
Marathon Runner Left Disabled By AstraZeneca Covid Jab Now Suing Company, But UK Taxpayers To Foot Bill

Marathon Runner Left Disabled By AstraZeneca Covid Jab Now Suing Company, But UK Taxpayers To Foot Bill

adminMay 16, 20244 min read

Marathon Runner Left Disabled By AstraZeneca Covid Jab Now Suing Company, But UK Taxpayers To Foot Bill

Corrupt governments around the globe gave their buddies in Big Pharma immunity from being sued

A 50-year-old UK man named Adrian Walker was left disabled after taking the AstraZeneca Covid shot, and now he’s part of a class-action lawsuit against the company.

This comes as the pharmaceutical giant takes its COVID-19 jab off the market worldwide due to health hazards.

“AstraZeneca is moving towards withdrawing its COVID-19 vaccine worldwide

After admitting to a rare side effect, is linked between AstraZeneca & blood clotting passing the brain & stomach, can cause long term disability or death.

It applied to stop use in the European Union…

— Izwe Lethu (@LandNoli) May 16, 2024

However, even if the 51 people pursuing legal action against the company are successful in court, AstraZeneca will be financially off the hook as the UK government gave the company legal immunity during the pandemic.

Because of the government’s deal with AstraZeneca, and other Covid jab manufacturers, UK taxpayers will instead foot the bill.

According to the Daily Mail, financial compensation from the lawsuit could reach seven figures!

Walker was a healthy marathon runner and semi-pro soccer referee before his “vaccine” injury, suffering severe blood clots in his lungs and bowels just two weeks after being injected with the experimental mRNA technology.

The athletic man was told by hospital staff in March 2021 that he suffered from “vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT)” as a result of his AstraZeneca shot.

Like millions of people worldwide, Walker explained he only got the jab to protect “vulnerable” disabled children he would often chauffeur to school since he’s a driver by trade.

Now, the 50-year-old grandfather says his entire life has been flipped upside down.

“I dream of just being able to walk to a pup, go in the pub, have a pint, stand at the bar and walk home just something that everybody takes for granted,” he told the Mail. “I can’t play football with my grandson, he loves to go to junior park run, I can’t go running with him.”

After waiting over two years, Walker received a £120,000 payment from the UK government’s Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme established in the 1970s.

According to Walker, the money was not satisfactory as he was unable to work during the two years he spent waiting for the payment and had to use his savings.

He explained, “The stress of it all on top of when you are ill, when you are struggling to live day to day as it is, to then have that heaped on top was horrible.” 

Mr. Walker’s tragic situation is just one among potentially millions as the experimental shot continues wreaking havoc across the world.

It’s also worth noting that AstraZeneca isn’t the only Covid shot damaging people’s health, with plenty of individuals suffering after taking jabs from Pfizer, Moderna and others.

Watch Walker deliver a powerful speech during a demonstration last year:

This poor man is suffering from covid vaccine side effects. There are so many people suffering just like him.

“I’m Adrian Walker and I’m #Vaccine injured – I have multiple Blood clots and I suffer from low platelets!! I was a sub 4 hour marathon runner and former, semi-pro…

— DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) July 7, 2023

Learn more about the Covid “vaccine” below:

Climate Professor Suggests ‘Mass Depopulation’ To Solve Climate Crisis

Climate Professor Suggests ‘Mass Depopulation’ To Solve Climate Crisis

adminMay 16, 20241 min read

Climate Professor Suggests ‘Mass Depopulation’ To Solve Climate Crisis

Over the weekend, a UK college professor suggested that a mass culling of the population was needed in order to save humanity from a catastrophic climate crisis. The Emeritus Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards […]

The post Climate Professor Suggests ‘Mass Depopulation’ To Solve Climate Crisis appeared first on The People’s Voice.

The American Journal: Democrats Mull Canceling DNC

The American Journal: Democrats Mull Canceling DNC

adminMay 16, 20241 min read

The American Journal: Democrats Mull Canceling DNC

Establishment afraid violent leftists will disrupt the event

“The American Journal” is live every weekday from 8-11 am CST.

Democrat Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) suggested this week the DNC should be canceled due to the prospect of violent far-left agitators disrupting the event.

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Covid Vaccines Linked to Rare Type of Deadly Abdominal Blood Clots — Study

Covid Vaccines Linked to Rare Type of Deadly Abdominal Blood Clots — Study

adminMay 16, 20243 min read

Covid Vaccines Linked to Rare Type of Deadly Abdominal Blood Clots — Study

Study links rare type of blood clots to gene therapy injections.

A medical study has linked a rare type of blood clot in the abdomen, splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT), to the Covid vaccination.

SVT is blood clotting in the splenic vein, mesenteric vein, portal vein or hepatic vein. It is one form of vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT).

“Since the introduction of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, several cases of vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) have been described, especially cerebral vein thrombosis. We aimed to retrospectively collect all new cases of acute onset first or recurrent splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT) following a recent SARS-CoV-2 vaccination within the Vascular Liver Disease Group network,” the study said in the ‘Background and Aims’ section.

The study explained that the vaccine-induced blood clotting has worse outcomes for the individual than the non-vaccine-induced clots.

“Although definite VITT was rare, in 72% of cases, no other cause for SVT could be identified following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. These cases were different from patients with nonvaccine–related SVT, with lower incidence of prothrombotic conditions, higher rates of bowel ischemia, and poorer outcome,” the study said in the ‘Conclusions’ section.

The mortality rate after one year of suffering SVT caused by the Covid shot is 7 percent, while SVT occurring through other means has only a 2 percent mortality rate after the same period.

The study was conducted via analysis of data from the international community of the Vascular Liver Disease Group (researchers from various countries studying vascular liver disease) from April 2021 to April 2022. The authors of the study analyzed this data looking for incidents of SVT which were caused via the Covid gene therapy injections.

In another study, a meta-analysis of VITT from the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca viral vector gene therapy injections discovered 28 reported cases out of 100,000 doses administered with a death rate of 32 percent. It is broadly reported that vaccine side effect reporting is deeply understated, as the vast majority of side effect cases are never linked back to vaccination.

“Historically, VAERS — the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. — has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events,” The Defender said.

In a different study, Pfizer & Moderna mRNA vaccinations were linked to blood clot disorders such as thrombosis and thrombocytopenia.

Based on the data from this study, the authors question the safety of continually injecting people with Covid shots via booster campaigns.

The Covid shots are known to increase in lethality after repeated doses, increase Covid infection rates, result in reproductive destructioncause miscarriages, autoimmune disorders in the thyroid, as well as deadly headaches, seizures and heart inflammation in addition to a multitude of serious ailments seen in massive population studies.

The CDC recommends all Americans receive their Covid shot, and that young children receive extra.

Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity

Robert Fico Predicted Assassination Threat Amid Heightened National Tension

Robert Fico Predicted Assassination Threat Amid Heightened National Tension

adminMay 16, 20243 min read

Robert Fico Predicted Assassination Threat Amid Heightened National Tension

The attempt to assassinate the Slovak prime minister serves as a poignant lesson for neighboring Poland and a warning against playing on negative emotions, writes columnist Grzegorz Górny.

Thirty-five days ago, a brief video surfaced on the internet featuring Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, warning that the tension in Slovakia had escalated to a point that could result in the assassination of a leading government politician.

“I am not exaggerating by a millimeter,” Fico declared in the video. His warning proved nearly prophetic, as mere millimeters spared his life from an assassin’s bullets 35 days later.

Fico recorded his ominous message in Michalovce during a joint session of the Slovak and Ukrainian governments. The prime minister criticized the media for fueling the hostile climate, urging the “progressive voter” to engage in “vulgar and aggressive” behavior.

BREAKING: ??‼️ Slovak Deputy Prime Minister Tomas Taraba has announced that Prime Minister Robert Fico is no longer in a critical condition following a successful operation.

“The operation went well. I think in the end he will survive.”

— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) May 15, 2024

Following the assassination attempt on Fico, Martin Hanus, editor-in-chief of, commented on the state of democracy in Slovakia

“Our democracy has transformed into an instinct-driven mockery, where primitive emotions are manipulated not only by politicians but also journalists. We have all mired ourselves in the mud, some deeper than others,” Hanus wrote.

Jaroslav Daniška, editor-in-chief of, reflected on the incident, emphasizing the need for a shift in political culture. 

“The essence of politics should be that we do not perceive each other as wolves, set to attack one another. For too long, we have nurtured internal divisions, starting from false teachings and segregating the electorate based on education, as if some could be less moral than others,” Daniška stated.

He highlighted the ongoing issue of societal division, aggression, and the monopolization of disdain and hatred, which has surpassed reasonable boundaries, noting that neither uneducated villagers nor deeply religious people are the ones who set the tone.

“Perhaps we will finally realize that one Slovakia cannot feel morally superior to another. That one part of society cannot call itself more decent and act aggressively towards the other. (…) The cultivation of an enemy’s image has long since crossed reasonable boundaries,” emphasized the Slovak journalist.

The recent events in Slovakia serve as a poignant lesson for neighboring Poland, signaling the urgent need for a reassessment of political and social dynamics to prevent further escalation of violence and division.

Slovakian PM Assassination Attempt Set To Trigger WWIII As Blinken Plays Guitar In Ukraine

London Climate Professor Calls For ‘Culling of Human Population by Pandemic With Very High Fatality Rate’

London Climate Professor Calls For ‘Culling of Human Population by Pandemic With Very High Fatality Rate’

adminMay 16, 20241 min read

London Climate Professor Calls For ‘Culling of Human Population by Pandemic With Very High Fatality Rate’

College professor admits his depopulation goal.

During his Wednesday show Alex Jones covered the news that a globalist college professor in the UK called for mass depopulation.

“So it’s a cult, on a power trip, that believe you’re obsolete, and believe you need to die,” Jones said.

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