. While the Supreme Court’s 2018 Carpenter decision confirmed that the Fourth Amendment applies to some location data, the Court declined to issue a clear, across-the-board warrant requirement, for example, when the government seeks data for a one-week period or less.”

The senators note that only some car companies, such as Tesla, will tell customers if they have received a request for vehicle location data, and even then Tesla will still comply with judicial gag orders preventing the disclosure of such information.

The letter urges the FTC to “consider holding these companies’ senior executives accountable for their actions.”

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New Pfizer RSV Vaccine Linked To Premature Births in Pregnant Women

New Pfizer RSV Vaccine Linked To Premature Births in Pregnant Women

adminMay 5, 20242 min read

New Pfizer RSV Vaccine Linked To Premature Births in Pregnant Women

Pfizer’s Abrysvo vaccine is recommended for pregnant women

A new study suggests that Pfizer’s respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, known as Abrysvo, may be linked to premature birth in pregnant women.

The study found that the average time between vaccination and premature birth in pregnant mothers was just three days. Two-thirds of cases occurred within the space of a week.

Pfizer’s RSV vaccine was approved for pregnant women in August 2023. A month later, the CDC recommended that it should be administered to pregnant women in weeks 32-26 of their pregnancies to protect babies from RSV after birth.

For the new study, Canadian researchers used the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database to assess adverse events following vaccination with the RSV vaccine during the period 1 September 2023 to 23 February 2024.

Of a total of 77 reports included in the database, over half of which were classified as serious, premature birth was the most frequent adverse event associated with pregnancy. Other pregnancy-related adverse effects such as cervical dilation and hemorrhages were also reported.

Dr. David Healy, a drug safety expert and author of the book Pharmageddon, told The Defender that every RSV vaccine developed in the last 60 years has had serious side-effects.

“It looks like our latest efforts to overcome these problems have not helped and are leading to preterm births which have lifelong knock-on effects along with more serious RSV infections in children where these should be harmless.”

“Sixty years ago we recognized the problems and stopped. But now we seem determined to press ahead regardless,” he added.

 “The intense push to get these vaccines means we will all have affected family members—this is not an abstract concern,” he added.

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Hand of Soros: Georgian Prime Minister Denounces US Color Revolution Tactics

Hand of Soros: Georgian Prime Minister Denounces US Color Revolution Tactics

adminMay 5, 20246 min read

Hand of Soros: Georgian Prime Minister Denounces US Color Revolution Tactics

“The United States frequently funds foreign activists, media outlets, and non-governmental organizations to spread US influence in foreign countries.”

A major scandal emerged in 2016 over the disproven conspiracy theory of Russian interference in the United States presidential election. Russian President Vladimir Putin, Americans were told, had spent vast sums of money to influence the outcome of the vote via social media.

According to the conspiracy’s most dedicated adherents, US democracy had been near-fatally wounded by the pernicious meddling of a hostile foreign power.

What adherents of the unfounded Russiagate narrative failed to acknowledge is that the United States is guilty of precisely the same type of political interference it accuses others of, and on a far larger scale.

Claims of such foreign meddling came to a head Friday when Georgia’s head of state slammed US support for “violence” and “revolution attempts” amidst anti-government protests in the country’s capital of Tbilisi.

“Spoke to [US ambassador Derek Chollet] and expressed my sincere disappointment with the two revolution attempts of 2020-2023 supported by the former US Ambassador and those carried out through NGOs financed from external sources,” wrote Irakli Kobakhidze, Georgia’s prime minister and head of the social democratic Georgian Dream party, on social media.

The prime minister also criticized “false statements” from the US and European Union concerning draft “Transparency of Foreign Influence” legislation currently working through the country’s parliament.

The proposed law, which is currently the subject of protests in the country’s capital, is aimed at disclosing foreign influence over organizations and media outlets operating in Georgia. Kobakhidze claims the legislation is necessary to promote “transparency and accountability of relevant organizations vis-à-vis Georgian society.” Western critics have portrayed it as a clampdown on civil society, likening it to Russia’s “foreign agents law” – protesters have even taken to deriding the bill “the Russian law.”

