
‘No 2A in NYC Courts’ Brooklyn Gunsmith Found Guilty on 13 Weapons Charges in Anti-Gun Ruling

‘No 2A in NYC Courts’ Brooklyn Gunsmith Found Guilty on 13 Weapons Charges in Anti-Gun Ruling

adminMay 2, 20244 min read

‘No 2A in NYC Courts’ Brooklyn Gunsmith Found Guilty on 13 Weapons Charges in Anti-Gun Ruling

Judge says Second Amendment does not exist in NYC courtroom.

A Brooklyn man has been found guilty of 13 weapons charges after being arrested and charged in 2022 for building his own firearms.

Dexter Taylor, a 52-year-old New York City native and a software engineer, became fascinated with gunsmithing and weapons sciences and began building his firearms during the onset of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic lockdowns.

He ended up building multiple firearms, including six AR-style rifles and nine Glock-style pistols. Since then, he has taken up gunsmithing as a dedicated hobby that he plans to turn into a business.

“I found out that you can actually legally buy a receiver and you can machine that receiver to completion, and you buy your parts and you put them together and you’ve got a pistol or a rifle. And once I saw that I was hooked. I was like, ‘This is the coolest thing ever. This is the most cool thing you could possibly do in your machine shop,’” Taylor said in an interview before his conviction.

However, when a joint Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and New York Police Department task force discovered he was legally buying parts from different companies, they opened up an investigation that led to a Special Weapons and Tactics raid on his home and his subsequent arrest.

After being arrested and charged in 2022 for building his own firearms, the jury found Taylor guilty of second-degree criminal possession of a loaded weapon, four counts of third-degree criminal possession of a weapon, five counts of criminal possession of a firearm, second-degree criminal possession of five or more firearms, unlawful possession of pistol ammunition violation of certificate of registration prohibition on unfinished frames or receivers.

The verdict, delivered on April 16, saw Taylor found guilty on most counts, with sentencing scheduled for May 13. Taylor is expected to face a prison term of between 10 and 18 years.

Judge says Second Amendment does not exist in NYC courtroom

Vinoo Varghese, the defense attorney representing Taylor, detailed a contentious narrative of bias against the defendant.

According to Varghese, Judge Abena Darkeh repeatedly disrupted his opening statement and hindered his efforts to establish Taylor’s defense. The judge explicitly instructed the defense to refrain from invoking the Second Amendment because it has no relevance in the New York City courtroom.

“Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York,” Varghese said, recounting Darkehh’s words. “She rejected these arguments and went out of her way to limit me.” (Related: RFK Jr. is pro-Second Amendment, pro-First Amendment, anti-war and pro-border security.)

Moreover, Varghese stated that there were attempts to portray Taylor as a dangerous individual involved in illicit firearms manufacturing in his basement. In turn, the prosecution did not allow Taylor’s family to show support in the courtroom, nor did they allow his neighbors, who knew about the hobby, to testify on his behalf. Varghese described the prosecutor’s opening statement:

“He opens up, and he says that Mr. Taylor had a parade of horror. He was building this horrible place. When they saw this horror that he was making under the noses of his neighbors because all of those guns intended to hit their targets, basically implying that he was going to do some harm with these things,” Varghese said.

Varghese repeatedly countered the narrative, but the judge interrupted him throughout the trial to shut down the argument. This led the jury to believe they must convict despite arguments for jury nullification.

“I actually argued that jury nullification is allowed because there is some law from the High Court of New York that talks about lawyers who made jury nullification arguments. And basically, they said that judges shouldn’t encourage it, but they can’t prevent it. I actually made a pitch directly to Judge Darkeh to allow me to argue during nullification. She, of course, rejected that. She basically said, ‘You must vote guilty’ without saying ‘you must vote guilty.’”

