
The Pope Says ‘Climate Change Deniers’ Are ‘Foolish’

The Pope Says ‘Climate Change Deniers’ Are ‘Foolish’

adminApr 26, 20241 min read

The Pope Says ‘Climate Change Deniers’ Are ‘Foolish’

Pope Francis has said that people who don’t believe in climate change are “foolish” and insisted that it does exist. The Pontiff hit out at those who don’t believe the so called evidence for global […]

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‘Welcome to San Francisco’ – Adam Schiff Robbed During Visit To Leftist Hellhole

‘Welcome to San Francisco’ – Adam Schiff Robbed During Visit To Leftist Hellhole

adminApr 26, 20242 min read

‘Welcome to San Francisco’ – Adam Schiff Robbed During Visit To Leftist Hellhole

Leftist policies boomerang back to harm the people behind them

Los Angeles area California Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff was robbed during a visit to San Francisco this week.

Now running for the late Dianne Feinstein’s vacated California U.S. Senate seat, Schiff was in the Golden Gate City to attend a dinner with supporters.

However, when the prominent Democrat went to his vehicle in a downtown San Francisco parking garage, he found the car was broken into and his luggage was missing.


“I guess it’s ‘Welcome to San Francisco’.”

Adam Schiff is ROBBED in San Francisco causing him to show up at a meeting with no suit.

The San Francisco Chronicle tried (and failed) to make light of the thievery.

“Hello to the city, goodbye to your luggage. That was…

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) April 26, 2024

The San Francisco Chronicle wrote, “The heist meant the Democratic congressman got stuck at a fancy dinner party in his shirt sleeves and a hiking vest while everyone else sat in suits. Not quite the look the man from Burbank was aiming for as he rose to thank powerhouse attorney Joe Cotchett for his support in his bid to replace the late Dianne Feinstein in the U.S. Senate.”

An attendee of the dinner told the Chronicle, “I guess it’s ‘Welcome to San Francisco.’”

The crime-ridden state of America’s Democrat-led cities is apparently a joke to the elitist politicians running the nation into the ground.

Leftist Reporters Pretend They’re Not Partisan News Squashers

Leftist Reporters Pretend They’re Not Partisan News Squashers

adminApr 26, 20244 min read

Leftist Reporters Pretend They’re Not Partisan News Squashers

Tim Graham rebuts Brian Stelter, others over claims about biased coverage

Eight years ago, the leftist media took great offense to being dismissed by Donald Trump as “fake news,” but they never seemed to grasp this is exactly how they painted the conservative media, as truth-defying propaganda outlets.

When the Trump trial turned to the National Enquirer, we could find national unity that the Enquirer defines “fake news.” The lefties are very excited to remind voters how the Enquirer was a Trump-allied tabloid full of garbage stories. But the liberal media spread some of them.

In May 2016, the Enquirer uncorked some garbage that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, had cheated on his wife. ABC, CBS and NBC spent a combined 15 and a half minutes spreading the word of this character assassination campaign.

The pro-Biden “media reporters” are still upset this week about the Enquirer and how they played “catch and kill” with Trump accusers, squelching stories that might embarrass Trump. NPR’s David Folkenflik complained to MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that burying salacious stories is “not a journalistic impulse, it’s not even a tabloid gossip impulse, this is essentially a partisan or propagandistic arm of the Trump campaign in all but name.”

This is coming from NPR, which aggressively trashed the Hunter Biden laptop story as a “pure distraction.” Folkenflik engaged with the story only to dismiss it as “a story marked more by red flags than investigative rigor.” When The New York Times and The Washington Post published stories acknowledging Hunter’s laptop was real in March and April 2022, Folkenflik didn’t file a story with his regrets. He just kept attacking Fox News, his usual bread and butter.

So on the Hunter laptop, we can throw it back in Folkenflik’s face – NPR’s suppression was not a journalistic impulse, and NPR was essentially a propagandistic arm of the Biden campaign in all but name.

Worse yet, we fund it with our taxes. That gravy train should end.

Ex-CNN reporter Brian Stelter said the same thing on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show about the Enquirer: “It has nothing to do with journalism.” David Pecker’s “not a newsman. He’s an advertiser! He’s a marketer, and his product was Donald Trump.” Thanks, Sherlock Stelter. Nobody should define Mr. Pecker as a newsman.

Like Folkenflik, Stelter squashed the Hunter Biden laptop in 2020 as a Murdoch plot, or as a Russian disinformation campaign, because CNN’s a marketer and its product was anyone but Trump (meaning President Joe Biden).

