
EU’s Controversial Digital ID Regulations Set for 2024, Mandating Big Tech Compliance by 2026

EU’s Controversial Digital ID Regulations Set for 2024, Mandating Big Tech Compliance by 2026

adminMay 13, 20243 min read
It will be used in several scenarios, including accessing government services and age verification.

The EU’s new digital ID rules, the Digital Identity Regulation (eIDAS 2.0), are about to come into force on May 20, mandating compliance from Big Tech and member countries in supporting the EU Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet.

However, work is not complete on the EUDI Wallet, as several pilots are planned for 2025 to consolidate the process of the implementation of the rules.

Related: Australia’s Digital ID Push Is Undermined by Data Leak Disaster

According to the framework, the European Council passed recently, which has now been officially published, the deadline for the digital ID wallet to be recognized and made available is 2026. For now, it will be used in several scenarios, including accessing government services and age verification, reports note.

As things stand now, that deadline means that while the wallet scheme must become fully functional by that time, it will not be obligatory for citizens of the EU’s 27 members, and protection against discrimination is promised to those choosing not to opt in.

EU’s Controversial Digital ID Regulations Set for 2024, Mandating Big Tech Compliance by 2026

Getting a digital wallet issued, using it, or having it revoked will be free of charge, while the code powering the system will be “open source” – but with the caveat that countries will be able to “withhold certain information with reasonable justification.”

The regulation also aims to preserve website authentication certificate standards now in place and established in the industry, while “clarifying their scope.”

Some institutions across Europe appear more enthusiastic than others, and so the government of Spain’s Catalonia province has hailed the revised regulation as “a clear paradigm shift” that promotes standardization in the bloc, and one that allegedly gives users “greater autonomy over their personal data.”

When it comes to age verification, the new rules are overall seen as a positive development by the proponents, but they are not fully satisfied that EUDI Wallet will provide the ultimate solution.

Thus the euCONSENT NGO, set up to promote pan-European age verification utilizing eIDAS infrastructure, noted that implementing the wallet for this purpose will not be “convenient” due to the complexity of disclosing “an age attribute to each website separately.”

euCONSENT specifically remarked that even with EUDI Wallet, “alternatives” will have to be put in place for those children too young to have a wallet linked to their identity.

Digital IDs can also be used to control access to essential services, potentially manipulating social or political compliance. The extensive data collection involved can lead to profiling and discrimination. Furthermore, these IDs are susceptible to hacking and identity theft, placing individuals at risk of financial and reputation damage. Often, citizens are coerced into participating without genuine consent, and the lack of transparency and oversight in these systems increases the risk of misuse.

Saturday Emergency Broadcast! Globalist Depopulation Operation Exposed By Covid Whistleblower

Leftist Male Politicians in Mexico Are Identifying as Women to Fill Electoral Gender Quotas

Leftist Male Politicians in Mexico Are Identifying as Women to Fill Electoral Gender Quotas

adminMay 13, 20244 min read

Leftist Male Politicians in Mexico Are Identifying as Women to Fill Electoral Gender Quotas

With politicians being permitted to stand as women by merely identifying as such, transgender activists are getting precisely what they have been asking for.

(LifeSiteNews) — Stories about the impact of the transgender movement on politics are very rarely funny, but a recent headline that fits the bill caught my eye last month: “Leftist Male Politicians Are Self-Identifying As ‘Women’ In Upcoming Municipal Election To Secure Candidacy.” 

The story is as wild as it sounds. As it turns out, two progressive political parties – the Green Ecologist of Mexico (PVEM) and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) – are being condemned by other progressives for nominating a number of men to run as women in the municipal elections in the state of San Luis de Potosí. Mexico’s Constitution contains the Gender Parity Law, passed in response to the country’s sexual violence crisis, which requires that 50 percent of elected positions be held by women. 

The PVEM and PRD have nominated four men in total to run as women – one of them, the PRD’s Saulo Morales Guerrero, had originally registered as a male, but then switched his gender to female, presumably to abide by gender parity guidelines as the PRD had already exceeded their quota of male candidates. Due to transgender “self-identification,” it’s a simple matter of filling out the paperwork. 

READ: Transgender support is crumbling over controversies around men competing in women’s sports 

“It is unclear at this time if the parties simply didn’t have enough female candidates to run, as all political parties must nominate at least five women in order to participate in the elections,” Nuria Muíña García reported. “The move might also be a way of guaranteeing a win, as female candidates can often ‘leapfrog’ over their male opponents if parity has not been met.” 

The PRD, however, has responded to questions about this with great self-righteousness, telling one newspaper that: “This year’s process opens the door to a historic opportunity to build equality and inclusion where all social groups such as women, indigenous peoples, the LGBTQ+ community and people with disabilities can have guaranteed participation and have their voices heard in every space.”  

It should be noted that the four male candidates running in these municipal elections have made no attempt whatsoever to present as female; none have legally changed their names to feminine names, and none have legally changed their sex. Most have wives and children that show up in their publicly posted photos and some “have even forgotten to refer to themselves as ‘women.’” But the trans activist push for “self-identification” – in which you can identify however you like merely by making the claim – has ensured that progressive ideology is on their side. 

Indeed, as García reported: 

[D]espite the obvious ploy, the Consejo Estatal Electoral y de Participación Ciudadana (CEEPAC), the institution in charge of organizing the electoral processes in San Luis Potosí, has declined to speak out against the candidates. According to El Tiempo del Altiplano, CEEPAC councillor Juan Manuel Ramírez García stated that ‘it must be recognized that the nominations are initially in good faith,’ and that it is necessary to wait until April 19 for the decisions to accept or reject the candidates to be finalized.

READ: Ex-prison guard speaks out against California allowing ‘transgender’ sex offenders in women’s prisons 

According to Reduxx, sources have informed them that actual women do not dare speak out against the men pretending to be women because they have been threatened. 

Saturday Emergency Broadcast! Globalist Depopulation Operation Exposed By Covid Whistleblower

The Warsaw Farmers’ Protest: A Stand Against Green Tyranny and Unwanted Change

The Warsaw Farmers’ Protest: A Stand Against Green Tyranny and Unwanted Change

adminMay 13, 20244 min read

The Warsaw Farmers’ Protest: A Stand Against Green Tyranny and Unwanted Change

Thousands gathered in Warsaw on May 10 to rally against the EU’s Green Deal, fearing it poses a threat to local industries amid increasing political and environmental pressures, reads an editorial from the Polish agriculture news outlet

Last Friday, a remarkable protest unfolded in Warsaw, where not just farmers but city dwellers alike gathered in numbers to voice a common concern. This protest, aimed against the EU’s Green Deal, reflects a broader apprehension about policies perceived as overly prescriptive and detached from the realities of those they impact. The turnout of thousands of participants revealed a significant, perhaps growing, segment of society that is not only skeptical but openly resistant to what they term as “green tyranny.”

At the heart of this unrest is a collision between contemporary environmental policy and centuries of national pride and resilience.

??? Drone footage from today in Warsaw shows the huge numbers that turned out against the EU’s Green Deal and the Tusk administration toeing the Brussels line. #ProtestRolników

— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) May 10, 2024

Poland, a nation historically sandwiched between powerful neighbors and often subjected to foreign rule, is now feeling the grip of another form of imposition — this time, wrapped in the green banner of sustainability. While environmental concerns are universally recognized, evidenced by severe weather patterns, African heatwaves, drastic temperature shifts, and prolonged droughts, there is a strong sentiment that the solutions being proposed are not just unwelcome, but are being enforced without proper regard to their consequences or feasibility.

Those who have ravaged their own environments during periods of significant economic growth, rising to become the third or fourth-largest economies in the world, should not dictate actions to countries that they have historically destroyed and plundered. These countries have had to strive for a better future through their own efforts, not through looting and overseas colonies.

???‼️ Huge protests in Warsaw today as thousands of Poles turn out to denounce the EU’s climate policy they say is destroying the livelihoods of farmers and devastating national agricultural production. #ZielonyŁad

— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) May 10, 2024

The EU and Polish leaders, many of whom were advocates for stringent green policies while in opposition, are now seen as the architects of these new challenges. This sentiment is especially potent when juxtaposed against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine and an increasingly assertive Russia. Under these conditions, policies such as the Green Deal are perceived not merely as ill-timed but as fantasy, detached from the geopolitical and economic realities faced by everyday Poles.

Moreover, the demonstrators argue against a narrative that demands sacrifice and compliance from the average citizen, while the elite appear to operate under a different set of rules. The pushback is not against environmental conservation per se, but against the method and pace of the proposed changes — forced deindustrialization and a return to less efficient agricultural practices under the guise of ecological necessity.

The presence of urban residents in this protest is particularly telling. It suggests a broader disaffection that could have implications for the upcoming European Parliament elections. Here lies an opportunity, to reject what they see as an orthodoxy cloaked in environmental concern, which in practice privileges costly technological solutions that remain out of reach for the majority, while offering minimal real-world environmental benefits.

This protest in Warsaw is a clear signal that policies must be grounded in the practical realities and historical contexts of the populations they affect. It is a call for a more measured, voluntary approach to environmental issues — one that respects the diverse economic and historical experiences of EU member states rather than imposing a one-size-fits-all solution.

