
President With Crackhead Son Frees 5 Crack Dealers, Ditches Promise to Release All Pot Criminals

President With Crackhead Son Frees 5 Crack Dealers, Ditches Promise to Release All Pot Criminals

adminApr 26, 20243 min read

President With Crackhead Son Frees 5 Crack Dealers, Ditches Promise to Release All Pot Criminals

Uncle Joe is the hypocrite in chief.

President Biden has granted clemency to five crack dealers, ordering their early release for dealing the drug in recognition of Second Chance Month.

Yes, this guy…

In honor of the new government crack pipe program, here’s Joe & Hunter on crack

— obedient worker (@lmazzeiphotos) February 9, 2022

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has made zero progress on a campaign promise to release “everyone” in prison for marijuana offenses, the NY Post reports.

America is a Nation founded on the promise of second chances. During Second Chance Month, we reaffirm our commitment to rehabilitation and reentry for people returning to their communities post incarceration,” whoever writes Biden’s statements said on Wednesday.

“We also recommit to building a criminal justice system that lives up to those ideals and ensures that everyone receives equal justice under law. That is why today I am announcing steps I am taking to make this promise a reality.”

Biden, who wrote or cosponsored some of the nation’s harshest federal drug laws in the 1980s and ’90s, said that he chose to issue commutations to the five crack offenders because they would have been given more lenient sentences today — continuing a long-running effort dating to the Obama administration to identify and retroactively reduce such sentences.

It’s unclear why Biden chose to free none of the estimated 2,700 federal marijuana-dealing inmates, as he promised to do at a Democratic primary debate in 2019. -NY Post

Biden has defended his broken promise to free all marijuana offenses, citing his 2022 mass pardon for people convicted of simple marijuana possession (none of whom were actually in prison), counts. Cannabis advocates call bullshit, however, saying that they understood “everyone” to mean incarcerated dealers as well.

Biden also pardoned 11 people who have already completed their prison sentences, allowing them to vote and own guns again.

“I am using my clemency power to pardon 11 individuals and commute the sentences of 5 individuals who were convicted of non-violent drug offenses,” said Biden’s writer. “Many of these individuals received disproportionately longer sentences than they would have under current law, policy, and practice. The pardon recipients have demonstrated their commitment to improving their lives and positively transforming their communities. The commutation recipients have shown that they are deserving of forgiveness and the chance at building a brighter future for themselves beyond prison walls.”

For 15 Years Alex Jones Covered The US/Russia War

This Is Why Everyone Needs To Prepare For The Day When Devastating Cyberattacks Take U.S. Power Grids Down

This Is Why Everyone Needs To Prepare For The Day When Devastating Cyberattacks Take U.S. Power Grids Down

adminApr 25, 20248 min read

This Is Why Everyone Needs To Prepare For The Day When Devastating Cyberattacks Take U.S. Power Grids Down

If you think that our systems are secure, you are just being delusional.

What would you do if the power grid where you live went down and there was no electricity for an extended period of time?  You might want to think about that, because experts are warning that it is just a matter of time before cyberattacks successfully cripple our power grids.  In fact, foreign hackers are working hard to infiltrate critical infrastructure as you read this article.  As you will see below, we are extremely vulnerable, and the Russians and the Chinese have both developed highly advanced cyberwarfare capabilities.  When the U.S. ends up fighting a war with Russia or China (or both simultaneously), devastating cyberattacks on our power grids will be conducted.  When your community is suddenly plunged into darkness, what is your plan?

The United States and Canada are not covered by a single power grid.

Rather, there are multiple grids that collectively provide the electricity that all of us need.  The following explanation comes from Wikipedia

The electrical power grid that powers Northern America is not a single grid, but is instead divided into multiple wide area synchronous grids.[1] The Eastern Interconnection and the Western Interconnection are the largest. Three other regions include the Texas Interconnection, the Quebec Interconnection, and the Alaska Interconnection. Each region delivers power at a nominal 60 Hz frequency. The regions are not usually directly connected or synchronized to each other, but there exist some HVDC interconnectors. The Eastern and Western grids are connected via seven links that allow 1.32 GW to flow between them. A study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory found that increasing these interconnections would save energy costs.[2]

Bloomberg is reporting that “US power grids are facing heightened risks of cyber and physical attacks as the election nears”, and one expert is warning that there is “a 100 percent chance” that critical infrastructure will eventually be breached at some point…

“I think there’s a 100 percent chance that organizations in the critical infrastructure space at some point will experience some short of breach,” said Stephanie Benoit Kurtz, lead cybersecurity faculty at the College of Business and Information Technology at the University of Phoenix. “No longer are the days when organizations can say, ‘We’ll never be breached.’ It’s not if, it’s when.”

