
Democrat Hatchet Man: Prosecutor in Trump’s NY Trial Once Paid by DNC For ‘Political Consulting’

Democrat Hatchet Man: Prosecutor in Trump’s NY Trial Once Paid by DNC For ‘Political Consulting’

adminMay 6, 20244 min read

Democrat Hatchet Man: Prosecutor in Trump’s NY Trial Once Paid by DNC For ‘Political Consulting’

Politicization of NYC “hush money” trial further revealed as ex-top Biden DOJ official now prosecuting Trump exposed as seasoned Democrat operative.

The Democratic National Committee paid Trump prosecutor Matthew Colangelo thousands of dollars for “political consulting” in 2018, Fox News reported.

Colangelo serves as a top prosecutor with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s Office on the “hush money” case against former President Donald Trump and delivered opening statements in the unprecedented criminal trial.

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DNC Services Corp/Democratic National Committee paid Colangelo twice on Jan. 31, 2018 — two payments of $6,000, for a total of $12,000, according to Federal Election Commission records reviewed by Fox News.

The “description” for the payment’s purpose is labeled “Political Consulting.” 

Colangelo joined Bragg’s office in December 2022 after prosecutors who were investigating Trump, Mark Pomerantz and Carey Dunne, resigned in protest of Bragg’s initial unwillingness to indict the former president.

Colangelo left a senior role at the Biden Justice Department to join Bragg’s team.

Bragg soon afterward brought charges against Trump in April 2023, raising questions among some in the GOP about alleged politicization of the case. 

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) last week sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland asking for clarification over the close coordination between Biden’s Justice Department (DOJ) and Bragg’s office in the NYC case, focusing on Bragg’s enlisting of Colangelo to help prosecute the case against Trump — who is currently leading Biden in the polls.

But Colangelo was making moves against Trump long before this case, having a hand in the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation in 2018 while working in the New York Attorney General’s office.

From Fox News:

Just months after Colangelo received the payments from the DNC, in June 2018, Underwood, with Colangelo as executive deputy attorney general, filed a lawsuit against the Trump Foundation. The lawsuit claimed that Trump used the foundation’s charitable assets to pay off his legal obligations. The Trump Foundation ultimately agreed to dissolve in December 2018.  

Colangelo stayed in the New York Attorney General’s Office after Underwood’s tenure, and under the leadership of current Attorney General Letitia James, who took over in 2018, when he continued to work on Trump lawsuits and investigations. 

But on the first day of the Biden administration in Jan. 20, 2021, Colangelo began serving as acting associate attorney general in the DOJ.

And before his work in the Biden DOJ and NY AG’s office, Colangelo worked different roles in the Obama administration, including in the DOJ’s civil rights division, deputy assistant to then-President Obama and as deputy director of the White House Economic Council, and chief of staff to then-Labor Secretary Tom Perez — who later became the DNC chair in 2017.

“Perez was DNC chairman at the time Colangelo was paid for ‘political consulting,’” Fox News reported.

It doesn’t get any more politicized than having a seasoned Democrat operative like Colangelo working on the prosecution of Joe Biden’s top political opposition in an election year.

Trump adviser Steve Bannon lambasted the GOP leadership on Monday for dragging their feet on launching an investigation into the Democrats’ blatant election interference operation.

“WHERE IS THE CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY INVESTIGATION? Colangelo was a paid political consultant to go after Trump with the NY AG during Trump’s term. Colangelo’s a hit man arguing the case today in NY and threatening Trump with a gag order,” Bannon argued on “War Room.”

? BOMBSHELL: Colangelo began receiving payment from the DNC as a political consultant in 2018. (Fox Digital)

“WHERE IS THE CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY INVESTIGATION? Colangelo was a paid political consultant to go after Trump with the NY AG during Trump’s term. Colangelo’s a hit man…

— Grace Chong ?? (@gc22gc) May 6, 2024

Bragg charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, but elevated the misdemeanor charges to felony charges, claiming the alleged falsifying of records was meant to facilitate “another crime” of promoting Trump’s election chances.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

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Ron Paul: The Great Ukraine Robbery is Not Over Yet

Ron Paul: The Great Ukraine Robbery is Not Over Yet

adminMay 6, 20244 min read

Ron Paul: The Great Ukraine Robbery is Not Over Yet

When President Biden signed the $95 billion bill to keep wars going in Ukraine and Gaza and to provoke a future war with China, he called it “a good day for world peace.” Yes, and “War is peace.” Debt is good. Freedom is slavery.

The ink was barely dry on President Biden’s signature transferring another $61 billion to the black hole called Ukraine, when the mainstream media broke the news that this was not the parting shot in a failed US policy. The elites have no intention of shutting down this gravy train, which transports wealth from the middle and working class to the wealthy and connected class.

Reuters wrote right after the aid bill was passed that, “Ukraine’s $61 billion lifeline is not enough.” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell went on the Sunday shows after the bill was passed to say that $61 billion is “not a whole lot of money for us…” Well, that’s easy for him to say – after all it’s always easier to spend someone else’s money!

Ukraine’s foreign minister,  Dmytro  Kuleba, was far from grateful for the $170 billion we have shipped thus far to his country. In an interview with Foreign Policy magazine as the aid package was passed, Kuleba had the nerve to criticize the US for not producing weapons fast enough. “If you cannot produce enough interceptors to help Ukraine win the war against the country that wants to destroy the world order, then how are you going to win in the war against perhaps an enemy who is stronger than Russia?”

How’s that for a “thank you”?

It may be understandable why the Ukrainians are frustrated. Most of this money is not going to help them fight Russia. US military aid to Ukraine has left our own stockpiles of weapons depleted, so the money is going to create new production lines to replace weapons already sent to Ukraine. It’s all about the US weapons industry. President Biden admitted as much when he said, “we are helping Ukraine while at the same time investing in our own industrial base.”

This is why Washington Is desperate to make sure that if Donald Trump returns to the White House, the “Ukraine” gravy train cannot be shut down by his – or future – administrations. Last week news broke that the Ukrainian government was in negotiations with the Biden Administration to sign a ten-year security agreement that would lock in US funding for Ukraine for the next two and a half US Administrations. That would unconstitutionally tie future presidents’ hands when it comes to foreign policy and would leave Americans on the hook for untold billions more dollars taken from them and sent to the weapons industry and to a corrupt foreign government.

The US weapons industry and its cheerleaders in Washington DC are determined to keep Ukraine money flowing…until they can figure out a way to gin up a war with China after losing the current war with Russia. That, of course, depends on whether there is anything left of us when the smoke clears.

When President Biden signed the $95 billion bill to keep wars going in Ukraine and Gaza and to provoke a future war with China, he called it “a good day for world peace.” Yes, and “War is peace.” Debt is good. Freedom is slavery. We are living in a post-truth society where billions spent on pointless wars are “not a whole lot of money.” But the piper will be paid and the debt will be cleared.

This article first appeared at

Give the Devil His Due

Give the Devil His Due

adminMay 6, 20246 min read

Give the Devil His Due

Hate George Soros all you want, but he knows what he wants and how to get it

Give the Devil his due, so the old saying goes.

Well, I’m going to do just that.

Hate him all you want, but George Soros is a tremendously shrewd political operator. He knows exactly what to do to get the results he wants. He has a big bundle of money, but even more importantly he knows what to do with it.

If only the right had its own George Soros.

Sorry, but it’s true: things would be much, much better if we had a rich, scaly old vampire we could get to do our bidding. (Yes, I know we’ve already got Mitch McConnell, but…)

I’d actually been thinking of writing a piece along these lines before the news broke that Soros and Soros-backed organizations had been funnelling massive amounts of dosh to fund and organize the protests tearing America’s universities apart right now.

At the beginning of the month, there was a piece on The Daily Mail about how Soros had just dropped $60 million into the Democrat’s election warchest.

But he didn’t just give all that money to Joe Biden. Soros wasn’t looking to buy $60 million worth of ice cream, crack and dollar bills for strippers’ G-strings.

Instead, Soros made sure his thick wad was targeted directly at any number of individuals and smaller causes, so that the hundreds or thousands of potential victories he buys will be far greater than the sum of their parts.

First he gave the money to Democracy PAC, his main distribution vehicle, and then Democracy PAC portioned and handed it out. It’s a well-rehearsed routine.

As well as giving money to other PACs like the House Majority PAC and the Senate Majority PAC, Democracy PAC gave $2.5 million to Planned Parenthood Votes, and the same amount to Black PAC so that it can boost African-American candidates in state-level races for governors, attorneys general and other lawmaking positions. And so on and so on.

Soros’s $60 million isn’t the biggest donation so far this year. That honour goes to the $82.5 million donated to Ron DeSantis’s presidential campaign by Never Back Down. But where did all that money get Ron?


It’s not enough just to throw money at Republican candidates, even if they do go on to win the presidency.

Look what happened with Trump. He got in to the White House—and then he was barely able to do anything. And why was that? Because he was faced with an administration that was hostile to him at every level, from the highest generals and high-ranking officials in government, to the lowliest blue-haired dungaree-wearing badge-festooned teachers. Trump’s agenda was blocked at every turn, by fair means or—mostly—by foul.

Yes, the US system is a kind of monarchy, regardless of whether or not George Washington famously refused to wear a crown, but the power of the president is severely constrained by the massive human apparatus he must wield in order to get anything done. If you don’t “own” that, good luck.

I don’t think there’s a single person who’s been more committed to pursuing the so-called “Long March through the Institutions” in recent decades than George Soros, or who’s done so more capably.

The Long March through the Institutions, if you don’t know, is the Marxist plan, first put forward by the Italian Antonio Gramsci, to focus on capturing institutions like bureaucracies, universities and schools, rather than seeking to foment a workers’ revolution. Having suffered a series of reversals after the victory in Russia, many Marxists realised that conditions in Western Europe and America were not the same as in the Tsar’s former domain. There was no great revolutionary mob waiting for the curly-haired, bespectacled vanguard to lead them to the Promised Land of shared ownership of the means of production. It was going to take time. The fundamental institutions of society would need to be captured and changed. The culture would need to change.

Soros understands the importance of installing not just the big-hitters like the president, but DAs and judges.

And who knows when a friendly Manhattan DA might come in handy. Perhaps you need one to try a former president? Well, money can get you that when the time comes—and it might.

Soros was smart enough to look ahead.

The success of the Long March through America’s Institutions is exemplified best of all, I think, by the universities. America’s hallowed seats of learning now pour out tens of thousands of identical activists each year, all with identical views, just itching to get their claws into the patriarchy, to smash the fash and bring about a carbon-neutral, gender-neutral, uniformly cappuccino-coloured world.

And it’s not a wonder that now, at this moment of great tension, Soros’s investments in student groups like the Students for Justice in Palestine should be reaping such dividends. With campuses ablaze, he has the chaos he wants.

The Soros funding of the campus protests, revealed by The New York Post, only furthers my contention that Soros realises, perhaps better than anybody else, that the battle for the future of America must be fought not just in the halls of power, but in the halls of universities and schools, in the courts and the police departments and, not least of all, in the streets.

We’ve seen this before, of course. In 2020, at the height of the Summer of Floyd, Soros poured an eye-watering $220 million into racial-equality organizations across the US. The racial reckoning brought about by the killing of George Floyd was “the moment we’ve been investing in for the last 25 years,” said Patrick Gaspard, then-president of Soros’s Open Society Foundations.

Gaspard was right. That was the moment Soros had been waiting and paying for, for a quarter of a century.

And so is this.

The presidency is once again in the balance, and once again George Soros has his fingers on the scale.

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Alex Jones Was Right: Bill Gates Confesses To Experimenting On the Public With COVID Shots

Alex Jones Was Right: Bill Gates Confesses To Experimenting On the Public With COVID Shots

adminMay 6, 20241 min read

Alex Jones Was Right: Bill Gates Confesses To Experimenting On the Public With COVID Shots

Alex Jones warned of the dangers of the experimental COVID injections as early as 2021.

From the earliest days of the “mRNA Era”, Alex Jones had been exposing how the COVID gene therapy injections contain all types of toxic ingredients.

Trump Found In Contempt Again, Judge Threatens “Jail Sanction” Next

Trump Found In Contempt Again, Judge Threatens “Jail Sanction” Next

adminMay 6, 20242 min read

Trump Found In Contempt Again, Judge Threatens “Jail Sanction” Next

“Mr. Trump, I want you to understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail,” Judge Juan Merchan tells former president.

Former President Donald Trump has been found in contempt of court for a second time by a New York judge overseeing his hush-money trial.

On Monday, judge Juan Merchan said that Trump had violated a gag order with additional social media posts about witnesses in the case, and will consider jail if there are additional violations.

“It appears that the $1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent,” said Merchan. “Mr. Trump, I want you to understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail.” “The magnitude of such a decision is not lost on me, but at the end of the day, I have a job to do.” Last week, Merchan fined Trump $9,000 and held the former president in criminal contempt of court for violating the gag order nine times.

“It appears that the $1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent,” said Merchan. “Mr. Trump, I want you to understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail.”

“The magnitude of such a decision is not lost on me, but at the end of the day, I have a job to do.”

Last week, Merchan fined Trump $9,000 and held the former president in criminal contempt of court for violating the gag order nine times.


Cancer Is The New Covid — Pfizer CEO Brags

adminMay 6, 20242 min read
Pfizer CEO expects to profit off the cancer treatment too.

Fox Business interviewed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Wednesday during a report on the recent bounce-back of their stock price. Bourla discussed reasons why Pfizer is once again profitable, including the pharmaceutical company’s expectation to reap massive profits via the sale of cancer drugs in the near future.

“Oncology, it is our new Covid,” Bourla said. “We did what we did with Covid. We are very proud to have saved the world but it is behind us now, we want to do once more and I think oncology is our best chance to do it.”

The Fox Business host asked how Pfizer will win big within oncology, to which Bourla said his company’s drugs will significantly increase the survival rate of cancer patients.

The irony is not lost on the informed viewer, as it has been reported that the Covid vaccination, which Pfizer is chief among it’s manufacturers, causes cancer.

While the Covid vaccine is indicated to cause cancer, the recent push to chemically transgender more children is another possible source of new customers, as it has been documented that transgender drugs cause cancer as well.

The statements from the CEO only serve to confirm the company’s problem, reaction, solution business tactic, as it was reported months back that the firm had invested big into cancer drugs.

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