
Watch: J6 Prisoner Says Suspected Provocateur Ray Epps LIED To FBI In Leaked Phone Call

Watch: J6 Prisoner Says Suspected Provocateur Ray Epps LIED To FBI In Leaked Phone Call

adminApr 26, 20242 min read

Watch: J6 Prisoner Says Suspected Provocateur Ray Epps LIED To FBI In Leaked Phone Call

Don’t miss this explosive report!

A jarring report by The Gateway Pundit reveals a phone call to the FBI made by suspected January 6th undercover government operative Ray Epps.

James Ray ‘#FedBoomer‘ Epps repeatedly LIED to the FBI in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, a crime punishable by up to eight years in prison.

— Alicia Powe (@aliciapoweshow) April 26, 2024

The outlet also talked with J6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel about the audio recording of Epps’ phone call with the feds.

Epps was filmed whispering something into Samsel’s ear during the J6 debacle.

According to Samsel, Epps told him to push a police barrier against Capitol officers and said he had more people coming to assist in the melee.

The jailed J6er also alleged Epps lied to the FBI in the call “multiple times,” about his role in the events that day.

For example, Samsel said Epps ran past a female officer who fell down when he told the feds he helped the woman get up onto her feet.

Furthermore, during Samsel’s court hearing, officers who believed Epps’ story reportedly stood and thanked him for assisting the fallen cop.

Another alleged lie by Epps came when he told the FBI he helped an injured man despite Samsel claiming he was actually just standing around.

A thorough investigation into the government’s role in January 6th must be done if Americans are ever going to have any closure regarding the now infamous day.


Despite Climate Change Claims, ‘Nearly All Alberta Fires Were Caused by Humans’ — Forestry Minister

Despite Climate Change Claims, ‘Nearly All Alberta Fires Were Caused by Humans’ — Forestry Minister

adminApr 26, 20242 min read

Despite Climate Change Claims, ‘Nearly All Alberta Fires Were Caused by Humans’ — Forestry Minister

The climate cult narrative went up in flames as officials reported wildfires were man-made.

According to Canadian officials on Wednesday, nearly all of the forest fires in the Provence Alberta were set by people, not man made climate change as the mainstream media has claimed.

During a news conference in Edmonton, Canada, Todd Loewen, Alberta minister of forestry and parks provided information on the wildfire situation in the province, stating that humans setting fires are to blame.

“We expect that almost all of the wildfires we’ve experienced so far this year are human caused, given the point we’re at in the season and the types of weather we’re seeing,” Loewen said.

Alberta has extinguished 172 wildfires so far in 2024 while 63 are currently burning.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said last August that the fires in her Provence were the result of humans and not climate change.

“All I know is in my province we have 650 fires and 500 of them were human caused,” Smith said when asked if the fires could be from climate change.

?Video : Almost all of the 205 wildfires in Alberta in 2024, were human caused.

This is incredible since the 5 year average for Alberta is a total of 120 fires by now. There are 63 fires active right now in Alberta.

Why are so many fires being lit by humans?

— Bruce McGonigal (@bruce_mcgonigal) April 24, 2024

“In Quebec, satellite footage also showed the mysterious simultaneous eruption of several blazes across the province, sparking concerns that the fires were a coordinated effort by arsonists,” Lifesite said.

The unusual Canadian wildfires have already been used as an excuse for more government control.

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Trump: Dems Should “Be Careful” With Lawfare “Because It Comes Back To Bite”

Trump: Dems Should “Be Careful” With Lawfare “Because It Comes Back To Bite”

adminApr 26, 20243 min read

Trump: Dems Should “Be Careful” With Lawfare “Because It Comes Back To Bite”

‘I didn’t want to jail Hillary Clinton. I thought it would be a terrible thing for our country,’ says Trump.

President Donald Trump on Thursday told Newsmax host Greg Kelly why he did not have his administration prosecute Hillary Clinton and what he’ll do if re-elected.

Speaking of not prosecuting Hillary, Trump said, “I didn’t want to. I thought it would be a terrible thing and there were opportunities, obviously…. but, I did not want to. I thought it would be a terrible thing for our country. They don’t care. These people are radical lunatics. They don’t care, and they have to be very careful with what they’re doing because it comes back to bite.”

Trump Explains Why He Never Prosecuted Hillary Clinton

“I did not want to. I thought it would be a terrible thing for our country…The wife of Bill Clinton, it would not have been a nice thing to do.”

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) April 26, 2024

“The wife of Bill Clinton, it would not have been a nice thing to do. But, I felt that way, I really did and she was quite nasty. And, by the way to this day she talks about the election, nobody goes after her. They go after conservative Republicans, they go after Christians…” he continued.

Trump went on to warn Republicans they’ll have nothing left to fight for if they don’t stand up to the radical political establishment ASAP.

After being asked how he’s handling the barrage of political lawsuits Democrat prosecutors have launched in his direction, Trump admitted he’d rather be on the campaign trail.

However, he also acknowledged the lawfare is likely helping his poll numbers because the people see through the left-wing strategy of tying Trump’s hands while Sleepy Joe Biden campaigns.

Trump said, “But you have these people, they’re evil. You know, they’re evil. They’re sick. And Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, look at all the crime we have and yet, they have a big portion of their office sitting there over absolutely nothing, there’s no crime.”

Entering the courthouse in NYC on Friday, Trump wished his wife Melania a happy birthday, telling the media, “It would be nice to be with her, but I’m at a courthouse for a rigged trial..”

President Trump wishes Melania a Happy Birthday before entering court:

“I want to start by wishing my wife Melania a very happy birthday. It would be nice to be with her, but I’m at a courthouse for a rigged trial..”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) April 26, 2024


500,000 Illegals Caught on Arizona Ranch

500,000 Illegals Caught on Arizona Ranch

adminApr 26, 20243 min read

500,000 Illegals Caught on Arizona Ranch

Every day, John Ladd searches his 16,000-acre ranch for damaged fencing, missing cattle, or unwelcome guests

Reporters with immigration news outlet Border Hawk recently toured an Arizona ranch where half a million illegal aliens have been apprehended in the past 30 years.

John Ladd’s 16,000-acre property on the outskirts of Bisbee, AZ, shares 10 miles of border with Mexico, making it prime territory for illegal entries by smugglers, cartel operatives, and migrants.

Every day, Ladd searches his ranch for damaged fencing, missing cattle, or unwelcome guests.

Multiple generations of border barriers ‘protect’ his land, including the ‘Obama fence’ and ‘Trump wall,’ which he appreciates but said are effectively pointless if they aren’t properly guarded and laws aren’t enforced.

“It makes a statement, but the only way that it will work is if we patrol it, and the only way patrolling is going to work is if you have consequences when you are caught coming into this country illegally,” Ladd told Border Hawk.

The wall “eliminates any misunderstanding” about trespassing, Ladd asserted.

“If you climb an 18 or 30-foot wall, you KNOW that you’re in the U.S.,” he said. “I can prosecute an American citizen for trespassing but not an illegal. That’s a fact and that’s nationwide on the border.”

Illegal aliens have been invading Ladd’s property every day for decades — even during the Trump administration, which was “the best it’s ever been,” he said.

Border Patrol has deployed a Tethered Aerostat Radar System which floats in the sky above the ranch and monitors the international frontier.

He demonstrated a variety of methods smugglers and illegals employ to avoid detection or defeat obstacles in their way, such as “carpet shoes” and customized ladders.

Ladd also took Border Hawk to see a steel bollard in the Trump border wall that was cut and then repaired eight times in less than a month this year.

EXCLUSIVE: Smugglers Repeatedly Cutting Border Barrier on Arizona Rancher’s Land

Arizona rancher John Ladd shows Border Hawk one of the many points along the frontier where smugglers and cartel operatives have sabotaged the border barrier to gain access to his land

Ladd shows…

— Border Hawk (@BorderHawkNews) April 21, 2024

Through the first half of Fiscal Year 2024, Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector was the busiest in the nation with more than 342,000 ‘encounters.’

As illegal migration flows shift away from Texas, residents of other border states, like John Ladd, are finding themselves in ever-worsening predicaments.

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The American Journal: Biden Kicks Off Great Reset Via War On Coal Power

The American Journal: Biden Kicks Off Great Reset Via War On Coal Power

adminApr 26, 20241 min read

The American Journal: Biden Kicks Off Great Reset Via War On Coal Power

U.S. government pushing globalist policies on behalf of WHO, WEF and others

“The American Journal” is live every weekday from 8-11 am CST.


The Biden admin just ordered coal power plants to reduce their emissions by 90 PERCENT by 2032. This is going to cost energy companies $19 BILLION to become compliant with the new rule.

But what will it cost the American people?…

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?? (@RepMTG) April 25, 2024

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<div>Childhood Seizures, Myocarditis & Pericarditis Increase Post-Covid Injection — FDA Study</div>

Childhood Seizures, Myocarditis & Pericarditis Increase Post-Covid Injection — FDA Study

adminApr 26, 20243 min read

<div>Childhood Seizures, Myocarditis & Pericarditis Increase Post-Covid Injection — FDA Study</div>

The Covid vaccination continues to prove itself as a lethal injection in study after study.

A study, published Wednesday in JAMA, was conducted as part of a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) public health surveillance mandate. It indicated that a number of serious ailments afflicted children following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.

“Statistical signals were detected for myocarditis or pericarditis after BNT162b2 vaccination in children aged 12 to 17 years and seizure after vaccination with BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 in children aged 2 to 4 or 5 years,” the study said.

The study investigated data from covid-injected adolescents aged 12-17 and discovered a ‘safety signal’ (myocarditis/pericarditis) after administration of the Pfizer inoculation. A signal that had already been previously identified before.

A new ‘safety signal’ (seizures) was identified in the study from data of covid-injected children between 2-4 years old who got the Pfizer inoculation (BNT162b2) as well as those between 2-5 which got the Moderna inoculation (mRNA-1273).

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart and pericarditis is inflammation of the pericardium (the membrane enclosing the heart). Heart inflammation can be lethal, according to this study, this study and this website.

Another study, published in March, found that kids between 2-5 that received a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine were 2.5 times as likely to have a febrile seizer within a day of being injected than they were to have one between 8-63 days after injection.

Also, a government funded report recently found a link between COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and myocarditis.

Not surprisingly, the JAMA study downplayed the risks associated with the mRNA vaccine in the ‘Discussion’ section.

“…the incidence of general adverse events after vaccination was low, with no severe adverse events recorded.25,26 Generally, there is limited evidence linking the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to a seizure onset among vaccinated children aged 2 to 4 or 5 years,” the study said. “The new statistical signal for seizure observed in our study should be interpreted with caution and further investigated in a more robust epidemiologic study.”

The CDC recommends that everyone get their Covid shot, and that children should get more.

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