Learn more about the assault on gun rights in America at

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Scientist Pitches ‘Morbid’ Theory on Why Aliens Haven’t Made Contact

Scientist Pitches ‘Morbid’ Theory on Why Aliens Haven’t Made Contact

adminMay 2, 20243 min read

Scientist Pitches ‘Morbid’ Theory on Why Aliens Haven’t Made Contact

Extraterrestrial civilizations may have been destroyed by gamma-ray bursts, astronomer Frederick Walter has said.

Alien civilizations have not yet made contact with humans because they may have been annihilated by gamma-ray bursts (GBRs), the Daily Mail reported on Tuesday, citing Frederick Walter, an astronomer from Stony Brook University in New York. 

According to NASA, GRBs are short-lived outbursts of light that erupt with a quintillion times the luminosity of the Sun. Walter believes the force of an outburst would be enough to destroy any extraterrestrial civilization. 

“It’s a tightly focused beam. And, if it’s directed through the plane of the galaxy, it could basically sterilize about 10% of the planets in the galaxy,” Walter explained. The astronomer noted that, according to his estimates, there is a GBR in any galaxy roughly every 100 million years.

“Over a billion years, on average, you might expect a significant number of civilizations to be eradicated, should they exist… It’s just one of many possible explanations, sort of morbid, I suppose,” he said. 

According to Walter’s estimates, the Milky Way galaxy could have seen around 45 GBRs in the Earth’s 4.5-billion-year history. He stressed, however, that any potential threat to humanity from this type of event is “not worth worrying about.”

READ MORE: No evidence of ‘extraterrestrial’ visitors – NASA

“They’re rare, and they’re directed,” he stated, noting that this makes GBRs unlikely to hit the Earth. 

NASA describes GBRs as the “most powerful events in the known universe.” The phenomenon was first observed in 1967, via a pair of US Vela satellites designed to detect nuclear weapon tests. However, most researchers say GRBs are more common in distant star-forming galaxies and are less likely to happen in the Milky Way.

Walter also speculated on other reasons behind humankind’s inability to detect extraterrestrial life, suggesting that other worlds may be filled with life forms resembling aquatic species like whales and dolphins. For this type of civilization, it would be impossible to develop the technology needed for space travel or communication, he said.

He went on to say that some alien civilizations might simply choose not to take the risk that comes with contacting other potentially dangerous life forms. Another explanation, he added, which many physicists and astronomers support, is that technologically advanced life forms on other planets might have destroyed themselves.   

READ MORE: No evidence of ‘extraterrestrial’ visitors – NASA

“Just look around, you know? We’re polluting the atmosphere. We’re making it questionable as to whether we’re going to have a viable civilization in a century, unless we do something drastic. If civilizations tend to evolve in the same way that they have on our planet, then that’s going to hit everybody,” he said, warning that at our current pace “there’s a risk we’re not going to make it through another… 150 years.”

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Gaetz Demands Congressional Investigation of Intelligence Community After Undercover Footage Shows CIA Official Boasting Feds Spied on, Withheld Information From President Trump

Gaetz Demands Congressional Investigation of Intelligence Community After Undercover Footage Shows CIA Official Boasting Feds Spied on, Withheld Information From President Trump

adminMay 2, 20245 min read
“I’m formally calling on the Weaponization Subcommittee to immediately launch an investigation into O’Keefe Media Group’s bombshell report containing video evidence that American intelligence agencies withheld intelligence from President Donald Trump.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) has called for Congress to investigate the intelligence community in response to the release of journalist James O’Keefe’s bombshell undercover footage that shows a CIA official boasting intelligence agencies deliberately withheld information from President Donald Trump while he was in office.

“I’m formally calling on the @Weaponization Subcommittee to immediately launch an investigation into @OKeefeMedia Group’s bombshell report containing video evidence that American intelligence agencies withheld intelligence from President Donald Trump before & during his presidency and used Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) authorities to spy on President Trump,” said Gaetz.

BREAKING: I’m formally calling on the @Weaponization Subcommittee to immediately launch an investigation into @OKeefeMedia Group’s bombshell report containing video evidence that American intelligence agencies withheld intelligence from President Donald Trump before & during his…

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) May 1, 2024

Gaetz’s message was delivered almost immediately after O’Keefe’s Wednesday exposé revealed Amjad Fseisi, a program manager working in Cyber Operations for the CIA, admitting intel agencies “kept information” from Trump during his presidency.