Saturday Emergency Broadcast! Globalist Depopulation Operation Exposed By Covid Whistleblower

Germany: Centre Right Discusses Reinstating Draft, EU-Wide Conscription Proposed

Germany: Centre Right Discusses Reinstating Draft, EU-Wide Conscription Proposed

adminMay 13, 20244 min read

Germany: Centre Right Discusses Reinstating Draft, EU-Wide Conscription Proposed

Germany: Centre Right Discusses Reinstating Draft, EU-Wide Conscription Proposed The CDU thinks compulsory service is unavoidable in Germany, but EPP chief Manfred Weber would rather introduce it across the entire EU.

Germany’s largest opposition and most popular party, the center-right CDU/CSU alliance, has voted to put mandatory military service back on its agenda during their party congress, promising to reintroduce it once it retakes power in Berlin. The announcement comes only days after Manfred Weber, president of the CDU-dominated European People’s Party (EPP) floated the idea of introducing an EU-wide draft as well as equipping Brussels with its own nuclear deterrence capabilities.

Until 2011, Germany used to have a selective service, allowing 18-year-olds to choose between spending one year in the military or in the social sector. 

Considering the lack of personnel in the Bundeswehr as well as the geopolitical circumstances the war in Ukraine created, CDU officially aims to reintroduce the system as an intermediary step before shifting to a general draft sometime in the future, Deutsche Welle reported.

The governing social democrats (SPD) have so far avoided picking sides for certain out of fear of losing even more votes during June’s EU election. Still, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has implied several times that there might be no other options, promising only to make an official recommendation in the summer (i.e. after the election).

Reportedly, Pistorius is considering a system based on the Swedish model that’s a lot softer than what CDU has in mind. The Swedish draft law, reintroduced in 2017 in response to the war in East Ukraine, only makes a medical examination compulsory for 18-year-olds of both genders, but keeps the actual conscription voluntary, yielding 5-10% of the pool each year.

Similar partial conscription models are in place in Denmark, Norway, and the Baltic countries, while Austria, Switzerland, Finland, and Greece have active general conscription, though all of them offer some forms of alternative (social) service—similar to the CDU’s preferred approach.

Germany is not the only country considering reinstating the draft in Europe, and the whole debate may also need to be addressed centrally, at the EU level, as many in Brussels, including the EPP chief, believe. 

Discussing the EPP’s EU election program in an interview with BR24, Manfred Weber once againargued for further centralization of European defense policies. Weber said he was a strong supporter of general service for Europe, but the choice for social sector alternatives must also be offered to young people.

Furthermore, Weber also reiterated his call for building an EU-wide nuclear shield, as in equipping Brussels with its very own nuclear arsenal. “We need a European nuclear weapon,” Weber said firmly.

In the past, France’s Emmanual Macron has repeatedly offered a portion of its nuclear arsenal to serve as a central deterrence protecting the entire bloc, but Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s socialist government has been reluctant to accept, in part because that would inevitably make Paris the de facto military leader of Europe.However, Weber said he was “disappointed” that Berlin refused to entertain the proposal, adding that it urgently needs to be revisited, along with all the other proposals for more centralized “European defense structures”—a clear precursor of a future EU army.

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Putin Unveils Dramatic Reshuffling of Closest Advisors: Shoigu Out as Defense Minister

Putin Unveils Dramatic Reshuffling of Closest Advisors: Shoigu Out as Defense Minister

adminMay 13, 20245 min read

Putin Unveils Dramatic Reshuffling of Closest Advisors: Shoigu Out as Defense Minister

New leadership may signal policy changes.

Russian state media is confirming a huge breaking development that President Putin has removed his longtime Defense Minister and personal friend Sergei Shoigu as defense chief, who has overseen the Ukraine war since its beginning in Feb. 2022. He will now serve as head of the nation’s security council.

“Sergei Shoigu is likely to lose the post of Minister of Defense of Russia to acting First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov,” English-language RT is reporting. “His candidacy was proposed by President Vladimir Putin, the Federation Council announced on Sunday.”

Putin has also reportedly dismissed Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, according to Interfax.

This appears in order to shuffle Shoigu into that position. Putin has now appointed Shoigu as new Secretary of the Russian Security Council. Likely Patrushev is also being moved to another position too.

Wow, indeed. Looks like Putin is pushing out his long-time Defense Minister and Siberian forest hiking partner Sergei Shoigu.

— Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) May 12, 2024

The proposed candidate for new defense chief, Belousov, has a background in Russia’s central bank and economics and finance…

Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed former First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov as candidate for Defense Minister, Tass reports

— Bloomberg (@business) May 12, 2024

Below is some background on Belousov and his last two decades of government experience, though specific military decision-making or army experience on a strategic level appears to be absent, interestingly:

2000‒2006: General Director, Centre for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting.