Stelter also showed up on Alex Wagner’s MSNBC show. Wagner was hopping mad, asking what’s the point of a gag order on Trump when you have a “media-industrial complex that is effectively acting as a public defense line” for Trump? Once again, Wagner can’t imagine MSNBC acting as a “media-industrial complex” for the Democrats.

So, does Wagner wish the judge could issue a gag order for the entire conservative media landscape? No criticism allowed of the get-Trump prosecutors and judge? I thought this was a democracy.

Stelter broke out the usual bravado that the liberals live on “Earth One,” and they must see what’s happening on “Earth Two,” which is an alternative universe of hallucinations. Stelter claimed, “For Jesse Watters, Trump is God, and that is the programming every hour of every day on these other networks.”

That sounds like some crazy religion. Would Stelter survive a little fact-check on whether Fox and Newsmax perpetually pray hourly to the Orange Lord and Savior? Both sides suggest the other side of the media is fake. But both sides are slinging a lot of opinionated hot takes, and Stelter can certainly flip a flapjack on that skillet.

The Teams Are Set for World War III

The Teams Are Set for World War III

adminApr 26, 20246 min read
We are witnessing a convergence between the global warming movement, the biowarfare industrial complex, and the WHO pandemic treaty grifters.

I’ve seen some crazy things over the last few years but this is off-the-charts insane. 

Last week, Michael E. Mann spoke at the EcoHeath Alliance: Green Planet One Health Benefit 2024. Just to recap who each of these players are: 

  • Michael E. Mann is the creator of the “hockey stick graph” that has driven the global warming debate for the last 25 years. 
  • EcoHealth Alliance is the CIA cutout led by Peter Daszak that launders money from the NIH to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to create gain-of-function viruses (including SARS-CoV-2 which killed over 7 million people). 
  • “One Health” is the pretext the World Health Organization (WHO) is using to drive the Pandemic Treaty that will vastly expand the powers of the WHO and create economic incentives for every nation on earth to develop new gain-of-function viruses.

So a leader in the global warming movement spoke at an event to raise money for the organization that just murdered 7 million people and the campaign that intends to launch new pandemics in perpetuity to enrich the biowarfare industrial complex. 

The Teams Are Set for World War III

And then just for good measure, Peter Hotez reposted all of this information on Twitter, I imagine in solidarity with all of the exciting genociding going on. 

Mann’s appearance at this event is emblematic of a disturbing shift that has been years in the making. Serious and thoughtful people in the environmental movement tried to address industrial and military pollution for decades. Now their cause has been co-opted by Big Tech and other corporate actors with malevolent intentions — and the rest of the environmental movement has gone along with this, apparently without objection. So we are witnessing a convergence between the global warming movement, the biowarfare industrial complex, and the WHO pandemic treaty grifters. 

I wish it wasn’t true but here we are. 

Before I go any further I need to make one thing clear: the notion that pandemics are driven by global warming is complete and total bullsh*t. The evidence is overwhelming that pandemics are created by the biowarfare industrial complex including the 13,000 psychopaths who work at over 400 US bioweapons labs (as described in great detail in The Wuhan Cover-Up). 

Unfortunately “global warming” has become a cover for the proliferation of the biowarfare industrial economy

Mann’s appearance at an event to raise money for people who are clearly guilty of genocide (and planning more carnage) made me realize that this really is World War III. They are straight-up telling us who they are and what they intend to do. 

The different sides in this war are not nation-states. Instead, Team Tyranny is a bunch of different business interests pushing what has become a giant multi-trillion dollar grift. And Team Freedom is ordinary people throughout the world just trying to return to the classical economic and political liberalism that drove human progress from 1776 until 2020. 

Here’s how I see the battle lines being drawn: 


Their base: Elites, billionaires, the ruling class, the biowarfare industrial complex, intelligence agencies, and bougie technocrats.

Institutions they control: WEF, WHO, UN, BMGF, World Bank, IMF, most universities, the mainstream media, and liberal governments throughout the developed world.

Economic philosophy: The billionaires should control all wealth on earth. The peasants should only be allowed to exist to serve the billionaires, grow food, and fix the machines when necessary. Robots and Artificial Intelligence will soon be able to replace most of the peasants. 

Political philosophy: Centralized control of everything. Elites know best. The 90% should shut up, pay their taxes, take their vaccines, develop chronic disease, and die. High tech global totalitarianism is the best form of government. Billionaires are God.

Philosophy of medicine: Allopathic. Cut, poison, burn, kill. Corporations create all knowledge. Bodies are machines. Transhumanism is ideal. The billionaires will soon live forever in the digital cloud. 