BREAKING – EXPOSING THE CIA: “So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]…” A project manager working in Cyber Operations for the @CIA and an @NSAGov contractor with top-secret…

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) May 1, 2024

O’Keefe released a follow-up post on X detailing CIA press secretary Chelsea Robinson’s statement denying all the claims made in the video, even referring to Fseisi as a “former contractor who does not represent the CIA.”

Gaetz joined Alex Jones and O’Keefe on X Spaces to slam the response and raise alarm on the current state of America’s intelligence community.

“The reaction from the CIA is so couched, it is functionally an admission,” said Gaetz Wednesday evening on X. “It showcases the connection of this individual to the very information stream that we’re concerned about.”

“I’m startled by what we see but not surprised. Because as jarring as it is, it is a constellation of facts that we’ve uncovered in the Judiciary Committee and in the Weaponization Subcommittee that there is an effort underway to try to shape the nature of truth itself by shaping what can be seen and what can be received – particularly by those in power.”

Gaetz continued, “There’s a cabal in Washington that wants to control the access to information, both upward to decision-makers and downward to the populace. This is not a partisan issue, the way the intelligence community works around here is frightening.”

(Click HERE to hear the conversation and skip to 41:30 to begin where Gaetz joins.)

During the conversation, Jones stressed to Gaetz how effective real hearings would be to stop the globalist coup now that such powerful evidence of the president being intentionally given false intelligence reports exists.

Gaetz responded, “Where I think you’re right on this, Alex, is if we don’t create some consequence or exposure to this, it WILL happen again.” 

In his letter to the Weaponization Subcommittee, Gaetz implored Ohio Republican and House Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan to open a formal investigation into the “concerning actions” allegedly perpetrated by the intelligence community against Trump.

“Given that the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has broad jurisdiction to investigate the role of executive branch agencies in investigating American citizens, any unconstitutional, illegal, or unethical activities committed by said agencies (CIA & NSA), as well as any other related violations of the civil liberties of the citizens of the United States, I am formally requesting that the Weaponization Subcommittee open a formal investigation into the concerning actions allegedly perpetrated by the intelligence community against President Trump as exhibited in the video footage that has been uncovered by James O’Keefe and O’Keefe Media.”

Read Gaetz’s full letter to Jordan below:

Gaetz Demands Congressional Investigation of Intelligence Community After Undercover Footage Shows CIA Official Boasting Feds Spied on, Withheld Information From President Trump

“James O’Keefe has broken the story of the century!” said Jones in a post on X. “Congress must haul these traitors in NOW for a public interrogation!”

Be sure to tune into The Alex Jones Show today at 11 am Central to get exclusive details on this development.

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Governments Could Stop Inflating If They Wanted. But They Won’t

Governments Could Stop Inflating If They Wanted. But They Won’t

adminMay 2, 20247 min read

Governments Could Stop Inflating If They Wanted. But They Won’t

There is no such thing as perennial monetary sovereignty.

Price inflation is no coincidence. It is a policy. Governments, along with their so-called experts, attempt to persuade you that price inflation stems from anything other than the consistent, albeit slower, rise in aggregate prices year after year. Issuing more currency than the private sector demands, thus eroding its purchasing power and creating a constant annual transfer of wealth from real wages and deposit savings to the government.

Oil prices are not a cause of inflation but a consequence. Prices increase as more units of the currency used to denominate the commodity shift to relatively scarce assets. Therefore, oil prices do not cause inflation; they are one of the signals of currency debasement. Furthermore, if oil prices caused inflation, we would go from inflation to deflation quickly, not from elevated inflation to slower price increases.