But such legislation is common throughout the world, with similar regulation taking place in Canada, Australia, the European Union, and elsewhere. The US Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) requires foreign-affiliated news outlets, such as the one you’re reading now, to register with the US Department of Justice and send copies of all “informational materials” to US authorities.

The United States has frequently opposed such legislation in countries it deems to be foreign adversaries because it threatens the influence of US “soft power.” The United States frequently funds foreign activists, media outlets, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to spread US influence in foreign countries. 

The US has specifically focused on former Soviet-aligned nations after the end of the Cold War, seeking to ensure leaders are elected who will orient such countries towards the West and away from Russia.

When necessary, the United States has even sought to foment regime change in foreign countries through such methods, paving the way for unrest that generates a change in leadership. Such events are commonly known as “color revolutions,” after a series of such incidents such as Ukraine’s 2004 Orange Revolution and Georgia’s 2003 Rose Revolution. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is a primary tool of such “revolutions.”

Investigation by Sputnik has uncovered the historical influence of the United States and allied groups in influencing Georgian politics. USAID’s website boasts that the organization has poured a staggering $1.9 billion into the country since 1992. The agency reports funding 39 ongoing projects in Georgia “with a total value of approximately $373 million, and an annual budget of more than $70 million.”

Additionally, USAID’s Georgian Media Partnership Program backs a range of opposition media outlets in the country, including TV Pirveli, Radio Marneuli, Formula TV, and Mtavari Arkhi. The US agency allocated $10 million in 2021 alone. Samira Bayramova, an administrator of the program, has been noted as a prominent leader of the current protests in Tbilisi.

Georgian protests: Unmasking the involvement of USAID and George Soros

Georgia has descended into opposition protests against a law about foreign agents, which is the government’s effort to restrict foreign influence through non-governmental organizations (NGOs). However, it…

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) May 2, 2024

The Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA) has also strongly backed the ongoing demonstrations. The organization partners with USAID under the pretense of promoting “fair electoral processes in Georgia.”

Additionally, the US allies with partnered “philanthropic” foundations to further strengthen opposition forces. The Georgian branch of George Soros’ Civil Society Foundation openly promotes the current protests, backing a petition initiative to promote hostility toward the current government. The Civil Society Foundation has operated in the country for 30 years, claiming to have poured $100 million into political interference.

Political opposition leader Nika Gvaramia, whose party has helped organize the ongoing protests, is promoted on the foundation’s website.

The US, naturally, has attempted to coerce Georgia’s government to shelve the current draft law, with Chollet expressing “concern for Georgia’s current trajectory.” Senators from both major US political parties have warned the country could face sanctions for attempts to move forward with the transparency legislation.

The United States’ foreign subterfuge has increasingly come to light in recent years, with former President Donald Trump offering a rare acknowledgment of US efforts in Iran, Belarus, and Hong Kong.

Still, millions of others remain uninformed about the destructive influence of the United States and billionaire oligarchs like George Soros.

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Denmark to Allow 15-Year-Olds to Get Abortions Without Parental Consent

Denmark to Allow 15-Year-Olds to Get Abortions Without Parental Consent

adminMay 5, 20243 min read

Denmark to Allow 15-Year-Olds to Get Abortions Without Parental Consent

EU country will also permit pregnancies to be terminated as late as 18 weeks after conception

The Danish government announced on Friday that it will permit women to have their pregnancies terminated until 18 weeks after conception instead of 12. The new legislation marks the first time the Nordic country has eased its abortion rules in 50 years.

Additionally, girls over age 15 will get the right to have an abortion without parental approval. The government lowered the age requirement to keep it in line with the country’s age of consent.

“Choosing whether to have an abortion is a difficult situation, and I hope that the young women can find support from their parents. But if there is disagreement, it must ultimately be the young woman’s own decision whether she wants to be a mother,” Marie Bjerre, Minister for Digitization and Gender Equality, said. 

Currently women under age 18 are allowed to get abortions, but only with parental consent.