Sadly, I believe that she is quite correct.

We should have never exposed our power grids to the Internet, and now we are incredibly vulnerable.

During a recent congressional hearing, FBI Director Christopher Wray publicly admitted that Chinese hackers have been targeting our power grids

FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that China’s hackers are targeting American critical infrastructure, including water treatment plants, pipelines and the power grid, to be able to “wreak havoc” in the U.S. if Beijing ever decides to do so.

Testifying before the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, Wray also warned that there has been too little public attention on the threat that he says China’s efforts pose to national security.

“China’s hackers are positioning on American infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities, if and when China decides the time has come to strike,” Wray told lawmakers.

This is a very real threat.

The moment that China invades Taiwan, the U.S. and China will be at war.

And the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has warned that ““if Beijing feared that a major conflict with the United States were imminent, it almost certainly would consider undertaking aggressive cyber operations against U.S. homeland critical infrastructure and military assets worldwide.”

Most Americans don’t realize that the groundwork for such cyber operations is already being laid.  For example, last August Chinese hackers specifically targeted the Texas power grid

The report says that, in August, hackers attempted to access the computer systems used by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, or the PUC, and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT, which operate the state’s power grid. Most of Texas is on its own power grid, separate from the grids used by most of the country.

If you think that our systems are secure, you are just being delusional.

The truth is that we are extremely vulnerable, and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation admits that the number of weak spots is growing with each passing day

U.S. power grids are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks, with the number of susceptible points in electrical networks increasing by about 60 per day, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) said in a webcast on Thursday.

The grids’ virtual and physical weak spots, or points in software or hardware that are susceptible to cyber criminals, grew to a range of 23,000 to 24,000 last year from 21,000 to 22,000 by the end of 2022, executives with the energy regulator said.

“It’s very hard to keep pace with addressing all those vulnerabilities,” said Manny Cancel, senior vice president of NERC.

But foreign entities wouldn’t even need to gain access through a weak spot if there are already back doors in place.

According to one analysis, “about 90 percent of software used to manage the U.S. power grid is linked to Russian and Chinese developers”…

Orlando based Fortress Information Security explained that any “kid” with internet can contribute their “block” that then can be developed into software used in America’s critical infrastructure. A “block”, one of these code components, can risk the whole structure– our energy grid.

“A Chinese agent or a Russian agent can install backdoors into one of these components. And then unbeknownst to a software manufacturer, you grab this component, which has been tampered with and poisoned by Russian or Chinese actor and now they put that component into their software, and it ends up in our electrical grid or, or an oil rig,” said Alex Santos, CEO of Fortress Information Security.

The company analyzed nearly 8,000 of these open-source components. 13 percent had contributions from Russia and China. Fortress found about 90 percent of software used to manage the U.S. power grid is linked to Russian and Chinese developers—something that can make it three times as likely to contain critical vulnerabilities.

How in the world did we allow that to happen?

Are we really that incompetent?

I was floored when I first read that.

I had no idea that we were so vulnerable.

Of course it isn’t just our power infrastructure that is being targeted.  According to Politico, Europe has been “inundated” with cyberattacks since Russia invaded Ukraine…

Thousands of cyberattacks have inundated Europe’s energy grid since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and a top industry leader is calling for help as officials and researchers fret that not nearly enough is being done.

“The crooks are becoming better by the day, so we need to become better by the day,” Leonhard Birnbaum, the chief executive of E.ON, one of Europe’s largest utilities, said in an interview. “I’m worried now and I will be even more worried in the future.”

We have never seen this sort of warfare before.

So most people greatly underestimate the threat.

But someday the power in your area could suddenly go out without any warning whatsoever.

Temporary interruptions are not a problem, but if the power is out for an extended period of time our entire way of life will start rapidly shutting down

When power stops, life grinds to a halt. Lights go out. Sewage treatment stops. Clean water stops. Electric cars, buses and trolleys stop. Elevators stop, trapping older and disabled people. For many, home heating, refrigeration, cooking and clothes washing stops, along with medical devices such as oxygen generators.

For many years, I have been warning my readers that conflict with Russia and conflict with China would be coming.

Now both of them are actively hacking into power infrastructure in the United States and Europe.

