
Public Schools Have No Respect for the Students or Their Parents

Public Schools Have No Respect for the Students or Their Parents

adminMay 17, 20249 min read

Public Schools Have No Respect for the Students or Their Parents

When students often are apathetic at best or adamantly opposed at worst to attending school each day, what impact might that have on their emotional and psychological health?

Some of us may remember the Helen Lovejoy character in The Simpsons, who would appear any time some catastrophe befell the town and plaintively wail, “Won’t someone please think of the children?!” The joke here, of course, is that as long as you do something in the name of helping children, it must be right, and you must be virtuous.

Such sentiments are easily ridiculed in cartoons, but unfortunately, they take root in reality like Russian knapweed despite copious evidence undermining their veracity. Consider your own government-school experiences, whether as a student, parent, or interested observer:

  • How often did you or your children feel that school was something being done for you and not to you?
  • How often did you or your children, especially in middle and high school, leave excited for school in the morning? (If you think that question is unfair, consider what that says about the traditional school system.)
  • How often did you or your children feel respected by the school system and those who ran it?

It is that latter question I want to address herein because the concept of respect is one that I have violated time and again during my work as a teacher, and it is one that is foundational to what is rotten in the government school system.

We’ll Control Your Time

Perhaps the most obvious yet overlooked way I and others in the school system disrespected students was by controlling their time. The bell system, a relic of concern over the efficient use of buildings and punctuality, ensures that students know when it is time to learn a subject and when it is time to stop learning a subject, thus guaranteeing that learning becomes relegated to specific time frames determined by others.

Working on your math homework in social studies class? Why, that is forbidden and worthy of punishment. That time is for social studies only. Please wait for the dulcet tone of the bell to signal to you when you are permitted to learn something else. Of course, if you do want to continue learning said subject, that is also not permitted because the bell has told you that it is time to move on to a new subject.

Imagine if anything outside of school worked in the same manner: Cutting your grass? You have forty-five minutes. When you hear the bell, stop and then begin vacuuming your living room. Coding a new piece of software? You have forty-five minutes. When you hear the bell, stop and then return to your assigned small group from the day before to continue working on a marketing campaign for a completely different product.

Is it likely that such processes would yield anything but fragmentation, frustration, and subsistence-level productivity? However, those outcomes are exactly what government schools produce time and again.

This control of time also lends itself naturally to the gradual destruction of students’ innate love of learning. We need look no further than young children to see this inborn quality, but over time, the traditional school system erodes this natural love through control. This erosion is evident each day in the desultory walks of middle school and high school students to their bus stops and through their days at public schools.

We’ll Aggress against You

In addition to the control exerted over students, I and others in the system perpetrate or at least permit aggression against those students day in and day out. The most common form that it takes is emotional aggression via the adversarial relationship that school systems and the adults therein create with students. In school, students learn that their self-worth is adjudicated by others in the form of arbitrary letters from A to F that the adults claim have a strong bearing on one’s success or failure in life.

Moreover, today’s push for college for all only intensifies this aggression because it places outsized importance on each test and each assignment, any one of which might make or break a student’s college plans (or so students are told), so students essentially operate in pressure cookers each day that impel them to worry far more about grades than about learning any content or finding joy in that learning.

It is this pressure, added to the normal emotional struggles of growing up and finding one’s place in the world, that contributes to the rising rates of depression and suicides among young adults. To be clear, I am not making a scientific claim that school naturally causes depression or suicide; I simply posit, from my own experiences and observations, that traditional school systems do little to mitigate such issues and likely only aggravate them.

When students often are apathetic at best or adamantly opposed at worst to attending school each day, what impact might that have on their emotional and psychological health?

Consider that more than half of United States adults are glad they no longer have to spend time in school. Further, in a recent study of high school students’ self-reported feelings about school, over 75 percent of those reported feelings were negative. In a more specific study of 472 high school students in Connecticut, they self-reported negative feelings over 60 percent of the time while in school.

Of course, this widespread emotional aggression is complemented by physical aggression or the threat thereof in many schools around the country. As I detailed in a previous article, students are actually more frightened of violence inside rather than outside schools, and there were over 1.6 million nonfatal violent incidents in schools between 2017 and 2019, about twice as many such incidents as outside schools.

Thus, in many schools around the country, students deal with both physical and emotional aggression each day such that school becomes more about surviving than thriving.

We’ll Lie to You

In a final display of disrespect, I and others in the school system trade in lies nearly every day. We lie because, ultimately, our interest is in following orders, keeping our jobs, and preserving the system. Take standardized testing as an example. Although many of my colleagues and I saw little value in the tests or the massive bureaucracy around them, we dutifully completed test-preparation exercises with our students and lied to them about the importance of the tests for them and “their” school system.

At one point, our district leaders decided that state-test results would not appear on our students’ transcripts, thus providing students with little incentive to put their best efforts into the tests or to even show up on testing days, but students were not always aware of this change. During a department meeting, one of my colleagues lamented this lack of incentives for students, so my department chairperson bluntly stated, “We’ll just have to lie to them.”

This type of behavior is common, though, when the majority of the daily goings-on in schools are done for the benefit of teachers, administrators, state bureaucrats, and the system itself—not students, as is claimed.

We also lie directly when we state or indirectly when we intimate that we care about and can help all students to learn, but the government school system can offer only ersatz solutions such as preferential seating, more time after school, graphic organizers, and chunking assignments.

If I and the other school leaders truly cared about your children, though, why would we not examine all possible solutions and subject the system itself to scrutiny as perhaps part of the problem? Has anyone in your local district ever sat down with you and your children to determine which learning options might best suit them, whether in a government school or elsewhere?

Analogously, consider whether you would prefer a doctor for your children who claimed she could treat every patient no matter the problem because she cared so much or one who thoroughly tried to determine what was actually ailing your children and then suggested options—including other doctors—to treat those ailments.

Ready for R-E-S-P-E-C-T?

If much or even some of the above sound familiar to you from your own school experiences or those of your children, know that alternatives do exist—many of which move well beyond private schools with high tuition but nearly identical systems to those in government schools. In previous articles, I discussed several such options, and you can find self-directed educationmicroschools, and other education options near you.

The beauty of these options is that they are predicated on respect because they have to be: they survive through voluntary contributions of tuition and donations, not coercive funding. They are also generally much more transparent about their curricula, beliefs, and pedagogies than public schools because they must freely compete for your business.

Contrary to schools based on traditional models, such alternative systems based on choice are ones that show students and families just a little r-e-s-p-e-c-t.

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression
Zelensky Government Demolishes Orthodox Church In Kiev

Zelensky Government Demolishes Orthodox Church In Kiev

adminMay 17, 20243 min read

Zelensky Government Demolishes Orthodox Church In Kiev

Monks were reportedly detained before demolition and all cellular communications were jammed in the area.

Zelensky’s government in Ukraine demolished a centuries-old historic Ukrainian Orthodox chapel in Kiev, according to local reports.

Chapel of Desyatinny Monastery/Tithe Church demolished overnight in Ukraine, the previous Church was destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1935. Today it is destroyed again by Ukraine in 2024.

— Theophan (@uncreated_light) May 17, 2024

Late Thursday, buses with police and military were seen arriving at the Tithe Church in Kiev, reports the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s (UOC) Telegram.

Less than an hour before the destruction began, law enforcement officers were trying to detain the monks of the monastery.

Around 11 pm, the area was cordoned off by police and people in military uniform, according to another Telegram channel.

The Church of the Tithes of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) in #Kiev has been cordoned off by police and military.

Machinery has begun demolishing the church, according to Nikita Chekman, a lawyer representing the interests of the UOC.

— Mina (@Mina696645851) May 17, 2024

Shortly after, empty trucks were seen heading towards the church. 

The Jewish president of Ukraine has ordered the demolition of an Orthodox Church in the center of Kiev. All cellular and wireless signals are off in the area:

— Bashkarma? (@Karmabash) May 16, 2024

Around 11:30 pm, Archpriest Nikita Chekman wrote on his Telegram channel that they began to destroy the temple using special equipment.

All cellular communications were jammed in the area, according to multiple reports.

“The temple consecrated by His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir and His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy no longer exists,” reports Sputnik, citing the monastery’s social media. “The Monastery clarified that the miraculous icon of the Mother of God ‘Vladimirskaya-Desyatinnaya’ is intact.”

“Last year, the Ukrainian authorities unleashed what amounted to be their biggest wave of persecution against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the country’s modern history.”

Notably, earlier this week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken justified President Volodymyr Zelensky’s decision to postpone elections.

“Sometimes saving democracy requires suspending democracy” -Blinken

As long as they avoid peace with Russia, their puppet can stay in

— Libertarian Party of Georgia (@LPGeorgia) May 14, 2024

“That’s why we’re working with the government and civil society groups to shore up Ukraine’s election infrastructure,” said Blinken Tuesday during an unannounced visit to Ukraine. “That way, as soon as Ukrainians agree that conditions allow, all Ukrainians – all Ukrainians, including those displaced by Russia’s aggression – can exercise their right to vote.”

“People in Ukraine and around the world can have confidence that the voting process is free, fair, secure.”

EMERGENCY FINANCIAL NEWS: Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun – Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression
WATCH: Ferocious Shootout Rocks Miami Neighborhood

WATCH: Ferocious Shootout Rocks Miami Neighborhood

adminMay 17, 20242 min read

WATCH: Ferocious Shootout Rocks Miami Neighborhood

Neighborhood left looking like a “war zone” after gunmen open fire on passing car

A fierce barrage of gunfire sent residents scrambling for cover and left a South Florida neighborhood looking like a “war zone” this week, according to reports.

The shocking incident unfolded during the overnight hours on Wednesday in Miami Gardens.

Surveillance videos circulating on social media show a group of suspects opening fire on a passing car with “high-powered weapons,” according to NBC 6.

This residential block looked and sounded like a war zone with random homes and vehicles hit by multiple bullets sprayed, as shooters target those in a car before a crash and bailout. Miami Gardens Police yet to release any info on incident. @wsvn story:

— Sheldon Fox-7 News (@fox_sheldon) May 17, 2024

At least five armed suspects were reportedly waiting for “rivals” to pass through before they unleashed a hellish barrage of bullets.

The heavily-damaged vehicle crashed into a fence at the home of 68-year-old Louis Rivera and the occupants bailed out and ran for their lives, footage shows.

Rivera says his wife and young daughter hid in a room during the traumatic ordeal while he armed himself and called 911.

Residents heard 50 or 60 shots during the ambush, which sent dozens of rounds into homes and parked cars.

“The truck got hit like 12 (times),” one man said. “We got to continue living life. It’s normal. It’s everywhere. It’s Miami Beach, Brickell. It’s gonna happen everywhere, to be honest.”

An investigation is ongoing but authorities have not released much information about the shootout.

InfoWars has been documenting the surge of crime across the United States, including carjackings‘street takeovers,’ smash-and-grab loot mobshome invasions, and physical attacks on innocent victims.

UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees

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Civil Disobedience: Man Ordered by City to Hide Boat Replaces with Mural

adminMay 17, 20242 min read
Homeowner outsmarts dumb city rule with ingenious solution.

A California man ordered by the City of Seaside not to park his boat in his driveway devised a clever response to the authoritarian rule, hiring an artist to paint a lifelike mural of the boat on his fence.

USA Today reports: “Officials in Seaside, California, told Etienne Constable the boat parked in his driveway needed to be hidden from view or Constable could face a $100 fine.”

However, rather than relocate the 19-foot Arima Sea Ranger, the homeowner instead erected a fence and commissioned a realistic mural making it appear as though the boat still sits in the driveway.

“I’m not a rule breaker, but I like to make a political statement as necessary, as well as a humorous statement and a creative statement,” Constable told KSBW.

“So, I’m all in favor of generating discussion and making people smile.”

YouTube commenters overwhelmingly sided with Constable on the issue, with one writing, “How dare you own a boat in town named Seaside where you might actually live to be able to use it.”

“Yes! Stupid rules deserve to be treated as such,” another commenter responded.

Seaside officials attempted to spin the man’s act of malicious compliance as a win for the city with a few social media posts:

Here’s a time-lapse video of artist Hanif Panni painting the mural:

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Teacher Fired For Refusing to Use Student Pronouns Awarded $360K Settlement

adminMay 17, 20244 min read
Jessica Tapia was reportedly fired after she refused to lie about students’ gender identities.

A California school district, which fired a teacher after she cited her Christian faith as the reason for refusing to use “preferred pronouns,” has settled a wrongful termination suit for $360,000.

Teacher Jessica Tapia filed the lawsuit last year following her 2022 firing from the Jurupa Unified School District (JUSD) in Jurupa Valley, after she expressed concerns with school policies regarding students’ gender identities.

Tapia also claimed the district directed her to withhold gender and pronoun preferences from parents.

Check out this news report on Tapia’s firing from March 2023:

“The directives required Ms. Tapia lie to parents about their children’s gender identity, refer to students by their preferred pronouns, refrain from expressing her religious beliefs with students or on her social media, and allow students to use the bathroom or locker room that matched their preferred sex,” the lawsuit stated.

“Because Ms. Tapia was unable to comply with the directives due to her religious beliefs, she requested an accommodation from the District. JUSD refused to provide her with any accommodation and subsequently terminated her employment with the District.”

Advocates for Faith and Freedom, the group that sponsored Tapia’s lawsuit, took a victory lap following news of the settlement on Tuesday, writing, “Today’s settlement serves as a reminder that religious freedom is protected, no matter your career.”

“Today’s settlement serves as a reminder that religious freedom is protected, no matter your career,” said Julianne Fleischer, legal counsel for Advocates for Faith and Freedom. “If the school district’s actions were legal, no teacher of faith would be qualified to serve as a…

— Advocates for Faith & Freedom (@advocates4faith) May 15, 2024

“If the school district’s actions were legal, no teacher of faith would be qualified to serve as a public school teacher. Jessica’s story is one of faithful courage. She fought back to ensure her school district was held accountable and that no other teacher has to succumb to this type of discrimination,” wrote Advocates for Faith & Freedom legal counsel Julianne Fleischer.

A disgruntled spokesperson for the school district shot back that the settlement “is not a win” for Tapia and claimed it “certainly does not state or prove any illegal action or discrimination by the District.”

“The District continues to deny any illegal action or discrimination against Ms. Tapia,” the spokesperson stated, according to “As is clear from the settlement agreement, the District has not admitted any fault or wrongdoing against Ms. Tapia.”

Tapia’s battle inspired the “Teachers Don’t Lie” movement encouraging teachers to refrain from kowtowing to the left’s gender insanity and obsession with sexuality.

Last night, our client @RealJessTapia’s legal battle with Jurupa Unified School District concluded in a settlement of $360,000. We are joining forces with Jessica to launch TEACHERS DON’T LIE, a program that will provide ongoing support and legal help to teachers.

— Advocates for Faith & Freedom (@advocates4faith) May 14, 2024

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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<div>Trump & Melania Cheer On Barron At HS Graduation</div>

Trump & Melania Cheer On Barron At HS Graduation

adminMay 17, 20243 min read
‘Going to Barron’s High School Graduation. Great student, wonderful boy! Very exciting!!!’ former president announced on Truth Social.

Donald Trump and his wife Melania on Friday attended the high school graduation of their son Barron Trump, weeks after speculation an NYC judge might not allow the former president to attend.

?President Trump’s motorcade arrives for Barron Trump high school graduation

Congratulations, Barron!

— AJ Huber (@Huberton) May 17, 2024

Photos and video show Trump and Melania seated among guests at the Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach, Florida.

Here, you have one of the most famous men alive sitting as part of a crowd watching his son, Barron Trump, graduate from high school.
It’s absolutely bizarre to see him blending in a crowd like this, but I’m here for it.

— Green Lives Matter (@Ultrafrog17) May 17, 2024

Barron walked on stage and received his high school diploma.

BREAKING: Barron Trump just received his High School diploma!

— Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) May 17, 2024

Just weeks ago, Trump’s attendance at the graduation was thrown into question when Judge Juan Merchan, overseeing his “hush money” case, mulled over Trump’s request to skip May 17 to attend Barron’s graduation, at one point threatening him with arrest if he disrupted proceedings or skipped the trial.

“If you disrupt the proceedings, you can be excluded from the courtroom and committed to jail based on your conduct and the trial will continue on in your absence,” Merchan reportedly told Trump. “If you do not show up, there will be an arrest…Do you understand?”

Here are a few more photos from Barron’s graduation highlighting Trump’s immense pride in his youngest son.

<div>Trump & Melania Cheer On Barron At HS Graduation</div>Image credit: GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images
Image credit: GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images
Image credit: GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images
Image credit: GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images
Image credit: GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images
Image credit: GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images

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Flashback from Mar 27 2020 — Witless Hollywood Goblin Demands Barron Trump Face Coronavirus Exposure