Their currency: For now, inflationary Federal Reserve policies. Soon, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that will put the peasants in their place once and for all. 

Policy vehicles to advance their agenda: One Health; WHO Pandemic Treaty; social credit scores; climate scores; vaccine mandates/passports; lockdowns and quarantine camps; elimination of small farms and livestock; corporate control of all food, land, water, transportation, and the weather; corporate control of social movements; and 15-minute cities for the peasants. 

Military strategy: Gain-of-function viruses, propaganda, and vaccines.


Our base: The medical freedom movement, Constitutionalists, small “l” libertarians, independent farmers, natural meat and milk producers, pirate parties, natural healers, homeopaths, chiropractors, integrative and functional medicine doctors, and osteopaths.

Aligned institutions: CHD, ICAN, Brownstone Institute, NVIC, SFHF, the RFK, Jr. campaign, the Republican party at the county level…

Economic philosophy: Small “c” capitalism. Competition. Entrepreneurship. 

Political philosophy: Classical liberalism. The people, using their own ingenuity, will generally figure out the best way to do things. Decentralize everything including the internet. If the elites would just leave us alone the world would be a much more peaceful, creative, and prosperous place. Human freedom leads to human flourishing. 

Philosophy of medicine: Nature is infinite in its wisdom. Listen to the body. Systems have the ability to heal and regenerate. 

Our currency: Cash, gold, crypto, and barter. (I don’t love crypto but lots of smart people in our movement do.) 

Policy ideas: Exit the WHO. Boycott WEF companies. Repeal the Bayh-Dole Act, NCVIA Act, Patriot Act, and PREP Act. Add medical freedom to the Constitution. Prosecute the Faucistas at Nuremberg 2.0. Overhaul the NIH, FDA, CDC, EPA, USDA, FCC, DoD, and intelligence agencies. Make all publicly-funded scientific data available to the public. Ban insider trading by Congress. Support and protect organic food, farms, and farmers’ markets. Break up monopolies. Cut the size of the federal government in half (or more). 

Our preferred tools to create change: Ideas, love for humanity, logic and reason, common sense, art and music, and popular uprising. 

What would you add, subtract, or change in each of these lists? 

Republished from the author’s Substack

The Danger of the West’s Neglect of Individual Rights

The Danger of the West’s Neglect of Individual Rights

adminApr 26, 20247 min read

The Danger of the West’s Neglect of Individual Rights

Western nation-states and international institutions have for years been gnawing at the freedom and rights of both individuals and businesses.

Though the Western political class constantly criticizes the “authoritarian” nature of certain nations, one should sweep in front of his own door first, to paraphrase Johann von Goethe. Indeed, Western nation-states and international institutions have for years been gnawing at the freedom and rights of both individuals and businesses.

First, the exorbitant fiscal and inflationary pressures on Western populations should never be considered “normal” or “acceptable”; they are severe violations of property rights in and of themselves. These pressures alone help to explain the economic stagnation and political decadence of Western societies. Additionally, previously unthinkable powers have been given to Western police and security forces, many of them now permanent. Wikileaks and others have revealed the programs of mass surveillance of entire populations that are practiced by unaccountable Western intelligence agencies.

Censorship and propaganda are common practices by governments and mainstream media, not least in Western democracies where control of public opinion is key. But the violation of rights in the West took a dramatic turn with the unprecedented and unjustified confinements of healthy people during the covid-19 pandemic, essentially mandatory vaccination policies, and the other political scandals surrounding these vaccines.

Next on the agenda are further restrictions to the freedom of speech on certain social media platforms. New laws, like the RESTRICT Act (Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology) in the United States and the Digital Services Act in Europe, are undemocratically pushed through, ostensibly to protect the people. However, they allow the Western oligarchic elite to increase its control over society, implement its globalist agenda, and protect itself from brewing dissent.

Yet, in the near future, things are probably going to get far worse. From the alarming potential control of individual lives through the planned digital wallets and central bank digital currencies to the grave economic and social consequences of the “Green deals,” all the alarm bells have been ringing for some time already.

In view of these severe rights violations and threats of further violations, much more pushback from the majority at the receiving end might be expected. True, there are pockets of political disobedience, like the encouraging farmers’ protests in Europe, but these are fringe movements by people who are experiencing firsthand the above-mentioned policies.

There are positive signs of disapproval among the general population, like a measurable loss of trust in both Western mainstream media and political leaders, yet there is no massive opposition to these glaring violations of individual rights. Thus, before asking what conditions are needed for radical political change in the West, it seems necessary to first look at this indifference.

