
Moderna Stops New mRNA Vaxx Trials after High Rate of Side Effects

Moderna Stops New mRNA Vaxx Trials after High Rate of Side Effects

adminMay 6, 20242 min read

Moderna Stops New mRNA Vaxx Trials after High Rate of Side Effects

Skin conditions were triggered by the new HIV vaxx at a worrying rate

The phase 1 trial of Moderna’s new mRNA HIV vaccine has been halted after a high rate of “puzzling skin side effects” were reported.

The new vaccine requires a series of mRNA shots to be delivered, but an “unusually high percentage of recipients developed rashes, welts or other skin irritation,” according to Science magazine.

“We are taking this very seriously,” Carl Dieffenbach told Science. Dieffenbach heads the Division of AIDS at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which funded the phase 1 trial.

It’s unclear at this stage whether the problem is caused by the “cumulative effect from multiple mRNA shots,” the genetic background of the recipients or the HIV sequence.

Different versions of this vaccine have already been tested, but in every instance skin problems occurred at a worryingly high level. In one study, 11 out of 60 recipients ended up developing some form of skin problem.

NIAID now plans to repeat the phase 1 trial but with a lower dose of the drug.

Yesterday, we reported that Chris Cuomo, once an outspoken advocate of the COVID-19 vaccines, now believes he was injured by them.

“I’m sick myself,” he said during an interview with nurse-practitioner Sean Barcavage on Cuomo’s show for NewsNation.

Years after getting his covid vaccine, nurse practitioner Shaun Barcavage is still suffering severe side effects. My substack is full of resources on covid long haul – join here:

— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 4, 2024

“We know that vaccines can have unintended consequences, a.k.a. side effects,” said Cuomo. “But nobody’s really talking about it because they’re too afraid of blame, and they just want it to go away.”

“But the problem is people like Sean and me and millions of others who still have weird stuff with their bloodwork and their lives and their feelings physically are not going away.”

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In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills

In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills

adminMay 6, 20241 min read

In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills

Russian president Vladimir Putin has instructed the Russian Ministry of Defence to conduct a test of non-strategical nuclear weapons. Putin said the order was made in response to “Western aggression” and are aimed at protecting […]

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<div>Big Pharma Knowingly Sold Blood Products Infected With HIV & Hepatitis C</div>

Big Pharma Knowingly Sold Blood Products Infected With HIV & Hepatitis C

adminMay 6, 20241 min read

<div>Big Pharma Knowingly Sold Blood Products Infected With HIV & Hepatitis C</div>

Big Pharma companies including Bayer and Revlon Healthcare knowingly sold blood products contaminated with HIV and Hepatitis C to Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) The revelations came as part of a national inquiry into thousands […]

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Australia’s Digital ID Push is Undermined by Data Leak Disaster

Australia’s Digital ID Push is Undermined by Data Leak Disaster

adminMay 6, 20243 min read

Australia’s Digital ID Push is Undermined by Data Leak Disaster

In the wake of a privacy scandal, Australia’s digital ID pilot program for online age verification faces intensified scrutiny over data security concerns.

The Australian government’s decision to institute a pilot program testing an online age verification system digital ID system was overshadowed by a privacy scandal concerning a legal requirement for bars and clubs in the region.

The wrinkle juxtaposed these two narratives in a glaring light and shows how the push for digital ID raises privacy concerns that transcend the initial point-of-sale or point-of-access and becomes an ongoing data-invasive system that makes surveillance much easier.

In New South Wales (NSW), clubs must legally collate personal information from patrons upon entry under the state’s registered clubs legislation, a mandate echoing the proposed age verification and digital ID requirement for websites. The data gathered, meant to be safeguarded under federal privacy laws, has become the heart of recent concerns on privacy and data risks surrounding age verification as it has ended up getting leaked.

However, following hard on the heels of the government’s announcement of an online age verification system, the privacy of club-goers and bar attendees was threatened in a substantial data privacy issue.

There are now suspicions of a considerable data violation, involving personal data collected under law by these venues. An unauthorized platform has purportedly made accessible the personal data of over a million customers from at least 16 licensed NSW clubs, forcing cybercrime detectives into action.

The alleged data spill includes records and personal data of high-level government officials. Outabox, an IT service provider, stated it had been notified about the potential data breach involving a sign-in system used by its clients by an “unrestricted” third party.

Government representatives, in the face of this serious data breach, attempted to understate the magnitude of the incident. The Gaming Minister David Harris, in response to the crisis, clarified the incident wasn’t a hack as it stemmed from a data breach of a third-party vendor.

“We know that this is an alleged data breach of a third-party vendor, so it wasn’t a hack,” he said.

“There was a high-level meeting yesterday and the authorities, cybersecurity and police organizations are currently investigating that and when we get authorization we can give more information.”

But such an incident underscores precisely the apprehensions articulated about online age verification and digital ID mandates. It’s also underscored by the fact that the government wants to backdoor encrypted messaging, ending privacy for all. But as with all of this data surveillance, you can’t control who ultimately gets their hands on that data.

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WATCH: Mexican Border Guards Struggle with Dozens of Migrants aboard Train at US Border

WATCH: Mexican Border Guards Struggle with Dozens of Migrants aboard Train at US Border

adminMay 6, 20242 min read

WATCH: Mexican Border Guards Struggle with Dozens of Migrants aboard Train at US Border

A Mexican border agent is seen caning migrants in an attempt to dislodge them from the train

Mexican guards struggled to displace dozens of migrants from a freight train popularly known as “the Beast” as it reached the Mexican border near Eagle Pass.

The footage, posted on Twitter, shows Mexican border guards trying to get migrants to leave a freight train as it nears the US-Mexico border.

At one point a female officer draws a cane and begins beating the migrants.

Agentes del Instituto Mexicano de inmigración tratan de bajar a decenas de migrantes a la fuerza, del tren que llaman “La Bestia”. En el video se aprecian a una uniformada dándole bastonazos a un migrante. El Tren está parado cerca de Piedras Negras frontera con Eagle Pass, TX.

— Pedro Ultreras (@pedroultreras) May 3, 2024

“The Beast” or “El Bestia” begins its route in Chiapas in southern Mexico, near the Guatemalan border, and travels north to the outskirts of Mexico City. From there it connects with a network of other trains that then head to the US border.

Every year it’s estimated that between 400,000 and 500,000 migrants ride freight trains to the US border with Mexico. Passengers have been banned on the trains since 2014. The Beast has earned the grim nickname “the Train of Death” because of the number of migrants who are injured or killed riding it.

Support groups such as Las Patronas and Grupos Beta follow alongside the train tracks and distribute aid to migrants riding the Beast and other trains.

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Throwing Kids’ Health Under The Bus? FCC Wants to Put Wi-Fi on School Buses

Throwing Kids’ Health Under The Bus? FCC Wants to Put Wi-Fi on School Buses

adminMay 6, 20248 min read

Throwing Kids’ Health Under The Bus? FCC Wants to Put Wi-Fi on School Buses

Citing mental and physical health concerns, parents, politicians and safe technology advocates are pushing back against an FCC initiative to put Wi-Fi on school buses.

Parents, politicians and safe technology advocates are pushing back against a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) initiative to put Wi-Fi on school buses.

Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International in an April 29 Substack post accused the federal regulatory agency for telecommunications of being “the bully boarding the bus.”

Burke cited evidence of eye damage from excessive screen time and the risk of exposing kids to increased cyberbullying and addictive social media apps via unsupervised internet access while riding to and from school.

“It is time to stop throwing children’s health, including eyesight and mental well-being, under the bus,” Burke said.

Last October the FCC announced it would allow money from its E-Rate program to fund the installation of Wi-Fi on school buses starting in fiscal year 2024.

The E-Rate program is funded through taxes on consumers’ phone bills, according to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

The program is designed to make “telecommunications and information services more affordable for schools and libraries.” But the FCC argued that expanding it to include internet services on school buses was warranted to “ensure that the millions of students caught in the Homework Gapcan more fully engage in their learning.”

FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said the program’s expansion would especially help kids who live in rural areas, where broadband connections are sparse, and who ride long distances on the bus.

Soon after the FCC’s announcement, parents Maurine and Matthew Molak challenged the FCC’s initiative in court.

The Molaks, whose 16-year-old son died as a result of cyberbullying, are co-founders of David’s Legacy Foundation, a nonprofit working to stop cyberbullying of children and teens “through education, legislation and legal action.”

On Dec. 20, 2023, they filed a petition for review before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, arguing the FCC’s ruling to allow E-Rate funding for school bus Wi-Fi “exceeds the FCC’s statutory authority” and is undermining their nonprofit’s mission to eradicate cyberbullying by “enabling unsupervised social-media access by children and teenagers.”

“When it came to my attention,” Maurine Molak told The Defender, “that our own federal government had decided to fund kids’ unsupervised access to the internet on school buses, I felt I needed to take action.”

She said the FCC’s decision would exacerbate cyberbullying and kids’ exposure to harmful and addictive social media.

“I ask myself, why is the FCC creating new opportunities for online bullying, for girls to develop eating disorders, and for increased emotional distress? That’s why I’m fighting to get it [the FCC’s ruling] overturned,” she added.

Senators support lawsuit against FCC

The FCC on Feb. 6 moved to dismiss the Molaks’ lawsuit.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and other senators on April 9 filed an amicus brief in support of the Molaks’ case.

An amicus brief is filed by non-parties to litigation to provide information that has a bearing on the issues and assist the court in reaching the correct decision.

“Addictive and distracting social media apps are wreaking havoc on our kids,” Cruz said in an April 11statement. “The FCC’s decision to fund children’s unsupervised access to social media on bus rides to and from school is both dangerous and unlawful.”

Joining Cruz in filing the amicus brief were Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Ted Budd (R-N.C.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) and Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.).

The senators claimed the FCC’s move to expand E-Rate funding to cover Wi-Fi on school buses is illegal because federal law confines the use of such funding to “classrooms and libraries.”

According to a press release, by expanding E-Rate subsidies to school buses, “the agency is attempting to extend a separate, temporary COVID-era program — the Emergency Connectivity Fund … which the FCC cannot do without specific congressional direction.”

The Emergency Connectivity Fund previously helped schools obtain wireless internet infrastructure to support remote during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ostensibly, schools were able to use the funds to get Wi-Fi on school buses.

The amicus brief stated:

“Whether the FCC should fund Internet access beyond the school classroom or library — such as making Wi-Fi available to unsupervised children on school buses — and with what safeguards is a fiercely debated legislative question.

“While Congress decided to expand such access with appropriated funds during the COVID-19 pandemic, that program sunsets on June 30, 2024. Once limitations are set by Congress, they must be followed — not thwarted — by the federal regulators charged with their enforcement.”

Additionally, Cruz, Budd and Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) in October 2023 introduced legislation that would limit school children’s use of social media apps by prohibiting schools or school districts from receiving E-Rate or Emergency Connectivity Fund subsidies unless they prohibit access to social media on subsidized networks and devices.

The proposed legislation, called the “Eyes on the Board Act of 2023,” would “promote parental limitsand transparency on screen time” by requiring schools receiving E-Rate subsidies to adopt a screen time policy as a condition of receiving federal funding.

The bill also would require the FCC to create a database of schools’ internet safety policies.

School bus Wi-Fi poses health risks to kids

Meanwhile, other critics of putting Wi-Fi on school buses said it could jeopardize kids’ health in ways beyond social media addiction and cyberbullying.

Burke pointed out that neuropsychiatrist Dr. Ooha Susmita told Business Insider that reading in a moving vehicle can cause motion sickness because it creates a “sensory mismatch.”

The passenger’s inner ear perceives the motion of the moving car, while their eyes are tracking the stationary book or screen.

“This sensory conflict, leading to a disruption in the body’s normal sense of balance,” Susmita said, “can result in symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, sweating, and sometimes, vomiting.”

Excessive use of a smartphone may be linked to myopia — or nearsightedness — according to a 2021 peer-reviewed systematic review published in The Lancet Digital Health.

As The Defender reported, the authors of a February 2023 review of the latest science on pediatric health and electromagnetic fields (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) radiation concluded that children are “uniquely vulnerable” to the EMR/RF radiation emitted by wireless devices, such as tablets and smartphones.

The authors, including lead author Devra Davis, Ph.D., M.P.H., were “distinguished experts in medicine, epidemiology, toxicology, physics, biochemical engineering and public health who collectively have published more than 1,000 papers.”

In their review, Davis and her co-authors referenced more than 200 studies that associate wireless EMF/RF radiation with negative biological effects including oxidative stress and DNA damage,cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, sperm damage, memory damage and neurological effects.

Children’s unique physiology, including smaller heads and more fluid in their brains, results in proportionately greater absorption of RF radiation than adults, they said.

For instance, children can absorb up to 30 times more the amount of RF radiation in their hippocampus and 10 times more in the bone marrow of their skull.

Davis said, “The science indicates that wireless radiation acts like a classic endocrine disruptor” and can impair memory, behavior, fertility and brain development, as well as lead to cancer and neurological illness.

The FCC did not immediately respond to The Defender’s request for comment about its E-Rate program funding.

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