The amended Health Act will enter into force on June 1 next year.

Denmark was among the first countries in Western Europe to offer abortions free of charge in 1973, but only permitted them until 12 weeks after conception. Now women will be able to terminate their pregnancies without paying for a longer period of time in Denmark than nearly anywhere else in Europe.

According to the Danish Health Data Authority, the number of terminated pregnancies in the country has not been increasing lately. In 2022 there were 14,700 medical abortions, compared to 14,500 in 2017. The number peaked in 1975, when they were first legalized, at 27,900.

MP Mette Thiesen, from the populist Danish People’s Party, lamented the changes, saying “a terrible day. It’s a terrible new law.” Addressing the Danish broadcaster DR, she explained there is a “very fine balance between the woman’s right to her own body, but also the right to life of the little life that lies in the mother’s womb.”

In March, France became the first nation in the world to constitutionally guarantee that its women can terminate their pregnancies, making the ‘right to abortion’ in France ‘irreversible’.

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Data Centers Hiding In ‘Spy Country’ Northern Virginia Will Need Reactor’s Worth of Power

Data Centers Hiding In ‘Spy Country’ Northern Virginia Will Need Reactor’s Worth of Power

adminMay 5, 20244 min read

Data Centers Hiding In ‘Spy Country’ Northern Virginia Will Need Reactor’s Worth of Power

Billions of dollars in “regional power grid upgrades” are being proposed to “increase data center power demands in Northern Virginia.”

Since the beginning of the digital age, most of the world’s internet data has flowed through massive data centers in Northern Virginia. The area is known as “Data Center Alley” because it’s home to the world’s largest concentration of data centers.

Some call the area ‘spy country’ because of the number of data centers used by the Central Intelligence Agency and other intelligence agencies. 

Given the exponential proliferation of smartphones, streaming services, smart devices, and now generative artificial intelligence, the power demanded by data centers in Northern Virginia will need nuclear reactors worth of power, if not much more, according to utility Dominion Energy.

On Thursday, Chief Executive Officer Bob Blue told investors on a company earnings call that “economic growth, electrification, and accelerating data center expansion” is boosting power demand across the area. 

Blue said, “The data center industry has grown substantially in northern Virginia in recent years,” noting, “We’ve connected 94 data centers with over 4 gigawatts of capacity over the last approximately five years.” 

Blue expects his utility company to connect another 15 data centers to the local power grid this year. 

He said, “This growth has accelerated in orders of magnitude, driven by one, the number of data centers requesting to be connected to our system, two, the size of each facility, and three, the acceleration of each facility’s ramp scheduled to reach full capacity.” 

He provided some context about rising power demand, pointing out:

“A single data center typically had a demand of 30 megawatts or greater. However, we’re now receiving individual requests for demand of 60 to 90 megawatts or greater, and it hasn’t stopped there. We get regular requests to support larger data center campuses that include multiple buildings and require total capacity ranging from 300 megawatts to as many as several gigawatts.” 

Blue told analysts that Loudoun County is home to the “largest data center market in the world, and we have had an opportunity to work with our data center customers for 15 or more years.”

He said the electrification of the economy, in combination with data centers, will only mean “substantial load growth driven by electrification in data centers for the foreseeable future.” 

With substantial load growth coming down the pipe, the local media outlet The Frederick News-Post reported earlier this year that billions of dollars in “regional power grid upgrades” are being proposed to “increase data center power demands in Northern Virginia.” 

Recently, media outlet LoudounNow reported that “hunger for energy continues to grow, especially in the data center industry with new large-scale projects adding hundreds of megawatts of demand.” The paper said that this has led government officials to propose “small modular reactors.”

Putting this all together plays into our latest investing theme, ‘powering up America’ and the upgrade of the nation’s grid for AI data centers, electrification of the economy, and reshoring of manufacturing. We titled the notes “The Next AI Trade” and “Everyone Is Piling Into The Next AI Trade.” Nuclear will be a big part of power generation as it’s the only clean and reliable source for data centers, as Blackrock’s Larry Fink pointed out last week. 

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