
Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman Survives Assassination Attempt: Unconfirmed Report

Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman Survives Assassination Attempt: Unconfirmed Report

adminMay 6, 20241 min read
The attack is claimed to have killed several members of the Saudi Royal Guard, but the Prince was unharmed.

While it is yet to be confirmed, social media is alive with reports that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman and several other high-ranking officials were attacked earlier tonight within the capital of Riyadh, in what appears to have been an assassination attempt against the Crown Prince.


Bin Salman survives an assassination attempt.

— Mossad Commentary (@MOSSADil) May 6, 2024

ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT IN SAUDI ARABIA of leader Bin Salman. Large number of Royal Guard killed or wounded, status of de-facto leader unknown. (No independent confirmation on mainstream media, yet.)

— Intel Stream (@IntelStream) May 6, 2024

The attack is claimed to have killed several members of the Saudi Royal Guard, but the Prince was unharmed.

For now, crude prices lifted by around 20c…

Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman Survives Assassination Attempt: Unconfirmed Report

…not a resounding confirmation.



Putin Orders Nuclear Drills in Response to Western Threats to Send Troops to Ukraine Front

adminMay 6, 20244 min read
Moscow plans to test its ability to deploy tactical nuclear weapons after Britain and France threaten to send troops to Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced tactical nuclear weapons drills in response to “belligerent statements” made by Western leaders threatening to put troops on the ground in Ukraine.

“During the exercises, a set of measures will be carried out to practice the issues of preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons,” Russia’s defense ministry said Monday.

Non-strategic or “tactical” nuclear weapons can be used in battlefield scenarios, whereas strategic nuclear weapons have the potential to level entire cities when launched from great distances.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the drills were in response to escalatory rhetoric made by French, British and American leaders on the war in Ukraine.

“They talked about the readiness and even the intention to send armed contingents to Ukraine, that is, in fact, to put NATO soldiers in front of the Russian military,” Peskov said. “This is a completely new round of escalation of tension. It is unprecedented. It requires special attention and special measures.”

French President Emmanuel Macron in February said France could not rule out sending troops to Ukraine, prompting pushback even from fellow EU countries like Germany.

He echoed the same remarks last week in an interview with The Economist.

“I have a clear strategic objective: Russia cannot win in Ukraine,” Macron said. “If Russia wins in Ukraine, there will be no security in Europe. Who can pretend that Russia will stop there? What security will there be for the other neighboring countries, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Lithuania and the others?” he asked.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron during a visit to Ukraine last week said that Ukraine may use British-supplied weapons to strike targets inside Russia.

“In terms of what the Ukrainians do, in our view it is their decision about how to use these weapons. They are defending their country. They were illegally invaded by Putin and they must take those steps,” Cameron said after the UK pledged continued financial and military support for Ukraine.

Former Russian President Dmitri Medvedev lambasted the current “cynical” Western leadership in an X post, arguing Russia is witnessing “some kind of total degradation of the Western ruling class.”

“None of them will be able to hide either on Capitol Hill, or in the Elysee Palace, or in 10 Downing Street. It will be a global catastrophe,” Medvedev warned, should NATO deploy ground troops to Ukraine.

The choir of irresponsible bastards from among Western elites calling for sending their troops to the nonexistent country is expanding. Now it includes members of US Congress, French and British administration, and some madmen from the Baltic States and Poland. They are also…

— Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) May 6, 2024

“This is something that Kennedy and Khruschev managed to understand over 60 years ago; and something that the present-day infantile morons in power in the West don’t want to comprehend,” he added.

Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons drills also come days after NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg insisted that Ukraine is on an “irreversible path” toward becoming a member of the military alliance.

?????? “Ukraine’s rightful place is in NATO. When the time is right, Ukraine will immediately become a NATO member” – Stoltenberg

NATO’s Stoltenberg arrived in Kiev on an unannounced visit!

Some of Zelensky’s statements:

– We will discuss the July NATO summit in Washington, as…

— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) April 29, 2024

Russia has repeatedly warned that Ukraine joining NATO marks a red line that represents a declaration of direct war with the West and justifies an extraordinary military response.

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TX Governor Abbott Rejects Biden Admin National Guard Power Grab

TX Governor Abbott Rejects Biden Admin National Guard Power Grab

adminMay 6, 20243 min read
GOP politician warns of ‘dangerous precedent’ being set

Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Monday issued a statement about the Biden administration’s attempts to take over state National Guard units.

