
Cardiologists Confirm 29-Year-Old ‘Healthy’ Patient Suffered Sudden Heart Attack Due to Covid Injections

Cardiologists Confirm 29-Year-Old ‘Healthy’ Patient Suffered Sudden Heart Attack Due to Covid Injections

adminMay 7, 20244 min read

Cardiologists Confirm 29-Year-Old ‘Healthy’ Patient Suffered Sudden Heart Attack Due to Covid Injections

Get the shot, lose your heart.

The mRNA (modRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” that international marketing executive Florencia Tarque was forced to take in order to keep her job caused the otherwise “healthy” 29-year-old to suffer a sudden heart attack, cardiologists confirmed this week.

An athletic person whose lifestyle centers around wellness, Tarque is finally speaking out about the health horrors she endured after Operation Warp Speed came for her, just as it did for millions of others just like her who were given an ultimatum: get shot or lose your job.

Tarque’s heart attack, which came out of nowhere, occurred on April 16. Doctors were “baffled,” after initial testing “showed signs of a heart attack” – how could this happen in a 20-something young lady who works out and keeps her body moving?

After being rushed in for an angiogram, it was initially determined that Tarque suffered “no blockage or heart attack.” However, a follow-up MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan on April 23 confirmed that Tarque did, in fact, suffer cardiac failure in the form of a heart attack.

(Related: Are you aware of the “brain dead” scam that allows corrupt physicians to conduct lab rat-like experiment on their patients?)

Get COVID shot, lose your heart

Tarque says she “has played sports her entire life,” a fact that confused doctors even further. Pre-Operation Warp Speed, heart attacks in someone like Tarque were rare, but post-Operation Warp Speed, they seem to be happening more and more.

Confused by the whole situation, doctors initially told Tarque that she must have had a heart attack that was “caused by a virus.” This makes no sense, though, and was later updated with a confirmation from cardiologists that Tarque’s heart attack was “the result of the COVID vaccine.”

Doctors officially diagnosed Tarque with COVID injection-induced myopericarditis, a type of inflammation that affects two different parts of the heart, primarily in the pericardium, also known as the protecting sac around the heart.

Just like myocarditis and pericarditis, myopericarditis is a disturbingly common adverse effect of COVID injections. In Tarque’s case, she is blessed to have survived, but many others like her are now dead from their COVID jab-induced heart failure events.

According to a Facebook post she shared, Tarque is “feeling better” but is really “angry” about the whole thing and what the forced shots did to her heart.

“I am angry because I had to get the JAB in order to travel to keep my JOB,” Tarque wrote. “I’m angry because tons of 20-something-year-old athletes now have heart problems.”

There is growing consensus all around the world now accepting the reality that COVID jabs are destroying people’s cardiovascular systems. Many of the world’s leading cardiologists have begun “warning others” that the mRNA injections especially are “dangerous” and “not safe for human use,” despite being pushed by the FDA, President Trump, the Biden regime and many others.

World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough is among those who are leading the charge right now to save as many people as possible from having to endure the horrors of post-COVID injection heart problems.

“The COVID-19 vaccines: none of them are safe or effective,” McCullough says. “They’re so dangerous that in Texas we had to ban any mandates … the vaccines are not safe for human use.”

Many are now calling for the jabs to be banned altogether, including the World Council for Health, the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, and Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo.

“The COVID vaccines have at least three mechanisms by which they could start a cancer, or they could promote an existing cancer, and it may occur more rapidly because tumor defense systems are taken down,” McCullough further stated.

“That’s what we call turbo cancer.”

The COVID injection genocide is still ongoing, sadly. Find out more at

VIDEO: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs – What Could Go Wrong?

AfD Politician Convicted for Warning About Gang Rapes

AfD Politician Convicted for Warning About Gang Rapes

adminMay 7, 20243 min read

AfD Politician Convicted for Warning About Gang Rapes

“Are you saying the penalty was imposed for repeating accurate government statistics?” Elon Musk asks.

The Verden regional court in Lower Saxony has upheld a verdict against Rotenburg AfD leader Marie-Thérèse Kaiser for incitement to hatred. The 27-year-old was also found guilty in the appeal hearing on Monday of inciting hatred against Afghan local workers.