The Neglect of Individual Rights

The Western world was able to produce such inspiring texts as the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen and the US Bill of Rights, both from 1789. Their purpose was to guarantee the protection of individual rights and liberty against state coercion. For more than two centuries, these two documents have played a certain role in restraining the most egregious violations of individual rights by Western governments against their subjects.

It must be noted, however, that these documents have not only been quite “liberally” interpreted but also violated, even openly, on many occasions (e.g., forced conscription and confiscatory taxation to name but two). This is unavoidable when such rights are only protected by the willingness of legislators and judges to adhere to old parchments, however “sacred” they are often pretended to be. Considering the relatively poor protection of individual rights that these documents have in fact provided, it is not surprising that these rights—in particular the most fundamental one, the right to property—can be so easily undermined today.

Arguably, this current brazen violation of rights can happen for several reasons. First, in the prevailing postmodernist culture, the meanings of words are subjective, positivist, and not to be taken very seriously. This is reflected in the current zeitgeist which considers statist intervention as not only acceptable but also a much better means to move society than such “quaint, old principles.” A good example of this is the draconian measures that are planned to be imposed in order to fight “climate change.”

Second, individual rights are usually disregarded by the majority because they are taken for granted. This is the naïve “end of history” conviction, according to which Western “liberal democracies” are the pinnacle of mankind’s moral and political development. It is the idea, common among the good-hearted but politically ignorant, that individual rights no longer need attention because they have been acquired already, once and for all.

There is thus little recognition today in the West that the struggle for liberty never ends. As Benjamin Constant said in a famous speech to the French assembly in 1819, “In order to benefit from the liberty that they would like, the people must exercise an active and constant surveillance of their representatives.” Otherwise, as George Santayana wrote, “Unless all those concerned keep a vigilant eye on the course of public business and frequently pronounce on its conduct, they will before long awake to the fact that they have been ignored and enslaved.” Such words of wisdom have never been absorbed by Western publics.

The Focus on Positive Rights

The third way in which individual rights are undermined is when they are interpreted too widely and thus diluted. This happens when rights are expanded to include not only negative rights but also positive ones, those that the state is expected to enforce. This legitimizes both the state’s growth as well as its coercive and unjust wealth redistribution in order to assure “equality of opportunity,” or worse, “equality of outcome.”

Such thinking permeates Western society today, even in the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights, which hails positive “rights” such as the right to work, the right to equal pay, or the right to rest and leisure. These are obviously not “rights” in the same sense as the natural right to property, and their enforcement by the state necessarily violates the property rights of others. Indeed, as Murray Rothbard wrote in The Ethics of Liberty, “The very concept of ‘rights’ is a ‘negative’ one, demarcating the areas of a person’s action that no man may properly interfere with.”

As Ever, Education in Liberty

There can be only one result of this multifaceted neglect of individual rights among the majority in the West: the creeping violation of individual rights that is so obvious today. If the principles of natural rights were really taught, instead of the vacuous mantra repeated ad nauseam that “all men are created equal,” then the nefarious agenda of control being imposed by the Western ruling minority would be far more readily resisted.

It is worth remembering that the first sentence of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen states, “Ignorance, forgetfulness or contempt for human rights are the only causes of public misfortunes and government corruption.” Efforts must therefore continue unabated to inform and educate the public about the principles of freedom and the importance of protecting negative rights against constant attempts to violate them.

A White Horse Covered In Red Blood Up To The Bridle Just Went Rampaging Through The Streets Of London

A White Horse Covered In Red Blood Up To The Bridle Just Went Rampaging Through The Streets Of London

adminApr 26, 20247 min read

A White Horse Covered In Red Blood Up To The Bridle Just Went Rampaging Through The Streets Of London

When a lot of people saw this they were instantly reminded of the four horses in the Book of Revelation.

Why aren’t more people talking about this?  A white horse that was covered in red blood up to the bridle just went on a rampage through the streets of one of the most important cities on the entire planet, and almost everyone is ignoring it.  It was accompanied by a black horse that had also gotten loose.  The two horses actually rampaged through the streets of London for six miles before authorities were able to catch them.  Along the way, the horses rammed into a tour bus and a taxi

Horses slammed into a tour bus parked on Buckingham Palace Road and a taxi outside the Clermont Hotel – smashing their windows – before two were seen running through Aldwych with their chests covered in blood.

The horses rampaged for six miles before they were finally caught in Limehouse, east London. The injured horses saw a vet and all of the animals are now back with the Army.

A British Army spokesperson confirmed this afternoon that the animals were ‘spooked by construction works’ when building materials were ‘dropped from a height’.

In my entire life, I have never seen anything like this.

At some point, the white horse suffered a broken leg, and that is why there was so much blood.

Thankfully, vets were able to treat the white horse and stop the bleeding

Footage of two horses being caught outside Gordon House on the Glamis Estate in Limehouse, east London, appeared to show that the white horse had broken its leg.

Still drenched in blood, the horse’s back left leg was bandaged and the animal seemed unwilling to walk on it.

Held at the side of the road by several officers, the white horse bled all over the road and was treated by vets at the scene.

Footage shows it bleeding profusely from its back leg as police gathered around to stem the flow.

Hopefully there is no lasting damage to any of the horses.

So why is this story important?

Well, when a lot of people saw this they were instantly reminded of the four horses in the Book of Revelation.  For example, the following is what Sharon K. Gilbert posted on her Twitter account

A white horse, covered in blood, and a black horse rush through the streets of London. White, red, black. Prophetic sign? Is a pale green horse next?

Of course many others are convinced that this tragic accident was just a “coincidence”.

Maybe they are right.

I don’t know.

But any story that pops up in the news about a “white horse” is always going to get my attention.

Meanwhile, the forces of darkness continue to become increasingly active.

This week, a representative from the Satanic Temple delivered an “invocation” at a county board meeting in Michigan

A representative from the Satanic Temple of West Michigan gave the invocation at the beginning of Tuesday evening’s Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting.

Prior to the meeting, Commissioner Rebekah Curran handed out cookies with the Bible verse John 3:16 written on the packaging. Other people had signs, protesting that a member of the Satanic Temple was giving the invocation.

However, Bendr Bones, a member of the Satanic Temple of West Michigan, said things stayed peaceful, adding that he was pleased with how the evening went.

This sort of thing is becoming way too common.  There are now “after school Satan clubs” in public schools all over the country, and every day millions upon millions of Americans consume television “programming” that literally features Satanic rituals.

But at the same time the mainstream media is working hard to convince all of us that demons don’t exist.  For example, the following comes from a recent New York Post article entitled “Seeing a demon in your room when you wake up is more common than you think”

It’s the stuff of nightmares.

You wake up, and you can’t move your body. A shadowy figure looms over you, but it feels too real to be a dream. If you’ve experienced this, you might have had a sleep paralysis hallucination.

The hallucinations typically happen when someone passes between the state of being asleep in the rapid-eye movement stage and being awake, according to the Sleep Foundation.

The body is temporarily paralyzed during these hallucinations because the body doesn’t move when a person is in REM. The brief lack of muscle control is called atonia.

I am sure that many of you have had similar experiences.

But the mainstream media wants you to believe that whatever you saw during those experiences wasn’t really there.

Let me try to end this article on an encouraging note.

According to his doctors, a 4-year-old boy in Denver did not have a heartbeat for 14 hours, and then something truly miraculous happened

A miracle of modern medicine or a miracle from a higher power? No matter what you believe, the recovery story of Cartier McDaniel is nothing short of amazing.

At just 4 years old, his heart stopped beating for 14 hours — and then all of a sudden, it restarted. Now, his family and doctors are sharing an experience they’ve never seen before.

That isn’t supposed to be possible.

But the doctors documented that this miracle actually took place.

After 14 long hours, the boy’s heart started beating again, and his parents were filled with joy

“His heart just restarted!” Maddux said. “That was really an incredible thing that occurred.”

After 14 long hours, Cartier’s heart was pumping again, and it was something doctors had never seen before.

“Everybody else was jumping up and screaming and everything,” Anderson said. “I just still couldn’t process what was going on … like you gave me the worst news of my life to the best news of my life.”

So why aren’t the big news networks jumping all over this story?

Sadly, the answer is obvious.

It turns out that his parents are Christians and they are giving all the credit to Jesus Christ…

“God got the last say,” McDaniel said. “I know that God is real. I’m a firm believer in Jesus Christ.”

They’re asking for continued prayers for Cartier as he will likely remain in the hospital for several more weeks, possibly months. He’s on the road to recovery and slowly getting his strength back as he undergoes testing to determine whether he suffered long-term damage.

Yes, God is very real.

In fact, in the books that I have published I have shared some absolutely astounding evidence for the Christian faith.

Unfortunately, most people don’t want to hear about such things.

Even when a 4-year-old boy comes back from the dead after 14 hours, they don’t want to hear about it.

But I am going to keep writing about stories like this, because there are so many people out there that desperately need some hope right now.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.