
<div>Blood, Insults & Knives: German Train System Turning Into Life-Threatening ‘Battlefield’ Due to Violent Migrants</div>

Blood, Insults & Knives: German Train System Turning Into Life-Threatening ‘Battlefield’ Due to Violent Migrants

adminMay 14, 20248 min read

<div>Blood, Insults & Knives: German Train System Turning Into Life-Threatening ‘Battlefield’ Due to Violent Migrants</div>

A female union boss for rail workers describes “civil war” conditions, train workers locking themselves in train cars out of fear, and bloody assaults that are leaving train workers traumatized — all exacerbated by politicians who talk of successful “integration”.

German train workers are exposed to insults, harassment, violence, and even the threat of knife attacks from migrants on such a regular basis that it is making their jobs unbearable, warns a German trade union representing railway workers in the state of Thuringia. 

German trains are becoming more and more dangerous due to mass immigration, and shocking headlines week after week, along with actual police statistics, confirm this trend. The union warns that young asylum seekers are the main perpetrators in the growing number of cases, and for the staff in Thuringia, train work is “sometimes life-threatening,” according to the trade union.

“I have an average of three employees sitting in my Erfurt office every week for legal advice. They were attacked, spat on, insulted, threatened or pushed,” said Steffi Recknagel, the head of the Railway and Transport Union (EVG) in Thuringia, during an interview with Focus Online.

The female union boss shared information describing the everyday crime train attendants and train drivers face, including verbal and physical violence, and even knife crime. However, she said constant verbal harassment is also taking its toll. 

“The worst case was that a train attendant was threatened with a knife,” said Recknagel, while another was physically attacked from behind and “the air was knocked out of her.”

In other cases, female train workers were “slapped,” “kicked,” had their clothing pulled, and were “treated aggressively.” In some cases, the perpetrators told these female workers they were not allowed to speak because they are women. 

The union head in that region said that while there are problematic spots across the German state, there is one particularly bad stretch between the state capital of Erfurt and Suhl. She said the “extreme” situation there is due to the presence of a refugee center in Suhl, which features mainly Syrian, Afghan, and Turkish migrants, who travel to Erfurt and back again on a regular basis.

??? A mass brawl erupted during an amateur football match in the German city of Essen on Sunday after a gang invaded the pitch with knives and guns.

Al-Arz Lebanon said on its Instagram page: “A group of armed men ran onto the pitch and attacked spectators and players.”


— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) May 13, 2024

“I drive the Erfurt-Suhl route every day,” said Recknagel. “And unfortunately, I have to say it like this: It is mostly young men from the initial reception center who misbehave completely on our trains. They always travel in groups and feel strong together.”

She told Focus that it was dangerous to intervene, and those that do are threatened.

“When something happens while driving, some people now say to themselves: I’d better look away now before I’m the next victim,” Recknagel warned.

She warned that the situation on the train system is “sometimes life-threatening. Our people are afraid, very afraid. We have employees who say: If these groups are on the train, then I won’t check tickets. Then, they say they’ll stay at the front with the train driver or lock themselves in their cabin until they get to a safe station and they get out.”

“How evil is that?”

“First you let terrorists into Europe, and then you take away the freedoms of citizens and create mass surveillance just to protect yourself from terrorists?”

Austrian MEP @vilimsky warns mass immigration is a tool against freedom. #CPACHungary

— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) April 29, 2024

As with swimming pools across Germany being forced to add layers of police and security in order to prevent sexual harassment, assaults, and riots, Germany’s train system has now had to follow suit.

Recknagel says that while there are now more security guards being deployed to trains, overall, there are still not enough to go around. They also lack the authority to take any substantial action.

“Besides, they can’t do much more than kick people out at the next train station,” he warned. Even when they are stopped by the police, they are usually merely questioned and then released. 

“A week later, we have the same people sitting on the train again, and the whole thing repeats itself,” said Recknagel. “Nothing happens, it just doesn’t happen.”

Train companies operating in the area have lobbied politicians to address the issue, including a blistering four-page letter from the works council sent to state Thuringia Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left Party) describing the harrowing crimes facing train workers.

The letter describes the “dramatic” situation facing train workers from “people with a migration background,” and the works council notes the “everyday” nature of these attacks and insults, and not just the larger incidents that make their way into the national newspapers. German works councils are often the middleman between the unions and companies, which attempt to broker agreements while representing workers and ensuring proper labor law is followed.

The letter from the works council noted that controlling these individuals, who often refuse to buy tickets, is dangerous, and in addition to physical attacks against both male and female workers, female staff have been targeted with “sexist insults and spit on in a disgusting manner,” including incidents in which migrants pulled down their pants and exposed their genitals to these women.

Due to extreme violence between rival migrants, in one incident an entire train car was covered in blood, resulting in workers sheltering in place in other parts of the train.

“Our colleague had to continue the journey to the Suhl train station in fear of death and with a railcar that was heavily contaminated with human blood,” the shock letter reads. “We don’t need to talk at this point about the psychological consequences for our still very young colleague and the passengers, given the scenes that could have come from a civil war zone!”

The letter goes on to describe one case in which a mother of two young girls was threatened in front of her children, forcing her to flee from the train. In general, the letter describes how the husbands of some female workers are now accompanying their wives in order to protect them.

The letter directly criticizes left-wing politicians, such as Thuringia’s Prime Minister Ramelow, saying that politicians at the federal and state levels speak of “integration” and “tolerance towards migrants” when citizens are the ones facing the violence. The letter counters:

“How can you expect citizens of this country to be open to the refugee policy that is being practiced when it happens — practically every day, and not just on public transport! — that we have to witness such violence, brutalization and absolute contempt for our laws and society?”

Ramelow and other politicians have responded that they will increase police controls on the troubled rail lines and hire more security guards, and they promise to meet with union representatives every three months to monitor the situation. 

The German rail union head in Thuringia, however, has her doubts, saying: “Politicians have shown understanding and promised support, but we now finally want to see the facts!” She argues it is not yet clear where the money or staff will come from to help protect train workers. She is calling for more prosecutions and more enforcement of the existing laws. 

She also said that although her union’s comments may be construed as “right-wing” or “xenophobic,” she argues that there needs to be an honest discussion about issues that are clear as day for Germany’s train workers, as they are on the frontline of some of the worst violence facing public workers.

With crime soaring due to rising immigration numbers, police and security forces are stretched at all levels — not just in the train system. Recently released statistics from the German Interior Ministry show that migrants account for a record 41 percent of all crime in Germany, with their role in violent crimes such as rape, murder and assault even higher. 

The Alternative for Germany (AfD), which argues for strict migration controls into Germany, has responded to the plea for help from Germany’s rail workers, writing: “The railway and transport union in Thuringia is sounding the alarm: Train attendants and railway employees are regularly attacked, spat on, insulted, threatened or beaten.” The party argued that these workers would be safe “only with us,” if the AfD is able to gain political power.

Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity


AI Has Learned How To Deceive Humans

adminMay 14, 20241 min read

We are told that Artifical Intelligence (AI) can be beneficial, they can for example help us code, write, and synthesize vast amounts of data. It has also been reported that they can outwit humans at […]

The post AI Has Learned How To Deceive Humans appeared first on The People’s Voice.

The Religious Orientation of Trans Ideology

The Religious Orientation of Trans Ideology

adminMay 14, 202411 min read

The Religious Orientation of Trans Ideology

Transgenderism is premised on dogmas which justify heinous acts against vulnerable people.

In this secular age of ours, we like to presume that the religious spirit which has historically motivated civilisations and empires the world over has been snubbed out and replaced by the doctrine of science and rationalism. That our age is indeed a secular one and that the debates which concern our time have transcended primitive superstition are not conclusions that can justifiably be reached when one gives due attention to the true nature of the political and social quandaries vexing our society. 

In March, Joe Biden declared Easter Sunday to be “Transgender Day of Visibility” in a move which outraged many and was received as an assault on the holiest day of the year. In one sense, this was of course deeply shocking. Yet it is not as shocking as one might initially presume and is actually somewhat consistent with the fact that transgenderism, as a political and ideological movement, is profoundly religious in its orientation, particularly in its contrast with Christianity. Amidst the noise about the death of God and the decline of faith, the political climate of the West has become charged with religious ideas and impulses masquerading under the supposed secularism of the social movements gripping our culture which, properly explored and unearthed, will aid us in better addressing this descent into heresy. 

Transgenderism is a false view of anthropology, based upon a series of premises contrary to reason and reliant upon distinctly religious ideas that happen to be false and should not be accepted as true, good, or beautiful. Its power as an ideological force—observable in its dramatic capture of the political debate in recent years—can, to some degree, be attributed to the religious nature of its presuppositions, which also demonstrates the importance of decisively rejecting its religious conclusions and proscriptions. But first, let us recap just a few of the quite astonishing consequences of this movement and the effects it has had on our society—all of which a mere decade ago would have been considered unthinkably absurd. 

Some doctors in the NHS are now referring to ‘human milk’ rather than breast milk and are arguing that milk produced by men who have taken hormones to induce lactation is just as beneficial to newborn children as that belonging to mothers. Medical bodies are deliberately removing terms like mother from maternity guidance or turning away men from giving blood unless they confirm that they are not pregnant. Whilst the primary impulse of the movement may have once been restricted to normalising adults identifying as the opposite sex, increasingly activists are turning their focus to so-called “transgender children.” In the U.S. specifically, there have been shocking examples of child mutilation—as in the case of detransitioner Chloe Cole who had a double mastectomy at the age of 15—and in Scotland certain politicians have recently argued that we ought to consider allowing eight-year-olds to legally change gender. The fervour with which this doctrine is being preached shows no signs of abating, particularly among the highly vocal activist base. 

How, then, has it come to this? How has this profound shift in our frame-of-reference for understanding the human person occurred so dramatically and how has it had such a commanding influence upon our public institutions? It seems to me that we must pay attention to the fundamental religious presuppositions undergirding the ideology, specifically as it relates to its views on anthropology and the relationship between the soul and the body. 

Anthropology has been a central aspect of religious thought for millennia and has been of essential importance for Christian theological reflection. The nature of mankind is specifically explored in the opening chapters of Genesis, where men and women are declared to be created in “the image and likeness of God”—a description ordinarily only applied to the king in surrounding Ancient Near Eastern cultures. The relationship between men and women is explored in these chapters and informs the doctrine of the Church which has celebrated and underscored the distinctiveness and complementarity of the sexes.

Over the last century or so, various social movements have sought to water down the distinctiveness of the sexes and propagate the view that men and women are essentially the same. This motivation undergirds the feminist movement. It was also the reasoning deployed to justify the legalisation and acceptance of same-sex marriage. It is likewise thought to lend support to transgenderism. After all, the more the distinctiveness of men and women is disputed, the easier it is to argue that a man can indeed become a woman and vice versa. The different duties, responsibilities, and expectations which were once thought proper to men and women respectively have been done away with to the point that it becomes easier to accept an opposing anthropological argument that seeks to diminish the complementarity of the sexes and makes it possible for transformation to occur. 

This different anthropological understanding can be seen in the way that ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ are now the two categories more readily applied to the human person. But even here we find deep confusion. Official NHS guidance asserts that ‘gender dysphoria’ describes a sense of unease one might feel owing to a “mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.” Yet, it is also maintained that gender dysphoria is categorically not a mental illness, despite conceding that questions of identity and self-perception are wrapped up in this complicated disorder. “Gender identity” is a notoriously ill-defined term which seems to presume some notion of what it means to be a man versus what it means to be a woman. How can one know that one is indeed a woman and not a man if one has no framework for understanding the definitional and objective differences between the two? Theology has always sought to probe the depths of the human experience and answer the eternal questions of what it means to be human and how humanity relates to the divine. In a similar way, transgenderism is pointedly concerned with issues of human identity, but where the Church argues that men and women are distinct and definable categories, transgenderism proposes a totally undefinable approach which allows for the possibility that a man can indeed become a woman. One must decide whether this is true, for on it the whole doctrine hangs. 

Perhaps even more religious is the way transgenderism invokes the notion of the soul and the soul’s relationship to the body. This thorny theological issue has resulted in the spilling of much ink over the centuries but has proven to be an essential point of doctrine in the Christian tradition. The idea of an opposition between the soul and the body was espoused by the early gnostics and refuted by the Church as a false understanding of humanity. The integration of the soul and the body is central to the Christian life, demonstrated most profoundly in the reality of the Incarnation and the hope for physical resurrection at the Second Coming. The physical world and the physical body are not to be despised in the Christian worldview, but thoroughly approved of and bound up in the hope for salvation alongside the soul and spirit. Physical acts of worship, like participation in the Eucharistic meal or kneeling during prayer, exemplify this theological truth that both soul and body are objects of the salvific work of God. Human beings, then, are fundamentally an integration of body and soul. 

While less inclined to forthrightly use the language of “soul” or “spirit,” one cannot help but hear strong undertones of these ideas in the notion that one can be “a woman trapped in a man’s body.” The idea of the dichotomy between one’s “gender identity” and one’s “biological sex” likewise plays into this view that one’s inward being, or soul, can really be that of a woman, while one’s body, or outward appearance, can be that of a man. For the transgender activist, the proper course of action in the opposition between the soul and the body is to conform the body to the proper identity of the soul. It is to break free from the constraints of the body—through drugs, mutilation, or other such alteration—in order to more fully align with the soul. This is a profoundly religious understanding of the human person but it happens to be incorrect, for the body and the soul are, as previously stated, integrated, and it is not possible to have an ontologically male body but also an ontologically female soul. Transgenderism would take the side of the gnostics in elevating the soul over the body, which is what allows for the sadly too often occurring abuse perpetrated against the body under the guise of healthcare.

One must not, therefore, be deceived by the ‘science’ of it all. While religious concepts such as the soul are smuggled into words like ‘healthcare’ and ‘identity,’ and while the physicians may have exchanged their vestments for lab coats, it is the theological conclusions about anthropology and the soul’s relationship to the body which undergird the arguments being advanced in today’s debate. Indeed, the religiosity goes further. We are now faced with an onslaught of liturgy which we must assent to, such as the various slogans like “trans rights are human rights” and the draconian enforcement of pronoun usage. The ideology has its own holy calendar, with Transgender Awareness Week observed in November and Transgender Day of Visibility on 31 March. Transgenderism even has its own conception of the crucifixion and resurrection evident in terms like “dead naming.” This is the sin of using someone’s old name, ominously illustrating how the act of transition is conceived of in these life and death categories. Like the Christian tenet that the old man dies in baptism, is joined to Christ in His death on the cross, and is then resurrected into new life being transformed into a new man, transgenderism functions within a framework of dying and rising to new life—the sole defect being, of course, that the promise of new life in this case is based on an incorrect understanding of humanity and will not satisfy the soul’s eternal longing. 

Naturally, I am not maintaining that all of this is concretely on the minds of the transgender activists or those who quietly submit to its doctrine. I suspect that precious few among these proponents are learned theologians. But nor am I saying that one must be a theologian to articulate theological ideas. We so readily assume that we have done away with old-fashioned religion and entered an era of rationality. Yet this assumption blinds us to the pointedly religious ideas being advanced by the social and political movements of today, many of which propose notions that the Church has already heard and refuted before. There is indeed nothing new under the sun! Even if the transgender debate is not waged as a crusade, we would do well to recognise its religious zeal, for if it is indeed true that a man can become a woman, or that the supposed war between the soul and the body can be won by the soul, then we ought to accept it: the pronouns, the medical intervention, the crucifixion of the old man for the resurrection of the new woman, the lot! Yet if it is not true, if a man cannot become a woman, if the gnostics are still wrong, and if, being led by the wisdom of repugnance, we find the mutilation of the body to be disordered, then all of it must be rejected, the whole ideology. 

I cannot begin to imagine the pain of someone so consumed by mental and spiritual confusion that they feel such turmoil in their personhood. I have every sympathy for their pain and sincerely hope for their welfare and their salvation, a hope, incidentally, which the Church proclaims is made real and accessible in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet it is precisely this compassion which warrants the rejection of the whole ideology of transgenderism. It is false religion administering false compassion, premised on ideas which are being used to justify heinous acts against vulnerable people. The only compassionate approach is to speak the truth, lovingly and with charity, for the truth will actually set you free. Transgenderism is wrong, the heresy of our time—and those who have been misled and abused by its doctrine deserve the truth. 

Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity

GMO “Purple” Tomatoes Already Popping up in the Food Chain

GMO “Purple” Tomatoes Already Popping up in the Food Chain

adminMay 14, 20245 min read

GMO “Purple” Tomatoes Already Popping up in the Food Chain

As usual, FDA and USDA give two thumbs up to GMO tomatoes.

A new genetically engineered (GMO) “Purple Tomato” is hitting the market, and not just in large-scale chemical agriculture.

According to reports, the Purple Tomato, an abomination created by scientists at Norfolk Plant Sciences in the United Kingdom, is currently making its way into both industrial and backyard agriculture. Its creators say it is really healthy, but is that true?

Led by biochemist Cathie Martin, a team of Franken-scientists inserted genes from the snapdragon flower into tomato plants, turning them purple in color and filling them with anthocyanins that would otherwise not normally be part of a tomato’s composition.

The claim is that these artificially enriched Purple Tomatoes are extra healthy because they are loaded with antioxidants that were synthetically engineered, but not everyone is convinced that the hype matches reality.

Even so, Norfolk Healthy Produce, the United States branch of Norfolk Plant Sciences, has sent out more than 13,000 seed orders for the GMO, which is now quietly hiding in people’s gardens all across the country.

(Related: Even the scientific community admits that genetically engineered food, including tomatoes, is probably unsafe to eat – but it’s highly profitable for Big Science and Big Chemical.)

As usual, FDA and USDA give two thumbs up to GMO tomatoes

As with pretty much all GMOs currently on the market, there were scant scientific studies to back the Purple Tomato before it was unleashed by the U.S. government into the food supply.

Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) gave the green light to the transgenic product despite a near-complete lack of science to support its safety.

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There was an animal study from way, way back in 2008 that claims the Purple Tomato helped the mice who were force-fed it to live longer than other mice on a non-GMO diet, but these findings are questionable.

Not once have scientists from Norfolk investigated to see if there are any unintended side effects caused by mutating a tomato’s natural DNA with snapdragon DNA. This means that there was also no research conducted to verify how these changes might affect people who eat the mutated DNA.

In the comments over at Great Game India, someone pointed out that the general population is so distracted and unhealthy as it is that there is barely any more fight taking place against the GMO onslaught.

“With all sincerity, I really don’t think people could care less about their health judging by just how eager so many were to take the untested mRNA shot,” this person wrote.

Another warned that a popular heirloom and organic seed company in the U.S. inadvertently started selling the Purple Tomato without realizing that it is GMO. After they learned the truth, the company immediately pulled the variety from its spring catalog.

“I wonder if their selling of this variety in the first place was intentional as anyone worth half their salt should have immediately recognized the signs that this variety is questionable in that the inside of the fruit is purple and that coloring can only be achieved with genetic modification,” this person added.

While pretty in color and appearance, the Purple Tomato is a deception that must be avoided. Chances are it will end up in pre-packaged and restaurant food without people realizing it, but a simple rule of thumb to avoid it is to skip eating any tomato that has a purple color inside and out.

The following restaurants, farms and chefs are listed on the Norfolk Healthy Produce website as “partners” that currently serve GMO Purple Tomatoes:

Branch Line – Watertown, Mass.

Seasons Kitchen & Bar – Davis, Calif.

Plum Southern Kitchen – Durham, N.C.

Death & Taxes – Raleigh, N.C.

Native Fine Diner – Greenville, N.C.

Julep Contemporary Kitchen – North Carolina

Taylor Garden – Williamston, N.C.

Red Sun Farms – Dublin, Va.

Leroy James Market – Greenville, N.C.

Dowdy Park Market – Nags Head, N.C.

Leavenworth Market – Kansas

Overland Park Market – Kansas

Chef Eric Minnich – San Francisco, Calif.

Green Thumbs Up – Leavenworth, Kan.

Freight Farms – Boston, Mass.

East End Bistrot – Raleigh, N.C.

The latest news about the GMO assault on humanity can be found at

Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity

Total Victory For Israel ‘Unlikely’ – State Department

Total Victory For Israel ‘Unlikely’ – State Department

adminMay 14, 20243 min read

Total Victory For Israel ‘Unlikely’ – State Department

Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell has expressed doubt that the IDF is capable of completely eradicating Hamas.

The US does not believe Israel can decisively triumph over Hamas in Gaza, Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell has said. The comments come as fighting between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Palestinian militant group entered its eighth month last week, with West Jerusalem refusing to walk away from its pledge to destroy Hamas. 

“I think in some respects, we are struggling over what the theory of victory is. Sometimes when we listen closely to Israeli leaders, they talked mostly about the idea of some sort of sweeping victory on the battlefield, a total victory,” Campbell said at the NATO Youth Summit in Miami, Florida on Monday. “I don’t think we believe that that is likely or possible,” he said.

He acknowledged the “undeniable tensions” between Washington and West Jerusalem over Israel’s ongoing assault on Rafah, the southernmost city in Gaza which is overcrowded with refugees who fled the northern part of the Palestinian enclave in accordance with the Israeli Army’s evacuation instructions.

President Joe Biden believes the operation will lead to a surge in civilian casualties and more refugees, Campbell stressed. “The president has been clear that he is deeply uncomfortable with that.”

Campbell’s words echoed earlier statements from his boss, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has expressed doubt that Israel can completely eliminate Hamas in Gaza. He suggested that even if Israel succeeds in entirely occupying the Palestinian enclave, it will be retaken by the militants once the IDF leaves.

Read more US senator urges Israel to bomb Gaza like Hiroshima

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet have so far ignored the calls for an immediate ceasefire, insisting that the Jewish state must neutralize the threat from Hamas for good. “We will achieve our goals – we will hit Hamas, we will hit Hezbollah, and we will achieve security,” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Thursday as the IDF continued to advance on Rafah, despite the warnings from the UN that the bombardment and street battles in the densely populated urban area would lead to a “slaughter” of civilians.

The IDF has rejected the accusations of indiscriminately targeting civilians and said that around 300,000 Palestinians have evacuated from Rafah to a designated “humanitarian zone” in southern Gaza.

More than 35,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the start of the Israeli bombing campaign and ground invasion, according to the local authorities.

The current round of fighting between Israel and Hamas was triggered by the October 7 surprise raid by the militants into Israeli territory, which left some 1,200 people dead. Hamas had also taken over 200 hostages, some of whom were subsequently released as part of prisoner exchanges.

Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity

Scholz Under Pressure: Fewer Than 2 Out of 10 Ukrainian Refugees in Germany Are Working

Scholz Under Pressure: Fewer Than 2 Out of 10 Ukrainian Refugees in Germany Are Working

adminMay 14, 20244 min read

Scholz Under Pressure: Fewer Than 2 Out of 10 Ukrainian Refugees in Germany Are Working

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians in Germany aren’t working, and for many of them, it simply is not worth it.

New data revealing that barely any Ukrainian refugees are actually working in Germany has the left-liberal government struggling to explain the failure, despite promises from the government that this refugee group would help fill in for the country’s declining labor pool.

“More Ukrainian refugees should take up work in Germany,” said Olaf Scholz during a speech in Potsdam over the weekend. The German chancellor was reacting to data showing that fewer than two out of ten Ukrainian asylum seekers are working in the country.

This is a big problem for Germany considering it is the country that has taken in more Ukrainian refugees than any other EU nation, equaling about 1.3 million people, or about a third of all Ukrainian refugees. According to the Polish Economic Institute, which reviewed a number of countries in its study, only 18 percent of Ukrainians were working in Germany as of January 2024, amounting to one of the lowest rates in Europe. In turn, Poland, for example, has 65 percent of its Ukrainian refugee population in the workplace.

Scholz said himself during his speech in Potsdam that Germany needs these Ukrainians to overcome a labor shortage — one that many other migrant groups continue to not fill either. For example, employment numbers for Africans and Asians remain abysmal, even with many of these groups having been in Germany for years.

Scholz said that despite some Ukrainians working, there are “a few hundred thousand more who are urgently needed in the labor market.” The German leader is attempting to link permanent residence permits with labor participation in order to encourage more Ukrainians into the workplace, according to Focus.

There are a number of theories as to why Ukrainians are having such a difficult time integrating into the German job market. For one, Germany’s generous social benefits for the unemployed continue to discourage a range of groups from entering the workforce, as it is often more profitable to remain unemployed. Some of these groups also collect unemployment money and work on the black market, which allows them to exploit the German taxpayer while earning additional disposable income. However, it is unclear how many Ukrainians might partake in this practice. 

According to the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, one of the primary obstacles for Ukrainians is meeting recognition of qualifications, along with bureaucratic hurdles. Although some Ukrainians have mastered German, many still struggle with the language, which is a major hurdle for some employers, especially for more highly-skilled positions.

Like many other groups that come to Germany for “temporary refuge,” many Ukrainians want to stay permanently. After all, Germany — despite growing problems in society and the economy — continues to offer a higher standard of living than most other nations in the world, with generous social benefits a key element of this appeal. 

Nearly half of Ukrainians tell pollsters they want to stay in the country, which is placing pressure on Scholz to quickly absorb them into the labor market — otherwise, they will serve only as a financial drain. 

“In Germany, anyone who works here and does not commit any crime can almost certainly stay here,” said Scholz.

At the same time, Ukraine is seeking new ways to force men back into the country to serve on the frontline, with some countries, such as Poland, seemingly complying. It is unclear whether Germany will take similar steps at some point, but Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky may apply renewed pressure on EU nations if the situation continues to deteriorate over the summer. Ukrainian men in Germany, however, appear to be in no rush to return to their home country and face potential death or injury in the raging battles in the east.

Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity