
A Deal with the Devil

A Deal with the Devil

adminMay 13, 20247 min read

A Deal with the Devil

We’re being told there’s no option but to use drugs like Ozempic to control our weight

One in eight American adults have now used weight-loss drugs like Ozempic, I reported on Saturday. That’s no surprise, because 40% of American adults are now obese.

There’s something of a Klondike feeling in the air when it comes to obesity these days, at least if you’re a company like Novo Nordisk or Eli Lilly that has a GLP-1-receptor-agonist product to sell. That’s the technical name for the class of drugs to which Ozempic and Mounjaro and most of the other new “miracle” weight-loss drugs belong. They signal satiety and alter the transit of food through the digestive system by activating GLP-1 receptors in the body.

These companies are already making enormous bank from their new products, but they know the money they’re making now is only a fraction of the money they could be making from America—and the world’s—ever-expanding waistlines.

This is especially true, since these companies know—even if users don’t—that their products will have to be used long term, maybe for years or even decades if users want to keep the weight off. Maybe a lifetime.

An executive from Eli Lilly said as much in a conference call last year.

“Unfortunately, tirzepatide is probably like every other drug we have which requires you to take it to continue to get the benefits.”

Unfortunately. Hardly.

I’m all for a slimmer world. Being overweight or, even worse, obese is a disaster, individually and, at the levels we’re currently experiencing, collectively too. Obesity is a drain on the public finances of the US to the tune of nearly $200 billion a year, and that’s definitely a conservative estimate.

Think how many border walls that could build and how many deportation flights $200 billion could pay for. You could have a dozen walls separating the US from Mexico and relocate every member of MS-13 in the US to Antarctica or, better yet, to some location directly above a patch of shark-infested sea, in the dead of night.

Happy trails, Alejandro!

We absolutely need to do something about obesity. Not only is it draining the public finances: it’s making us weaker, more docile, easier to control.

Cast your mind back to the pandemic. Remember: One demographic that consistently defied the lockdowns, social restrictions and vaxx mandates was gymbros. Think of our Canadian friend Chris Sky, and the extent to which he was persecuted, but bravely persisted to call “bullsh*t” on the whole thing.

And that wasn’t a coincidence, that gymbros were such visible opponents of medical tyranny. If we weren’t so sick as a society, if we weren’t so inured to dependency on the government and Big Pharma, I don’t think we’d have ever put up with all that nonsense. Forty years ago, thirty years ago, probably even twenty years ago, we just wouldn’t have had it. Today, though, the gymbros are a last bastion of independent physical existence, of the virtues of self-reliance and courage.

The history of testosterone and politics remains to be written—and maybe I’ll be the one to write it.

But the question I ask, again and again, is: Are these drugs the answer?

No, I don’t think so.

Let’s put aside, for now, the issue of side effects. I’ve written elsewhere, at length, about how unfortunate users of Ozempic are inhaling the contents of their own stomachs on operating tables, being left facing diarrhea “forever” and even dying from chronic bowel obstructions because the transit of food through their guts completely shuts down.

There are fertility concerns too. We’ve heard about the phenomenon of “Ozempic babies,” where overweight women who lose weight with Ozempic or a similar drug suddenly find themselves pregnant because their reproductive apparatus has been shunted back into life, but we hear less about the fact that Ozempic use during pregnancy has been shown to inhibit fetal growth significantly in mice. That’s not good.

Let’s put to one side, too, the fact that the only long-term studies we have of GLP-1 receptor agonist use, from rodents, suggest the drugs reliably cause thyroid tumours. Again, not good.

Like I said, let’s just think about the primary issue, which is the use of these new drugs to combat obesity.

The gravamen, as far as I’m concerned, is this: that by relying on these drugs to reduce obesity on a society-wide scale, we are simply ceding control of yet another aspect of our lives to Big Pharma.

Once upon a time, people managed their own weight. But now, we need an outside agency to do so for us. This obviously makes us less free. Big Pharma’s power increases as our diminishes.

And of course Big Pharma, as well as Big Food, is encouraging this, because by making us believe that there’s nothing we can do to control our own weight, short of some miraculous pharmaceutical discovery, they make more money. It’s a simple proposition. If you ran a company like Novo Nordisk or Eli Lilly, chances are you’d do the same.

This is a clear example of a process dubbed “iatrogenesis” by the philosopher Ivan Illich. “Iatrogenesis” means “medical harm,” and Illich extended the traditional application of this term from things like botched surgeries and misprescribed drugs to the process by which people have their agency stripped from them by the growing medicalisation of society. If you pay attention to one recommendation I make, read Illich’s 1974 book Medical Nemesis, also known as The Limits of Medicine.

Iatrogenesis happened to mothers with the replacement of breastmilk with formula, for example, and it’s definitely happening now with these new obesity drugs.

What iatrogenesis does, in the case of obesity, is prevent us from addressing the root causes of obesity. Complicated though these may be, they boil down to the fact that we are no longer living in a manner that is compatible with our evolved nature as human beings.