For this, the politician now has to pay 100 day fines (a type of fine related to daily income of the convicted) plus a fine of €60, a total of €6,000. In Germany, you are considered to have a criminal record if you are sentenced to pay more than 90 day fines. 

The charge was based on a post that Kaiser had spread on her social media accounts in August 2021. In it, she wrote: “Afghanistan refugees; Hamburg SPD mayor for ‘unbureaucratic’ acceptance; Welcoming culture for gang rape?”

Among other things, the politician linked to an article showing that Afghans in Germany are particularly heavily involved in gang rape. 

The verdict has now also caught the attention of X CEO Elon Musk. He retweeted a post summarizing the punishment and wrote: “Are you saying the penalty was imposed for repeating accurate government statistics? Was there anything wrong with what she said?”

Are you saying the fine was for repeating accurate government statistics?

Was there anything inaccurate in what she said?

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 6, 2024

Gang rape warning

The reason for Kaiser’s post from 2021 was statements made by Hamburg’s First Mayor, Peter Tschentscher (SPD), who announced that he would take in 200 Afghan local workers in Hamburg. The AfD politician justified her concern about uncontrolled immigration with statistics and warned of rapes by “culturally alien masses.”

Before the district court hearing, Kaiser said: “The mere mention of numbers, data, and facts is to be declared a criminal offense simply because the establishment refuses to accept reality. I won’t let myself be silenced.”

AfD politician: “Trust in the rule of law” shaken

Judge Heiko Halbfas saw things differently on Monday: “Those who attack human dignity cannot invoke freedom of speech.” Kaiser deliberately created an image in the minds of others that led to hatred of a nationally determined group, the district newspaper reported.

After the verdict, Kaiser announced her intention to appeal and expressed dismay over the verdict: She told Junge Freiheit

The whole world is astonished by this decision by the German courts. After even Elon Musk picked up on my case, I have received numerous messages of support and press inquiries. The demand for a way to donate is also becoming louder and louder. 

She described this as “overwhelming.”

Kaiser added: “My trust in the German rule of law was once again severely shaken yesterday, but all the letters give me courage and confidence.”

VIDEO: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs – What Could Go Wrong?

Government Uses Attack on Leftist Politician to Blame AfD

Government Uses Attack on Leftist Politician to Blame AfD

adminMay 7, 20246 min read

Government Uses Attack on Leftist Politician to Blame AfD

Politicians from the right-wing party have suffered the most physical assaults—not that German mainstream media are reporting this.

A brutal attack on a German leftist politician—that left the victim hospitalised—has turned into a witch hunt against the country’s second most popular party, the anti-globalist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). However, statistics reveal that while the AfD is being singled out for “threatening democracy,” it is members of the right-wing party that have suffered the most physical harm.

Demonstrations were held in Berlin and Dresden on Sunday, May 5th to protest right-wing extremism and political violence, following an attack on Friday on a Social Democrat (SPD) Member of the European Parliament. Verbal abuse and physical assaults against campaigning politicians have become commonplace on German streets.

Matthias Ecke, aged 41, was hanging up posters in Dresden ahead of June’s European parliamentary elections when he was physically assaulted by four young men in a horrendous attack: his cheekbone was fractured, an eye socket damaged, and he suffered cuts and bruises to his face. Ecke is now recovering well following surgery on Sunday. Prior to this assault, the youths are believed to have beaten a Green Party staffer who was also hanging campaign posters in the same neighbourhood.

Obwohl die Hintergründe der Gewalttat auf den SPD-Politiker Matthias Ecke nicht bekannt sind, fanden am Sonntag Kundgebungen gegen die AfD statt. Nur einige Tausend erschienen bundesweit. Dort wurde die AfD u.a. als „Nazi-Partei“ diffamiert.

— Apollo News (@apollo_news_de) May 6, 2024

Party leaders from across the political spectrum condemned the attack, immediately blaming “far-right” extremists for the assault, and the opposition right-wing AfD party for sowing discord in society. Though the motives of the four perpetrators—aged between 17 and 18—are currently not known, the fact that they were wearing black was enough to convince mainstream parties and the media that they are somehow connected to the AfD.