I hope you have a plan, because it is just a matter of time before cyberattacks start causing widespread chaos all over the globe.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

From Blacks to Suburban Women, Chasing Demographics Will Kill the GOP

From Blacks to Suburban Women, Chasing Demographics Will Kill the GOP

adminApr 25, 20245 min read

From Blacks to Suburban Women, Chasing Demographics Will Kill the GOP

Republicans must stop desperately chasing the approval of people who hate them, hate America, and hate Christianity.

Stand for nothing and you’ll fall for anything. 

The GOP is quickly proving its uselessness at being a force for constitutional government — and reinforcing the weakness of the prevailing party model — by becoming a Democrat Lite party due to its tendency to seek the approval of various demographics that the political establishment claims are necessary for electoral victory.

One of the most popular talking points in this election cycle has been that Donald Trump and the Republican Party at large — particularly due to the abortion issue — have fallen out of favor with suburban white women. According to this narrative, unless the GOP rapidly gets back into good graces with this demographic (in particular by becoming pro-choice and toning down talk on hot-button issues like governmental corruption), the party will lose the November election disastrously.

The pundits make a similar case with regard to the black vote. For example, an article from Politico published earlier this month is titled “Trump has a rocky relationship with Black voters. He’s trying to change it.”

The piece details various outreach initiatives the Trump campaign has undertaken to appeal to blacks, especially black men — only 12 percent of whom cast their ballots for Trump in 2020. The Trump team’s efforts include deploying Donald Trump, Jr. to participate in an in-depth interview with hip-hop podcaster DJ Akademiks, during which the 45th president’s eldest son detailed how his father’s policies would benefit the black community.

Also earlier this month, the Trump campaign shared a video in which he visited a Chick-fil-A in Atlanta and was received warmly by the black staff, with one woman going so far as to tell him, “I don’t care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump, we support you.”

Trump also hopes to use the migrant crisis, particularly its disastrous effects on New York, to drive black voters to the polls and vote Republican. As Politico notes:

He’ll make targeted pitches to voters of color during campaign-style stops in and around the city, including in historically Black neighborhoods like Harlem. And [Trump’s advisors] say he’ll attempt to turn the city’s migrant crisis into a wedge issue to attract Black voters bitter at local Democratic officials who approved millions in resources to support newly arriving immigrants instead of their communities.

… Trump has already started employing this strategy. During a stop at a bodega in the heart of Harlem last week, the former president railed against Biden’s border policies as well as New York Democrats for allocating millions of dollars in rental and food assistance to people who only recently entered the country.

During that appearance, Trump said that illegal aliens “take over everything” and added, “They’ve destroyed so many people, the African American community is now not getting jobs, migrants are taking their jobs that are here illegally.”

But at the end of the day, all this talk is much ado about nothing. Blacks in the United States make up approximately 12 percent of the total population. That number has not drastically changed over the course of decades. It’s the same now as it was when Trump won in 2020, when Obama won in 2008, and when George W. Bush won in 2000.

So why are we to believe that all of a sudden Republicans cannot win unless they get the black vote?

In the end, it’s not really about electoral math. It’s about the media deceiving Republicans into watering down their own platform and convictions in pursuit of these unicorn demographics who will not support them anyway, and whom the party does not actually need in order to win. And because the GOP is spineless and short-sighted, they are playing right into the Left’s hand — making themselves less of a threat by forsaking their constitutional principles in favor of policies palatable to Democrats.

The Trump team should have learned its lesson in 2020, when they pandered to blacks with the infamous Platinum Plan, a $500 billion investment proposal for black communities. Obviously, the plan failed to convince black voters to come out for Trump in droves.

What Republicans need to understand is that many, if not most, of the people who vote have a particular political identity through which they view the world and view themselves. This is true of virtually all those who bother to join a party and who vote during the primaries. For people who have such an identity, voting for the “other side” is unthinkable; even if a candidate of the opposing party says some things they like, these people cannot fathom seriously voting for the party they see as the incarnation of evil.

Read more

Professional Footballer Suing Pfizer For Ending His Career After Jabs ‘Shut Down’ His Body

Professional Footballer Suing Pfizer For Ending His Career After Jabs ‘Shut Down’ His Body

adminApr 25, 20241 min read

Professional Footballer Suing Pfizer For Ending His Career After Jabs ‘Shut Down’ His Body

Fully vaccinated professional soccer player François-Xavier Fumu Tamuzo was forced to end his career prematurely in April following what he describes as “devastating vaccine injuries.” The former Stade Lavallois player in France is now taking […]

The post Professional Footballer Suing Pfizer For Ending His Career After Jabs ‘Shut Down’ His Body appeared first on The People’s Voice.

FLASHBACK: Alex Jones Predicts Ukraine Is Trigger To WWIII Between Transhumanist Globalists And Russia

FLASHBACK: Alex Jones Predicts Ukraine Is Trigger To WWIII Between Transhumanist Globalists And Russia

adminApr 25, 20241 min read

FLASHBACK: Alex Jones Predicts Ukraine Is Trigger To WWIII Between Transhumanist Globalists And Russia

Alex Jones predicted NATO’s WWIII plot with Ukraine 10 years ago.

Check out this video from exactly 10 years ago, where Alex Jones predicts how NATO would use Ukraine as a pretext to foment World War III with Russia.

If U.S. Tries to Steal Russian Assets for Ukraine, the American Economy and Western Financial System Will CRUMBLE

If U.S. Tries to Steal Russian Assets for Ukraine, the American Economy and Western Financial System Will CRUMBLE

adminApr 25, 20244 min read

If U.S. Tries to Steal Russian Assets for Ukraine, the American Economy and Western Financial System Will CRUMBLE

$95 billion foreign aid bill just contains wording that U.S. can confiscate Russian assets and send them to Ukraine.

In an attempt to punish Russia for trying to make things right in Ukraine, the United States is threatening to expropriate, aka steal, frozen Russian assets and deliver them to Ukraine. Should Washington follow through with this, Russia is warning that the U.S. will in effect pull the plug on not only its own but the entire global economy and financial infrastructure.

In the new $95 billion foreign aid and TikTok ban bill just passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, there is wording that states the U.S. can confiscate Russian assets and send them to Ukraine. Should that actually happen, it will be game over for Western dominance over world affairs.

“This would be nothing short of a breakdown of all foundations of the [global] economic system,” Peskov told journalists, adding that the White House will set “a dangerous precedent” if it dares to follow through on the threat. “In no way could that be considered a lawful action.”

(Related: Israel had better back off with attacking Iran, otherwise Russia is promising to deliver fighter jets and other weapons of war to Tehran.)

Lawless America

In addition to legal challenges, the U.S. will also face direct retaliation by Russia if attempts are made to steal Russian assets for redistribution to Kiev, Peskov made very clear to the press pool.

Following through on the threat “will cause serious damage to the economic interests of the U.S.,” Peskov explained, because “many nations and many investors would certainly think 10 times before putting their money into the American economy or parking assets there.”

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde agrees, having noted earlier this month that the U.S. plan to steal Russia’s assets is a clear “violation of the legal international order.”

Currently, the U.S. is holding hostage about $300 billion worth of Russian assets. Western officials say Moscow should be forced to pay Kiev for damages caused by its special military operation, which seeks to unseat the corrupt, Western-led deep state that controls Ukraine.

The European Union (EU), meanwhile, which is currently holding the lion’s share of the frozen funds, is expressing concerns that any follow-through on the asset redistribution threat from the U.S. will almost certainly destabilize the euro.

The euro’s potential destabilization seems to be part of Peskov’s warning to the West to back off and leave Russia’s assets alone. The Russians know better than our own moronic politicians that it would be financial suicide for the U.S. to try to steal what rightfully belongs to Russia.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), one of the only decent members of Congress speaking out against all this, warned earlier this year that the U.S. plan to steal Russian assets would be “an act of economic war.”

“The Zion Master will do it – the peoples of America are just servant immigrants,” wrote one commenter about the psychopathic Western leaders who are leading Americans off a financial and economic cliff.

“The damage and risk have already been done when the Western dominated and controlled financial system seized and stole the interest off the Russian foreign assets at the beginning of the special military operation,” wrote another.

“Confiscate them outright and it’s game over.”

Someone else added to the conversation that the U.S. government “is run by a cabal of large corporations, corrupt politicians and officials of the administrative departments.”

“These ruling elites control the flow of information, and therefore what the masses believe. They don’t care how many Ukrainians, Russians or Americans die so long as they get what they want. Their most powerful weapon is the propaganda they use to manipulate the masses. The way to defeat them is to expose the secrets behind their false narratives. That’s what they fear most.”

The U.S. is run by greedy, soulless morons who are leading the nation off a financial cliff. Find out more at

Sources for this article include: