
Congolese Migrant Dubbed ‘Poster Boy for Integration’ Jailed in Germany for Raping His Own Mother

Congolese Migrant Dubbed ‘Poster Boy for Integration’ Jailed in Germany for Raping His Own Mother

adminMay 16, 20243 min read

Congolese Migrant Dubbed ‘Poster Boy for Integration’ Jailed in Germany for Raping His Own Mother

The German liberal press had waxed lyrical over Moise Lohombo and how he had turned his life around after a life of crime. He’s just been sentenced to nine years for beating and raping his own mother.

A Congolese refugee, previously described by the German press as a success story for integration, has been jailed for nine years after being convicted of beating and raping his own mother.

Moise Lohombo, 30, was sentenced by the Wiesbaden District Court for an offense the judge claimed was so cruel he told the court he thought he had misread the case file.

The migrant was found to have committed the crime in an apartment he shared with his mother shortly after being released from prison for a drug-related offense.

Upon the return home of his mother, he threatened her with a knife and told her he would kill her if she refused him sex. In a desperate plea, his mother offered him money for a prostitute instead, but he refused.

The victim was so severely beaten during the attack that investigators found blood spatter all over the apartment. After the rape, Lohombo reportedly apologized to his mother and called her an ambulance before fleeing.

His mother was transported to the hospital with serious injuries including bleeding on the brain. She was also heavily impacted psychologically by the attack and told nurses she was worried her son may have impregnated her.

Lohombo had become a poster boy in Germany for how migrants could successfully integrate into Western society and transform their lives.

Having arrived in Europe at the age of 8, the child migrant already had problems with aggression and would attack other children. With a long rap sheet in his youth, the Congolese national was portrayed as someone who had turned their life around, completing an apprenticeship as a baker before turning to professional boxing.

“If you sit across from Moise Lohombo over a latte, you see a charming, friendly young man who enthusiastically shows pictures of his bull terrier dog Betty on his cell phone,” read a puff piece on the man in Deutsche Handwerkszeitung back in 2017.

It described Lohombo’s life as one of “ups and downs” and praised how he had “literally fought his way through” from a life of crime to becoming a model citizen as he left his “youthful sins” behind.

The transformation failed to last, however, and Lohombo was incarcerated for drug offenses, being released on Aug. 25 last year, shortly before the rape of his mother.

During sentencing, the judge told the court he thought he had misread the case file upon reviewing the circumstances of the offense. “How can something like this happen?” he asked.

Lohombo’s only response throughout the trial was that he “did not know how this had happened.” In mitigation, his defense lawyer claimed his client had consumed psychogenic substances and alcohol and was not of sound mind during the attack.

The court, however, rejected calls to place him in a psychiatric institution instead of prison, jailing him for nine years.

TRINITY OF SATAN: King Charles III’s Official Portrait Is Clearly Demonic

In Leaked Email, FBI Official Encourages Agents to Use Warrantless Wiretaps on Americans

In Leaked Email, FBI Official Encourages Agents to Use Warrantless Wiretaps on Americans

adminMay 16, 20244 min read

In Leaked Email, FBI Official Encourages Agents to Use Warrantless Wiretaps on Americans

A “dramatic and terrifying” expansion of government surveillance authority.

A senior FBI official reportedly advised his agents to use the agency’s warrantless surveillance authority against targets on American soil.

This is according to Wired, who obtained an internal e-mail in which Paul Abbate, a deputy director for the FBI, pressed his subordinates to find ways they can leverage Section 702 authority against U.S. citizens on American soil.

Part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Section 702 was originally set up in 2008 as a way to surveil threats from hostile actors who are taking part in crimes such as arms proliferation, terrorism, drug trafficking and cyber crimes. As long as one of the parties in the communications being surveilled is reasonably believed to be a non-citizen situated outside of the U.S., government agencies can compel American companies to intercept communications without a search warrant. It states that they can eavesdrop on a range of communications, including phone calls, emails and text messages, among others, without obtaining a search warrant.

However, Section 702 is often misused by the FBI, who has been accused of targeting journalists, American protesters and a sitting member of Congress with this authority. Despite the controversy, the program was extended for two more years in April after an extensive debate and over the objections of some conservative and progressive lawmakers.

In the e-mail obtained by Wired dated April 20, Abbate instructs employees to find ways to use the authority, writing: “To continue to demonstrate why tools like this are essential to our mission, we need to use them, while also holding ourselves accountable for doing so properly and in compliance with legal requirements.”

He added: “I urge everyone to continue to look for ways to appropriately use US person queries to advance the mission, with the added confidence that this new pre-approval requirement will help ensure that those queries are fully compliant with the law.”

Some lawmakers, like Representative Zoe Lofgren (D- California) fear that Abbate is trying to convince FBI agents to spy on American citizens. She told Wired: “The deputy director’s email seems to show that the FBI is actively pushing for more surveillance of Americans, not out of necessity but as a default. This directly contradicts earlier assertions from the FBI during the debate over Section 702’s reauthorization.”

A “dramatic and terrifying” expansion of government surveillance authority

When Section 702 was reauthorized last month, Lofgren was one of several lawmakers sounding the alarm bells. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) described the move as “one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history.”

He explained that in addition to giving the government the power to force any American who repairs or installs anything capable of transmitting or storing communications to spy on behalf of the government, it also prevents those who are forced to participate in this surveillance from speaking about it to anyone.

It is particularly relevant right now as political protesters are increasingly finding themselves at odds with authorities as they rally against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. In fact, in a meeting last year about reauthorizing the program, House Intelligence Chair Mike Turner presented a picture of Americans protesting the war in Gaza as part of his argument in favor of expanding the surveillance authority while implying they could be connected to Hamas terrorists.

Although one might argue that Section 702 cannot be used to target such individuals in the strictest sense, the FBI is apparently already looking for ways to skirt its restrictions and spy on everyone they consider a threat for whatever reason.

TRINITY OF SATAN: King Charles III’s Official Portrait Is Clearly Demonic

School Fires Teacher Who Made Viral Video Cross-Examining ‘Transphobia’ Narrative

School Fires Teacher Who Made Viral Video Cross-Examining ‘Transphobia’ Narrative

adminMay 16, 20244 min read

School Fires Teacher Who Made Viral Video Cross-Examining ‘Transphobia’ Narrative

Warren Smith said the decision came without any conversations with the school, stating that ‘I have devoted four years of my life to this school and yesterday it was like being a character in a video game and just being deleted and it was like you were never there.’

(LifeSiteNews) – Warren Smith, the teacher behind a viral video skewering LGBT activists’ narrative that critics of gender ideology are “transphobic,” has been fired, he announced this week in a follow-up video detailing his ordeal.

Smith originally went viral in February for a video of his response to a student asking if he still liked Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling’s work “despite her bigoted opinions.” Smith engaged the student in a Socratic dialogue dissecting the premise that Rowling’s vocal opposition to the gender-fluidity movement constitutes bigotry, inviting a reconsideration of the pervasive leftist assumption.

I debate a teenage CEO on J. K. Rowling & subjective evidence.

From class #1

— Warren Smith (@WTSmith17) April 23, 2024

On May 13, three months later, Smith announced he was fired from his unidentified school last week.

7 days ago I was fired from my school after 4 years of teaching.
I recorded this the following day in order to share my perspective – honestly & in good faith – in order to move forward and put this experience behind me. I have no desire to cause complications or bring unwanted…

— Warren Smith (@WTSmith17) May 13, 2024

“It happened so quick, it happened in like five minutes,” he said. “There was really no conversation, so they clearly knew what they wanted to do (…) I have devoted four years of my life to this school and yesterday it was like being a character in a video game and just being deleted and it was like you were never there (…) It was remarkable. By people that love to pretend they’re your teammates.”

“So when you say, ‘We appreciate you not divulging,’ I don’t know if that means you’re threatening my severance package, I really hope not,” he added to the unidentified individual behind the decision, noting that while he accepts the decision, “sometimes how you do it though is important and I think this could have been done without just taking my computer and losing a book that I’ve been writing for two years, multiple things I’ve been writing for two years, all the data from two years, my digital life.”

Smith told SCNR News that he did not “want to open up myself to them in any way” by identifying the school “after the way they went about this and seeing the lengths they will go to. Perhaps one day, but for now I just want to move on and look forward to never thinking about them again.”

He did, however, elaborate that it stemmed from missing a “one sentence email was sent out to the school stating, ‘If you would like to upload anything to social media check with your supervising principal.’”

X/Twitter owner Elon Musk, whose sharing of the original video helped it go viral, lamented Smith’s firing, saying that “(c)ritical thinking inhibits indoctrination and schools have become indoctrination centers.”

Critical thinking inhibits indoctrination and schools have become indoctrination centers

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 13, 2024

While the incident has drawn widespread condemnation of the school on social media, Not the Bee concluded its report on a positive note, noting “we have a feeling that Warren Smith has a brighter future ahead of him.”

The indoctrination of children with left-wing ideology on sexuality and other left-wing agenda items has long been a major concern in American public schools, from libraries to athletic and restroom policy to drag events to classroom materials to even socially “transitioning” troubled children without parental input. The influential American Library Association, currently helmed by a self-described “Marxist lesbian,” opposes denying children access to age-inappropriate materials.

TRINITY OF SATAN: King Charles III’s Official Portrait Is Clearly Demonic

Machete Attack Video Shocks Germany: Mass Brawl Took Place in The Only ‘Weapon Ban’ Zone in Entire German State of Saxony

Machete Attack Video Shocks Germany: Mass Brawl Took Place in The Only ‘Weapon Ban’ Zone in Entire German State of Saxony

adminMay 16, 20243 min read

Machete Attack Video Shocks Germany: Mass Brawl Took Place in The Only ‘Weapon Ban’ Zone in Entire German State of Saxony

Horror video shocks Germany.

A new shocking video from the German city of Leipzig shows foreign groups battling each other, including with machetes, in broad daylight on Sunday in a notorious crime zone — one that has the only “weapon ban” zone in the state of Saxony. 

In one part of the video, one of the suspects can be seen hitting another man with a machete blade, with one police investigator saying that the use of machetes is becoming increasingly common.

Two men, both aged 26, were injured in the mass brawl, with one of them requiring hospitalization. 

It is unclear what sparked the incident, but the brawl took place in a crime hot spot, on Eisenbahnstraße. The area is known for battles between drug trafficking gangs and its large population of Kurds, who own the majority of shops in the area.

??‼️ Migrants brawl with machetes on the streets of Leipzig.

The Leipziger Eisenbahnstrasse was made a weapon-free zone in 2018 with huge fines of €10,000 for those found carrying knives, baseball bats, or firearms.

Perhaps prison sentences are a better idea.

— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) May 14, 2024

Police are reviewing the video footage and searching for suspects in the crime.

One witness, a Kurd living in the area, told Bild newspaper that the fight was between “family.”

“They’re all a family,” he said. “Two young adults had an argument and that was it. The families have already sorted things out and come to terms with each other.”

The use of machetes is also becoming more common, with a police investigator specializing in migrant clans telling Bild:

“Particularly large knives and especially machetes, sometimes also kebab knives, are used in the clashes because they are frightening and represent a demonstration of power. However, there is a very high risk of potentially severing body parts if you strike with the sharp side.

That is why we are observing the trend that machetes continue to be used, but only strike with the blunt side. Or the machetes are sometimes only dragged across the ground to threaten, the resulting loud clanging noise is intended to intimidate the opponent.”

Notably, the attack occurred in what was the first and so far only “weapon ban” zone in the German state of Saxony. The area of Eisenbahnstraße has had this special ban on weapons since November 2018, with the whole area as large as approximately 70 football fields. In this zone, no weapons are allowed, including pocket knives, and police are allowed to conduct searches without any reasonable suspicion.

Despite the violence in the area, authorities are planning to lift the “weapon ban” designation once a police station is built in the area, but so, far the Ministry of the Interior has been unable to find a suitable property.

As Remix News previously reported, violent crime has hit record highs in Germany, while at the same time, the share of foreigners committing these serious offenses has also hit a record high, jumping to 41 percent of all offenses despite making up a tiny share of the population.

TRINITY OF SATAN: King Charles III’s Official Portrait Is Clearly Demonic

FBI Admits Colluding With Big Tech to Ramp up Online Censorship Efforts Ahead of 2024 Election

FBI Admits Colluding With Big Tech to Ramp up Online Censorship Efforts Ahead of 2024 Election

adminMay 16, 20244 min read

FBI Admits Colluding With Big Tech to Ramp up Online Censorship Efforts Ahead of 2024 Election

Then it went to the Supreme Court, which lifted the Fifth Circuit’s injunction in October to once again allow Big Government to collude with Big Tech to censor Americans – so much for Donald Trump’s “freedom”-minded packed SCOTUS.

Remember all the collusion stories we wrote about the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its efforts to control free speech through social media infiltration? Well, we have learned that the censorship has resumed ahead of the 2024 election.

The FBI just “resumed collusive efforts,” according to The Federalist, with social media companies like Facebook and Twitter to censor posts and silence influencers who are caught spreading “disinformation,” as, of course, defined by the FBI and its controllers.

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, spilled the beans about it at a recent press conference, telling the media that federal agencies like the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) are once again colluding with Big Tech to “remov[e] disinformation on their sites as the November presidential election nears,” this being a direct quote from NexGov and FCW.

The censorship talks between Big Government and Big Tech resumed this past March, according to Warner, right around the time oral arguments were heard by the Supreme Court in the Murthy v. Missouri censorship case.

After Warner dropped the bomb about all this, shocking the media, an FBI representative confirmed that the agency has, in fact, linked back up with the social media sphere to silence anyone and everyone whom the deep state does not like.

“The FBI remains committed to combatting foreign malign influence operations, including in connection with our elections,” the FBI representative reportedly told The Federalist. “That effort includes sharing specific foreign threat information with state and local election officials and private sector companies when appropriate and rigorously consistent with the law.”

“In coordination with the Department of Justice, the FBI recently implemented procedures to facilitate sharing information about foreign malign influence with social media companies in a way that reinforces that private companies are free to decide on their own whether and how to take action on that information.”

(Related: According to censorship expert Mike Benz, the 2020 election was rigged for Joe Biden at least seven months ahead of voting day.)

Deep state destruction of America

As for CISA’s involvement in the scheme, CISA External Affairs Specialist Tess Hyre declined to comment, but did reveal that CISA Director Jen Easterly will be participating in an “election security” hearing in “the coming weeks.”

Neither the FBI nor CISA will say when the communications with Big Tech about censorship resumed, nor have either of the two federal agencies identified the specific social media companies they are working with to silence free speech.

What is worse, neither the FBI nor CISA will even define what constitutes “disinformation” in their eyes, nor will they reveal what other federal agencies are doing to make it disappear from the internet.

Concerning the Murthy v. Missouri case, U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty issued a preliminary injunction back in July of 2023 barring federal agencies from colluding with Big Tech to censor content online of which they disapprove.

“If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history,” Doughty wrote in his ruling.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld that injunction last September. However, the initial ruling did not pertain to CISA, which is often referred to as the “nerve center” of the federal government’s censorship operations. Later that year, the court corrected the ruling to include CISA.

Then it went to the Supreme Court, which lifted the Fifth Circuit’s injunction in October to once again allow Big Government to collude with Big Tech to censor Americans – so much for Donald Trump’s “freedom”-minded packed SCOTUS.

TRINITY OF SATAN: King Charles III’s Official Portrait Is Clearly Demonic

UK Disinformation Unit Minutes Reveal Consideration of Placing Government Employees Inside Social Media Companies

UK Disinformation Unit Minutes Reveal Consideration of Placing Government Employees Inside Social Media Companies

adminMay 16, 20243 min read

UK Disinformation Unit Minutes Reveal Consideration of Placing Government Employees Inside Social Media Companies

The UK government explains its refusal to shed light on the question of whether or not its officials were directly involved with social media companies as fears those reports “would reveal its capabilities to hostile actors.”

Recently released minutes from the UK government’s Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) governing board, the Disinformation Board, provide further evidence of the authorities’ direct involvement in monitoring online speech during the pandemic but also flagging it for removal.

But even this wasn’t enough for CDU, which in 2023, after several years of criticism and scrutiny by some media and privacy groups, got rebranded as the National Security Online Information Team (NSOIT).

One of the moves considered by top UK officials was to “embed” civil servants in companies running social platforms, and it remains unclear if this was in fact done, writes Big Brother Watch’s Jake Hurfurt for Public.

CDU was only one building block in the UK’s Covid-era censorship effort; several military units were enlisted to participate as well, most notably and controversially the 77th Brigade, whose job is supposed to be spreading misinformation, and in general, finding its “psyops” targets abroad, not at home.

NSOIT (CDU) also states that it is “countering disinformation and hostile state narratives.” But these and several other outfits, as well as private contractors hired by the government, were tasked with surveillance of British citizens and suppression of those seen as “Covid measures dissenters.”

And so, what scores of freedom of information requests have since revealed is that they went not after disinformation-spreading “foreign adversary” – but ordinary British citizens, medical professionals, journalists, and even politicians who were engaging in legitimate, albeit critical of the government, speech.

Regarding the lengths to which the UK was prepared to go – specifically if officials actually got “embedded” in social media companies – this is unclear to this day thanks to the government’s refusal to provide access to reports compiled by Logically, a private company.

Logically made millions from contracts with the British military, Hurfurt notes. Completing the picture of the web of sometimes loosely, other times tightly inter-connected entities that work hard to censor online speech, he adds:

“(Logically) has a large US presence and is headed by US ex-intelligence officer Brian Murphy, who worked at the Department for Homeland Security (DHS).”

Meanwhile, the UK government explains its refusal to shed light on the question of whether or not its officials were directly involved with social media companies as fears those reports “would reveal its capabilities to hostile actors.”

TRINITY OF SATAN: King Charles III’s Official Portrait Is Clearly Demonic