
Liberals Three Times More Biased about Their Opponents than Conservatives, New Study Claims

Liberals Three Times More Biased about Their Opponents than Conservatives, New Study Claims

adminMay 6, 20243 min read

Liberals Three Times More Biased about Their Opponents than Conservatives, New Study Claims

Liberals are less open-minded than conservatives, according to the new study

Liberals are three times more biased when evaluating their opponents than conservatives are, according to a new study in the Journal of Social Psychology. This runs totally counter to the widespread belief that conservatives are less open-minded and more prejudiced than liberals.

The researchers behind the study wanted to test the popular hypothesis that conservatives are more prone to prejudice and have a greater inclination to authoritarianism than liberals.

“It has become clear that the ideological divide in the United States is growing and that people are becoming more polarized in their beliefs,” explains study author Robert D. Ridge, an associate professor of psychology at Brigham Young University.

“Ideological asymmetry is the notion that conservatives are more prejudicial than liberals, but the worldview conflict hypothesis suggests that conservatives and liberals can be equally prejudiced toward those with different worldviews and values.”

“I wanted to pit these two theories against each other to see who would be more likely to aggress indirectly against a person who held an ideology different than theirs. I wanted to see if simply posting support on social media for a conservative or liberal position would be sufficient to elicit indirect aggression from a person with a different ideology in a domain that is completely unrelated to politics.”

The researchers created an experiment where participants were asked to evaluate political memes shared on social media. They were told the memes had been shared by candidates looking for a job. Participants did not know that they were being evaluated for their own political biases.

In particular, the researchers wanted to see how the content of the memes affected the perception of the person who shared them. That included the extent to which the perceiver felt aggressive feelings towards the person who shared the memes based on their implied political beliefs.

As expected, conservatives and liberals both assessed content that aligned with their own beliefs favourably, and content that didn’t, negatively.

However, the different in assessments was much greater among liberals, who assessed conservatives three times as harshly as conservatives assessed liberals.

“I was very surprised that the level of liberal bias against conservatives was nearly three times greater than was conservative bias toward liberals,” Ridge Added.

“This is directly the opposite of what ideological asymmetry would predict. I was also surprised that given this result, liberal participants claimed that conservatives were much more prejudiced than liberals, whereas conservatives did not attribute any more prejudice to liberals than to conservatives. This is contrary to much popular opinion about liberals and conservatives in popular media and in the empirical literature.”

The researchers have already conducted further research on the subject, which will be published soon. They’ve discovered that liberals are more likely to view subtle clues to conservative affiliation in job resumés as an excuse to “torpedo” an individual’s chances of getting a job.

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UK School Reports Parents Who Refused to Affirm Daughter’s ‘Transgender’ Identity to Child Protective Services

UK School Reports Parents Who Refused to Affirm Daughter’s ‘Transgender’ Identity to Child Protective Services

adminMay 6, 20245 min read

UK School Reports Parents Who Refused to Affirm Daughter’s ‘Transgender’ Identity to Child Protective Services

The case underscores tensions between parental rights and agenda-driven idealogues amid growing influence of LGBT advocacy in schools.

(LifeSiteNews) — Last year I reviewed Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans: Tales from the Home Front in the Fight to Save Our Kids for First Things. It is a truly horrifying book, especially for a parent. The book was filled with story after story of heartbroken, desperate mothers and fathers discovering that their child identified as transgender – and then, that school staff, clinicians, medical staff, and even other parents were all arrayed against them in their attempts to save their children from the irreversible damage of cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and sex change surgeries. 

Most of the parents writing their stories chose to remain anonymous in order to maintain their relationships with their children, and to avoid being targeted by trans activists. Some parental nightmares, however, show up in the papers. A recent example was just published in the Telegraph. A top private school in Edinburgh, Scotland – George Watson’s College – called social services in December of 2020 after the parents objected to the transitioning of their daughter and instead asked that the school practice the “watchful waiting” approach. The parents had come to this conclusion after consulting a psychologist. 

READ: Beware of the invasive, dangerous ‘Gender Unicorn’ used by LGBT activists for indoctrination 

“’Watchful waiting’ is an approach in which a child’s view of their gender is closely observed but without social or medical intervention,” the Telegraph noted. “Evidence suggests that many children with gender issues will revert to identifying as a member of their biological sex as they become older.” That is true for over 80 percent of children who struggle with their sex, which is why “watchful waiting” is the approach advocated by the recent Cass Review. Teachers at the school disagreed and stated, instead, that it was important to “affirm” the girl’s supposed transgender identity in order to respect “his [sic] wishes to use masculine pronouns” and to put the girl’s “best interest and wellbeing at heart.” 

George Watson’s College, like many other private schools, had been infiltrated by LGBT groups – in this case, the radical trans “charity” LGBT Youth Scotland (LGBTYS), which “requires schools to rewrite policies and send teachers on its training courses in April 2019,” after which each school is given a gold, silver, or bronze ranking “denoting their LGBTQ+ friendliness as part of the charter scheme that is backed by the SNP government.” According to the girl’s mother – who remained unnamed – the school preferred to listen to the activist LGBTYS rather than clinical advice from a psychologist.  

The girl decided to identify as transgender after joining an LGBT club, which is also part of the LGBTYS mission in schools. “We were repeatedly lied to by the school,” the mother told the Telegraph

I feel that our child was just seen as a little guinea pig by the school and LGBT Youth Scotland. The school policies, which LGBT Youth Scotland helped write, are set up to ensure parents are deliberately misled. We had two expert opinions, including from a specialist in gender, not to challenge our child but that adults should basically turn a blind eye, and not affirm her. But these experts were repeatedly dismissed by the teachers. They literally said to us on one occasion that LGBT Youth Scotland were the experts in this.

“Rather than engaging meaningfully with us, we were referred to social services by the school and investigated,” she continued. “Fortunately, they were sensible and it went no further, but the fact that this was deemed appropriate in the first place is outrageous.” Records obtained by the mother through a Subject Access Request indicate that the school had, against her wishes, without her knowledge, and against the advice of clinicians, changed her daughter’s name and switched her pronouns to “he/him,” noting that “mum and dad absolutely do not agree with the ‘positive affirmation approach’ that the school is endorsing.”  

According to the Telegraph: “Correspondence with social services states the child was ‘anxious now that social work have been contacted’ and asked for her to be ‘reassured’ that social workers were ‘part of a support network.’” In response to the story, a spokesperson for George Watson’s College insisted that they “have always worked collaboratively with parents and apologise to those involved in this case for any distress caused by what are difficult and challenging circumstances. Every school in Scotland has to weigh up parental engagement with the rights of children, with transitioning being a fluid and ongoing challenge for all.” 

Despite this harrowing ordeal – it must have been a terrifying experience to discover that you have been reported to social services for trying to protect your child – these parents and their daughter were lucky. In plenty of other cases, the children have been removed from the parental home. 

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On Guard And Brace For Impact as The New World Order Escalates Tyranny to The Next Level

On Guard And Brace For Impact as The New World Order Escalates Tyranny to The Next Level

adminMay 6, 20241 min read

On Guard And Brace For Impact as The New World Order Escalates Tyranny to The Next Level

Alex Jones informs viewers that we are at the precipice of the next phase of the NWO endgame.

During his Sunday show Alex Jones warned conservative public figures that they must go public against the globalist New World Order depopulation endgame.

“We are about to go into a slippery slope that we’re already on, but I mean over the edge of it,” Jones said.

Don’t miss:

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Democrat Leader Warns US Troops Could Enter Ukraine Conflict

Democrat Leader Warns US Troops Could Enter Ukraine Conflict

adminMay 6, 20243 min read

Democrat Leader Warns US Troops Could Enter Ukraine Conflict

A military defeat for Kiev might compel Washington to send service members to the country, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries has said.

The US may have to deploy troops to Ukraine if Kiev suffers a complete collapse against Russia, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has said. 

In an interview with CBS News released on Sunday, the senior Democratic lawmaker stressed the urgency of sending military aid to Ukraine, claiming that if those efforts failed, the US would potentially have to intervene directly in the conflict. 

“We can’t let Ukraine fall because if it does, then there’s a significant likelihood that America will have to get into the conflict – not simply with our money, but with our servicewomen and our servicemen,” Jeffries said. 

This stance, however, contradicts the long-standing policy of US President Joe Biden, who reiterated last month that he was “determined” not to send American troops to Ukraine. He noted that Kiev had so far not requested direct military intervention from Washington, expressing the belief that it could win the conflict with Russia if the US “stand[s] with Ukraine and provide[s] the weapons it needs to defend itself.” 

Read more Ukraine could request Western military intervention – MP

Meanwhile, Jeffries claimed that US efforts to support Ukraine, including pushing a new $61 billion assistance package through Congress, had been stymied by what he called a “pro-Putin faction”within the Republican Party. 

He singled out Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has called for funds to be used for domestic needs, rather than sent to Ukraine. Greene has insisted she “does not have any sympathy for… Russia” and that she is “only loyal to a single country: the United States of America.” 