The same goes for all the causes that governments and their agents try to use as an excuse for rising prices. Most are just manifestations, not causes of inflation. Even if the global economy were dominated by three evil and stupid oligopolistic businesses, they would not be able to increase aggregate prices and maintain an annual increase if the quantity of currency in the system were to remain equal. Why? Two things would happen. First, those three monopolistic evil corporations would see their working capital soar because citizens would not have enough units of currency to pay for all they produce. Two, the rest of the prices would decline as there would be a significantly lower number of units of currency to purchase other goods and services.

Even a group of quasi-monopolistic corporations cannot make all prices rise in unison and consolidate the annual level, only to continue rising. However, the monopolistic issuer of the currency, the government, can make all prices rise while at the same time diminishing the purchasing power of the units of state debt that they issue.

It is surprising to see how some so-called experts say that a few large corporations make all prices rise but deny that the state that monopolizes the creation of money is the cause of price inflation.

Governments are at the root of rising prices. While banks can generate money—credit—through lending, they rely on projects and investments to support these loans. Banks cannot create money to bail themselves out. No financial entity would go bankrupt then. In fact, banks’ largest asset imbalance comes from lending at rates below the cost of risk and having government loans and bonds as “no-risk” investments, two things that are imposed by regulation, law, and central bank planning. Meanwhile, the state does issue more currency to disguise its fiscal imbalances and bail itself out, using regulation, legislation, and coercion to impose the use of its own form of money.

Monopolies cannot simply drive up prices unless they are able to force consumers to use their products without any decline in demand. We also must understand that destructive and inefficient monopolies can only exist if the state imposes them. In any other situation, those monopolies disappear due to competition, technology, and cheaper imports from other nations. So, which is the only monopoly that can force consumers to use their product regardless of the real demand for it? Government fiat money.

The government is the largest economic agent and therefore the most important driver of aggregate demand, as well as the issuer of currency. The government can end today’s high price-inflation rates any time by eliminating the unnecessary spending that causes the deficit, which is the same as money printing. Taxing the private sector to cut price inflation is like starving the children to make the fat parent lose weight.

If Senator Warren and President Biden were right and corporations were to blame for rising inflation, competition, cheaper imports, and a decline in demand, they would have taken care of their unjustified prices. Only the government can cause and perpetuate inflation, using the central bank as its financial arm and regulation as the imposition of the state’s IOU (currency) as the “lowest-risk asset” in banks’ assets. The government creates the currency and imposes it, and when its purchasing power declines, it blames the economic agents that are forced to use its form of money.

MMT defenders and neo-Keynesians say that the government can issue all the currency that they need and that their limit is not fiscal (deficit and debt) but price inflation. It makes no sense because price inflation is the manifestation of an unsustainable fiscal problem, reflected in the vanishing confidence in the currency issuer. It is, literally, like a giant corporation issuing debt endlessly and thinking nothing matters. It is a subterfuge to implement the constant increase in size of government in the economy, knowing that once it controls a large part, it is virtually impossible to stop the state.

Stephanie Kelton and others say the government should spend all it wants and, if price inflation rises, tax the excessive money away. This is funny. So, the government increases size on the way in, spending and diluting the purchasing power of the private sector’s earnings and savings, and then taxes the private sector, thus increasing the size of government on the way out. Furthermore, there is no government that would recognize that price inflation comes from spending too much, so the destruction of the private sector continues and the diminishing confidence in the currency extends, as history has proven numerous times.

Governments cannot tax away the price inflation they have created by bloating spending. They can only weaken the private productive sector further and worsen the economic situation and the price inflation outlook.

There is no such thing as perennial monetary sovereignty. Like any form of debt, currency demand disappears with the government’s solvency and the economic weakness of the private sector consumed by taxes. Once the government destroys confidence in the currency as a reserve of value, the private sector will find some other way to make transactions outside of the imposition of a state-issued currency.

When governments present themselves as the solution to price inflation with large spending programs and subsidies, they are only printing more money, like putting out a fire with gasoline.

Biden says the government has a plan to cut price inflation, but all they have done is perpetuate it, making citizens poorer and the productive sector weaker.

