
Biden Looks to Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War With 10-Year Agreement

Biden Looks to Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War With 10-Year Agreement

adminApr 30, 20244 min read

Biden Looks to Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War With 10-Year Agreement

All of this means the war will be prolonged, and this puts negotiations much further away on the horizon, despite what are now daily acknowledgements of Ukraine forces being beaten back.

Soon on the heels of President Biden last week signing into law a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine’s defense, President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday indicated that he’s working with Washington on a bilateral security agreement which would last ten years.

“We are already working on a specific text,” Zelensky said in his nightly video address. “Our goal is to make this agreement the strongest of all.”

“We are discussing the specific foundations of our security and cooperation. We are also working on fixing specific levels of support for this year and the next 10 years.”

He indicated it will likely include agreements on long-term support centering on military hardware and joint arms production, as well as continuing reconstruction aid. “The agreement should be truly exemplary and reflect the strength of American leadership,” Zelensky added.

But ultimately a key purpose in locking such a long-term deal in would be to keep it immune from potential interference by a future Trump administration.

Below is what The Wall Street Journal spelled out last year:

The goal is to make sure Ukraine will be strong enough in the future to deter Russia from attacking it again. More immediately, Ukraine’s Western allies hope to discourage the Kremlin from thinking it can wait out the Biden administration for a potentially more sympathetic successor in the White House

Western officials are looking for ways to lock in pledges of support and limit future governments’ abilities to backtrack, amid fears in European capitals that Donald Trump, if he recaptures the White House, would seek to scale back aid. Trump has a wide lead in early polling in the Republican presidential primary field, but soundly lost the 2020 election to President Biden and has been indicted in four criminal cases in state and federal courts. 

We and others have previously underscored that NATO and G7 countries are desperately trying to “Trump-proof” future aid to Ukraine and the effort to counter Russia.

As for its first new weapons package in the wake of the $61 billion being authorized, the Biden administration has announced new arms packages totaling $7 billion. The US has vowed to rush the weapons to Kiev, given that by all indicators its forces are not doing well on the frontlines.

“We are still waiting for the supplies promised to Ukraine – we expect exactly the volume and content of supplies that can change the situation on the battlefield in the interests of Ukraine,” Zelensky had said over the weekend. “And it is important that every agreement we have reached is implemented – everything that will yield practical results on the battlefield and boost the morale of everyone on the frontline. In a conversation with Mr. Jeffries, I emphasized the need for Patriot systems, they are needed as soon as possible.”

Zelensky announces that Ukraine is working on a security agreement with the U.S. that will fix levels of support for the next 10 years. The $61 billion was just the beginning. The next two U.S. presidents won’t be able to switch it off.

— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) April 28, 2024

But all of this means the war will be prolonged, and this puts negotiations much further away on the horizon, despite what are now daily acknowledgements of Ukraine forces being beaten back. Currently the governments of Greece and Spain are being pressured by EU and NATO leadership to hand over what few Patriot systems they possess to Kiev. The rationale is that they don’t need them as urgently as Ukraine does.

BREAKING: Persecuted Top Brazilian Journalist Says The Tyrants Are Losing

US Accuses Israeli Army Units of Human Rights Violations

US Accuses Israeli Army Units of Human Rights Violations

adminApr 30, 20243 min read

US Accuses Israeli Army Units of Human Rights Violations

Washington will continue providing unfettered military aid to West Jerusalem despite concluding that abuses were committed.

The US government has determined that at least five Israeli units committed gross violations of human rights prior to the latest war with Hamas, but Washington has no plans to impose sanctions or restrict military aid to West Jerusalem.

Monday’s announcement marks the first time Washington has leveled such accusations against Israeli troops. All of the allegations stem from incidents that occurred in the West Bank long before the Israel-Hamas war began in Gaza last October.

All of the accused Israeli units remain eligible for American aid, despite a law prohibiting the US from providing weapons or other assistance to groups that are found to have committed human rights violations with impunity.

The Biden administration remains in compliance with the so-called Leahy Law because Israel has taken action against most of the units accused of wrongdoing, State Department deputy spokesman Vedant Patel told reporters in Washington, without identifying the units by name.

“Four of these units have effectively remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do,” he said. As for the fifth unit, the spokesman said US officials are consulting with their Israeli counterparts on addressing the abuses. “We are engaging with them in a process, and we will make an ultimate decision when it comes to that unit when that process is complete.”

Read more Potential US sanctions on IDF ‘absurd’ – Netanyahu

The State Department offered no information on what actions were taken by the Israeli government.

Asked why the department had waited for ten days to disclose its findings against Israel, Patel cited an “ongoing process.” He added, “If at any point remediation efforts or things like that are found to be inconsistent with the standards that we find, there of course will be a restriction on applicable US assistance. We intend to be an administration that’s going to follow the laws prescribed.” 

Media reports said the abuses included “extrajudicial killings” by Israeli border police, as well as torture and rape. Another case involved an elderly Palestinian-American man who died after being bound and gagged at a West Bank checkpoint. The battalion involved in that incident, Netzah Yehuda, was formed in 1999 to accommodate ultra-Orthodox Jews and other religious nationalists in the Israeli army. It was transferred to the Golan Heights from the West Bank in 2022.

Israeli forces have come under increased international scrutiny amid the current conflict in Gaza, which has left more than 34,000 Palestinians dead, according to the enclave’s authorities. The International Court of Justice issued a ruling in January saying it was “plausible” that Israeli forces had committed acts of genocide in Gaza.

Following reports that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was preparing to announce sanctions over rights abuses committed by Netzah Yehuda, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it would be “the height of absurdity” to punish his nation’s forces at a time when they are “fighting terrorist monsters.”

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Plastic Surgeons Warn About Prevalence of ‘Ozempic Face’ in Hollywood

Plastic Surgeons Warn About Prevalence of ‘Ozempic Face’ in Hollywood

adminApr 30, 20244 min read

Plastic Surgeons Warn About Prevalence of ‘Ozempic Face’ in Hollywood

People chasing fame trade looking skinny for looking older as they inject weight loss drug made from reptile venom.

Several doctors have warned about the prevalence of the so-called “Ozempic face” among celebrities in Hollywood, amid the anti-diabetes drug’s skyrocketing popularity.

According to the Daily Mail, physicians have disclosed that some celebrities are among those hit hardest by the condition. These include John Goodman of “The Big Lebowski” fame, “Rock DJ” singer Robbie Williams and Sharon Osbourne, wife of Black Sabbath’s Ozzy Osbourne.

External side effects of taking Ozempic (generic name semaglutide) include sunken eyes, gaunt cheeks and saggy skin – which make affected users look older and more deflated. Internal side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, pain and nausea.

“Ozempic face is essentially the same characteristics that we see when patients have rapid or regular weight loss,” said New Jersey plastic surgeon Dr. Smitha Ramanadham. “We see a loss of volume in the face – and when we lose fat in the face, we see signs like the cheeks are more sunken in, more sagging skin and a general hollowing out of the features.”

A panel of plastic surgeons, including Ramanadham herself, examined pictures of 15 celebrities who experienced a major weight loss transformation. They concluded that at least half of them may have suffered from Ozempic face as a result.

They first analyzed the case of the 71-year-old Goodman, who shed nearly 200 pounds since 2007. Ramanadham remarked: “You see more lines, more wrinkles and more deflation in his face as he loses weight compared to when he was heavier and his face was fuller. These changes are just very typical of overall weight loss regardless of whether weight loss drugs were used.”

Fifty-year-old Williams was next on the list. “With Robbie, you can see the direct results of weight loss. You can see a hollowing under the eyes and the cheeks and more wrinkles appearing because of a loss of volume,” she said.

Ozempic face became viral in 2023

According to the panel, Ozempic face was less pronounced with women because they’re traditionally more likely to obscure flaws with fillers and makeup. They pointed to Osbourne, who reportedly lost 42 pounds while on the drug, as the most “dramatic” example of the condition. (Related: Tucker torches Ozempic ‘miracle’ weight loss fraud.)

“Her eyes look more sunken in, her cheeks have more hollowing,” Ramanadham said. “There is a significant loss in facial volume as well, and more wrinkling that is associated with it.”

Aside from the three, other celebrities with Ozempic face include singer and actress Jessica Simpson, Scott Disick of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” fame and Liam Payne of the boy band One Direction. However, the surgeons attributed Payne’s streamlined countenance to buccal fat surgery, a procedure in which the fat pad is cored out of the cheeks.

Williams previously admitted taking something “like Ozempic,” but refused to specify the exact treatment. Meanwhile, Goodman has denied taking Ozempic – attributing his weight loss to dieting, exercise and abstinence from alcohol.

Ozempic face first became viral in early 2023 after New York City dermatologist Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank started using he term. He told “The TODAY Show” in January of that year that he was seeing it “every day in patients.”

“The injectable treatment mimics a naturally occurring hormone that tell the brain it’s full, thereby curbing the appetite and inducing rapid weight loss,” the New York Post reported. “Ozempic’s fat-fighting capabilities have understandably made it all the rage in body-obsessed Hollywood.”

Nine million Ozempic prescriptions were written in the last three months of 2022. But the Postexpounded on several of the dangers that come with this drug.

“Along with causing people to lose face, the treatment has also been blamed for including vision problems, constipation and even changes in personality. In January [2024], several Ozempic adherents claimed they stopped taking the drug and ended up regaining more weight than they lost,” the Post reported.

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Official Study: Covid Spike Proteins Turn Benign Cancer Cells Into ‘Indestructible Tumors’

Official Study: Covid Spike Proteins Turn Benign Cancer Cells Into ‘Indestructible Tumors’

adminApr 30, 20241 min read

Official Study: Covid Spike Proteins Turn Benign Cancer Cells Into ‘Indestructible Tumors’

A bombshell new study from Brown University has found that the spike protein from COVID-19 turns benign cancer cells into ‘indestructible tumors’. According to the team of scientists, led by Dr. Wafik El-Deiry, the director […]

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British MP Stuns Parliament: “COVID Jabs Have Killed More People Than the Holocaust”

British MP Stuns Parliament: “COVID Jabs Have Killed More People Than the Holocaust”

adminApr 30, 20241 min read

British MP Stuns Parliament: “COVID Jabs Have Killed More People Than the Holocaust”

British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen stunned parliament earlier this week when he declared that the experimental mRNA shots have killed “between 10 and 20 million people” and told his fellow MPs that they have […]

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Arizona Becomes First U.S. State To Declare mRNA Vaccines ‘Biological Weapons of War’

Arizona Becomes First U.S. State To Declare mRNA Vaccines ‘Biological Weapons of War’

adminApr 30, 20241 min read

Arizona Becomes First U.S. State To Declare mRNA Vaccines ‘Biological Weapons of War’

Arizona has become the first U.S. State to pass a resolution declaring the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to be “biological and technological weapons.” The Arizona GOP voted and passed the “Ban the Jab” resolution with a […]

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