Jeffries’ comments about possible US intervention come after French President Emmanuel Macron refused to rule out sending Western troops to Ukraine. Last week, he suggested that Western nations “would legitimately have to ask [them]selves”whether they should deploy their militaries to the embattled country “if the Russians were to break through the front lines, [and] if there were a Ukrainian request.” Macron has further insisted that rhetoric of “strategic ambiguity” could project strength and deter Russia. 

In response, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov suggested on Sunday that the French leader was “breathing caveman Russophobia” in the hope of using this sentiment to become the de-facto leader of the EU. 

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned in late February that the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine would make a direct conflict between Russia and the US-led military bloc “inevitable.” 

In the meantime, the Russian military has reported steady progress on the battlefield, capturing several settlements in Donbass in recent weeks.

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Us Battalion to Remain in Lithuania Indefinitely

Us Battalion to Remain in Lithuania Indefinitely

adminMay 6, 20242 min read

Us Battalion to Remain in Lithuania Indefinitely

American forces are in for the long haul in Lithuania.

The American military battalion stationed in Lithuania since 2019 will now remain there indefinitely, extending beyond the initially planned departure in 2025

The decision to extend the stay of the U.S. military forces was announced by Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasčiūnas during his visit to the U.S.

Minister Kasčiūnas expressed his gratitude towards the Americans for their commitment to maintaining a military presence in the Baltic countries. He assured that Lithuania will provide all necessary support and appropriate infrastructure, as per NATO standards, for the incoming American troops,

This commitment was further discussed in a meeting between Minister Kasčiūnas and Christine Wormuth, the U.S. deputy secretary of defense.

Additionally, NATO’s military committee chairman, Admiral Bauer, recently emphasized the alliance’s guarantees to eastern flank countries, asserting that Article 5 of the NATO treaty, which relates to mutual defense among member states, remains non-negotiable in the face of direct threats.

This assurance comes amid concerns of Russian ambitions that extend beyond Ukraine, highlighting the importance of readiness for any potential adverse scenarios.

A multinational battlegroup also operates in Latvia under NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence initiative, which includes a Polish contingent, underscoring the ongoing strategic importance of the Baltic region to NATO’s defense posture.

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“They’re Torturing Us”: Jan 6 Prisoner Tells of 1,200 Days Behind Bars—and Counting

“They’re Torturing Us”: Jan 6 Prisoner Tells of 1,200 Days Behind Bars—and Counting

adminMay 6, 20243 min read

“They’re Torturing Us”: Jan 6 Prisoner Tells of 1,200 Days Behind Bars—and Counting

Jake Lang has spent over 800 days in solitary confinement at Brooklyn MDC

“If not for God, I never would have made it this long as a POW,” Jan 6 prisoner Jake Lang told The Gateway Pundit in an interview.

Lang, who last week passed 1,200 days in prison without a trial, said his detention “feels like an eternity.”

He has spent nearly 800 days in solitary confinement.

Lang was present at the Capitol on 6 January. Footage from the scene shows him helping others as they were trampled, beaten and shot with rubber bullets and tear gas.

He was apprehended ten days later by the FBI, and is being held at the MDC Brooklyn Federal Prison.



In response to this atrocity of the Biden Two Tier Justice System–Jake’s legal team had filed a ground breaking 50+ page…

— Jake Lang – January 6 Political Prisoner ?? (@JakeLangJ6) May 3, 2024

In the interview, Lang warns that the regime wants to do to Donald Trump what they are doing to him.

“It’s the same goal that they have in mind for President Donald Trump,” he says. 

“If I could see their wish for President Trump it would probably be something like wearing the same pair of underwear for over a week without them giving you clean underwear and an extra pair of socks or shampoo or bath towel to dry yourself with. These are the living conditions that, you know, are basically in store for any political dissident in America today or for Trump supporters.”

He also chides Republicans, including the House Speaker, for not doing anything to help those incarcerated for the presence at the Capitol on 6 January.

“We are praying for a Trump victory,” Lang says. “When we know that the Democrats are up to the same nefarious scam, the mail-in voting. You know, the scam that they did and everything they did in 2020. We have to use every means at our disposal.

“So, you know, definitely, we are calling upon the Republicans in Congress to put the checks and balances in place against the Bureau of Prisons that’s torturing us, against the US Marshals whose are complicit in our torture and solitary confinement and lack of basic human sustenance that they’re providing us here. Congress needs to put a check on these federal abuses of power.”

Lang’s legal team have now filed a lawsuit alleging violation of his constitutional rights.

A protest is planned outside the prison on Wednesday 8 May at noon Eastern time. Lang’s father, Ned, will be present.

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