Although the attack on Matthias Ecke was one of the most severe in recent times, politicians are continuously being verbally harassed and physically assaulted in Germany, and AfD members have had it the worst—a fact that mainstream media is unwilling to share.

Authorities recently revealed that there were 86 instances last year of AfD politicians being physically assaulted. The Greens finished second with 62 such cases. Mainstream media have instead been focusing on another number: 2,790, which represents all instances of abuse carried out against politicians, including physical and verbal abuse—such as threats, insults, and slander. In this broader category, Green politicians were on the receiving end of these assaults most of the time, in 947 cases, while AfD members “only” had to suffer such abuse 236 times last year.

The AfD is projected to finish in second place at the European elections, with 17-18% of the votes, and is expected to be the strongest party in three regional elections in the Eastern states of Brandenburg, Saxony, and Thuringia this autumn, possibly winning a third of all seats. The party’s rise—triggered by the leftist government’s poor handling of the cost-of-living, energy and migration crises, and the general disenchantment with mainstream parties—has alarmed the country’s political elite, which is attempting to politically cripple and even ban the party.

The governing Social Democrats’ co-chair Saskia Esken—who last week in an interview equated AfD with chief Nazi propagandist Joseph Göbbels—said “far-right” parties prompting discontent and contempt for democracy was to blame for a recent spate of verbal and physical attacks on politicians. 

„Vergleichen Sie jetzt die AfD mit Goebbels?“

Saskia Esken: „Ja!“

— Argo Nerd (@argonerd) May 2, 2024

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) also denounced the “threat” posed by “far-right” political violence, saying such attacks result from “the atmosphere created by the discourse of pitting people against each other.” Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has called for a meeting on Tuesday with her state-level colleagues to discuss the rise of political violence across Germany. The heads of the SPD in Saxony issued a statement in which they blamed the AfD, saying “these people and their supporters bear responsibility for what is happening in this country.”

Conservative publication Apollo News also points out the hypocrisy of media coverage involving recent attacks. While the assault on Matthias Ecke has garnered international media attention and has been dominating the headlines in Germany for days, a Saturday attack on local AfD politician Holger Kühnlenz—who was punched in the face—hardly received any attention at all, and was only mentioned in the regional news section of the public news service Tagesschau’s website.

Den Angriff auf den AFD Politiker Holger Kühnlenz findet man bei der Tagesschau unter Regional Niedersachsen. Der Angriff auf den SPD Politiker Matthias Ecke ist das Topthema im Bereich Innenpolitik.

— ᴘᴇᴛʀ ʙʏsᴛʀᴏɴ (@PetrBystronAfD) May 5, 2024

Last week, two Greens deputies were also physically attacked while campaigning in Essen in western Germany, but the events were quickly hushed upalong with the disclosure of the alleged perpetrator’s Arabic origin.

Last year’s stabbing of AfD leader Tino Chrupalla with a hypodermic syringe was met with callousness and malice from leftist politicians, who insinuated that Chrupalla had staged the incident.

VIDEO: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs – What Could Go Wrong?

Ontario Parents Speak Out Against Schools Secretly ‘Transitioning’ Their Children

Ontario Parents Speak Out Against Schools Secretly ‘Transitioning’ Their Children

adminMay 7, 20246 min read

Ontario Parents Speak Out Against Schools Secretly ‘Transitioning’ Their Children

According to an April 30 report by the National Post, many Ontario parents revealed that public schools did not ask for consent before referring to their minor child by a different name and pronouns, resulting in child-parent relationships being torn apart.

(LifeSiteNews) — Ontario parents have condemned pro-LGBT school policies that have seen teachers withhold information about their children’s desire to “transition” their gender. 

According to an April 30 report by the National Post, many Ontario parents revealed that public schools did not ask for parental consent before socially “gender transitioning” their children, resulting in child-parent relationships being torn apart.   

“I think teachers and parents should be on the same page and should have more communication, not less communication, about everything to do with the child,” one mother revealed. “It’s damaging to the child. I think it’s damaging to the family structure.” 

In one case, parents only learned that their 14-year-old daughter Claire had “socially transitioned” – a term used to describe when a gender-confused person starts going by a different name and pronouns – at school when a Christmas school report referred to the girl as “Carl.”   

“Carl was doing really good,” a teacher said in a end of the term report.  