If Biden wants to cut price inflation, all he must do is eliminate the deficit by cutting expenditures. The reason why governments should never oversee monetary policy and be allowed to monetize all deficits is because no administration will cut its size to defend citizens’ wages because nationalization by monetary inflation and taxes is the goal of interventionism: to create a dependent and hostage economy.

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Second Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead In Mysterious Circumstances

Second Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead In Mysterious Circumstances

adminMay 2, 20241 min read

Second Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead In Mysterious Circumstances

A second Boeing whistleblower who spoke out about safety and manufacturing issues with Boeing planes has died suddenly, less than two months after fellow whistleblower John Barnett was found dead from a gunshot wound police […]

The post Second Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead In Mysterious Circumstances appeared first on The People’s Voice.


Police Chief Sounds Alarm After Felon, Charged with 105 Crimes, Now Charged with Kidnapping, Raping Female Amazon Driver

adminMay 1, 20244 min read
‘We’re sounding the alarm…Over and over and over again, just the same people being rearrested, charged with violent crime,’ declared Nashville police chief.

A convicted felon who’s been charged with over 100 offenses in Nashville, Tennessee, is again behind bars — this time for kidnapping and raping an Amazon delivery woman.

According to police, Carl Jerome Hamilton, 34, last week attacked the victim as she delivered packages, pushing her into a mailroom where he sexually assaulted her.

Meet Carl Jerome Hamilton, a career criminal in Nashville with over 105 convictions since 2007.

He was just arrested for attacking, kidnapping, and then r*ping an Amazon delivery woman.

How is a monster with 105 convictions out on the streets and not in jail?!

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 1, 2024

WKRN reports:

The 25-year-old victim was delivering packages to the building at around 4 a.m. Friday, April 26, when Hamilton allegedly pushed her further into the mailroom and shut the door. He then demanded she remove her clothing and sexually assaulted her before forcing her to come with him to her delivery vehicle and drive to an ATM on Murfreesboro Pike, where he used her debit card to withdraw $100, according to investigators.

Hamilton then reportedly drove the victim around for nearly an hour before eventually leaving her and her car.

Hamilton, who’s charged with aggravated rape, aggravated kidnapping, and robbery, had previously been charged with over 90 crimes in the past 14 years, and was recently sentenced to six years in prison following a conviction on kidnapping and robbery in 2020 after he sexually assaulted a 24-year-old woman.

According to, “He eventually pleaded guilty to all charges, but only had to serve 30% of his six-year sentence. He was released in October.”

The latest Amazon driver rape case has sparked a firestorm of backlash against Tennessee’s crime policies, with accusations the broken soft-on-crime system is recycling criminals back into communities.

“We’re sounding the alarm,” declared Nashville Police Chief John Drake on Monday. “Over and over and over again, just the same people being rearrested, charged with violent crime.”

“Mr. Hamilton, he has over 105 charges throughout his lifetime,” Drake told the media.

“Time and time again, how this continues to happen and then not to think the community begins to feel unsafe, because they continue to let these people do harm over and over, but the men and women of the police department also get discouraged because they keep re-arrested these same people,” he said.

Metro’s Police Chief John Drake says the criminal justice system continues to fail people and we need to hold violent offenders accountable. Drake says Nashville is seeing more repeat offenders on the streets committing crimes than in recent years. @FOXNashville @MNPDNashville

— Kaitlin Miller (@kmillerreports) April 30, 2024

“It’s frustrating to me when you hear someone that committed a murder in 2020, and then 2021 they are committing another murder, and you’re like, ‘How does that happen?’ And then in 2024, they commit aggravated assault where they shoot someone, and you’re like, ‘How did that happen?’ And it’s time for the community, it’s time for all of us in Nashville to start saying, Enough is enough,’” Drake added.

Hamilton’s crime spree reflects a microcosm of the wider issues unfolding in Tennessee as Democrats promote bail reform for the poor and mentally ill, while repeat violent felons continue to be reintroduced into society in the name of social justice.