2000‒2006: External adviser to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

2006‒2008: Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Deputy Minister of Economic Development.

2008‒2012: Director, Government Department of Economy and Finance.

2012‒2013: Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

2013‒2020: Presidential Aide.

21 January 2020: First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, appointed by executive order of the President of Russia.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov addressed this lack of military experience as follows in a late Sunday press briefing:

Explaining Shoigu’s replacement with a non-military official, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was “natural” for Putin to decide that a civilian official to head the Defense Ministry.

“The Defense Ministry must be absolutely open to innovation, to introduce advanced ideas and to create conditions for economic competitiveness — that’s why the president chose the candidacy of Andrei Removich Belousov,” Peskov told reporters.

According to more details of Putin’s big reshuffling via RT:

Senators are scheduled to engage in consultations regarding the nominees put forth by the president during committee sessions on May 13 and during a Federation Council meeting on May 14, as announced by the upper house of the Russian parliament.

No further alterations have been made to the roster of candidates Putin has submitted for cabinet positions. His nominations include Vladimir Kolokoltsev for the position of interior minister, Alexander Kurenkov for minister of emergency situations, Sergey Lavrov for foreign minister, and Konstantin Chuichenko for justice minister.

Denis Manturov, who served as deputy prime minister and head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade during Putin’s last term in office, has been nominated for the position of first deputy prime minister.

Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, says the Kremlin wanted to appoint an economic official to run the defense ministry after Russia’s security budget ballooned to 6.6 per cent of gross domestic product.

“This demands special attention,” he told reporters.

— max seddon (@maxseddon) May 12, 2024

And TASS has this further confirmation and backgrounder on Belousov (machine translation)…

“Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed the candidacy of Andrei Belousov for the post of Minister of Defense, which was previously held by Sergei Shoigu. This is stated in a message on the Telegram channel of the Federation Council. In the previous government, Belousov worked as first deputy prime minister.”

“65-year-old Belousov at various times held the positions of assistant to the head of state Vladimir Putin on economic issues, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, director of the Department of Economics and Finance of the Government of the Russian Federation, general director of the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting, and worked at the Russian Academy in 1981-2006 Sciences (until 1991 – USSR Academy of Sciences). From April 30 to May 19, 2020, during Mishustin’s hospitalization with coronavirus infection, Belousov served as acting head of the Cabinet.”

Saturday Emergency Broadcast! Globalist Depopulation Operation Exposed By Covid Whistleblower

Kiev Replaces Key Commander Amid Russia’s Advance – Media

Kiev Replaces Key Commander Amid Russia’s Advance – Media

adminMay 13, 20243 min read

Kiev Replaces Key Commander Amid Russia’s Advance – Media

The reported dismissal was linked to Moscow’s operations in Kharkov region.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine has replaced a senior commander amid Russia’s continued advance toward the city of Kharkov, local media reported on Monday.

Ukraine’s second-largest city is located in the country’s northeast and is defended by the Kharkov operative tactical group. Last weekend, the military leadership decided to replace the formation’s commander, Yury Galushkin, RBK-Ukraine claimed, citing the Khortitsa operative strategic group, to which the force belongs. Galushkin took charge of the group in early April.

Brigade General Mikhail Drapaty was selected as his replacement, the report added. The senior official will also remain deputy chair of the Ukrainian general staff, a position that he took in February amid a major reshuffle in the military.

Russian forces have secured a number of villages in Kharkov Region since last Friday, according to Defense Ministry statements and reports on the ground. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky described the battlefield changes as the locations moving from “the gray zone” to the “zone of fighting.”

Read more Russia goes on the offensive: Here’s what’s behind the advance in Ukraine’s Kharkov Region

The latest advancements reported on Monday took place near the settlements of Volchansk, Neskuchnoye, Liptsi and Vesyoloe in Kharkov Region. The Russian Defense Ministry has reported that Kiev’s forces have suffered up to 250 casualties and lost two tanks, two armored combat vehicles and 17 other motor vehicles in the past 24 hours.

Ukrainian forces have been using Kharkov and the surrounding territory for months to stage cross-border attacks on Belgorod, which has a population of nearly 400,000 people. Its proximity has allowed Ukrainian troops to regularly shell the Russian city with multiple rocket launch systems.

The threat to Kharkov and potential exodus of its residents “could demoralize Ukrainians and its allies,” The New York Times warned on Sunday. It could “give the impression that after two years and hundreds of thousands of casualties and billions of dollars, little has changed” in the conflict, the newspaper said. Kiev could be pressured “to negotiate a truce with Russia” as a result, the outlet suggested.

Saturday Emergency Broadcast! Globalist Depopulation Operation Exposed By Covid Whistleblower