“My husband and I looked at each other,” Robin recalled, and asked, “Who’s Carl?” 

The family later learned that their daughter had told a teacher that she felt like a boy and the teacher had “established that our child would be he/him by a new name at school without us knowing.” 

“The presumption was that we were bad parents — even though they knew us,” Robin said. “It put a wedge in our ability to communicate and made our child feel like we were indeed unsafe,” she continued. “There are authority figures basically telling kids that you should keep this from your parents.” 

Of the ten families who spoke to the National Post, half revealed that their child had secretly “socially transitioned” their gender at school.  

The parents said they faced major obstacles with school board policies that kept them out of the private lives of their minor children. They also condemned school policies for withholding information about their children, which they explained undermined their family unit.   

Many Ontario school boards have policies requiring teachers and staff withhold students’ private information from their parents.   

For example, the Toronto District School Board(TDSB) policy states that a student’s permission must be acquired before parents can be informed of their child’s decision to “gender transition.”

“A school should never disclose a student’s gender nonconformity or transgender status to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s)/caregiver(s) without the student’s explicit prior consent,” the TDSB states in its guidelines

Similar policies are in place at school boards across Ontario, including the York Region District School BoardThames Valley District School Board, and the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board.  

As LifeSiteNews previously reported, the Kingston-area Limestone District School Board told staff that they could be disciplined for supporting parental rights, using terms like “boys and girls,” and holding “right wing” views.  

The students who were the subject of the National Post report were all girls and had never previously expressed any gender discomfort. While some of the students fell on the autism spectrum, almost all of the students’ belief that they were a different gender coincided with the pandemic, online learning and stunted social interaction.  

“They’re using trans-identification as a way to cope with other issues that are not being addressed by the mental health-care professionals that we’re supposed to be placing our faith in,” said a mother in Ontario’s cottage country 

Christina, a parent of a 12-year-old girl, explained that her daughter’s gender dysphoria represented an underlying mental health crisis. She further revealed that her daughter only began struggling with her gender during the pandemic.   

“I was very depressed and hated my body for not being more masculine. I began self-harming and having suicidal thoughts,” Christina’s daughter explained.  

“Because the school was hiding a lot of stuff from my parents, I was just trying my best not to accidentally tell my parents about that stuff,” she said.  

“My principal, she talked to me a few times, and she said that she understands that I’m in a very bad position; that my parents are not doing what they should be, they’re harming me, and that if I ever need to talk to a children’s aid worker, she can always call them for me,” the young girl continued.   

While Ontario schools work to withhold information from parents, both Alberta and Saskatchewan have introduced legislation to ensure parents are informed of their children’s decisions in school. 

“Saskatchewan and Alberta agree that the key figures in children’s lives are their parents, and our provinces are both committed to supporting families and children so that they can work through unique needs together,” the provinces wrote in a joint letter in defense of parental rights. 

A Saskatchewan teacher wishing to remain anonymous previously told LifeSiteNews that she feels guilty about keeping secrets from parents and supports the decision to keep parents informed.     

“I fear that we are not supporting students or parents when we keep secrets,” she explained. “We have many students using alternate names, which sometimes changes frequently during the year, and then are asked by parents if we were aware of the changes after the fact. I feel responsible for keeping the secret and I don’t think it’s fair. I think schools are already taking on too many ‘parent roles’ and it’s important that parents play the ‘parent role’ not teachers!”

VIDEO: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs – What Could Go Wrong?

Israeli Tanks Enter Rafah (Video)

Israeli Tanks Enter Rafah (Video)

adminMay 7, 20243 min read

Israeli Tanks Enter Rafah (Video)

The IDF has announced it is carrying out “a precise counterterrorism operation” in the Gazan city.

The Israeli army has entered the city of Rafah in southern Gaza, as West Jerusalem announced strikes against Hamas militants in the area.

In a statement on Tuesday morning, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it was conducting “a precise counterterrorism operation in the eastern Rafah area” in a bid “to eliminate Hamas terrorists.” 

A video released by the IDF shows at least four Israeli tanks on the Gazan side of the Rafah Crossing on the border with Egypt. Part of the clip was apparently filmed by a soldier sitting on top of one of the vehicles.

The IDF also said its troops have “managed to establish operational control of the Gazan side of the crossing.” It added that ground troops and the air force had destroyed Hamas military structures in the area, claiming to have eliminated approximately 20 militants.

According to an unnamed Palestinian security official and an Egyptian official cited by the Times of Israel, Israeli tanks reached as close as 200 meters from the Rafah Crossing terminal, which is directly on the Egyptian border. The Egyptian official told the paper that “the operation appeared to be limited in scope.” 

The IDF said it had encouraged local residents to evacuate to the expanded humanitarian area in Al-Mawasi, located on the coast and further away from the Rafah Crossing.

READ MORE: Hamas accepts ceasefire deal

The Rafah operation comes after the IDF said mortar shells had been fired from the area at Israeli troops, killing four soldiers and injuring several others. It also follows the decision by Hamas to accept an Egyptian-Qatari ceasefire proposal, the details of which so far remain unclear.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, however, said that the deal “is far from meeting Israel’s core demands.” It added that the national war cabinet had unanimously decided to push ahead with an IDF operation in Rafah, “in order to apply military pressure on Hamas” and to make progress on freeing hostages captured by the Palestinian militant group since the start of hostilities on October 7.

VIDEO: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs – What Could Go Wrong?

Canada Introduces Horrifying Retroactive Hate Speech Law

Canada Introduces Horrifying Retroactive Hate Speech Law

adminMay 7, 20244 min read

Canada Introduces Horrifying Retroactive Hate Speech Law

Canadian MP sheds light on the bill’s most controversial points.

Canada is veering dangerously close to the type of complete control over people’s thoughts and speech seen in places like North Korea with a new bill that aims to censor people on the pretense of protecting others from “hate speech” – and that’s not even the most daunting part of it. What’s even more horrifying is the fact that it is retroactive, which means that the things that people have said in the past can now be weaponized against them.

The bill, known as the Online Harms Bill C-63, aims to combat online abuse, but it hides its most concerning components behind more reasonable measures, such as requiring social media platforms to take down posts that sexualize children within 24 hours.

It contains seven categories of content deemed harmful that providers must remove from their websites, including bullying children and encouraging people to harm themselves. It will also ban deep fakes. However, it is the hate speech aspects of it that are causing the most concern.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said that his party is opposed to Prime Minister “Justin Trudeau’s woke authoritarian agenda” that will likely be used for censoring political speech.

He said: “What does Justin Trudeau mean when he says the words ‘hate speech’? He means the speech he hates. You can assume he will ban all of that.”

Historian Dr. Muriel Blaive explained why the bill is so scary: “The Canadian law proposal is outright mad. It is retroactive, which goes against all our Western legal tradition, according to which you can be punished only if you infringed a law that was valid at the time when you committed a crime.”

It actually gets even worse; there is a clause in the bill stating that if courts think you are likely to commit a hate crime or disseminate “hate propaganda” – which is not defined by the bill and therefore could easily be used to target those who go against government narratives – they can place you under house arrest and restrict your communications.

That’s right: they can restrict your movement and arrest you if they even think you might post something they won’t like.

Canadian MP sheds light on the bill’s most controversial points

One Canadian shared on X that his wife wrote to every MP in the country about the bill. The sole MP to respond was Rachel Thomas of Lethbridge, who provided valuable insight into this upsetting matter.

She made no attempt to hide her disdain for the bill, noting: “While the federal government has touted this bill as an initiative to protect children, it does little to accomplish this noble cause, and a great deal to inhibit freedom of speech.”

She also pointed out that the bill creates a new hate crime offense that renders any offense under the criminal code indictable and punishable by life in prison if it is deemed to be motivated by hatred. It also raises the punishment for advocating genocide from five years to life imprisonment and increases the punishment for willful promotion of antisemitism or hatred and public incitement of hatred from up to two years to as long as five years.

It also gives citizens the power to file complaints anonymously with the Canadian Human Rights Commission against people they believe are posting hate speech; such individuals could face takedown orders and fines of as much as $70,000 if they are found guilty. Those who file the complaints will have their identities shielded.

She vowed to “bring forward changes to the Criminal Code that will actually protect children without infringing on free speech.

VIDEO: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs – What Could Go Wrong?