We eat food—processed food—that barely qualifies as nutrition. We don’t move. We park ourselves and our children in front of bright screens from morning till night, disrupting the light-based circadian rhythms that govern our body’s metabolic and hormonal processes. We are chronically stressed. We’re exposed, everywhere we go, to a witch’s brew of toxic chemicals that interfere with our bodies in ways we’re still desperately trying to understand.

None of this, not one bit of it, will be addressed if we try to solve obesity with drugs. Obesity drugs will just sustain the whole inhuman system.

At the same time, though, I can’t say I’m not torn. I’m a realist. I think it’s unlikely in the extreme that we’re going to see a broad health-based movement emerge any time soon to challenge the real causes of our sickness.

There are faint murmurs of such a thing in the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but he’s a crypto-libtard and he won’t get elected.

And so instead, we’re left with these drugs and their makers.

But it’s a deal with devil. And the devil has been having his way a lot around these parts lately.

Saturday Emergency Broadcast! Globalist Depopulation Operation Exposed By Covid Whistleblower

<div>Ending Income Taxes on Gold & Silver, Nebraska Declares CBDC’s Are Not Lawful Money</div>

Ending Income Taxes on Gold & Silver, Nebraska Declares CBDC’s Are Not Lawful Money

adminMay 13, 20241 min read

<div>Ending Income Taxes on Gold & Silver, Nebraska Declares CBDC’s Are Not Lawful Money</div>

Nebraska has become the 12th US state to end capital gains taxes on sales of gold and silver. Governor Jim Pillens signed bill LB 1317 making it the fourth major sound money bill to become […]

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Mainstream Media Admits Global Fertility Falling, Won’t Say Why

Mainstream Media Admits Global Fertility Falling, Won’t Say Why

adminMay 13, 20243 min read
The elite will blame the economy and climate change before admitting the Covid shots and toxic environment they’ve created are murdering millions

An article by The Wall Street Journal, shared at the top of Monday’s Drudge Report, focused on the ongoing frightening decline in human fertility.

While Infowars and other alternative outlets have been warning of the drastic decline in global fertility for years now, it’s interesting to see mainstream media finally sounding the alarm.

“Suddenly There Aren’t Enough Babies. The Whole World Is Alarmed,” reads the WSJ headline.

Mainstream Media Admits Global Fertility Falling, Won’t Say WhyWSJ

The article explains the global fertility rate may already be below the point needed to sustain population growth.


Here in America, the fertility rate is lower than it has been in over one hundred years.

Kenneth Johnson, a senior demographer at the University of New Hampshire, explained that if fertility stayed where it was in 2007, around 10.6 million more American babies would have been born.

If you pair that number with the amount of babies aborted during that time period and consider the amount of illegal immigrants who have entered the country in that time, the demographic swing is staggering.

“The demographic winter is coming,” a University of Pennsylvania economist told WSJ.  

The COVID-19 pandemic was credited in the article with plunging fertility, which is noteworthy considering millions of people believe the virus was intentionally released as part of a larger depopulation agenda.

The Covid mRNA jabs are believed to be part of that depopulation agenda as well, with many top doctors, scientists and researchers showing evidence they have killed hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions.

Within months of the shots being rolled out, Infowars reported on thousands of women who were seeking advice online about suffering bizarre menstrual issues and even miscarriages after taking the shot or being near someone who was recently jabbed.

Failing to acknowledge the elephant in the room, which is that mankind is being systematically killed by the ruling class, mainstream outlets covering the alarming decline in fertility instead blame factors such as the poor Biden economy.

Of course, the science shows men and women of all economic classes are suffering from low fertility.

Describing some repercussions of falling fertility, WSJ wrote, “As birthrates fall, more regions and communities experience depopulation, with consequences ranging from closed schools to stagnant property values. Less selective colleges will soon struggle to fill classrooms because of the plunge in birthrates that began in 2007, said Fernández-Villaverde. Vance said rural hospitals can’t stay open because of the falling local population.   An economy with fewer children will struggle to finance pensions and healthcare for growing ranks of elderly. “

Those issues will be the least of our worries if this alarming trend continues.

Back in 2010, and long before then, Alex Jones was warning Infowars listeners about a Rockefeller agenda for using “vaccines” to reduce human fertility.



Biggest Study Yet of 99 Million Covid-Vaxxed Individuals Confirms Serious Side Effects — Doctor Says It’s Worse

adminMay 13, 20243 min read
Biggest dataset yet offers insight into the horrific results of Covid vaccination.

The largest observational analysis study to date which investigated health outcomes following Covid vaccination confirmed a causal link between the shots and myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and more.

The study analyzed health data from 99 million patients and encompassed eight countries through the Global Covid Vaccine Safety (GCoVS) Project.

“This multi-country analysis confirmed pre-established safety signals for myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Other potential safety signals that require further investigation were identified,” the study said in the ‘Conclusion’ section.

The study utilized electronic medical records to compare the health of people prior to vaccination and following vaccination.

Doctor Vinay Prasad analyzed the study in a video Saturday.

“This paper is an underestimate of the problem, in a number of ways it’s a deep underestimate,” he said, going on to list reasons why the study is an underestimate of the true harm from Covid vaccines.

Prasad discussed the findings of the medical study.

“And this paper shows very concerning safety signals across a number of domains including myocarditis, pericarditis, ITP, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Bells palsy, ADEM, pulmonary embolism, febrile seizures and more,” the doctor said. “I think it suggests rather strongly that there was safety signals that have been ignored and under explored and that in many populations, particularly young people, particularly people who had already had and recovered of Covid-19 and for many additional doses…that the harms outweigh the benefits for vaccination in that age group.”

Prasad explained how requiring the vaccine for younger groups and the Covid-recovered were destructive.

“And that means that the mandates in those age groups were deeply morally problematic, they’re scientifically problematic and they bankrupt trust in public health,” he said.

Prasad went on to talk about specific brands of Covid vaccines causing high rates of various ailments, according to the study, then went on to discuss the harms they all have in common.

“Across the board the mRNA vaccines are causing heart damage seen in the form of myocarditis, you actually see concerning safety signals even for the adenoviral vector vaccines, but for things like Pfizer and Moderna, they’re off-the-charts bad,” he said. “And this confirms what we had already known.”

The Covid shots are known to increase in lethality after repeated doses, increase Covid infection rates, cause miscarriages as well as cause deadly headaches, seizures and heart inflammation.

The CDC recommends all Americans receive their Covid shot, and that young children receive extra.

Saturday Emergency Broadcast! Globalist Depopulation Operation Exposed By Covid Whistleblower

6G Wireless Communication Could Be on Its Way Soon

6G Wireless Communication Could Be on Its Way Soon

adminMay 13, 20243 min read

6G Wireless Communication Could Be on Its Way Soon

6G signals can now be curved around objects using special technology

6G wireless communication could be coming soon, as one of the major problems associated with the technology appears to have been solved.

Up to now, one of the main obstacles to 6G communication has been the tiny size of the terahertz waves it uses. These are easily disrupted by obstacles like walls, furniture and living creatures.

Now, researchers from Brown and Rice Universities claim to have found a way to bend terahertz waves around obstacles.

In a new study published in the journal Communications Engineering, the researchers demonstrate a new approach to send 6G waves on curved trajectories, maintaining a strong link between the transmitter and receiver.

“This is the world’s first curved data link, a critical milestone in realizing the 6G vision of high data rate and high reliability,” says Edward Knightly, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Rice.

The issue of the health effects of exposure to non-ionizing radiation (EMF), including 5G, remains a significant source of controversy.

While fact-checkers and mainstream-media outlets alternate between playing down fears about negative health effects, and ridiculing them as being linked to various “right-wing conspiracy theories,” medical experts and scientists continue to warn that there is good reason to believe constant exposure may be linked to a wide variety of harms from reduced sperm counts to cancer and dementia.

In 2017, doctors and scientists launched a petition in the EU to prevent 5G technology from being rolled out. They cited potential cancer risks and also noted that, since the technology was so new, adequate safety testing had not been carried out.

A variety of studies have shown that non-ionizing radiation has the potential to cause gene damage.

As one review study notes, “Many studies reported effects in cells and animals after exposure to EMF at intensities similar to those in the public and occupational environments.”

The study adds that, “The mechanisms by which effects are induced by EMF are basically unknown.”

Saturday Emergency Broadcast! Globalist Depopulation Operation Exposed By Covid Whistleblower

Actor Steve Buscemi Hospitalized After Random NYC Attack

Actor Steve Buscemi Hospitalized After Random NYC Attack

adminMay 13, 20242 min read

Actor Steve Buscemi Hospitalized After Random NYC Attack

Democrat-run cities collapsing around the country

Legendary actor Steve Buscemi, who famously put on his old firefighting gear to help dig through 9/11 rubble, was randomly attacked while walking down a New York City street last week.

The actor was punched in the face and had to go to the hospital for his injuries.

Steve Buscemi got snuffed on his own block. It ain’t safe NYC.

— Actual Facts (@Actual_FactsBox) May 13, 2024

Fellow actor Michael Rapaport, a longtime Democrat now appearing to wake up to reality, ranted about the assault on X.

“This sick motherless prick sent Steve Buscemi to the hospital today. He randomly attacked him, punching him in the face. Steve is the salt of the earth. A former firefighter who worked onsite 9/11, great artist, and easily one of the kindest and most generous people you could meet,” he wrote.

This sick motherless prick sent Steve Buscemi to the hospital today.
He randomly attacked him, punching him in the face. Steve is the salt of the earth. A former firefighter who worked onsite 9/11, great artist, and easily one of the kindest and most generous people you could…

— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) May 13, 2024

The NYPD released images of the suspect, which can be seen below:

This piece of crap attacked Steve Buscemi today. Completely unprovoked and random. New York City is no longer safe.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) May 13, 2024