
UCLA Students Forced To Take Mandatory ‘Fat Positivity’ Workshops

UCLA Students Forced To Take Mandatory ‘Fat Positivity’ Workshops

adminApr 27, 20241 min read

UCLA Students Forced To Take Mandatory ‘Fat Positivity’ Workshops

UCLA students are being forced to attend mandatory ‘fat positivity’ workshops in which reading material claims that the medical term ‘obesity’ is a dangerous slur ‘used to exact violence on fat people.’ The Washington Free […]

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Oklahoma To Begin Jailing Citizens Who Post ‘Offensive’ Things Online

Oklahoma To Begin Jailing Citizens Who Post ‘Offensive’ Things Online

adminApr 27, 20241 min read

Oklahoma To Begin Jailing Citizens Who Post ‘Offensive’ Things Online

The Oklahoma state Senate passed a bill last month that will allow police to imprison citizens who post or share things online that may cause offence to minorities. SB 1100 amends sections 1172 and 1953 of […]

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Brazil To Completely Shut Down Access to X Due to ‘Dangerous’ Non-Mainstream Content

Brazil To Completely Shut Down Access to X Due to ‘Dangerous’ Non-Mainstream Content

adminApr 27, 20241 min read

Brazil To Completely Shut Down Access to X Due to ‘Dangerous’ Non-Mainstream Content

Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court (STF) is working with the country’s attorney general to completely shut down X due to the proliferation of ‘non-mainstream content’ on the platform. The Gazeta do Povo newspaper reports that it has had […]

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Pope Francis Says Climate Change Deniers Are ‘As Dumb as the Devil Himself’

Pope Francis Says Climate Change Deniers Are ‘As Dumb as the Devil Himself’

adminApr 27, 20241 min read

Pope Francis Says Climate Change Deniers Are ‘As Dumb as the Devil Himself’

Pope Francis has told CBS News that people who deny climate change exists are “as dumb as the Devil himself,” despite the fact that a growing number of scientists have debunked the climate emergency as […]

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Democrat Governor Slams Border Patrol Fentanyl Seizures for Disrupting Her State’s Legal Pot Trade

Democrat Governor Slams Border Patrol Fentanyl Seizures for Disrupting Her State’s Legal Pot Trade

adminApr 27, 20243 min read

Democrat Governor Slams Border Patrol Fentanyl Seizures for Disrupting Her State’s Legal Pot Trade

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham believes Border Patrol agents are disrupting her state’s lucrative legal marijuana industry

In leaked audio released on Friday, New Mexico Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham slammed Border Patrol agents for seizing drugs crossing the border into the US from Mexico. She claimed that the agents are imperilling the state’s legal marijuana industry by targeting legal shipments in the state.

“They’re saying that they’re worried about fentanyl, so they’re taking all of our cannabis. And they tried to detain people,” Gov. Grisham said in the recording, which lasts around two minutes. It’s not known where the recording was made, when or by whom.

The verdict on the leaked recording has been harsh. Here’s website Red State:

“It is incredibly tone-deaf to whine about the Biden administration, not for its horrible pro-illegal immigration policies, but for some rank-and-file agents doing what they swore to do, which is uphold the laws as they stand today. Lujan Grisham is more worried about facilitating drugs in her state than helping her residents, and that says a lot about her failed tenure as governor.” 

BREAKING: Newly leaked audio of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham reveals that the government is allowing drugs to be trafficked through the southern border.

— Patrick Webb (@RealPatrickWebb) April 27, 2024

According to Grisham, the “bad border patrol” is “taking a hard stance.”

The Governor goes on to suggest either an adjustment to the policy,  or “I have to send you a letter saying you are persecuting a state. You are not using your discretion. You are not working with me on immigration.”

She adds that she doesn’t “want to send that letter” but she feels “boxed in hard.”

Comments by US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas appear to have upset the Governor, particularly his claim that “they [i.e. the state of New Mexico] make a lot of money” from legal marijuana sales. Grisham hit back by saying that New Mexico is the only state that lets in “baby producers”—small-scale growers of marijuana—and that they are particularly vulnerable to drug seizures.

“Their business goes belly up.”

Legal marijuana is a boom industry in New Mexico. Last month, state officials celebrated more than $1 billion in total sales since the launch of legal sales in the state. The first licensed sales took place on April 1 2022.

Governor Grisham has voiced her support for the legalisation of other drugs, including psilocybin, one of the active ingredients in magic mushrooms.

BREAKING: American Reporter Who Infiltrated Epstein Island Exposes The NWO Master Plan — MUST WATCH

Biden Attempting to Hide His “Halting and Stiff Gait” by Surrounding Himself with Aides

Biden Attempting to Hide His “Halting and Stiff Gait” by Surrounding Himself with Aides

adminApr 27, 20242 min read

Biden Attempting to Hide His “Halting and Stiff Gait” by Surrounding Himself with Aides

The President is now surrounded by staff as he walks to and from Marine One

President Biden has altered his routine when departing and arriving at the White House via his helicopter Marine One, in a bid to disguise his “halting and stiff gait,” according to a devastating report by Axios.

Since April 16, Biden has been surrounded by aides nearly every single time he has walked to and from Marine One. This is in marked contrast to the situation before April 16, when the President made his walks unaccompanied.

The presidential walk to and from the helicopter across the White House lawn is, among other things, a prime photographic opportunity, so crowding the president with advisors and staff is considered to be a bad move.

A team of handlers attempt to hide Joe Biden’s shuffling gait.

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 26, 2024

In 2020, for example, when President Trump returned from treatment for COVID-19 at Walter Reed, he crossed the White House lawn alone, before mounting the steps and saluting Marine One. The entire sequence was then set to dramatic music in a video released by the White House.

Biden advisors told Axios they were “concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone—especially across the grass—have highlighted his age.”

Changes to Biden’s gait in recent weeks have been a source of comment not only for members of the White House staff but also reporters.

In a response to the Axios article, White House spokesman Andrew Bates attempted to play down the change to Biden’s routine, noting that the president was generally “fully visible except for a few seconds.”

Other changes to Biden’s routine have included making him wear shoes with extra support, enter Air Force one at a lower level and perform daily bouts of physiotherapy and stretching.

BREAKING: American Reporter Who Infiltrated Epstein Island Exposes The NWO Master Plan — MUST WATCH