“President Biden and his Admin. are making a power grab for the National Guard. They want to give the Secretaries unilateral authority to dismantle National Guard units on a whim. Governors must not be sidelined as commander-in-chief of our National Guards,” Abbott wrote on X.

President Biden and his Admin. are making a power grab for the National Guard.

They want to give the Secretaries unilateral authority to dismantle National Guard units on a whim.

Governors must not be sidelined as commander-in-chief of our National Guards.

Read my letter ⬇️

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) May 6, 2024

In a public statement, Abbott’s office explained Legislative Proposal 480 by Biden’s U.S. Department of the Air Force “poses a threat to the Texas National Guard.”

The proposal would give the U.S. Air Force “unilateral authority to transfer Air National Guard units to the Space Force—sidelining Governors as the commander-in-chief of their respective National Guards,” according to the governor’s office.

A letter sent directly to Joe Biden by Abbott stated, “In recent years, members of the Texas National Guard have heroically responded to hurricanes, wildfires, and a variety of other disasters, including the one at the Texas-Mexico border. Legislative Proposal 480, put forth by the U.S. Department of the Air Force, poses an intolerable threat to the Texas National Guard. Congress has long required the consent of a governor before units can be transferred out of the National Guard he commands.”

Abbott’s message continued, “By departing from this sensible arrangement, and allowing the Secretaries to dismantle National Guard units on a whim, Legislative Proposal 480 would set a dangerous precedent. Members of the Texas National Guard must always stand ready to respond to natural disasters, civil disturbances, cartel activity that threaten our way of life. Instead of attempting such a power grab in Congress, the U.S. Department of the Air Force should work with the affected governors to build up the Space Force in a way that is consistent with federal law.”

Read the full statement below:

TX Governor Abbott Rejects Biden Admin National Guard Power Grab

The authoritarian Biden administration is openly attempting to usurp state rights in what will only further divide the federal government and areas led by Republican politicians.

<div>Secret Service Probed  Twitter User Who Wanted ‘Invade’ White House & Snap Pics of Biden in Diapers</div>

Secret Service Probed Twitter User Who Wanted ‘Invade’ White House & Snap Pics of Biden in Diapers

adminMay 6, 20243 min read
Secret Service targeted unnamed Maine Army veteran for investigation after supposedly problematic social media posts.

The US Secret Service once opened an investigation into a Twitter user in Maine who displayed an “unusual interest” in the Biden family, a Freedom of Information Act request reveals.

According to documents turned over to the Heritage Foundation, the Secret Service targeted an unnamed Maine Army veteran for a “preliminary protective intelligence investigation” in July 2022, after supposedly problematic posts.

<div>Secret Service Probed  Twitter User Who Wanted ‘Invade’ White House & Snap Pics of Biden in Diapers</div>

An initial report claimed the man was being investigated for posting “statements of unusual interest towards the Biden Family related to the Hunter Biden iCloud hack.”

However, other documents show the catalyst that sparked the probe appeared to be a post in which he claimed he planned to “invade the White House and get pics of Biden in his ‘Depends,’” referring to adult diapers, a scenario most would perceive as a joke.

Furthermore, docs reviewed by the Heritage Project show agents flagged other posts by the man that were protected free speech under the First Amendment.

The docs show the initial “offense” happened on July 2, 2022, when the user responded to a post asking, “Hello fellow extremists what extreme illegal things are you doing this Friday night? Share all of the details please. I am not a Fed,” by replying, “invade the white house and get pics of Biden in his ‘Depends.’”

Despite finding no signs of real threats in the man’s posts, the Secret Service still requested an extension to their investigation, and also obtained photos of the man, results from corroborating interviews, and tried to contact the man in person.

Interestingly, the Daily Signal reports the Secret Service agent in charge of the investigation, John Mazza, “was assigned at one time to the Secret Service division that provides protection to the vice president, the position Biden held from 2009 until 2017, as well as some of the vice president’s family members.”

The incident happened while Elon Musk was in the process of buying Twitter, which he fully acquired in Oct. 2022.

The agency’s extensive probe of the innocent Twitter user is illustrative of how the Biden administration is overzealously using the full force of the government to disproportionately target conservatives.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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The Predictable Wastes of Covid Relief

The Predictable Wastes of Covid Relief

adminMay 6, 20246 min read

The Predictable Wastes of Covid Relief

Uses of Covid funds actually counted as legitimate despite being laughably frivolous or clearly unrelated to nominal goals connected to public health or helping communities deal with the economic impact of the virus – or, more accurately, the lockdowns.

If you ever had the vague sense that Covid relief funding worked in a manner akin to US aid packages in failed Middle Eastern dictatorships, your instincts weren’t wrong. 

First off, there were cases of just outright fraud nearing the $200 billion mark with drug gangs and racketeers collecting Covid unemployment benefits from the US government, with some recipient fraudsters not even having the common decency of being honest American fraudsters. 

Even worse, though, were some legitimate uses of Covid funds that actually counted as legitimate despite being laughably frivolous or clearly unrelated to nominal goals connected to public health or helping communities deal with the economic impact of the virus – or, more accurately, the lockdowns.  

One of the most should-be-satirical-but-actually-real examples of a legitimate use of Covid cash was a researcher at North Dakota State University being awarded $300,000 by the National Science Foundation through a grant funded at least in part through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to aid her in her 2023 efforts to reimagine grading in the name of equity. (If none of that makes sense, please don’t hurt yourself with mental pirouettes.)

Other more mundane projects pertained to prisons and law enforcement using Covid relief money for purposes that extended well-beyond simply paying salaries or keeping the lights on. In 2022 The Appealand The Marshall Project reported on how large sums of Covid money went to prison construction and expansion projects and to outfit police departments with new weaponry, vehicles, and canines. Regardless of how you feel about law enforcement or our prison system, these probably did little to stop the spread of Covid or keep out-of-work bartenders afloat while public health bureaucrats consulted horoscopes or goat entrails or their equally useful models to divine the proper time to let businesses reopen safely at half-capacity to diners willing to wear a mask between bites but too afraid to leave their homes.

Yet, of course, that didn’t stop people from trying to make the case that these expenditures absolutely were essential to slowing the spread. Often coming off like precocious children explaining to their parents how a new puppy would help teach them responsibility or an overpriced pair of sneakers would facilitate their social-emotional development by ensuring the cool kids would like them, local sheriffs and city managers were reported as claiming prison expansions could help prisoners social distance from each other, new tasers would help officers social distance from suspects, and new vehicles would allow officers to take their cars home with them rather than share one with another officer who might end up contaminating it with their Covid cooties.

But even worse than the funds that were outright plundered or just snatched up as part of a cash grab were those that were used on projects that helped further erode the freedoms of American citizens. 

As documented in a 2023 report from the Electronic Privacy Information Center, more than seventy local governments used ARPA funds to expand surveillance programs in their communities, purchasing or licensing gunshot detection systems, automatic license plate readers, drones, social media monitoring tools, and equipment to hack smartphones and other connected devices.

Sometimes EPIC reported that this was done with little, if any, public debate over the civil liberties and privacy concerns inherent to these tools. In one case from a town in Ohio, approval for ARPA-funded ALPRs – cameras that can create a searchable, time-stamped history for the movements of passing vehicles – came after only a 12-minute presentation by their police chief.

Similarly, schools also likely used money from ARPA, as well as the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, for their own surveillance purposes, although documentation of how schools used their Covid money is said to be somewhat spotty at best. 

Vice News in 2021 reported how Ed Tech and surveillance vendors such as Motorola SolutionsVerkada, and SchoolPass marketed their products as tools to help reduce the spread of Covid and allow schools to reopen safely. 

Some attempts such as Vice’s description of SchoolPass presenting ALPRs as a means to assist with social distancing come off like police departments explaining the social distancing benefits of tasers. 

Others, however, such as Motorola plying schools with lists of behavioral analysis programs that “monitor social distancing violations” and room occupancy while “automat[ing] the detection of students who are not wearing face masks,” seem to offer a glimpse of the dystopian future into which we are heading – as do the other surveillance tools bought with Covid cash.

Maybe at some point Disease X, about which our ruling class has been warning us, will hit and the additional drones, ALPRs, and social media monitoring tools bought by the law enforcement agencies reported on by EPIC will be used to monitor adults for social distancing violations and automatically detect who isn’t wearing a mask. Maybe those tools will just be used to keep a digital notebook of the daily activities of everyone while police reassure us that they promise only to look at it when they really really need to.

In either case, though, if you currently have the vague sense that post-Covid America is a little more like a Chinese surveillance state than in the Before Times, your instincts are dead-on. 

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression
There Is No Prosperity without Private Property

There Is No Prosperity without Private Property

adminMay 6, 20245 min read

There Is No Prosperity without Private Property

Private property rights ought to be kept intact. A free society will always attract the more productive and hard-working compared to an unfree society.

Private property rights are crucial to economic prosperity. Without them, it becomes impossible to set up a system of free markets that allows for rational economic calculation. Despite this, property rights are under attack in today’s world by progressives seeking to build a more “just” society through equity.

When property is originally appropriated, it belongs to its owner. The owner may use, transform, sell, or even not use his property at all, based solely on his own discretion. The owner of something has the most incentive to use his property responsibly. This might occur in the form of consuming a good with moderation or using a tool in the most efficient production process. The appropriation of property is a path towards wealth. In a free market system, one can acquire property, sell property, and even lease it, allowing for goods to reach the places where they are the most desired according to the price signals. Without a system of private property and free markets, bureaucrats would be scrambling to find a system of valuation for even the most basic goods and services. The odds would be stacked against them as they cannot compare to a system that allows for voluntary transactions among people based on their individual subjective valuations. 

Unfortunately, many now see the ability of people to own property as a problem for equity. Critics of free markets contend that “property is exploitation” and allows for the hoarding of resources by the wealthy. While it is true that some people are significantly wealthier than others, there should not be a problem if all of his property were acquired through fair and voluntary means. Regrettably, this often does not put off activists who still cling to a moral high ground for the equitable society they aim to bring about. Many even claim that property rights are an after-product of colonialism.

While a moral, deontological argument ought to be what convinces someone about private property and free markets, proponents of free markets can always just point to the disastrous consequences of the erosion of property rights. A notorious example is Zimbabwe’s land reforms under the rule of Robert Mugabe. Mugabe’s regime confiscated approximately 23 million acres worth of land in an effort to redistribute farmland to the impoverished people in Zimbabwe.

The rationale for this land reform was that the commercial farms that were confiscated were mostly owned by white residents who accounted for most of the wealth in Zimbabwe. Thus, the regime found it fitting to take property away from its most productive citizens and hand it to those who had nearly no clue what to do with it. Naturally, this resulted in food production reducing drastically in Zimbabwe causing food prices to rise and plunging much of the population into food insecurity. Investors fled from Zimbabwe and the lack of trust in property rights in Zimbabwe caused by the land reforms reflected in the value of farmland losing 75 percent of its value between 2000 and 2001.

This isn’t the only instance of a politically favored group ignoring property rights to get their wishes. A more contemporary example is that of the United States where squatter’s rights currently thrive. Homeowners are unable to evict unwanted persons from their houses if a squatter contests residency in the house. In many cities across the US, law enforcement is not on the side of the property owners. Sadly, politics has triumphed over morality and economic sense in this regard as the current regime may find it politically beneficial to allow squatting in a bid to garner additional votes. This doesn’t happen without consequence though as many who lose their home refuse and warn others not to invest in areas where property rights are uncertain. Nobody wishes to lose something that rightfully belongs to them and any transgression against property rights is bound to fail in the long term due to that simple fact.

Despite all of this, states are even more eager to increase their power to extract and steal property from the residents of the land they control. South Africa’s proposed expropriation bill states that its purpose is: “To provide for the expropriation of property for a public purpose or in the public interest; to provide for certain instances where expropriation with nil compensation may be appropriate in the public interest; and to provide for matters connected therewith.”

In short, the state believes itself to be capable of determining when property is not being optimally used, and when redistribution can lead to “better outcomes.” Even if we ignore the element of theft here, expropriating property owners and granting their possessions to the politically favored rarely works well. It should not be surprising that states are incautious of ignoring property rights since states are not governed by the rules of the free market but by rules of political power. Many who are discontent with South Africa’s regime of social re-engineering and redistribution seek to leave.

In Conclusion, private property rights ought to be kept intact. A free society will always attract the more productive and hard-working compared to an unfree society. Economic prosperity is contingent on allowing for the flourishing of those who work hard to provide for the betterment of their fellow peers via the market process. By threatening the unprovoked confiscation of property, a society threatens to drive out their most capable members, which is a known recipe for disaster.

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression