

ABC’s Stephanopoulos Declares ‘The Deep State Is Packed with Patriots’

adminMay 14, 20244 min read
Mainstream media continues defending what they characterized for years as a conspiracy theory.

ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos proclaimed Tuesday that the “Deep State is packed with patriots” who “don’t care about political parties.”

What an odd thing to say, especially considering the media and Democrats for years had dismissed the existence of the Deep State as a conspiracy theory.

Stephanopoulos made the remarks on The View while discussing his book where he interviewed many bureaucrats in the intelligence agencies and military.

“Some people like to call those people the Deep State. Well, the big thing I learned doing this book is that the Deep State is packed with patriots,” he said.

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos proclaims “The Deep State is packed with patriots…they don’t care about political parties…serve in silence.”

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) May 14, 2024

“People who go to work every single day on the frontlines of the most intense crises the country faces and do it to serve their country and to serve the presidency — not the president — they don’t care about political parties. They’re there to serve the presidency and the institution.”

The media has been more open about its defense of the Deep State AKA the Administrative State in recent months since former President Donald Trump announced his intention to purge “rogue bureaucrats” in the Deep State if elected in November.

Biden in response issued a new rule last month that would make it harder to fire unelected government employees.

In March, the New York Times published a piece insisting “the Deep State is actually kind of awesome.”

In a classic straw man fallacy, the NYT portrayed the Deep State as a group of nerdy, innocent and well-to-do government workers performing important functions for humanity, like working at NASA sending satellites into space, decontaminating water for the Environmental Protection Agency or ensuring safe workplaces for the Department of Labor.

But anyone who pays attention to politics or Trump’s remarks on the Deep State understands Trump is referring to rogue intelligence agency officials and Democrat bureaucrats carrying out the whims of the Biden administration.

The documentary Chasing Trump highlights this point by exposing the politically motivated anti-Trump Democrats who’ve brought charges against Trump during an election year and even campaigned on doing so.

Additionally, a CIA cyber operations project manager recently admitted in undercover video that intelligence agencies deliberately withheld information from President Donald Trump while he was in office and regularly spied on him and his family.

That doesn’t even begin to touch on the Russia collusion hoax or the impeachment hoaxes against Trump that were generated by intelligence agencies and media manipulation.

The targeting of Republicans, Trump supporters and conservatives by the federal government and lack of accountability for lawbreaking Democrats had become so obvious and pervasive that House Republicans formed the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government.

That Weaponization Committee released a report this month showing the federal government routinely tasked Big Tech companies to censor conservatives on a range of topics from COVID vaccines to the Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell.

Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss even penned an op-ed last month warning the Deep State plans to sabotage Trump’s second term.

“Even if President Trump is re-elected, his battle will have only begun,” Truss wrote in her piece “The Deep State Lies in Wait for Trump.”

“Across the West—especially the English-speaking world—there has been a shift of power away from democratically accountable officeholders to unelected bureaucrats and technocrats.”

“His second term will be much like my time in office if he doesn’t confront the entrenched bureaucracy,” she added.

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London Climate Professor: Only Way To Stop Climate Change Is ‘Culling Of Human Population By Pandemic With Very High Fatality Rate’

London Climate Professor: Only Way To Stop Climate Change Is ‘Culling Of Human Population By Pandemic With Very High Fatality Rate’

adminMay 14, 20243 min read

London Climate Professor: Only Way To Stop Climate Change Is ‘Culling Of Human Population By Pandemic With Very High Fatality Rate’

Globalist minion quickly deleted message after backlash, claiming he only did so because people took it the wrong way

University College London (UCL) Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards Bill McGuire posted a controversial message to social media on Saturday, appearing to support mass depopulation.

Posting an article that questioned how prepared mankind is for a potential Bird Flu outbreak to his X account, McGuire wrote, “If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate.”

Interesting thing to say.

— RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) May 13, 2024

One day later, McGuire posted that he deleted his pro-depopulation message not because he regretted it, but “because so many people out there have mistakenly or intentionally taken it the wrong way.”


— Bill McGuire (@ProfBillMcGuire) May 12, 2024

McGuire, a self-described socialist, later repeatedly lied about his post that clearly stated a “culling of the human population” was the only way humanity could hypothetically see emissions drastically fall.

“It’s about suddenly falling economic activity. Not people dying,” he stated.

It’s about suddenly falling economic avctivity. Not people dying.

— Bill McGuire (@ProfBillMcGuire) May 12, 2024

“I am talking about reduced economic activity NOT reduced population,” he claimed again.

No I don’t. You tell me how emissions can fall by the 50 percent needed within 66 months, if not due a major socio-economic shock such as a major pandemic, nuclear war or global geophysical catastrophe.

I am talking about reduced economic activity NOT reduced population.

— Bill McGuire (@ProfBillMcGuire) May 12, 2024

None of this is surprising considering McGuire helped advise politicians who implemented the UK’s egregious COVID-19 pandemic policies and has co-authored climate policy for the United Nations.

When the light is turned on, these people scurry and gaslight the public about their anti-human agenda.

<div>Aaron Rodgers & Tucker Carlson Talk COVID Jabs, Propaganda & More</div>

Aaron Rodgers & Tucker Carlson Talk COVID Jabs, Propaganda & More

adminMay 14, 20242 min read

<div>Aaron Rodgers & Tucker Carlson Talk COVID Jabs, Propaganda & More</div>

This type of epic conversation strikes fear in Big Tech censors!

Quarterback of the NFL’s New York Jets, Aaron Rodgers, joined Tucker Carlson for a discussion released Tuesday that went on for over two hours and covered topics such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the mRNA shots, censorship, propaganda and much more.

Aaron Rodgers

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) May 14, 2024

Criticized by the establishment for speaking out against the government’s authoritarian measures during the Covid pandemic, Rodgers has refused to back down in the face of an organized disinformation campaign targeting his public image.

Instead of staying silent, Rodgers joined Carlson to gameplan how We The People can come together and have national conversations that heal the nation while uniting citizens against the globalist agenda that seeks to divide and conquer America.

Also, don’t miss the time Rodgers and Joe Rogan discussed the “Alex Jones was right” meme:

Vaccine-Injured Teacher Files First U.S. Lawsuit Against AstraZeneca, Claims Covid Jab Caused Permanent Disability

Vaccine-Injured Teacher Files First U.S. Lawsuit Against AstraZeneca, Claims Covid Jab Caused Permanent Disability

adminMay 14, 20244 min read
Doctors diagnosed Brianne Dressen with post-vaccine neuropathy, which manifests as a ‘pins and needles sensation’ throughout her body.

A former teacher in Utah launched a lawsuit against pharma giant AstraZeneca alleging she suffered permanent harm from the company’s Covid jab and had not received compensation for treatment.

Brianne Dressen, a 42-year-old mother-of-two, says her life has been upended since she agreed to “do her part” and participate in a 2020 clinical trial for AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine, which was recently pulled from EU countries after being linked to 80 UK deaths.

Vaccine trial patient files first US lawsuit against AstraZeneca
“An American woman who took part in the US clinical trial of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is suing the company, claiming it left her “permanently disabled”.
Brianne Dressen, a 42-year-old former teacher from Utah,…

— Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti) May 14, 2024

The Daily Mail reports:

But within days of receiving the vaccine – which was recently removed due to its links to deadly side effects – Ms Dressen developed a severe neurological condition and was hospitalized with painful sensation of pins and needles across her body.

Dressen, who now co-chairs the vaccine adverse reaction advocacy group React19, resigned from her job as a teacher after debilitating medical complications made her life a living hell, and, according to her complaint, left her “a shadow of her former self.”

“[I am] unable to work, unable to do any athletic activity, unable to parent the way [I] had, and unable to drive more than a few blocks at a time,” the complaint filed in a US District Court in Utah notes.

Vaccine-Injured Teacher Files First U.S. Lawsuit Against AstraZeneca, Claims Covid Jab Caused Permanent Disability

“I still have that horrific nightmare of the pins and needles sensation coursing through my body, head to toe, 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” she described to the UK Telegraph.

“This thing took me out of my job — I’m still permanently disabled.”

Doctors say Dressen now suffers from peripheral neuropathy, meaning nerves near her brain and spinal cord are damaged, which they classified as “post-vaccine neuropathy.”

In the first lawsuit of its kind in the US, Dressen is suing AstraZeneca for breach of contract after the company failed to reimburse her for her medical bills, which are mounting to the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Dressen claims in an agreement she signed prior to the clinical trial AstraZeneca said it would “pay the costs of medical treatment for research injuries, provided that the costs are reasonable, and you did not cause the injury yourself.”

However, the company has reportedly not paid up and has instead offered a small settlement which also contained an indemnification clause.

The Mail reports: “Utah law allows those who sue for breach of contract to claim for costs resulting from the breach and for damages — which could result in a significant payout for Ms Dressen.”

According to the Telegraph, Dressen’s lawsuit does not specify an amount, but she’s reportedly seeking compensation for medical and legal expenses, emotional distress, transportation and lost income.

Earlier this year, AstraZeneca admitted their jab led to “very rare cases” of thrombosis, life-threatening blood clots tied to over 80 deaths.

The Mail reports Dressen is one of over 50 victims currently suing AstraZeneca for compensation.

An AstraZeneca spokesperson declined to comment on the litigation, instead stating, “Patient safety is our highest priority. From the body of evidence in clinical trials and real-world data, the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine has continuously been shown to have an acceptable safety profile and regulators around the world consistently state that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks of extremely rare potential side effects.”

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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Consumers Are in Big Trouble

adminMay 14, 20243 min read
The Fed is in a tough spot: does it fight inflation at all costs, even at the expense of the financial special interests, or does it sacrifice the consumer to stave off a catastrophic banking crisis?

On Friday, Don Ma interviewed Peter on NTD’s Business Matters. Their conversation focuses on declining consumer sentiment. With GDP and unemployment figures also signaling a recession, a worsening consumer outlook bodes poorly for the economy.

Peter points out that consumers aren’t pessimistic enough:

“If consumers only knew just how much worse it’s going to get, confidence would be even lower. They’re actually a little bit too optimistic about the future. What they’re really concerned about is rising inflation and high interest rates, and the problem is, interest rates aren’t really high yet. And unless the Fed raises rates even more, inflation’s going much higher! So the Fed is in a box if it tries to raise consumer confidence.”

The Federal Reserve is constrained by the absurd amount of debt both consumers and the government are carrying:

“The Fed is planning on reducing rates despite the fact that rates are still too low. But the problem is, Americans have so much debt that even these low rates are too high! That’s the main reason the Fed stopped hiking— because we started to see another financial crisis as the banks started to fail. And the U.S. government is in a bind fiscally. You know, everytime the Fed raises rates, it causes the budget deficit to widen.”

Average, ordinary Americans are not doing well:

“He’s on life support right now. The consumer’s in a lot of trouble. He’s got a record amount of debt— credit card debt, household debt. Savings are totally depleted. The cost of living has skyrocketed and is going much higher, and a lot of Americans are now holding down multiple jobs just to make ends meet. … You need two or three jobs now to pay for what one job used to provide for just a few years ago.”

To top it all off, establishment economists and politicians have their heads firmly planted in the sand:

“They’re blind. We’re probably already in a recession. A lot of the numbers that we’re getting that indicate otherwise are probably going to be revised lower—probably after the election. … Powell just said at the last press conference that he doesn’t see any signs of stagnation or inflation, and he’s wrong on both counts!”

The Fed is in a tough spot: does it fight inflation at all costs, even at the expense of the financial special interests, or does it sacrifice the consumer to stave off a catastrophic banking crisis? Neither choice is pleasant, but the Fed will be forced to choose when recessionary pressures finally catch up to the American economy.

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression
Illegal Alien Under Deportation Order Since 2017 Arrested for Child Sex Crimes, Strangling Pregnant Teen In Florida

Illegal Alien Under Deportation Order Since 2017 Arrested for Child Sex Crimes, Strangling Pregnant Teen In Florida

adminMay 14, 20242 min read

Illegal Alien Under Deportation Order Since 2017 Arrested for Child Sex Crimes, Strangling Pregnant Teen In Florida

Honduran man charged with heinous crimes against teen in Palm Beach County

An adult illegal alien who was ordered deported in 2017 was arrested for sex crimes against a minor and strangling a 17-year-old pregnant girl in Florida last week, authorities say.

On Friday evening, 26-year-old Heber Amador Guerrero was apprehended by Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office (PBSO) deputies.

Guerrero, a citizen of Honduras who is illegally present in the United States, was charged with unlawful sexual activity with a minor, domestic battery with strangulation, and aggravated battery on a pregnant teen (17 years of age).

We have ARRESTED a suspect for Unlawful Sexual Activity with a minor, Domestic Battery with Strangulation and Aggravated Battery on a Pregnant teen (17 years of age). The suspect, Heber Amador Guerrero, DOB: 8/15/1997, is undocumented from Honduras. There was a deportation order…

— PBSO (@PBCountySheriff) May 12, 2024

“There was a deportation order issued for him on May 30, 2017, however, he was never deported,” PBSO explained in a statement.

Guerrero is being held on $30,000 bond at Palm Beach County Jail, according to the latest available updates.

? Palm Beach County, FL: Friday, Heber Amador Guerrero was arrested for Unlawful Sexual Activity with a Minor, Domestic Strangulation, and Aggravated Battery.

The Sheriff has confirmed he is an illegal alien from Honduras who was ordered to be deported in 2017.

— Illegal Alien Crimes (@ImmigrantCrimes) May 12, 2024

Authorities continue to catch dangerous foreign criminals illegally present in the U.S.

UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees

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