
Barron Trump Will Not Serve as a Delegate at the Republican National Convention

Barron Trump Will Not Serve as a Delegate at the Republican National Convention

adminMay 11, 20242 min read

Barron Trump Will Not Serve as a Delegate at the Republican National Convention

The Office of Melania Trump issued a brief statement confirming Barron would not be a delegate at the RNC

Barron Trump has declined Florida’s offer to serve as a delegate at the Republic National Convention, according to Melania Trump’s Office, which issued a statement on Friday.

“While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments,” the Office of Melania Trump said, in a brief statement that gave no further details of the “prior commitments.”

Barron was nominated on Wednesday as an at-large delegate to take part in the formal nomination of his father, Donald Trump, as the Republican presidential nominee. The Republican National Convention will take place from Monday 15 July to Thursday 18 July in Milwaukee.

Other members of the Trump family—Don Jr and his fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle, Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump and her husband Michael Boulos—will serve as delegates-at-large for Florida. Ivanka Trump, however, will not.

In an interview on Friday, former president Trump spoke at some length about Barron and his love of politics, without addressing the issue of whether he would serve as a delegate.

“He’s a great guy. He’s a little on the tall side, I will tell you. He’s a tall one,” Trump said in a radio interview with Kayal and Company.

“But he’s a good looking guy, and he’s really been a great student and he does like politics. It’s sort of funny, he’ll tell me sometimes, ‘Dad, this is what you have to do.’”

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Geriatric Just Stop Oil Protestors Attempt To Break Glass Surrounding Magna Carta in British Library

Geriatric Just Stop Oil Protestors Attempt To Break Glass Surrounding Magna Carta in British Library

adminMay 11, 20243 min read

Geriatric Just Stop Oil Protestors Attempt To Break Glass Surrounding Magna Carta in British Library

Two aged protestors attempted to break the glass protecting the Magna Carta

Two protestors were arrested in London on Friday after attempting to break the glass around the Magna Carta in the British Library. The women, aged 82 and 85, accused the British government of “breaking the law” as they protested the issuing of new oil and gas licences.

Reverend Sue Parfitt and Judy Bruce, a retired science teacher, can be seen taking a hammer and chisel to the glass case protecting the historic document, in video posted on social media.

“The Magna Carta is rightly revered, being of great importance to our history, to our freedoms and to our laws,” said Rev Parfitt.

“But there will be no freedom, no lawfulness, no rights, if we allow climate breakdown to become the catastrophe that is now threatened.”

“We must get things in proportion. The abundance of life on earth, the climate stability that allows civilization to continue is what must be revered and protected above all else, even above our most precious artefacts.”

NEW: Just Stop Oil have broken the class protecting the Magna Carta.

Reverend Dr Sue Parfitt, 82, and Judy Bruce, 85, are demanding an emergency plan to stop new oil and gas licenses by 2030.

— PoliticsJOE (@PoliticsJOE_UK) May 10, 2024

The Magna Carta is considered to be a foundational document in the history of the British and Anglophone legal traditions. It outlined a series of concessions extracted from King John at Runnymede in 1215, including the right to a fair trial and limits of taxation without representation. The US Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are both inspired by the Magna Carta.

London’s Metropolitan Police said two people had been arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage.

The British Library said the damage to the case was “minimal.” The document itself was not harmed.

The attack is one of a string of high-profile attacks on artworks and important historical artifacts. Climate protestors have already thrown cans of soup over artworks including Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers.”

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One in Eight Americans Have Now Used Weight-loss Drugs like Ozempic

One in Eight Americans Have Now Used Weight-loss Drugs like Ozempic

adminMay 11, 20243 min read

One in Eight Americans Have Now Used Weight-loss Drugs like Ozempic

Twelve percent of all US adults have used a weight-loss drug like Ozempic

Around 12%, or one in eight, US adults have now tried a weight-loss drug like Wegovy / Ozempic, Zepbound or Mounjaro, according to a new poll, and about 6% are currently taking one. Over 40% of adults in the US are now obese.

The majority of those using the drugs (61%) are using them to treat a chronic condition like diabetes or heart disease. Just over 40% are diabetics.

A little over a quarter of users have heart disease. In March, Wegovy became the first weight-loss medication to be given FDA approval as a treatment to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Less than a quarter, or 22%, are taking the drugs because they have been diagnosed as being overweight, but 38% say they take the drugs to lose weight.

On Ozempic, as much as 40% of the “miraculous” weight loss can actually be lean muscle tissue, setting you up for a vicious rebound when you start eating again, because your body’s metabolic rate will be drastically reduced by the loss of muscle tissue.

— RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) April 21, 2024

Weight-loss drugs like Ozempic can cost over $1000 a month without insurance coverage, rebates or discount coupons. Over half of those who reported taking the drugs said they found it “difficult” to afford them, with over one in five (22%) saying they found it “very difficult.”

Six in ten (61%) of adults said Medicare should cover weight-loss drugs for people who are overweight or obese. This response was shared among all age groups and political orientations.

The vast majority of users (79%) said they’d been prescribed the drugs, with 11% saying they’d got them online, 10% from a medical spa or aesthetic center and 2% from somewhere else.

Here’s something else about Ozempic that probably deserves some consideration: its effects on fertility. Being obese is a major disruptor of fertility, so using Ozempic is making fat women more fertile. But there’s a big “but” here. ?

— RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) April 19, 2024

In recent months, as publicity for and use of these new “miracle” drugs has grown tremendously, more attention has been drawn to their side effects. Psychiatric issues, hormonal problems including reduced testosterone and loss of libido, inhalation of the contents of the stomach, and even permanent lifelong diarrhea have been reported.

Tens of thousands of people are now suing the manufacturers of Wegovy/Ozempic (Novo Nordisk) and Mounjaro (Eli Lilly) for the physical damages they claim to have suffered.

Huge payouts, in the hundreds of millions or even billions, may be necessary to stem the flood of claims.

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Ex CDC Chief Warns Bird Flu Could Be ‘The Great Pandemic’ Wants Covid Intel Declassified

Ex CDC Chief Warns Bird Flu Could Be ‘The Great Pandemic’ Wants Covid Intel Declassified

adminMay 11, 20241 min read

Ex CDC Chief Warns Bird Flu Could Be ‘The Great Pandemic’ Wants Covid Intel Declassified

Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield has called for the federal government to declassify its COVID-19 documents and also warned Americans Bird Flu could be the next pandemic to wreak […]

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<div>Whistleblower: Pfizer Workers Were Given “Separate & Distinct” Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’</div>

Whistleblower: Pfizer Workers Were Given “Separate & Distinct” Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’

adminMay 11, 20241 min read

<div>Whistleblower: Pfizer Workers Were Given “Separate & Distinct” Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’</div>

A Pfizer whistleblower has claimed that some of the pharma giants employees were receiving different vaccines and/or placebos when he worked there. The whistleblower said that on-site essental workers were offered a “separate and distinct” […]

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50,000 Votes Turned at the Flip of a Switch: Forensic Expert Claims Massive Fraud in Pennsylvania in 2020 Election

50,000 Votes Turned at the Flip of a Switch: Forensic Expert Claims Massive Fraud in Pennsylvania in 2020 Election

adminMay 11, 20242 min read

50,000 Votes Turned at the Flip of a Switch: Forensic Expert Claims Massive Fraud in Pennsylvania in 2020 Election

A forensic expert testified under oath about massive voter fraud in Pennsylvania

A warehouse supervisor is alleged to have entered a Pennsylvania voting precinct shortly after the 2020 election and used a portable vDrive to flip more than 50,000 votes.

Patrick Webb discussed the allegations in detail on Twitter today. The allegations come from a computer forensic expert called Greg Stenstrom, who testified under oath about what he saw.

BREAKING: Voting machine warehouse supervisor, Jim Savage, allegedly entered a Pennsylvania voting precinct three days after the 2020 presidential election, plugged a vDrive into a voting machine and flipped over 50,000 votes, according to computer forensic expert Greg Stenstrom.

— Patrick Webb (@RealPatrickWebb) May 11, 2024

At least two other people provided corroborating testimony about the man in question, Jim Savage.

One person claims that during a training session, Savage “held up a vDrive and stated that it controls all of the votes, and that you could change an election with this.”

The other claims they saw Savage produce a number of vDrives and use them in a suspicious manner on the computers in the tabulation area on 5 November 2020.

Webb’s detailed Twitter thread contains hidden-camera footage of Savage and others apparently conspiring to frustrate Freedom of Information requests about the returns from Delaware County and destroy or fabricate evidence.

Here is Tom Gallagher, lawyer for Delaware County destroying voting machine tapes to bypass the FOIA request:

— Patrick Webb (@RealPatrickWebb) May 11, 2024

Greg Stenstrom alleges that all of the essential forensic evidence from the polling, “including custody sheets, ballots, proof sheets, envelopes and Blue Crest sorter images,” was deliberately destroyed.

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